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Korine C.



How do these Educational Philosophies can help you as future teachers?
Which one do you think is the most applicable in the actual teaching-learning set -up?

As a future teacher these educational philosophies helped me by giving me ideas on how

to teach my future learners properly and effectively. It gave me an opportunity to know what
things should be considered before I start my class discussions inside the classroom. As a
future teacher, I can say that it will help me become a more prepared and equipped teacher in
the future because from these educational philosophies, I have learned on how to be a good
teacher and on how to approach my future learners. It made me understand what teaching is for
and how I will make my teaching skills and strategies become more effective. It also made me
realize that my future learners are also human beings therefore I have to treat them right and
give them the quality of education they need.
The most applicable in the actual teaching-learning set-up is humanism because it upholds
the idea of enhancing individual development. It focuses on the learning of the individual which
for me is right and effective for teaching-learning set-up. For me, the lessons and activities
should focus on the whole learners and their intellect and feelings,not one or the other.
Humanism is a humanistic learning that is student-centered which encourages students to take
control over their education. This will make them make choices that can range from daily
activities to future goals. It encourages students to focus on a specific subject area of interest
for a reasonable amount of time that they choose. And also humanism will make the teachers
believe that knowledge and feelings go hand-in-hand in the learning process. It made teachers
realize that grades don’t really matter because they believe that self-evaluation is the most
meaningful way to evaluate how learning is going.

Establishing Feedback
Direction: Answer the following question as your guide questions for your reflection:
1. What surprised you with this topic, and why?
- The things that surprised me with this topic are that there are actually educational
philosophies that will guide teachers on how to make their way of teaching become more
effective to the learners.
2. What’s the most important thing you learned in this lesson? Why do you think so?
- The most important thing I learned from this lesson is that I need to enhance my
teaching skills before I will start teaching career.
3. What do you want to learn more from this lesson?
- The thing that I want to learn more from this lesson is as a future teacher how will I
approach my future learners learning needs effectively and properly?

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