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[Give your essay a title]

[First Name Surname

Jemima Atok]

[Give your introduction a subtitle] Paraphrasing and proper citation should be

observed. You do not have to use big words or
Your introduction should be brief and concise. write an overly lengthy discussion. Be clear
It should be an overview of what you are and brief without compromising the quality of
going to discuss in your paper. your paper.

[Give the body of your paper subtitles] [Give your conclusion a title]

The conclusion is a summary of your entire

The body of your paper may be divided into
paper. Recount the ideas discussed without
different paragraphs depending on the points
introducing a new point. Just like the
you wanted to explain or explore. You should
introduction, make it brief and concise.
elaborate the main points of your paper using
the references provided. References

[Subtitles may be more than one, depending [Follow the APA 7th Ed citation and
on the points that you wanted to present] referencing guide provided in the Google
Drive. PLAGIARIZE. If you dare…]

*Delete all entries in green.

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