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Happiness: A bright, uplifting emotion often accompanied by a smile,

laughter, and a sense of contentment.
2. Sadness: A feeling of sorrow or unhappiness, often associated with tears, a
downcast expression, and a sense of loss or disappointment.
3. Anger: An intense emotion characterized by feelings of hostility, frustration,
and irritability, often expressed through a tense facial expression, raised
voice, or aggressive behavior.
4. Fear: A state of apprehension or anxiety caused by a perceived threat or
danger. It can be expressed through widened eyes, a raised heart rate, and
a desire to escape or avoid the source of fear.
5. Surprise: The feeling of astonishment or shock caused by an unexpected
event or circumstance. It is often depicted through widened eyes, an open
mouth, and raised eyebrows.
6. Disgust: A strong aversion or revulsion towards something unpleasant or
offensive, often expressed through a wrinkled nose, curled lips, or a
recoiling body language.
7. Contempt: A feeling of disdain or scorn towards someone or something
deemed inferior or unworthy. It can be conveyed through a raised chin, a
smirking expression, or a dismissive tone of voice.
8. Interest: A state of curiosity, intrigue, or fascination. It is often reflected in
an attentive posture, widened eyes, and an engaged expression.
9. Surprise: The feeling of astonishment or shock caused by an unexpected
event or circumstance. It is often depicted through widened eyes, an open
mouth, and raised eyebrows.

These emotions can be complex and often intertwine with one another in
various combinations, giving rise to a wide range of human emotional

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