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A Research Paper

Presented to

The Faculty of the Senior High School


Pogonlomboy Mangatarem, Pangasinan

In Partial Fullfillment of the Requirements for the Subject in


SY 2020-2021

Nikke Maxxinne E. Pascua

Mariel P. Carcha

Christina Jane P. Lapuz

Kyla Marie S. Pangilinan

Regine Joy A. Reano

Daisy P. Flores

Reizel Untalan


In partial fulfilment of the requirements in Practical Research 1 of, this research paper entitled

Public Speaking Skills of HUMSS Students in Mangatarem National High School has been

prepared and submitted by Nikke Maxxinne E. Pascua, Christina Jane P. Lapuz, Mariel Carcha,

Kyla Marie S. Pangilinan, Regine Joy A. Reano, Daisy P. Flores, Reizel Untalan, who are

hereby recommended for Oral Examination.


Subject Teacher



Grammatical competence is the ability to comprehend and state sense through making

and acknowledging well-formed words and language to use effectively in communication. The

purpose to learn a language, definitely English, is to use it by utilizing means of communicating.

Richards (2008:19) indicated that the student's mastery of speaking skills has become the main

goal in learning English as a second language or foreign language. Moreover, he states that the

learners will assess their success in language learning, mainly how effective they use the

language, by looking at how they have improved their speaking skills. Nevertheless, in school,

the students are not showing to manufacture the language orally. Generally, they are exposed to

explicit learning concentrating on the use of language rules. Therefore, there is some possible

difficulty faced by the school teacher. Suppose that, there might be a student who is experiencing

difficulty in saying something, but he knows precisely what he wants to say. In this instance, he

is conscious of the use of grammar or language rules. Although, this condition leads him to feel

doubt whenever he is asked to say something in the target language. At first glance, he is afraid

of making mistakes connected to the use of grammar itself. This specific state leads to whether it

is still proper to instruct grammar or not in communicative language teaching.

For the time being, the existence of grammar within communicative language teaching is

crucial. Communicative teaching which only focuses on the definition and gives little

recognition to grammatical rules is not providing as much as needed to put together the learners

to be fluent (Pica, 2000). Consequently, the students tend to accomplish grammatical mistakes in
which at the same time they are not able to spot them because they lack proper grammatical

knowledge (Praise and Meenakshi, 2015). Ellis et al., (2002) recommend that the teaching of

linguistic form, grammatical rules, in particular, keep up to take a major part in language

pedagogy. Therefore, it can be said that grammar has its role within L2 communication or

communicative competence. Canale and Swain (1980:27) indicated that communicative

competence will be at the minimum consisting of three components such as grammatical

competence, sociolinguistic competence, and strategic competence (communication strategies).

Hence, to be able to communicate using the target language, the learners need to be up to use

their grammatical competence. Particularly, grammar has its role in meaning or messages within

the communication. When someone is not precise in saying something, there is a chance that

people whom he/she talks to will misapprehend what he/she wants to say.

The strategy of the learners building use of their grammatical competence will decide

how constructive they communicate with other people. In these instances, it has a particular role

in the learners’ language manufacture. Regarding, Krashen (1982:15) mentioned that there is a

mental device inside human beings which is acquired from a learning task that has a purpose as

an editor to what he/she says. This mental device is called a monitor. This monitor is established

through such a process called learning. The operation of learning itself will be closely

interconnected to the conscious process, in which in this situation, it is connected to the

proceeding of explicit learning of grammatical rules. Thus, the learning process demand learning

the grammatical rules will qualify the learners to have such a device to correct their errors.

Nevertheless, it should be noted that this specific monitor will be set off according to the

learners’ expertise in making use of it. Once the educator distinguishes the students’ monitor
performance, it is very significant for them to be able to construct the use of a particular

technique and approach in teaching grammar to the students.

Applying precise procedure and approach in teaching grammar not only makes the

teaching and learning activities and functional and consequential but also enhances the students’

competence in acknowledging the grammar rules. Having proper grammatical competence will

give such potential to the learners to produce the language correctly. Furthermore, it can just as

an editor to their language creation so that they will be able to correct statement whenever they

make mistakes. Accordingly, this study provides the readers with such an explication on how

grammatical competence will assist the learners to communicate well in the target language. For

the English educators specifically, this study will give such viewpoint in which they require to be

more aware of the use of grammatical competence, associated with both language production and

correction, in the instructing and learning process, mainly in creating such communicative

environment inside the classroom.


