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ANFIS Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System

ANN Artificial Neural Network

Root Mean Square Error
SCA Sine Cosine Algorithm
SI Scatter Index
SRB Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria
SVR Support Vector Regression
UB Upper bound of variables
UCS Unconfined Compressive Strength
Vt Total volume of injection per volume of sample

m Optimal number of hidden neurons

n number of inputs
N Total number of hawks
Y prey ( t ) Location of the prey
Y randt ( t )Randomly selected hawk from the current population
Y i (t) Location of the Harris hawk at t th iteration
Y m (t ) Average position of the current Harris hawk
E Energy
T Maximum number of iterations
E0 Initial energy of the escaping prey
Mi th
i moth
Fj j flame

Di Length of the i th moth for the j th flame

b Constant coefficient
l Current number of iterations
N Maximum number of flames
Gbest Best global position
U 95 Uncertainty with a 95% confidence level
T stat Statistical indicator

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