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Group Technology Plan

Members: Samantha Delgado, [REDACTED], [REDACTED], [REDACTED], [REDACTED]

Asynchronous Communication (Text-based): GroupMe

Synchronous Communication: Zoom (Host - Samantha Delgado, will share meeting link)

Contact information:

Weekly Meeting Times:

Primary: Wednesday at 6pm
Secondary: Thursday at 3 pm
Emergency: Saturdays at 10am

Other Digital Tools:Gmail, Google Docs, Google Drive

Privacy Concerns

● Members will manage privacy concerns by communicating problems to the group as soon
as they arise and will find a solution to them.
● Currently. None of the members have a problem with recordings or screenshots, but
members will discuss before each meeting if these would be beneficial and necessary. If
someone is uncomfortable, the group will discuss alternatives.

● Changes to websites must be approved by a majority of members. Discussion(s) will be

held if the vote is tied, but everyone will have access to editing/managing the site.

● Group work with names displayed can be used as examples in the future for any reason at
any time unless otherwise specified by a member.

Procedures for Missed Meetings or Work

● When it comes to illness, the group will be reasonable -

1) The member will be assigned work if he/she is physically capable.
2) If the member is not physically capable the group will divide the work.
● Groups and roles will be assigned based on the strengths of each member.
● Group members who exhibit poor performance, such as low-quality work when reviewed
by other members, will be held accountable and asked to revise their content.
● Conflict between members will be discussed as a group to resolve the issue. Guidelines
will be updated accordingly.
● The group will notify the member(s) causing problems about what needs to change, and
the group will go through with a firing process after notifying the member.

Potential Digital Problems

● The absence of communication technology, a tool to achieve a communication purpose,
leads to difficulty in coordination and causes a lack of clear and efficient communication
(Rothwell, 2019). To make sure that this issue does not arise, the group will have
multiple forms of contact readily available.

● The absence of synchronous media, or media that permits simultaneous interaction

among group members similar to face-to-face meetings (Rothwell,2019) could result in a
dysfunctional group. If for example the Zoom network crashes, the group could use a
voice call instead.

● Absence of asynchronous media, or media that permits communicating at any time or

place (Rothwell,2019) can lead to delay in transmission of important messages.
Asynchronous media is required for important and quick communication between
colleagues and team members.

● People in person and online appear to have a disinhibition effect, a tendency to say online
what one wouldn't normally say in person (Rothwell, 2019) which can have members
acting more hostile than they would in real life. The group must have boundaries that
help members express thoughts and ask for help as well as stop unprofessional speech.


1) Be punctual, communicate ahead of time if otherwise.

2) Don't talk over one another.
3) Respect one another in all forms.
4) Allow compromise.
5) Manage time wisely.
6) Listen actively to group members.
7) Accept constructive criticism.
8) Communicate to the whole group all tardies, absences, and missed zoom meetings.
9) Critique each others’ ideas and not each other.
10) If conflict arises, the group will either talk it through together or those involved will
resolve it.
11) Always peer review, unanimous group approval required before submitting any
12) Show up to the meetings and give input on yours and others' work to be submitted.
13) Put 150% effort into all work; no offhand work will be accepted.
14) Make sure everyone has access to all documents; put all documents in the group shared
15) Complete agreed upon portion of work, if unable to complete, reach out to the group for
help within adequate time to complete the assignment before the due date.


Rothwell, D. J. (2019). In Mixed Company: Communicating in Small Groups and Teams (10th
edition). Oxford University Press.

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