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Kaibetoney 1

Tegan Kaibetoney

Professor Dina Wecker

English 2010

15 September 2023

Information Effect Project

The fashion industry is widely recognized for its capacity to inspire originality

and significant cultural changes. However, this industry's vast influence also has a considerable

ecological impact. Its extensive global presence in fashion

significantly affects every stage of the lifecycle, from

acquiring raw materials to disposing of finished apparel,

leaving a substantial effect on the environment. "This cycle

raises concerns about water pollution, greenhouse gas

emissions, and depletion of natural resources," as per the

Geneva Environment Network's report titled

"Environmental Sustainability in the Fashion Industry."

Given the increasing global awareness of environmental

issues, evaluating the fashion industry's effect on our planet

and identifying ways to mitigate its harmful effects is essential.

The fashion industry is taking steps to protect the environment by carefully

choosing the materials used in production. However, the traditional method of producing cotton

involves using harmful pesticides and excessive amounts of water, leading to soil degradation

and water contamination. "Synthetic fibers like polyester and nylon are derived from fossil fuels,

causing the release of greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change."("Fast Fashion and Its

Environmental Impact." EARTH.ORG, 21 May 2022). "The textile industry contributes to

greenhouse gas emissions, representing 10% of global emissions."("The Environmental Costs of

Fast Fashion." UN Environment Programme, 24 Nov. 2022, ) The fashion industry faces

sustainability issues that require widespread adoption of eco-friendly options such as organic

cotton and recycled synthetics. Water usage is one of the most pressing issues affecting the

industry. The dyeing and finishing of textiles require a lot of water, leading to water shortages in

some regions. The untreated wastewater from textile factories can also pollute rivers with

harmful chemicals and dyes, causing damage to aquatic ecosystems and marine life. "This can

have a detrimental impact on communities that rely on these water sources."("The Environmental

Costs of Fast Fashion." UN Environment Programme, 24 Nov. 2022) The fashion industry's

carbon footprint is also a significant concern, as the energy-intensive nature of fashion

production contributes significantly to global carbon emissions. The fast fashion trend,

characterized by frequent production and consumption of inexpensive and disposable clothing,

amplifies the issue and contributes to a higher carbon footprint. “It's estimated that the fashion

industry is responsible for 35% of microplastics in the ocean.”("The Impact Of Fast Fashion on

the Environment." PSCI, 20 July. 2023)

It is well-known that the fast fashion industry significantly impacts the

environment. This is due to increased emissions and the generation of massive amounts of waste.

Shockingly, this industry is responsible for "approximately 20% of the world's wastewater."

("Environmental Sustainability in the Fashion Industry." Geneva Environment Network, 4 Sep.

2023) Consumers contribute to this problem by disposing of clothing at an alarming rate, which

leads to many garments ending up in landfills or incinerators.


Additionally, "synthetic textiles commonly used in fast fashion items can take hundreds

of years to decompose, releasing harmful chemicals as they break down." ("The Environmental

Costs of Fast Fashion." UN Environment Programme, 24 Nov. 2022) The fashion industry

gradually recognizes the importance of circular fashion practices, such as recycling and

upcycling. However, the demand for raw materials is still depleting the Earth's finite resources.

For example, leather production requires vast land and water, contributing to deforestation and

habitat loss. Similarly, mining for precious metals and gemstones in jewelry and accessories

leads to habitat destruction and human rights abuses in some regions. The industry must continue

to prioritize sustainability and adopt more environmentally friendly practices "to reduce its

negative impact on the planet."("Environmental Sustainability in the Fashion Industry." Geneva

Environment Network, 4 Sep. 2023)

The fashion industry's impact on the environment is significant and concerning. The

entire process must be addressed, from resource extraction and processing to water pollution,

greenhouse gas emissions, waste generation, and resource depletion. However, there is a growing

recognition within the industry of the need for sustainable practices. Consumers are also crucial

in promoting a more environmentally responsible fashion industry by supporting brands

prioritizing sustainability and making conscious decisions about their clothing purchases. It is

essential to keep raising awareness and calling for accountability from this influential industry.

We can only drive meaningful change and mitigate the environmental harm caused by fashion

through collective action.


Statement of Goals and Choices

The main objective of this article is to increase awareness about the substantial

environmental impact caused by the fashion industry. I aim to educate readers on the

harmful consequences of fast fashion and unsustainable methods on our planet by

providing informative facts and figures.

Rhetorical Choices: I have used a clear and informative writing style to

accomplish my objective. I have included statistics, facts, and case studies to support the

environmental concerns. Furthermore, I have adopted a neutral tone to appeal to various

audiences, including consumers and industry. I've used a persuasive style when

discussing the benefits of sustainable fashion, such as reduced waste, lower carbon

emissions, and ethical manufacturing practices. I've also included relatable anecdotes and

examples to make the message more engaging and relatable to a diverse audience. To

reach my objective, I have utilized inclusive language that emphasizes the importance of

everyone's role in creating positive change. I have provided practical steps and links to

organizations and initiatives that support sustainable fashion.

This approach was chosen because it addresses the urgent matter of the fashion

industry's impact on the environment, a global concern. It allows me to inform and

empower many readers while advocating positive industry changes. However, I

considered other ideas, like exploring the history of fashion sustainability. This

comprehensive overview would be a strong foundation for understanding the issue and

taking action.

Work Cited

"Environmental Sustainability in the Fashion Industry." Geneva Environment Network, 4 Sep.


"The Environmental Costs of Fast Fashion." UN Environment Programme, 24 Nov. 2022,

"Fast Fashion and Its Environmental Impact." EARTH.ORG, 21 May 2022,

"The Impact Of Fast Fashion on the Environment." PSCI, 20 July. 2023,

"How Switching to Eco-Friendly Packaging Helps The Planet." Verite.Eco, 20 July. 2023,

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