Grammar competence is mastery of the linguistic code. It's the flexibility to acknowledge

lexical, morphological, syntactical, and phonological features of a language and to use these

features effectively to interpret, encode, and decode words and sentences. Cook (2008), defines

grammatical competence because the knowledge of the language is stored in a very person's

mind. The term was first employed by Chomsky within the 1960s and refers to the implicit

knowledge of structural regularities of language within the mind and therefore the ability to

acknowledge and produce these distinctive grammatical structures. Hillocks (1986), points out
that grammar instruction which breaks free writing instruction doesn't improve students' writing

competence. ... The approach stems from the fact that the language learners need guidance in

understanding and applying aspects of grammar relevant to their writing. Inline with Wilde

(2010), in CLT, grammar isn't studied in and of itself and practiced only for the sake of

practicing. It's not an element of the technique either. Rather, the strategy includes functioning

on grammatical, sociolinguistic, discourse, and strategic competence within the development of

the four skills –listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The word grammar is wont to ask a side

of how a language is conventionally used, this is often to the structure or system of a selected

language Cameron, L. (2001). "One demonstrates grammatical competence not by stating a rule,

but by employing a rule out the interpretation, expression, or negotiation of meaning" - Savignon

in step with Nassaji and Fotos (2011), grammatical competence is that the speakers' knowledge

of the forms and meanings that exist in grammar, and theoretical knowledge of a way to use

them. One acquires communicative competence by mimic what one needs to be understood and

listen to while interacting with others. (Anonymous) believe that someone develops

communicative competence before grammatical competence; although I consider them both

equally important. An individual cannot be fluent in an exceedingly language or be taken

seriously without learning the right grammar rules of the language they're trying to amass. You

need to develop both competencies to be understood and to grasp the language that you just try

to be told. within the most general form, grammatical (linguistic) competence was defined by N.

Chomsky, as theoretical and practical knowledge of a limited number of grammatical rules,

which permit generating a limitless number of correct sentences (Chomsky, 1965). The standard

or state of being competent: like. The standard or state of getting sufficient knowledge,
judgment, skill, or strength (as for a selected duty or in respect) nobody denies her competence

as a pacesetter.

The New Zealand Curriculum recognizes five key competencies:

1. Thinking.

2. Referring to others.

3. Using language, symbols, and texts.

4. Managing self.

5. Participating and contributing


In general grammatical competence is known as theoretical and practical knowledge of a

limited number of grammatical rules. Being grammatically competent needs to has the

knowledge and enough learning and skills to construct sentences, to understand them, to monitor

grammatical errors, to pass judgment about different well-formed phrases and sentences.

Just, for example, Grammatical Competence can be applied in a situation wherein, you're

on a debate you can notice and judge your co-debate on how she/he use or pronounce wrong

words. And also grammatical competence can be applied in a situation wherein, your classmate

having a report about grammatical competence but his grammars are wrong and errors, you can

correct her/him.

English language and literature error gravity proper name identification frame

generalness the zero article ‘idiomatic’ prepositional use ‘systematic’ prepositional use ‘basic’
prepositional use non-contiguous subject-verb construction contiguous subject-verb construction

subject-verb concord fossilization restructuring of knowledge automatization interlanguage

cognitive second language acquisition theory U-curve development regression progression

developmental pattern frequency error score potential error developmental continuum advanced

learner grammar, applied linguistics foreign languages teaching sociolinguistics applied

linguistics foreign pedagogy sociolinguistics

The students’ development of prepositional uses is taken into account from a

predictability continuum. ‘Basic’ prepositional uses are defined as uses that are easy to predict

because they're identical within the two languages. ‘Systematic’ prepositional uses are believed

to be somewhat harder to predict than ‘basic’ prepositional uses since they involve the

memorizing of rules and prefabricated patterns. (It is that the introduction of this prepositional

category that justifies the inclusion of prepositions during a study of grammatical phenomena.)

