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5 Reasons Why Konnectika is the Fastest

Way to Expand Your Business in 2020

Things have drastically changed the past 20 years. The fast movement of information
from one part of the world to another, the new trends of online shopping and same day
transactions are shaping today's world economy.

Gone are the days when buying and selling of goods happened only in the marketplace,
done by only a few knowledgeable people. Now it's fully integrated into our lives, just one click

As a business owner you need to keep up with this big wind of change if you want to
scale your business and be taken in serious by the big companies and brands.

At Konnectika we make your business our business!

Quality product mediation between buyers and suppliers, in a range of various industries,
is what we bring to the table, and having the most trusted sources of information on our side, we
are able to offer you the top professional support needed.

With a young, yet ambitious team, we are determined to change how companies, big or
small, do business these days.

Today's economy is a raging sea of uncertainties, quite unpleasant for small businesses.

Despite this climate of change, we want to foster more than just business connections for
your business. Our aim is to create bonds that bring businesses together in a trust relationship,
where honesty, fairness and accuracy are the norm.

It's not utopia. We truly believe these qualities should be criteria in all business

5 reasons why Konnectika is the most beneficial for your company!

1. We put at your disposal our team's significant and broader expertise, regarding marketing and
They are specialists from all around the world: human resources, logistics, training, chemistry,
IT, fraud, accounting, legal, engineering, pharmacy, environment protection, quality and many
others. Their unique scope is to facilitate world trading in a safe and efficient way for both
buyers and sellers.

2. We provide high standard paperwork assistance and consultancy.

We strive to make things easier for you, whether you are buyer or supplier, by creating all
documents needed for the transaction. You also get to choose if you need help with a specific
activity or you need an entire end-to-end service.

Our quality, IT, legal, FTA, fraud and accounting team members are here to help you identify
the opportunity and all processing data about your specific need to eliminate any possible
misunderstanding during the trading process.

3. We aim at building ongoing and lasting relationships with buyers and suppliers.

We aim building a unique, global, system which enables us to gather data about any type of
buyer into one single place. For this laborious work, we boast with having a team of searchers
that make this data easily reachable, our only mission being that of finding eligible suppliers for
the desired product or service as soon as possible.

Konnectika represents the voice of million traders around the globe that are striving to do
profitable business in fair conditions. It is the echo of the minds of specialists that are trying to
find solutions for their customers no matter if they are suppliers, traders, brokers or successful
intermediaries. It is the soul and core of matching buyers and suppliers from all around the

4. We help increase revenue by maximizing sales and negotiating the best possible terms for
your deals.

Everyone wants profitable business in fair conditions. We want to represent the voice of these
million traders all around the globe that are striving to do just that. Finding the best solutions for
everyone involved in the process, no matter if they are suppliers, traders, or buyers, is what our
specialists are keen to do for you.

5. As middlemen we do not take legal ownership of the goods you sell, nor do we take physical
possession of them, but we help you make the proper research, both qualitative and quantitative.

You put at your disposal Web Based Products – a worldwide suppliers' database to choose from.
You also get onsite quotations for products, along with tailored advice regarding where is best to
sell your goods, or where would you find a better price for your acquisitions.

Please, regard personalized attention as a bonus for trusting us!

Yes, with Konnectika, every transaction we intermediate gets our personalized attention,
so that you know where your next growth opportunity comes from.

Now, let’s ditch the stress and uncertainty, and that tedious business stuff called
marketing that you don't love anyway!

Instead we advise you to use your time more efficiently, being focused on creating
quality products for quality customers while we intermediate an international commercial
transaction in the requested terms!

We are here for you, to help you grow your business!

There is never a better time to join us than NOW, on this extraordinary journey to success
and prosperity, whether you are a buyer, a supplier or as a member of our team. We welcome
you all!

With Konnectika worldwide trading will never be the same again!

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