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Passage (1) environmental

ً‫ تغير المناخ يزيد الكوارث الطبيعية سوءا‬:‫األمم المتحدة‬

United Nations: climate change makes the natural
disasters worse/ worsen the natural disasters .

‫إن الكوارث المتصلة بحاالت المناخ والطقس القصوى كانت دائما جزءا من نظام‬
‫ غير أن هذه الكوارث باتت أكثر تواترا وشدة بالموازاة مع احترار‬.‫كوكبنا األرضي‬
‫ حيث صارت موجات الحر‬،‫ ولم تبق أي قارة في منأى عن هذه الكوارث‬.‫العالم‬
‫الشديد والجفاف وأمواج المد العاتية "تسونامى" واألعاصير بجميع أنواعها تنشر‬
.‫الدمار في جميع أنحاء العالم‬
The disasters related to climate change and weather
extremes were always a part of our planet's system.
Otherwise, these disasters became more frequent and
intense as a result of global warming. There is no
continent that remains isolated from these disasters
as extreme heat waves, droughts, tsunamis and
hurricanes with all its types have spread destruction
all over the world.

● "linked to", "connected to", "related to" or even

"caused by" could be used
● The present perfect is the more accurate tense to
use "have always been" since it is still true
● Balancing" is not an accurate translation. You can
simply say "as a result of"
● You must add a relative pronoun after continent.
"There is no continent that remains..." is the
correct form
● "No continent is safe from/ free from" are correct
options. Another version is "No continent is
spared from these disasters" translation since
"spare" means "refrain from destroying or
● Though "catastrophe" means the same as
"disaster", "natural disasters" is a far more
common term than " natural catastrophe"
● "Weather extremes" is the translation of
""‫قاسية‬/‫تقلبات جوية متطرفة‬/‫ ظواهر‬and "extreme weather"
is the translation of "'‫"طقس متطرف‬. So both terms
could be used in this context.
● "Have spread" is the correct form as using the
passive form here is inaccurate

‫ في المائة من الكوارث باعتبارها كوارث ذات صلة بالطقس‬٩٠ ‫ويُصنف اليوم‬

‫ بينما ينحدر من‬،‫ بليون دوالر كل عام‬٥٢٠ ‫ وهي تكلف االقتصاد العالمي‬،‫والمناخ‬
‫ كما ازدادت أعداد "الجئى المناخ" أو‬.‫ مليون شخص في هوة الفقر‬٢٦ ‫جراء ذلك‬
‫"مهاجرو المناخ"؛ وهذا المصطلح قد ظهر فى الفترة األخيرة لإلشارة إلى فئة‬
‫النازحين عبر الحدود هربًا من األحوال المناخية المتطرفة فى المناطق شديدة‬
.‫الجفاف أو شديد البرودة‬
90% of disasters are classified as climate- and
weather related, and it costs the international/ global
economy 520 billion dollars every year. As a result, 26
million people are descended into the chasm of
poverty/ suffer from poverty. Moreover, the numbers
of "climate refugees" or "climate migrates" have
increased, and this term recently appeared, referring
to the displaced across the borders fleeing the
weather extremes in the severe drought or severe cold

● "Billion" is the correct equivalent to"‫ "مليار‬as trillion is

a different number.
● As a rule , Numbers up to nine should always be
written in words, anything higher than nine can be
written in numerals.
● " While 26 million people descend into/are pushed
into/ live in/ suffer from poverty as a result" are all
correct options.
● IDPs stands for "internally displaced people" who
stand within the borders of their country. The term is
not used in the source text so you may omit it.

‫ فلقد نشر مكتب األمم المتحدة للحد من مخاطر الكوارث نتائج‬،‫باإلضافة إلى ذلك‬
‫ مليارات‬4 ‫ تظهر أن الكوارث الناتجة عن تغير المناخ خلفت وراءها‬،‫صادمة‬
‫ ألف آخرين من الذين أصيبوا أو صاروا بال مأوى أو بحاجة إلى مساعدات‬400‫و‬
‫ وذكرت أيضا أن األشخاص في البلدان منخفضة الدخل والبلدان متوسطة‬.‫طارئة‬
‫ مرات من تلك الموجودة في‬7‫الدخل أكثر عرضة للوفاة من الكوارث الطبيعية بـ‬
.‫الدول المتقدمة‬
In addition, The United Nations Office for Disaster
Risk Reduction (UNDRR) has published shocking/
surprising results, showing that the disasters resulted
from climate change that have left 4 billions and 400
thousand others injured, became homeless, or needed
urgent help. It also stated that people in low- income
countries and middle income countries are 7 times
more likely to die from disasters than those in
developed countries.

● We use the full form and the acronym between

brackets when it is first time to mention the name of
the organization: United Nations Office for Disaster
Risk Reduction (UNDRR).
● "Middle-income countries" is correct. You cannot use
"medium" instead.
● The correct structure is to say: "7 times more likely to
die from disasters than those in developed countries."

‫وأضاف المكتب أن تغير المناخ من التهديدات الكبرى للسالم واألمن‬

‫ مثل األراضي‬،‫ فبسبب آثار تغير المناخ يحتدم التنافس على الموارد‬.‫الدوليين‬
‫ األمر الذي يؤجج التوترات االجتماعي واالقتصادية ويؤدي‬،‫والغذاء والمياه‬
‫بصورة متزايدة إلى النزوح الجماعي للسكان‬
The office also added that climate change is one of
the major/ biggest threats to international peace and
Security. Because of / owning to the effects of climate
change, competition for resources such as lands,
food and water is reaching its climax. This intensifies
the social and economic tensions and leads to mass

● All these adjectives "Biggest, major, main, serious"

collocate with threat.
● The verb "kindle" does not collocate with "tensions" in
English. Any of the following verbs could be used
instead: "aggravate, fuel, heighten, increase, inflame".
"Competition reaches its climax" is also a commonly
used expression.

‫هذا ما يؤكد بشكل كبير الحاجة إلى التشديد على الحد من انبعاثات غازات االحتباس‬
‫الحراري وعدم القيام بذلك ربما يؤدي إلى خروج األخطار المرتبطة بالمناخ عن‬
‫ كما تظهر الحاجة إلى المزيد من االستثمار في تدابير الحد من‬.‫نطاق السيطرة‬
‫مخاطر الكوارث وزيادة الوعي العام وتطبيق معايير عالية للبناء في المناطق‬
‫ تبذل المفوضية السامية لألمم المتحدة لشؤون‬،‫ وعلى وجه الخصوص‬.‫الزلزالية‬
‫الالجئين جهود غير مسبوقة فى مجال النزوح المرتبط بالكوارث الذى يهدد سبل‬
.‫العيش واألمن الغذائي بصورة مباشرة‬
This is what makes reducing greenhouse gases an
urgent need, not making this may lead to making the
climate change hazards out of control. As it shows the
need for more investment in adopting disaster risk
reduction measures, increasing public awareness and
applying high standards for construction in seismic
areas. In particular, The United Nations High
Commissioner is making unprecedented efforts in the
field of disaster- related displacement that directly
threatens livelihoods and food security.

● It also shows the need for more investment in

adopting disaster risk reduction measures, increasing
public awareness and applying high standards for
construction in seismic areas.
● All words in the name of the organization should be
capitalized except for prepositions: United Nations
High Commissioner for Refugees.

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