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Persuasive Text

 Should kids learn how to cook their own food?

- Kids should learn how to cook their own food because it serves as a
training grounds for them to be independent when they grow. Kids who
learned how to cook food grows to be a responsible person. That’s why kids
should be able to learn how to cook their own food but with the guidance of
a parent.
Informative Text
 The importance of research in learning.
- Research is an approach to teaching and learning that involves several
important activities, many of which focus, in one way or another, on
questioning. Students are asked to generate their own questions, investigate
multiple sources of information, think critically to clarify or generate ideas,
discuss their new ideas with others, and reflect on their initial questions and
subsequent conclusions.
Argumentative Text

 Do you think that gym class should be required?

- While some may consider gym class a second-rate period for kids to
blow off steam and fill some time in the school day, the benefits are
quite intriguing. From improving health on a physical and emotional
level to promoting social skills, this class needs more notoriety. While
it may not be considered an academic class in many curriculums, it is
just as important because of the benefits of physical education..

Descriptive Text
 As I look up at the sky, I notice how clear the skies are. The scene instantly
cleared my mind. I felt so much lighter like a feather as my mind cleared.
The skies are so blue, as blue as my heart after you left.
Explanatory Text
 Photosynthesis: It is a chemical process through which inorganic matter is
transformed into organic matter, from the energy of light. In this process,
glucose molecules are generated from carbon dioxide and water, on the one
hand, and oxygen is released as a by-product, on the other.
Poem Writing

I’m Thankful
I’m thankful that I am able to wake up today.
I’m thankful for the birds who sings in the morning.
Thankful for the existence of light that brings bright to my darkened day.
Thankful for the people I meet day by day.
I am thankful.

Story Writing

There’s this girl and a boy who are friends. They talked almost everyday,
shared their thoughts day and night, and shared a laughter together. But one day
the girl fell for him and his charms. She remained silent of her feelings and
continued to talk to him, thinking her feelings will fade eventually. She was wrong,
her feelings grew bigger and stronger for the boy. Until, the boy asked her who she
likes. She was hesitant at first to tell but with the help of her friend she eventually
told him the truth. She was scared, because she thought that he will leave her after
he found out that she likes him. As days passed, they continued to communicate.
They went to eat out together and went to the park together. Suddenly, the boy
went cold and stopped messaging her. She was confused as to what just happened.
She thought, it is what it is. She remained silent as to what happened and continued
to be happy with her life.
English Language Profeciency

Submitted by:

Maria Isabel D. Bag-ao

Submitted to:

Ms. Grace Gumapac

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