‘Idiomatic’ prepositional uses are hypothesized to be most difficult to predict since they involve

item-by-item memorization and can't be generalized within the way ‘systematic’ prepositional

uses can. The hypotheses are confirmed in several ways. For instance, the error score is that the

lowest, and therefore the zero group largest with ‘basic’ prepositional uses. With ‘systematic’

prepositional uses, the error score is higher, and therefore the zero group smaller than for ‘basic’

prepositional uses. The very best error score and therefore the smallest error-free student group

appear with ‘idiomatic’ prepositional uses. The students’ mastery of article use focuses on the

generic use of the zero articles (non-count nouns and plural nouns) and also the use/non-use of

the article before proper nouns. In both cases, high average error scores appear in any respect test

opportunities. As for the use/non-use of the article before proper nouns, the suggestion suggests

that students, thanks to the good number of rules during this area, resort to memorizing each
individual noun. This is able to explain why there's no discernible progression in average error

scores during this category, which might be in line with the finding that constructions that

involve non-generalizable aspects of grammar, like subject-verb concord with contrastive lexical

heads and ‘idiomatic’ uses of prepositions, are the foremost difficult ones to master for learners

of English.


A “frame” in the scientific discipline may be a set of features identified to tell apart from

one phenomenon from another. (Fillmore, 1976). in keeping with scientists, frames are a type of

storing human knowledge in distinctly recognizable sets (Gurin, 2005). Grammatical frames are

needed by students to admit grammatical phenomena, to classify examples, to pass judgments

about the rightness or wrongness of a grammatical form, to deal with testing tasks, etc. For

example, the grammatical frame, which allows students to differentiate between the current

perfect and therefore the perfective Tense includes, among several other features “obvious result

to the instant of speech” within the perfect tense and also the respect to “the completion of 1

event by the start of another past event” within the perfect tense. Since days of immoral, English

as an optional language has been endlessly utilized in the Philippines as a mode of guidance

explicitly among understudies in each scholarly foundation. Regardless of this, few examinations

detailed that understudies have stayed to be fundamentally ailing in abilities worried to such

throughout the past years. Since days of yore, English as an optional language has been

incomprehensibly utilized in the Philippines as a mode of guidance explicitly among

understudies in each scholastic organization. Regardless of this, few examinations revealed that
understudies have stayed to be fundamentally ailing in abilities worried to such over the previous



Research Problem: Why Grade 12 HUMSS students should be competent in grammar rules?

General objective: To know the extent of Grade 12 HUMSS students using the correct grammar

and what is expected to be achieved.

Specific objectives

1. To assess the overall frequency of grammatical competency among Grade 12 HUMSS


2. To verify the Grade 12 HUMSS student that they are already have the ability to

understand the well-formed phrases and sentences.

3. To explore to what extent the competency of students about their grammar.

4. To identify the reasons for being incompetent in grammar.

5. To analyze the appropriate use of grammar rules.

6. To determine how aware the students in using the English language appropriately.

7. To develop the skills of language.

Specific Problems:

1. What are Grade 12 HUMSS students’ attitudes toward the learning of the English

language as a second language?

2. Does grammatical competence have a big impact on your strand?

3. As a HUMSS student, how can you improve your grammar?

4. How do you think that being competent in using grammar will help you in the future?

5. How do you think that being afraid to raise your hand on your classes is due to

grammatical incompetence?

6. What kind of solutions is needed to help you improve your grammar?

7. Do you want to be competent in grammar? Yes/No? How? Why?


Foreign Language


According to Rod Ellis, explicit knowledge is often defined as a group of rules learned by

a learner even as any mechanical skill would. It's learned consciously. Access to explicit

knowledge takes place by means of managing the process and maybe accessed during planning.

The knowledge of rules and fragments is declarative. There are not any age-related restrictions as

far as explicit learning is worried. Explicit knowledge is described as anomalous and

inconsistent. A special variety of explicit knowledge is that the so-called episodic knowledge. It's

employed by learners only in specific situations. "L2 apprentice sometimes have episodic

knowledge of recent recently encountered, L2 words or pronunciation". (Hulstijn 2005:131)

According to Rod Ellis, implicit knowledge is that the acquisition of data about the

underlying structure of a posh stimulus environment by a process that takes place naturally,

simply, and without conscious operations. When acquiring a grammar item implicitly a learner

doesn't even know he's learning. Access to implicit knowledge takes place by the method of

automatic processing. It can happen during a fluent performance. The knowledge of rules and

fragments is procedural. One can acquire an L2 implicitly only to a specific age-the age is

different for various learners but it oscillates around fifteen. Implicit knowledge is described as

variable but systematic.

