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Sample Writing

By Sonia Bria

Hi! I am Jamie and you are in the right place!

Welcome to Snowdon-Walks, an website that wants to be a guide to walking,
climbing and exploring Snowdon Mountain!
If you didn’t know, Snowdon is the highest mountain in Wales. It has 1,085
metres (3,560 ft) above sea level and it is considered a nature reserve, due to its rare flora
and fauna. It is located in Snowdonia National Park, in Gwynedd, and is the most
climbed mountain in Britain.
To get to the summit of Snowdon you have to take the single carriage trains
pushed up the mountain by either steam or diesel locomotives. This is the only public
rack and pinion railway in the United Kingdom. On clear days Snowdon offers a wider
view over the British Isles and you can see Scotland, England and the Isle of Man.
These being said let’s explore the site a little bit!
As a climber sure you want to find details about the routes to take once you
reached Snowdon. Just click on ‘Snowdon and Crib Goch’. Here you will find the main
and best routes to take. Sure you have to take into consideration your preparation because
this “sport” is very demanding. Don’t forget that you have to wear appropriate foot wear-
meaning mountain boots, and be dressed accordingly, as the weather changes
unexpectedly; that is why you should carry a waterproof in your rucksack.
There are four types of routes: easy routes: Llanberis Path, Snowdon Ranger Track, Rhyd
Ddu Path; medium difficulty routes: Miners' Track, Pyg Track; hard routes: The Watkin
Path; and very difficult routes: the Crib Goch peak. This last one needs a few mentions
here: it should not be climbed by a novice or an inexperienced mountain walker because
of its knife-like edged peak. This is a hot spot for accidents so I advise you not to take
this route unless you know you are an experienced climber.
‘The Glyders’ is a site section that offers you concise descriptions about places visited,
with detailed information on how to get there and what to expect when on the spot. So is
a place you shouldn’t missed it.
And, if you are interested in other Snowdonia walks please visit the section called
just like that ‘Other Snowdonia-Walks’. It offers other interesting ideas about paths you
can take to enjoy most of your time spent there. I will remember just the trip to the
summit of Moel Siabod or the Short walk from Betws-y-Coed to Swallow Falls and Ty
Hyll (The Ugly House).
And as any respectful site we have the section ‘News and Chat’ so that you can
get in contact to other passionate mountaineers that have found Snowdon Walks
magnificent, find what are the latest news related, see new photos posted and why not
finding precious details about what gears you need to climb comfortably the heights.
I the hope that I got your attention so please do not leave the site without giving
an impression, a comment or subscribing!

Enjoy each moment!

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