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Analysis of sociological contribution of karl marx

Brief Biography.

Karl marx was born in Russia on May 5, 1818, Karl Marx began exploring sociopolitical theories at
University among the young Hegelians. He became a a journalist and his socialist writings would get him
expelled from Germany and France. In 1848, he published The Holy Communist Manifestation with
Friedrich Engels and was exiled to London, where he wrote the first volume of Das Kapital and lived the
remainder of his life. Marx died of pleurisy in London on March 14th 1883.

Social environment.

In terms of education, Marx began studying at the university of Bonn. It had a Lively and rebellious
culture and Marx took part in student loans life. In Paris, Marx foundend a political party journal titled
Deutsch-französische Jahrbücher(German-French Annals). In Brghkj, Marx was introduced to socialism
by Moses Hess and fanally broke off from philosophy of young Hegelians completely. In London, Marx
helped found the German and workers' educational Society, as well as anew headquarters of communist
league. Marx became increasingly focused on capitalism and economic theory and in 1867,he published
in his first volume of Das Kapital.

Modes of products.

In Marxism, this is described as a way society is organized to produce goods and consist of of
two major in aspects:the forces of production and and the relation of production. Karl Marx began
mostly because commented on Asiatic, slavery/ancient,feudalism. Karl Marx began modes of production
of are as follows:

Primitive and communism.

This is the greatest cause or stage where I society was without a class(classless society). A traditional
tribal structure was the oder of the day while the means of production was a pre or early stage.

African Asiatic I mode of production.

The Asiatic I mode of production of was initially used to explain pre-slave and pre-feudal large earthwork
constructions in china, India the Euphrates I and Nile River Valley. It is said to be the initial form of class

Antique store mode of products.

This stage is seen to run coherently with Asiatic mode of production or developed within the later stage
of Asiatic mode of production. The difference between the two stages was that within this srage
property was the direct possession of individuals( total emergency of slavery).

Feudalism is an age that has shaped economic development of to this day. Feudalism led to the collapse
of the most cultures and rise of capitalism, Barbaric and other things socio-economic characteristics
which emerged as a result of wealth and amassing.

Early capitalisation.

With the development of the governments and education being a the driving forceof economy, there
was emergency which is took roots from the division of labour createdin a means to meet rising
demands and improve the production.

Late capitalism.

This age is being practiced new by most countries and all over the world it's here that country does not
develop solely on capitalism ideologies to propel uts economy but mixes it wih sociolists ideologies.

Summary of communist manifesto..

Bourgeois and proletarians.

Elucidate the materialists conception of history. Society has always been taken the form of an oppressed
majority exploited under the yoke of oppressive minority. In capitalism, the industrial working class or
proletariat engage in class struggle against the owners of the means of production,the bourgeois.

Proletarians and communist.

Starts by stating that the relationship between of conscious communist to the rest of the working class.
The communist party will not oppose other calss-working parties but unlike them, it will express the
general will and defend the common intrest of the world's proterait as a whole.

Bshhfhgjfj and communist litrature.

Distinguishes communism from other socialist writings doctrine prevalent at time - those being broadly
categorised Bourgeois socialim, and critical-utopian socialism and communism. While I the degree of
reproach towards rival. Perspective on varies, all are dismissed as for advocating revolutionary war role
of the working class.

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