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Department of Architecture
Name: Huzaifa Hussain
ID: 10574

1. Problem Statement:
Peshawar is a very old city, more than 2,000 years old! It has seen many different
cultures and rulers over the centuries, and this mix of influences is seen in its old
buildings and there is a noticeable lack of awareness among the local population
about the significance and cultural value of art and architecture which limits the city's
potential for cultural enrichment, architectural preservation, and urban

Architectural Design Project Options:

 Peshawar Art and Architecture Center: Design a multifunctional
architectural complex in a strategically chosen urban location in Peshawar. This
center should incorporate exhibition spaces, workshops, studios, and
interactive art installations to serve as a hub for art and architecture
education, cultural events, and public engagement. Consider sustainability
principles in the design and construction.

 Art and Architecture Library and Resource Center: Create a specialized

library and resource center focused on art, architecture, and urban planning.
This facility would house a vast collection of books, journals, digital resources,
and archives related to these fields, fostering research and education.

 Adaptive Reuse of Historic Buildings: Identify historically significant but

underutilized or abandoned buildings in Peshawar and develop plans for their
adaptive reuse as art and architecture exhibition spaces, galleries, or cultural
centers. Emphasize preservation and restoration while incorporating modern
2. Problem Statement:
In Peshawar, lots of people are using drugs, and When people are addicted to drugs,
they sometimes do illegal things like stealing, breaking into houses, or selling drugs to
get money for their addiction. This not only hurts them but also makes the crime
problem in the whole community. The problem is made worse because there aren't
good places for people to get help and treatment for their drug addiction.

Architectural Design Project Options:

 Community Outreach and Awareness Center: Design a center that focuses
on community education and outreach to prevent drug addiction. This center
could host workshops, seminars, and counseling sessions for at-risk individuals
and their families. It could also serve as a hub for raising awareness about the
consequences of drug abuse.

 Urban Planning and Safe Spaces: Investigate how urban planning and
design can create safe, drug-free public spaces in Peshawar. Consider
strategies for transforming public areas, parks, or neighborhoods to deter drug
use and promote community cohesion.

 Recreational Therapy Facilities: Develop spaces that focus on recreational

therapy, such as sports and fitness centers, to provide alternative and healthy
activities for individuals in recovery.

3. Problem Statement:
In Peshawar, Pakistan, women face difficulties when it comes to getting a good
education and finding good jobs. This happens because some families think it's more
important to educate boys than girls. Some girls get married very young, which
makes it hard for them to go to school or have good jobs. Also, when women try to
work, they might be treated unfairly and paid less, just because they are women.
Safety can be a worry too, as some places are not safe for women. And women don't
always have easy access to healthcare or their legal rights. Even though things have
gotten a bit better, we still need to work harder to make sure that women have the
same chances as men when it comes to education, jobs and other facilities.

Architectural Design Project Options:

 Women's Vocational Hub in Peshawar: A Women's Vocational Hub in
Peshawar is a place where women can learn useful skills like sewing, cooking,
or using computers. It helps women become more independent by teaching
them things they can use to find jobs or start their own businesses. These
hubs are safe and supportive, and they also encourage women's rights and
help women connect with job opportunities. They are important because they
empower women in places where they might face challenges due to cultural
norms or other reasons.

 Women's Training and Resource Center: The Women's Training and

Resource Center in Peshawar aims to help women in the region. It wants to
give them the tools and knowledge to tackle their challenges. They're doing
this with a special building and by being fair to everyone. Plus, they care about
the environment. Overall, this project wants to make life better and stronger
for the women in Peshawar.

 Designing community centers and other social spaces that empower

women: Create spaces that are carefully designed to meet the unique needs
of women in a community. These spaces aim to make women feel welcome,
safe, and supported, while also offering chances for them to grow, connect
with others, and get involved in the community.

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