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Akal Academy Dadehar Sahib

Class – 6

Subject - English

M.M - 20

Section - Literature ( 10 Marks )

 Answer these questions (6 Marks)

1.What was Mr Toad doing when he heard the sound of the car?

2.Who was Mr Clerk? What was his opinion on the crime committed by Mr Toad?

3.Describe Mr Toad's adventure after he picked the car from the inn-yard till he was

 Think and answer.(4 Marks)

1.Why do you think Mr Toad was consumed by the desire to drive the vehicle despite
knowing that it didn't belong to him?

Section - A Grammar ( 10 Marks )

Use the verb in the right form: ( 5 marks )

1.I …………………………….. my hands because they were dirty, (wash)

2.Somebody has …………………………….. this window pane, (break)
3.I feel good. I …………………………….. very well last night, (sleep)
4.We …………………………….. a very good film yesterday, (see)
5.It …………………………….. a lot while we were on holiday, (rain)
6.I have …………………………….. my bag. (lose). Have you it? (see)
7.Harish’s bicycle was …………………………….. last week, (steal)
8.I …………………………….. to bed early because I was tired, (go)
9.Have you …………………………….. your work yet? (finish)
10.This house was …………………………….. about 15 years ago. (build)
Write the past simple and past participle of these verbs: ( 5 marks )

1. break 6. run
2. begin 7. speak
3. eat 8. write
4. drink 9. come
5. drive 10. know

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