Foreign Language

According to Richards and Schmidt (2002: 472) define foreign language as a language

which isn't the linguistic communication of huge numbers of individuals in an exceedingly

particular country or region, isn't used as a medium of instruction in schools, and isn't widely

used as a medium of communication in government, media, etc. They note that foreign

languages are typically taught as school subjects for the aim of communicating with foreigners or

for reading printed materials within the language.

Grammatical Competence

According to Noam Chomsy, competence is that the ideal scheme that allows speakers to

supply and understand an infinite number of sentences in their language, and to differentiate

grammatical sentences from ungrammatical sentences. This can be unaffected by "grammatically

irrelevant conditions" like speech errors. In Chomsky's view, competence are often studied

independently of language use, which falls under "performance", as an example through

introspection and grammaticality judgments by native speakers.

Language Pedagogy

According to Professor Edward Mason Anthony Jr., Language pedagogy is that the

approach taken towards the methods accustomed teach and learn languages. There are many

methods of teaching languages. Some have fallen into relative obscurity et al are widely used;

still, others have a tiny low following but offer useful insights. There are three principal views:

The systematic view treats language as a system of structurally corresponding elements to code

meaning (e.g. grammar). The functional view sees language as a vehicle to precise or

accomplishes a specific function, like requesting something. The interactive view sees language

as a vehicle for the creation and maintenance of social relations, specializing in patterns of

moves, acts, negotiation, and interaction found in conversational exchanges. This view has been

justly presiding since the 1980s.

Second Language

According to Krashen, there are two independent systems of foreign language performance: 'the

acquired system' and 'the learned system'. The “acquired system” or “acquisition” is the product

of a subconscious process very similar to the process children undergo when they acquire their

first language. The "learned system" or “learning” is the product of formal instruction and it

comprises a conscious process which results in conscious knowledge 'about' the language, for

example knowledge of grammar rules.




This chapter presents a review of related literature used in this study. The reviews of

related literature have a goal of information concerned with the research problems. They consist

of theoretical review which is presented concepts of speaking, the definition of speaking, and

techniques in teaching speaking, strategies for developing speaking, and the components of

communicative competence.

A. Speaking

1. Definition of Speaking

Speaking is one of the important skills that must be taught in a language class.

According to Brown (2001: 267), speaking is interactive manufacturing of constructing

meaning that involves producing, receiving, and processing information, and the presence of

speaker and listener. Thus, speaking is not only used for conveying with other people but by

speaking we can get new details or we ca n share our idea with other people. Communication

is the way an individual can show their feeling, tell the thought, ask questions, and persuade

each other. Communication using languages can be managed in two ways they are orally

(speaking) and in a written form (writing). In language learning, it is commonly believed that

communicating in a written form is more difficult than orally. However, in reality, spoken

language involves paralinguistic features such as voice qualities, tempo, facial expression,
gestures, intonation, pitch, stress, and pausing. Thus, a spoken language that employs

variability and flexibility is as complex as a written language. It means that each is complex

in its own way.

Moreover, speaking is a skill that needs practice. The more students practice through

sharing the idea. In addition Davison and Dowson (2003: 107) stated that student need

opportunities to speak and listen in a wide variety of conditions and for a wide range of

motivation in order to increase their thinking ability, to develop their powers of communication

and to give examples of language in use through which to expand their explicit knowledge about

speaking. One of the objective in teaching English is that how the students use the target

language orally which return the use of communicative competence into practice and applies it in

real communication. It is supported by Nunan (1991: 51) stating “success is measured in terms of

the ability to carry out a conversation in the target language”.

