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1, Variable: In mathematics variable is a letter which is being used as a symbol.

It is commonly located at
the both sides of the given number. A variable is often used to represent matrices, functions and so on
2, Factor: A factor is a number or an algebraic expression that devides the other number or expression
evenly; 3 and 6 are factors of 12, another example are 4 and 6 since they are factors of 24.
3, Term: A term is a mathematical expression. It might be a single number either positive or negative, a
single variable or letter, several variables multiplied but never added or subtracted; for example 2x+8, 2x
and 8 are the terms.Term
4, Constant: A constant is a value or a number that never changes in expression a very good example for
this is the number of days in a week, a number of moths in a year and a number of minutes in an hour.
5, Monomial: A monomial is an expression in algebra that contains one term, for example 4xy. It include
numbers, variables or multiple numbers.

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