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NEWS REPORTER: For the latest news, a lady in her early 20s, got caught robbing inside the mall of
General Santos City. The victim went to the police station to explain what happened and described the
appearance of the suspect. Based from the findings of the investigation, the description from the victim
lines up to the appearance of the said suspect.

ALY: I told you police, I am not the thief! I was not at the mall when that incident happened. Please
believe me!

POLICE: I’m sorry miss but the investigation said so and it is really the truth.

ALY: Well, can I please just borrow your telephone? I just want to update my friends and families about
my situation right now.

P: Okay but not too long, okay? Here.

ALY: (telelet telelet) ummm, hello mama, I am here right now at the police station (crying)

KAI: WHAT!?? WHY!!????

A: I don’t know… They..they accused me of something that I didn’t even did.

KAI: Okayy, don’t worry, I’m on my way.

A: huhu thank you ma. … (wiping tears) okay, let me call my friend, I’m sure she’s already worried about
me. (ringing)

DEN: Hello bff, where are you? I’m so worried about you. You didn’t reply to any of my messages and you
didn’t even go to our shopping. (sad)

A: I may feel embarrassed to say this but right now, I’m at the police station. They accused me of stealing
and you know that I can’t do that, right?

D: of course bff, I know you since our childhood, of course you can’t do that. Okay, I’m on my way.

A: Wait wait wait wait.. why did I not thought of this before I called my mom and my friend. What did
they think of me when I told them that I am here. My mama probably felt disappointed to me that I
went down to her expectations. She may thought that I really did steal but I know I didn’t. She may not
see me as her daughter anymore because of my current situation. Oooh noooo!! Omg what about my
bff, she might cut our ties because she don’t want to get close to a criminal. What am I gonna do? How
do I appear to other people’s eyes? How am I gonna face them when they arrive here?

(Mama and BFF arrived)

KAI: Omg anak are you okay? Did they hurt you?

A: No, mama. They didn’t hurt me.

D: glad you’re okay.

(Police arrived)

PO: Madams, I’m so sorry for the wrong accusation to your daughter. Our investigatory team further
researched of what truly happened and fortunately, your daughter is not the suspect.

KAI: Thank goodness!

A: thank you mr. police.

(going home)

KAI: anak, I think you need to know this and I’m gonna apologize to you in advance. When you called to
me hours ago, I raised the tone of my voice to the point that our chismosang neighbors heard it. So, we
will be the meal for their chikas.

A: oh no, What are they gonna think of me? A stubborn, hard-headed, criminal daughter!!???


KHAT: Oh that’s good for that snake woman, she must really suffer, right!!???

FEB: HAAHAHAHAHA and you know what, she looked like a rug when I saw her AHAHAHAHAHA

KHAT: oh there is the criminal daughter, look!

F: oh, so you already got out of your prison, huh?

A: of course I am! Because I know that I’m innocent. That I can’t do such things as stealing or any crimes
out there. I know to myself that I am a proud daughter of my mama that is a sweet, caring, loving, giving,
dazzling, cute, and pretty like my mommy.

In this roleplay, you can clearly tell that we are interpreting Charles Cooley’s THE LOOKING GLASS SELF. In
the scenario where the accused suspect thought of herself as how does she appear to others? She
questioned herself and overthink about what can her mom and friend might do and say to her. Also, in
the scenario where she already got out of the prison and bumped into their gossiping neighbors. She
told their neighbors what must others think of herself and also revised how they think about her by
clearing her name.


Cameron Pesaña

Andrea Ko

Allyssa Geraga

Khatleen Taton

Febbie Plaza

Karyle Vasquez

Dennice Jaco

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