2. The Element of Speaking

Brown (2004:157) stated that speaking skills comprise five elements. They are grammar,

vocabulary, fluency, comprehension, and pronunciation.

a. Grammar

Grammar may be a slew of role in forming words and making sentences, Manser (1995:

82). Grammar is common in both the written and spoken styles of the language, so its existence

is strongly needed in learning and speaking skill.

b. Vocabulary
The elements of vocabulary are spelling, syllabication, pronunciation, stress, a part of

speech, meaning, use/usage, derivate, idiom and expression. Like in speaking which has

components, vocabulary has components too.

c. Fluency

Fluency is that the ability to talk a language smoothly and simply. There are five

classification that have to be rated within the fluency of speaking. They are as follow,

declamation is halting and fragmentary on taking the conversation in virtually impossible,

usually undecided, often forced into silence by language limitation, speech, and fluency are

rather strongly laid low with language problems, speech as fluent and errorless as that of

native speaker.

d. Comprehension

Manser (1995: 81) states that comprehension is that the power to understand something.

The ability refers to the students’ ability to create their speaking will be understood easily by

other students listening or inviting them to talk. Incomprehension it's associated with good

pronunciation, mastering grammar well encompasses a raft with vocabularies and fluency too.

It's impossible for the listener to understand their speaking.

e. Pronunciation
Pronunciation refers to the assembly of sound that we use to make meaning. this

information is formed of three areas; sounds, stress, and intonation.

Related to pronunciation, Manser (1995:133) states that pronunciation could be a way

within which a language and a word are spoken. From the explanation above, it may be

concluded that pronouncing a sound or language may result in an exceedingly certain sound or

lots of sounds. It implies that pronunciation is one of all five important elements of speaking

ability with the aim is to form students be able to be communicate with others well and

understandable. The five factors of speaking skill above have a very important role in speaking.

By mastering all the factors, the scholars are able to do the aim of speaking and being


3. Technique in Teaching Speaking

According to Harmer (2007:348), there are several strategies which currently utilized in

speaking activities:

a. Performing from a Script

In this activity, learners asked to act out scenes from plays or their course books,

sometimes filming the result. Students will often act out dialogues they need to write themselves.

This frequently involves them in coming out the front of the category.
b. Communication Games

Games are often a useful way of speaking activities. it's effective and appropriate to use

since it will be applied in groups that the students can express their idea using English with their

friends in a fun way. By learning in groups, learners can build the characters of working

cooperatively, be self-confident, creative, responsible, honest, and passionate in learning.

c. Discussion

One of the rationales that discussion fail is that students are reluctant to relinquish an

opinion ahead of the entire class, particularly if they can not consider anything to mention and

don't seem to be confident of the language they could use to mention it. That’s why by talking

both in highly formal whole – group or informal – small group interactions, the scholars can

share their ideas with self-confident.

d. Prepared Talks

The popular quiet activity is that the prepared talk where students make a presentation on

a subject of their own choice. Students should speak from notes instead of from a script.

Prepared talks represent an outlined and useful speaking genre, and if properly organized, are

often extremely interesting for both speaker and listener.

e. Questionnaires
Questionary is useful because, by being pre-planned, they ensure that both questioner and

respondent have something to mention to every other. Students can design questionnaires on any

topic which is acceptable. Then, the result obtained from questionnaires are often used for

discussion or prepared talks.

f. Simulation and role play

Simulation and role-play give great benefit to the scholars. In this activity, students asked

to simulate a true-life encounter like a conversation in shop, hotel foyer, or café as if they were

doing so within the planet. They can act out the simulation as themselves or tackle the role of

completely different character and express thoughts and feelings they are doing not necessarily


A simulation and role-play is accustomed to encourage general oral fluency to coach

students for specific situations.

4. Strategies for Developing Speaking Skill

The strategies that may help students to develop their speaking ability include:

a. Using minimal response

Minimal responses are predictable often idiomatic phrases that conversation participant

use to point understanding, agreement, doubt, and other reactions to what another speaker is
saying. Having a stock of such responses enable a student to specialize in what the opposite

participant is saying, without having simultaneously planned a response.

b. Recognizing scripts

Some communication situations are related to a predictable set of spoken exchanges a

script. Greetings, apologies, compliments, invitations, and other functions that are affected by

social and cultural norms often follow a pattern or script. So do the transactional exchanges

involved in activities like obtaining information and making a purchase. In these scripts, the link

between a speakers’ turn and also the one that follows it can often be anticipated. Instructors can

help students to develop speaking ability by making them tuned in to the script for the various

situations in order that they'll predict what they'll hear and what they're going to need to say in


c. Using language to speak about language

Language learners are often too embarrassed or shy to mention anything when they don't

understand another speaker or once they realize that a conversation partner has not understood

them. Instructors can help students overcome this reticence by assuring them that

misunderstanding and therefore the need for clarification can occur in any style of interaction,

regardless of the participants’ language, skill, levels. Instructors may give students strategies and

phrases to use for clarification and comprehension checks.

