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Lambert juggles being new teacher,

SCA sponsor
ADRIAN KAVAZOVIC being the only school in the
editor-in-chief city, it is sure to be memora-

ith a new year, ble.
comes a new Stu- “Homecoming is what I’m
dent Council As- most looking forward to. I’m
sociation (SCA) board. Sci- excited to be in charge of
ence teacher Anna Lambert such a huge event and have
was given the role of the it kick off the school year,”
SCA adviser while also be- Lambert said.
ing a new teacher. Playing a role in SCA is
“It is a huge responsibili- something that Lambert
ty and honor to be the SCA hasn’t experienced in quite
Sponsor. I feel excited to get some time.
started,” Lamber said. “I’ve had Some SCA ex-
Becoming the SCA spon- perience in middle and
sor was a spontaneous deci- high school, but it has been
sion placed upon Lambert. awhile,” Lambert said.
“I did not at all expect to be Lambert is planning many
SCA sponsor. I had planned events for the upcoming year,
to lay low my first year and she is excited to see students
just teach,” Lambert said. excitement and reaction to
Navigating the first year the events.
of teaching, alongside being “For this year, my plans are
the SCA sponsor was some- to have homecoming, tail-
thing she saw as beneficial. gates and help increase stu-
“Being both a teacher and dent involvement at events
the SCA sponsor is a lot, but during and after school,”
I really like to stay busy, so Lambert said.
I think it’s good,” Lambert A goal Lambert has for
said. this year is to make home-
With the large time com- coming be the best it can be.
mitment it takes to run a “My biggest goal is to have
student council, Lambert an awesome homecoming
is most apprehensive about and make events that help
the time it will take to plan unite the student body,”
events. Lambert said.
“I’m most nervous about With the SCA officers and
our time management with representatives being elect-
homecoming and hoping ed last year, Lambert feels as
the students like it,” Lamber if she’s been able to create a
said. bond with them.
With this, Lamber is most “Our bond is still new, but
ecstatic about the homecom- we are starting to build a re-
lationship and become a big NEW ROLE SCA Sponsor and science teacher Anna Lambert poses
ing the SCA has planned for for a photo in her graduation gown. Lambert will serve as the SCA
this year. With this being the team,” Lambert said. sponsor for the 2023-2024 school year. PHOTO COURTESY OF
last homecoming with HHS ANNA LAMBERT


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