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A Game of Polo with a Headless Goat by Emma Levine

The author explains her trip through Karachi, Pakistan. It is written in the first-
person narrative to make it more realistic and personable. Levine travelled
throughout Asia researching and filming unusual sports.

The meaning behind this anthology is possibly the clash of cultures between the
Western world and Asia (Pakistan).

The author explains her experience of a donkey race in Karachi. The story
describes Levine meeting up with two “lads” to film and eventually just join the
chaotic race. It draws out the parallels between the Western world and the Eastern
world e.g. Polo is something the reader is familiar with but the headless goat
makes this seem unusual, exotic and different

The title seems to have a contrast. Polo is usually a game that upper-class, English
people play while headless goat seems to connote an uncultured lower class.
(juxtaposition). At first, the author is in anticipation, then in excitement, however,
one can argue that the end of the race was anticlimactic. Her feelings change over
the course of the extract as she describes her assumptions, which are influenced by
the western world, and the reality of the race.

The extract is written in chronological order, making it seem like the events follow
each other (a new paragraph is a new idea) which is ironic since the entire race is
disorganised and chaotic.

The parenthesis here (no lane discipline here)- shows her Western perspective
about having no lane discipline. “-for it was the main road-” the parenthetical
statement emphasises lawlessness as it has taken place on the main road. This is
also shocking to the reader.

The long sentence “The road straightened...cart tumbled over”- builds up

anticipation. “The race was over.” - Abrupt ending and keeps the reader guessing.
The short sentence is anti-climactic. It juxtaposes with longer, complex sentences
prior to it.
The simple sentence structure “But I don’t even have my license yet because I'm
underage!”- leaves the reader in awe. It makes the reader realise in hindsight, that
race was even more dangerous. As the quote is found near the end of the
anthology, it sends a feeling of relief instead of panic (it becomes more humorous
due to this reason too)

Cartoonish imagery “In front of a cloud of fumes and dust” helps build drama and
is part of the rising action. It creates an image of chaos and disorder, the noise and
fumes cover everything- an uncomfortable atmosphere, the quote reinforces a
stereotypical image we have of the country.

The author uses colloquial language to inform her audience and to make the story
more approachable, “Wacky races”- a reference to Western cartoon show, already
beginning to see a difference in cultures. This is humorous- we know what to

The unusualness makes the reader laugh “We’ll open the car boot; you climb
inside”- again. This is quite unorthodox. It hints at a lack of tough laws in the area.

The hyperbole “We waited for eternity on the brow of the hill”- creates
anticipation and suspense. The reader begins to look forward to an exciting event.

Contrasts between the worlds is juxtaposed with, “Zoom lens” and “wobble
bicycle” as they both describe the contrast in technology. It also describes the
contrast between worlds.

The anaphora after the question, “Are they coming?” highlights the eagerness
with which Levine is waiting. This creates suspense. The answer that was given to
her, “Coming, coming”, highlights the ambiguity which also builds suspense. It
also shows a lack of organisation of this race.

The onomatopoeia “Roaring” and “revved up the engine” are both used to indicate
the rising action in the anthology. The Kibla donkey is said to achieve speeds of up
to 40kph”- comical comparison of donkeys to cars

The close race through the idiom “Neck-and-neck”-. builds suspense making the
whole paragraph is very suspenseful.
The onomatopoeic sounds “Horns tooting, bells ringing and the special rattles used
just for this purpose” reflects excitement and chaos.

The list of active verbs “Standing on top of their cars”, “hanging out of taxis”,
“perched on lorries”, and “cheered and shouted”- illustrate excitement and chaos.

Through the judgemental tone “This was Formula One without rules, or a city-
centre rush hour gone anarchic; a complete flouting of every type of traffic rule
and common sense.” the author compares the western world to Karachi. “It was
survival of the fittest”- a sense of lawlessness. You refer to nature and the animal
world in that way. This shows that she thinks of the culture as uncivilised.

The syndetic listing “To cut in front of a vehicle with a sharp flick of the steering
wheel (no lane discipline here…”- builds tension. It also shows the driver’s

Levine explains her western perspective and how she sees things differently. “I
assumed the ‘Officials’ ”- the inverted commas give the word a sarcastic tone.
The author actually discredits the officials here as they don’t do what she expects
an official to do in her world.

The triad (rule of three) “Voices were raised, fists were out and tempers rising”-
builds tension. The author describes the atmosphere- it seems to be getting even
more out of control.

The personification “Swallowed up by the crowd” suggests that the environment

is threatening. It shows the disarray and the massive amount of people. “They both
found this hilarious, but I was glad he hadn’t told me before;” illustrating the
contrast in perspectives.

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