5. The Components of Communicative Competence

Speaking proficiency is that the ability to use the target language orally which reflects the

employment of communicative competence into practice and applies it in real communication.

Second language learners have to know not only the linguistic intelligence, but also the culturally

adequate ways of interacting with others in different situations and relationships (Hymes: 1971). 

As stated by Canale, as cited by Huda (1999: 32) communicative competence consists of

4 domains of data and skills:

a. Grammatical competence

Grammatical competence is an umbrella concept that features increasing profiency in

grammar (morphology, syntax), vocabulary, and mechanics. This competence is required for

comprehension and expressing literal meaning of an utterance.

b. Discourse competence

This component is anxious with the mastery of the way to mix grammatical forms and

intending to produce either a spoken or written utterance wholly in various forms. Unity of an

utterance will be attained through form cohesion and meaning coherence.

c. Sociolinguistic competence
This component deals with socio-cultural and discourse rules. Sociolinguistic competence

relates to the extent to an utterance is expressed and understood correctly in numerous

sociolinguistic contexts, which successively depend on certain factors like speaker-listener

status, the target of the interaction, and therefore the rules of norms of the interaction.

d. Strategic competence

Strategic competence is that the way learners manipulate language so as to meet

communicative goals Brown (1994). By strategic competence learners will know when and the

way to require a conversation, the way to keep a conversation going, the way to terminate the

conversation and the way to clear up communication breakdown similarly to comprehension


When ascertaining a language, learn the sound given in that language, the essential units

of pretension such as instructions and the rules to alliance these from sentences, inquest a

language aims that we inquest about the sentence frame of the language that cannot be assorted

from studying the grammar. Grammar is the structural basis of our competence to instantiate

ourselves. Grammar is a model of those linguistic skills of native speakers of the language which

enable them to speak and their language fluently (Radford, 1989: 3-4). Inbred speaker

grammatical competence is an editorialized set of organization which speaker has about their

native speaker. (Ur, 2001: 4) grammar may be roughly interpreted as the way language

manipulates and combine words (or bits of words) in order to form longer units of meaning. For

example in English subjects the presence of the verb is in the third person has two distinct forms,
and if the plural form union with the singular subject, the outcome is usually unacceptable or

ungrammatical. There is a bunch of rules which regulate how units of pretension may be

manufacture in any language we may say that a learner who understands grammar is the one who

mastered and can utilize these rules to manifest himself in what would be measured acceptable

language forms. ( Harmer, 1987:4) grammatical rules are essential for mastery of language.

People do not use words unless they know how the words should out together. Aside from, the

grammatical figure of language refers to in which the way of sentences in that language

construct. For English learners, some students are still confused about grammar and they find it

difficult to express things that they want to say. Furthermore, they confounded when they find

English written in form, particularly dealing with the structure, because they do not understand

or even do not know the form used in English. They have to pay more attention to the rules in

constructing correct sentences. ( Svartvik, Leech, 1973: 21) to use a language we of course have

to know the grammatical structure of the language and its meaning. The study of grammar by

itself will not inevitably make someone a better writer. But by increasing clearer compassion of

how a language works, should also increase greater operation over the way shape words into

sentences and sentences into a paragraph. In short, inquiring grammar may help us to become a

more effective writer.

The common procedure of teaching grammar is the traditional method wherein the

educators just analyze the structure of the sentence to teach grammatical rules. The focus is on

grammatical parsings, as the form and inflection of words. To some, using it for communication.

