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01. Encontre a referência dos pronomes grifados.

a. Radiology technologists and technicians take x-rays and they administer nonradioactive
materials into patients.

b. The radiology technologist removes the film and develops it.

c. Radiology technologists and technicians must follow physicians' orders precisely and
conform to regulations concerning the use of radiation to protect themselves, their
patients, and their coworkers from unnecessary exposure.

History of Radiography
X-rays were discovered in 1895 by Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen (1845-1923) who was a
Professor at Wuerzburg University in Germany. Working with a cathode-ray tube in his
laboratory, Roentgen observed a fluorescent glow of crystals on a table near his tube. The tube
that Roentgen was working with consisted of a glass envelope (bulb) with positive and
negative electrodes encapsulated in it. The air in the tube was evacuated, and when a high
voltage was applied, the tube produced a fluorescent glow. Roentgen shielded the tube with
heavy black paper, and discovered a green colored fluorescent light generated by a material
located a few feet away from the tube.

He concluded that a new type of ray was being emitted from the tube. This ray was
capable of passing through the heavy paper covering and exciting the phosphorescent
materials in the room. He found that the new ray could pass through most substances casting
shadows of solid objects. Roentgen also discovered that the ray could pass through the tissue
of humans, but not bones and metal objects. One of Roentgen's first experiments late in 1895
was a film of the hand of his wife, Bertha. It is interesting that the first use of X-rays were for
an industrial (not medical) application, as Roentgen produced a radiography of a set of weights
in a box to show his colleagues.

Escreva Verdadeiro(V) ou Falso(F) de acordo com o texto:

1- Raios-x foram descobertos em 1985. ( )

2- Wilhelm Conrad Roentegen morreu aos 78 anos. ( )
3- Roentgen foi professor da Universidade de Wuerzburg que fica na Alemanha. ( )
4- Roentgen estava trabalhando em seu laboratório com um tubo de raio catódico. (
5- Quando o ar do tubo foi evacuado e uma alta voltagem foi aplicada, o tubo produziu
um brilho fluorescente. ( )
6- Roentgen descobriu que o raio passava pelo tecido humano, mas não por ossos e
objetos de metal. ( )
7- A primeira experiência de Roentgen no final de 1985 foi um filme da mão de sua irmã
Bertha. ( )
8- O raio-x foi aplicado inicialmente na área industrial, não na médica.

Encontre pronomes no texto acima e indique a devida referência dos mesmos.


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