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Explaining deja vu to both a toddler and an elderly person

requires using simple language and concepts that are easy to

understand for both age groups. Here's how you can explain
For a Toddler:
"Deja vu is when your brain feels like you've done
something before, even if you haven't. It's like a little
surprise for your brain, making things seem familiar when
they are really brand new."
For an Elderly Person:
"Deja vu is a strange feeling where you think you've
experienced something in the past, even though you know
it's happening for the first time. It's like a memory that your
brain creates, but it's not a real memory. Sometimes, it can
make you feel like you're reliving a moment from the past,
even though you're in the present."
Keep in mind that the explanations should be adjusted to the
cognitive abilities and understanding of the specific toddler
or elderly person you are talking to. Additionally, be patient
and ready to answer any questions they might have to clarify
the concept further.

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