Many students are not proficient in communication and generally lack the growing demands of

grammar competency. It was found that the majority of them regarded themselves as good in

reading and listening but need help in speaking and writing skills. The researcher found it
necessary to conduct a study on how to improve grammar teaching among high school students

to make teaching more meaningful, experiential, and easier for the students and the teachers as

well. Thus, the focus has become more on the accuracy, rather than fluency. The questions have

become. As cited by Larcen-Freeman (2006), As an alternative to the delivery of a normal

grammar lesson, the communicative task has been recommended to supply students with

communicative use of target grammar points. Moreover, as mentioned by Celce-Murcia (2006),

It is important, therefore, to have a wide range of resources in the classroom so that the students

can have a rich base and stimulus for grammar and speaking development. A study of

VanPatten’s and Oikenon’s research is one conducted by Sanz and Morgan-Short(2003), in

which all instruction happened via computer with no instructor. The researchers found that not

only is explanation unnecessary, but with carefully constructed activities, to be sure, some

research has shown that explanation may be beneficial early on to help learners get into

acquisition more quickly. As reviewed in the book, Making Communicative Teaching Happen

by Lee and VanPatten (2003), in 1972 Savignon’s study: one learns to communicate by

practicing communication. A study conducted in the Philippines by Sungahid, “The

Effectiveness of Communicative Strategies in Teaching English Plus”, as cited in the study of

Jacobo and Tan (2005) states that the primary function of the communicative approach is the

interaction and communication of students. It is revealed that the variable exposed in

communicative techniques gained better achievement in school and found enjoyment in social


Richards stated that grammatical Competence refers to the knowledge we've of a

language that accounts for our ability to provide sentences during a language.
(Savignon) One exhibits grammatical competence not by stating a rule, but by using within the

interpretation, expression, or negotiating of meaning.

(Lynne Cameron) The word grammar is often accustomed talk over with a side of how a

language is conventionally used, this can be to the structure or system of a specific language.



The problem of the study is the They can overcome this problem by

grannatical competence of a Grade 12 learning how to use correct words and

HUMSS students. Where is they’re punctuation and by having enough

having difficulties in constructing knowledge about constructing sentences.

sentences especially when it’s oral.




The purpose of this study is to describe how GR.12 HUMSS students in

MANGATAREM NHS face grammatical competence and error. The description includes

participants' preferences when it comes to constructing sentences.

This study was investigated using a questionnaire to interview the respondents to get

valid and reliable results.

The questionnaire focuses on the type of instructional methodology and material used,

understanding the grammatical competence of a GR. 12 HUMSS students in Mangatarem NHS,

service preparation, and scheduling data related to constructing, writing, and language

proficiency when it comes to Grammatical.

Evidence of students' competence in grammatical is measured by students' responses to a

questionnaire. The questionnaire was designed by the researcher to probe how competent and

incompetent GR.12 HUMSS students in Mangatarem NHS in Grammatical usage, and their

preferences in constructing or making sentences. Student's responses described their relations to

their strand and course (when they are in college) to the work they want to pursue.

Descriptive research was chosen to investigate the rate of grammatical competence

among grade 12 HUMSS of MNHS in relation to online distance learning which described the

grammatical competence of the grade 12 HUMSS students. A descriptive research design aims to

accurately and systematically describe a population, situation, or phenomenon, it can answer the
what, where, when, and how questions (Shona McCombes 2019). More specifically this

investigation addresses the following research question: (Why Grade 12 HUMSS students should

be competent in grammar rules?)


The source of data was Gr. 12 HUMSS students in Mangatarem NHS. It consists of 269

people, the researcher gets the 20% to make more feasible and reliable results. The sample

consists of 81 respondents, each room the researcher will be needing to interview 13-14 people.

In choosing respondents stratified sampling was used.


Student questionnaires were developed to investigate how competent HUMSS students

when it comes to grammatical. Gr. 12 HUMSS students were asked to identify the type of

instructional methodology and material used, the number of competent students, and their

preferences in making or constructing sentences/paragraphs/speeches. In addition, a protocol for

interviewing Gr.12 HUMSS students in Mangatarem NHS was developed. The interview

questions reflected/shows how many students are competent and incompetent in grammatical


The data were analyzed to describe the grammatical competence of a Gr.12 HUMSS

students in Mangatarem NHS. The contextual data were organized and presented, In this study,

the respondents will be getting in 6 sections in 1 strand. From there the data analysis procedures

were organized according to the research questions.

(Why Grade 12 HUMSS students should be competent in grammar rules?)

In response to all questions about how competent HUMSS students when it comes to

grammatical usage will be using a different statistical test ( T-Test, Z-Test, ANOVA, Chi-

Square, etc.). Also, it included the guides and descriptions of the interpretation of data to

strengthen the validity of the results.

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