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We were able to gather 75 responses from our survey, including people from different age
ranges as seen in the chart.


Do you participate in voting and public life?

Here in this chart, we found out by asking people if they participate in voting as well as in
public life that the majority does not, with a percentage of 47.4 percent, while there is an
equal percentage of 26.3 percent between the people that do vote and the others that do it
rarely, which is still not that promising.

Besides, we were able to ask them other questions:

(include them in the design)
 What makes you vote/ not vote?
 In your perspective, why is voting in Morocco considered bad/ good?
 In your opinion, what could be done to encourage you and the Moroccan population
to vote?
 Do you have any initiatives in mind that would result in increased voter turnout or
civic engagement?
Based on their answers and some resources online including, we were able to come
up with these major conlusions:
1. People do not vote because of: -The lack of trust
-The Unethical process of elections (after all they end
up electing someone whom we never heard of, who bribed to get to that position or
the one that the system wants, not the population).
-It can also be due to the hopeless attitude that some
of the Moroccans hold against their country and how its going in general in terms of
politics and rights etc. (so they don’t even bother voting because they are sure that
nothing will change, and this is kind of a disillusionment bc they think that their vote
will not make any difference).

-Broken promises and goals for the common good.

-Not enough knowledge (the lack of information makes
them hesitate and just leave it all behind, which is actually an advantage to the wrong
elected people, its like we are giving them the full opportunity).

2. People vote because it: -Ensures representation: By voting, citizens can ensure that
their interests and concerns are represented in government. They can choose
candidates who share their values and beliefs, and who will work to advance their
-Influences policy: Voting can influence policy decisions, as
elected officials are more likely to support issues that are important to their
-Holds elected officials accountable: By voting, citizens can hold
elected officials accountable for their actions in office. If an elected official does not
perform well or does not fulfill their promises, voters can choose to vote them out of
office in the next election.
-Protects democracy: Voting is a cornerstone of democracy. It is a
way for citizens to exercise their rights and participate in the democratic process. By
voting, citizens can help protect the integrity of our democracy and ensure that it
continues to function as it should.

Focus groups:
In order to have a deeper analysis of the data we have collected and be as credible as
possible in our analysis, I conducted a focus group meeting with some people that work in
the Moroccan government, including my aunt whom she has direct contact with the
politicians as well as the elected, and three others she knows in the government. To sum it all
up, the meeting was to know their perspective and how they really see this whole voting
process and civic engagement in our country. Their opinion stated that the situation is like
this bc people do not vote and take initiatives to vote and change something, because if every
single one of them thought that a vote can make a difference imagine the number of voters we
will have, and if there was any kind of corruption, we will know it and it will be clear
because people are now aware. Indeed, raising awareness in Morocco concerning this subject
is quite difficult even though numerous parties tried to showcase this, but not many people
reacted to it. Also, because of the continuous election thing with having random people
responding to the rights of others, now, when people want to speak and actually defend their
rights, it feels like its too late because a lot has happened as we can see with prices going up
and the lower level population everyday struggles of basic needs, etc. The elections are
always open in their period, they do not stop or block any person that will go there from not
voting, so people must go because all the frustration they put in words and pictures is not
enough, they need to act and change will happen, it just takes time.

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