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Advertisement is an impersonal way of popularising products, ideas, concepts, etc.

Companies advertise
their products to reach out to the consumers. By doing this they sensitise the customers especially the
younger ones.

People are exposed to a tremendous amount of commercials in a single day. They can't possibly keep all
of this in mind constantly. Companies employ celebrities from a variety of industries, including sports,
movies, and television, to help consumers remember the content in the advertisement.

The big companies target the younger generation because they follow the latest trends and influence
the buying behaviour of their family. They imitate the celebrities. They dress themselves like them. They
like to use those products, which the stars promote.

Overindulgence in this kind of activity can impair their ability to think clearly. Their thinking may become
constrained by a notion. For instance, a lot of television advertising show famous people performing
difficult stunts with ease. Many young people attempt similar antics unsupervised at home.

The majority of advertisements include a disclaimer to inform the viewer or consumer that the
advertisement is merely a representation in pictures and that the stunt should not be attempted at

it would be wrong to say that the impact of advertisement on the younger generation is always
negative. How the youth perceives the ad and the message it sends forth makes all the difference.

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