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A. VOCABULARY (20 points)

Look at the screen and find the word or phrase which best describes the pictures. Write
your answer in the space provided

Question 1: ..................................................... Question

2: .....................................................
Question 3: .................................................... Question
4: ....................................................
Question 5: .................................................... Question
6: ....................................................
Question 7: .................................................... Question
8: ....................................................
Question 9: .................................................... Question
10: ..................................................
Question 11: …............................................... Question
12: ....................................................
Question 13: ................................................... Question
14: .....................................................
Question 15: ........................................................ Question
16: .......................................................
Question 17: ........................................................ Question
18: ................................................
Question 19: ........................................................ Question
20: ...................................................
B. LISTENING (30 points)

Video 1: Watch the video about “How to Take Care of the Environment”. And write T if the statement is
True and F if the sentence is False
1. Human beings and the environment are closely linked together
2. Environmental problems include damaging changes in the environment
3. People can’t drink the water in the river because it has been contaminated
4. Few animals and living things die of pollution
5. The boy want to share 8 ways to protect the environment
6. “Save energy” is the first way mentioned to protect the environment
7. Wastes are seperated into two types
8. Having a shower consumes less water than a full bath
9. While brushing our teeth, we shouldn’t switch off the taps
10. Recycling, saving water and energy and looking after all living beings help to
contribute to a more sustainable planet


1. The percentage of water in the human body is ............................

A. 70% B. 60% C. 65%
2. ...........................the earth is covered with water
A. 60% B. 75% C. 70%
3. 97% of the water on Earth is ...
A. frozen B. drinking water C. salt water
4. Two percent of water is .................................
A. frozen in glaciers B. fresh water C. salt water
5. One out of eight people ...
A. has to research for fresh water everyday B. has no toilet
C. dies from a lack of clean water
6. Everyday, many women have to............................................
A. go days without water B. get polluted water
C. walk a long way to get water for their family
7. The water they carry home is often................................
A. clean water B. salt water C. with
8. The time they spend finding water could be used.......................
A. at school, work, planting and building B. looking after sick children C. finding
better water
9. A child dies from a water-related illness ...
A. every 20 seconds B. every 20 hours. C. every 20

10. Everyone needs to do something ...............
A. to ask God for clean water B. to protect our water C. to get water as
much as we can

VIDEO 3. What the video “How a baby develop during pregnancy” and give short answer
to each of the following questions
1. How long does pregnancy usually last?
2. Do the periods stop temporarily or permanently when a woman becomes pregnant?
3. Where is the fertilised egg released from?
4. What happens in the fallopian tube ?
5. Where does the embryo continue to develop?
6. When is the embryo called fetus?
7. Are most of the organs formed by week nine?
8. When do the baby's sex organs develop?
VIDEO 4: Watch the song “Home from the sea” and fill in each blank with ONE suitable
word.My love has

On a cold winters night

With a storm at its (1) _______
The lifeboat answered the call.
They pitched and they tossed
Till we thought they were (2) __________
As we watched from the harbour wall.

Though the night was pitch black,

There was no turning back,
For someone was waiting out there,
But each (3) ________
Had to live with his fear
As they joined in a silent prayer.

Carry us home, home, home from the sea

Angels of mercy, answer our plea
And carry us home, home, home from the sea
Carry us safely home from the sea.
As they battle their way
Past the (4)______ of the bay,
It was blowing like never before.
As they gallantly fought,
Every one of them thought
Of loved ones back on the (5)______.

Then a flicker of light

And they knew they were right.
There she was on the crest of a (6) ____.
She's an old fishing boat
And she's barely (7) _______.
Please God, there are souls we can save.

And carry them home, home, home from the sea

Angels of mercy, answer our plea
And carry us home, home, home from the sea
Carry us safely home from the sea.

And back in the town

In a street that runs down
To the sea and the harbour wall,
They had gathered in pairs
At the foot of the stairs
To (8) ______ for the radio call.

And just before (9) ______

When all hope was gone
Came a hush and a faraway sound.
'Twas the coxswain he roared
All (10)_____ on board
Thank God and we're homeward bound.

To carry them home, home, home from the sea

Angels of mercy, answer our plea
And carry them home, home, home from the sea
Carry them safely home from the sea.

Home, home, home from the sea

Angels of mercy, answer our plea
And carry them home, home, home from the sea
Carry them safely home from the sea.
undered days what’s she has always said she won’t stay

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