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Gaurav Pradhan
Gaurav Pradhan

© Comments w/o Prejudice #DataScience, #DigitalTransformation, #SMAC, Cyber

Warfare, Global Top 100CIO, Gartner Top10 CIO, Social Entrepreneur, Founder Gaurav
Pradhan Foundation

Jai Hind
Member since January 2020
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Gaurav Pradhan

1) "Learn from the mistakes of others... you can't live long enough to make them
all yourselves!!"

2)"A person should not be too honest. Straight trees are cut first and Honest
people are screwed first."
3)"Even if a snake is not poisonous, it should pretend to be venomous."

4)"There is some self-interest behind every friendship. There is no friendship

without self-interests. This is a bitter truth."

5)" Before you start some work, always ask yourself three questions - Why am I
doing it, What the results might be and Will I be successful. Only when you think
deeply and find satisfactory answers to these questions, go ahead."

6)"As soon as the fear approaches near, attack and destroy it."

7)"The world's biggest power is the youth and beauty of a woman."

8) "Once you start working on something, don't be afraid of failure and don't
abandon it. People who work sincerely are the happiest."

9)"The fragrance of flowers spreads only in the direction of the wind. But the
goodness of a person spreads in all direction."
10)"God is not present in idols. Your feelings are your god. The soul is your

11) "A man is great by deeds, not by birth."

12) "Never make friends with people who are above or below you in status. Such
friendships will never give you any happiness."

13) "Treat your kid like a darling for the first five years. For the next five
years, scold them. By the time they turn sixteen, treat them like a friend. Your
grown up children are your best friends."

14) "Books are as useful to a stupid person as a mirror is useful to a blind


15) "Education is the Best Friend. An Educated Person is Respected Everywhere.

Education beats the Beauty and the Youth."
Gaurav Pradhan
Feb 1
Good news for young mothers/Home makers

It look like we have a Solution for you. A SLP lite which is affordable but not in
kashmir and 3 days

A significant part of you fee would be sponsored by GPF

March 3rd week

Details, my team working on it. Notification for application FEB 20th

This is ONLY for Young mothers

3 replies
Gaurav Pradhan
Jan 31
चलो आज,सब जल्दी सो जाओ..
कल सुबह उठकर अर्थशास्त्री भी तो बनना है.😎😑
Gaurav Pradhan
Jan 31
My credibility is not built on my Fame
My fame is built on my Credibility

My Credibility is built on my Consistency

My Consistency is built on my Character

and my CHARACTER is my mother's teaching

See you in a few days. Stay blessed

Jai Hind
A tribute to Gaurav Pradhan by SLP students and Ashutosh

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Gaurav Pradhan
Jan 31
An economist is an expert who will know tomorrow why the things he predicted
yesterday didn't happen today. 🤣

For example, Few years back the world only qualifiedd economist said "Indian
Economy is in Tailspin"
Gaurav Pradhan
Jan 31
How to fight 5 Gen warfare, ordinary citizens?

The picture tells you

Unfollow all who provoke you.

Withdraw yourself from the social media gang, TV Debates which provoke u and stop
being a tool
Gaurav Pradhan
Jan 31
1 Feb 2023 social media economists day ....

Me on leave 😎
Gaurav Pradhan
Jan 31
Feb 2022 post
What's the status today?
Gaurav Pradhan
Jan 31
4 April 2020 I told you about AIDS, what German Govt telling you today based on the
test result

Yes, I am not a Medical doctor or a biochemistry

5th Gen warfare is what I know

1 reply
Gaurav Pradhan
Jan 31
Can u name ONE democracy in the the owner of the oldest party
(even if in opposition ) abuses the National Security Advisor???

Israel USA UK all countries have NSAs

Doval Sir is a nightmare for his home, The illegally occupied Indian territory
1 reply
Gaurav Pradhan
Jan 31
Income Tax officials conducting searches at Rajpushpa, Vertex and Muppa real estate
companies. Officials conducting raids at more than 50 places in Hyderabad and other
places. Officials also conducting searches at BRS MLC Venkat Ram Reddy’s residence.

BRS-Kavita-Handsome Sisodia link now exploited. Delhi Excise Scam linked to real
estate properties of Kavita Rao in radar.
Gaurav Pradhan
Jan 31
This above picture shows that Modi ji is cleaning terrorism and hate from India

The bottom picture endorses Modi ji work that Kashmir is a safe tourist destination
in the Modi regime and that kids can play with snow outside homes and public places
which was not the case when the kids' father Rajiv Gandhi was Prime Minister. That
time the snow was red most of the time

KASHMIR, Welcome to heaven on Earth

Gaurav Pradhan
Jan 31
Sonam Wangchuk, I will write about him in few days when i get time but i can tell
you this

from day one I was not his fan neither admirer. I hold no views about him. If Modi
ji follows him, that his wisdom and i am not bounded by it

I will write facts and connect dots. Rest is up to you

Till then you can fall for him, i have no issues. its your choice
Gaurav Pradhan
Jan 31
A woke hindu is one who learns Law from an Entertainer, Civics from a Naxal,
Hinduism from a Missionary, Defence from Bollywood, Bhai chara from mulla,
Secularism from an Islamist and sell self for Rs2/tweet or Youtube expert provoke
people against a man who is reviving sanatan civilisation after 1000 years.
Gaurav Pradhan
Jan 31
The TRUTH is always UGLY
Gaurav Pradhan
Jan 31
NDTV nirma dhulai

Ravish Kumar, Sreenivasan Jain (Chota Mota Blast) and now this Presstitute Prof
Nidhi Abdullah Harward walee resign
Gaurav Pradhan
Jan 31
News is...

Pfizer forecasts steep fall in 2023 sales of "COVID products" amid slower uptake of
booster injections and lower demand in international markets. Pfizer stock down 3%
in pre-market trading.

What is not said....

The Covid is over, We fail to sell but hang on with Pfizer stocks, we will be back
with more deadly weapon and stocks will rise

BRACE yourself, we are now living in Bio weapon era. Best we can do is work on our
immunity via good food and Ayurveda.
1 reply
Gaurav Pradhan
Jan 31
सब धंदा है

जिधर हवा चले उधर चल निकलो

यही चरित्र की कहानी है
1 reply
Gaurav Pradhan
Jan 31
5 fake news were spread in last 1 week by Anti India ecosystem !

1. Modi is responsible for Gujarat riots

2. China captured Indian land
3. Adani is a fraud company
4. Pathan is superhit
5. Bagheshwar dham spreading superstition.

We busted all these lies but it's just beginning !

From tomorrow every tom dick and harry will be economist and will tell you how Modi
ji screwed economy. The middle class as usual will talk about Rs 100 tax cut
otherwise will sell themselves to people who screwed nation for 70 years. I will be
at 36000 ft when budget speech start and later 12 days will only share my trip
pictures. So my advice would be TRUST YOUR LEADER

Next 400 days there will be bombardment of fake news, disinformations, lies,
propagandas ! It would be a test how you use your own brain if you have any left

They have already used it against Trump and were successful. They will definitely
use it against Modi who is now tallest RW leader of world.

Be ready and never let your faith shake.

2 replies
Gaurav Pradhan
Jan 31
Russian personnel acquired over 20,000 documents of the U.S. biological programs.

The materials confirm that the Pentagon aimed at creating elements of a biological
weapon, & testing it on the population of Ukraine

Now go back to March 17, 2020, and read my blog. What did I say?

"COVID is a Bioweapon"

Total blackout of this news in domestic and international media.

and Indian Tapori/supari media has ZERO journalism. They are just Darbari PR agent
who can dance naked if paid well
• • •
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