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Homework Activity: "Your Dream Weekend Adventure!


1. Dream It: Think about a city or place you'd like to visit for a weekend. It can be
anywhere—even a fictional city!
2. List the Places: Use the vocabulary you've learned in class to list at least five (5)
places you would like to visit during this dream weekend. Write them down.
• Example: Zoo, Museum, Beach, Café, Concert
Maid café
3. Use 'Going To': For each place you've listed, write a complete sentence using the
future tense "going to" to describe what you plan to do there.
• Example 1: I'm going to visit the zoo to see the pandas.
• Example 2: We're going to relax at the beach on Sunday.
- I’m going to the kabuki theater in the afternoon. The costumes of the actors are
- I’m going to a Maid Café with my friends at 2 o´clock. I think it will be so cute.
- I’m going to Kyoto to see the traditional houses and streets of Japan. It’s so
interesting to see the old Japanese arquitecture structures.
- I’m going to Kiyomizu-dera temple after lunch. The place is very quiet so you can
relax and meditate.
- I’m going to the history museum in Saturday. It will be cool
4. Why?: Next to each sentence, write another sentence explaining why you want to
do that activity. Use adjectives from your vocabulary list.
• Example 1: I'm going to visit the zoo to see the pandas. I think it will be
• Example 2: We're going to relax at the beach on Sunday. The beach is so relaxing.

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