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Do we know when and where we can meet out spouse based on astrology?

Profile photo for Vedic Magic Consulting Services
Vedic Magic Consulting Services
Studied Full-Time Vedic Astrologer ( at Jyotish (Vedic
astrology)Author has 63 answers and 217.8K answer viewsDec 14

To predict the direction of life partner, many principles of astrology have to be

kept in mind.

We can predict the direction of the life partner using 2 methods:

Marriage through zodiac signs present in the house.

Through the planets present in the partner house.

If Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius are present in the life partner house in
the horoscope, then it is very possible that the person may find a partner in a
nearby city or village.
If Gemini, Virgo, Dhanu and Meen Rashi are present in the 7th house then the
life partner may be from the same city or village or very close city or village.
If Aries, Cancer, Libra and the creator are present in the seventh house then
the spouse may be distant.

To know the direction of the life partner according to the planets present in the
house of marriage, it is good to know the direction of the planets first-

The planet & direction


Moon:North West








Let us now see what are the directions of the zodiac signs.

Zodiac & direction

aries: East











If the Sun is present in the Ascendant house, then it is very possible that the
life partner will be from the east direction, city or village.

If Venus is present in the 7th house then it is possible that the spouse may be
from the South East direction.

And so on.

There is not one very important question that takes into account that if more than
1 planet is present in the life marriage house then which planet will clarify about
the direction.

So in this case the powerful planet is responsible.

Astrologers can clarify after proper analysis of the horoscope.

Different Tastes in Relationships (Gunas)

A little about the influence of the gunas on the 7th house - the sphere of

The house itself is connected with the raja guna - the desire to enjoy. And the
planets of rajas (Venus and Mercury) only strengthen this desire here. Moreover,
Venus strengthens the craving for sexual relations, and Mercury - for profitable
business relationships. While the partner is beautiful, attracts us physically or
intellectually, financially, professionally - we continue these relationships, as
we grow old or impoverish, we don’t need these relationships. Here such terry
egoism comes out. If in the 7th house of the planet tamas (planets in the fall,
Saturn, Mars, Rahu, Ketu ), then a person gets a lot of low-quality relationships.

Either he doesn’t understand what he wants, or it doesn’t matter, as long as they

are, or he doesn’t have the knowledge of how to build relationships.

If the malefic is teaching here, or in his own sign, then after misunderstanding
and bad, low-quality relationships, understanding comes with time and another type
of relationship, of better quality.

If there are sattvic planets (Jupiter, bright Moon, Sun), then a person strives for
quality, looks for one of his partners and knows how to build relationships.

The sun gives an understanding of relationships according to the rules, with a

sense of responsibility, duty ).

The sun burns rajas.

If Jupiter is here, then it also gives the desire to choose a partner with good
character traits, with spiritual knowledge.

And such a person can get.

Moreover, the partner can be more spiritually advanced than the owner of the

The moon here is about the desire for a caring, compassionate partner, for
emotional intimacy, for warmth and cordial sincerity.

Although it also gives mood swings in partnership.

In any case, this is a deeper relationship than, say, Venus here.

Although the exalted Venus here is about the transformation of rajasic aspirations
in relation to satvic, sublime ones.
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Profile photo for John Smith
John Smith
Learning astrology for 5 years4y


Finding out where you will meet your spouse is easy, all you have to do is look
where your Venus is if you are a male and look where your Jupiter is if you are a
female i.e. look what house is the related planet placed in. The house Venus or
Jupiter are placed in will show you how you will meet your spouse. If Jupiter or
Venus is in the :-

First house - this house is all about you so it is likely you will meet your
partner through
your own efforts to go out and find them.

Second house - this house is about what you value and it is likely you will meet
partner while shopping, sorting out your finances or out in the countryside.

Third house - this house is about communication and it is likely you will meet your
through your early school life, on routine journeys, through your siblings or

Fourth house - this house is all about your home and it is likely you will meet
your partner
through your home life or your parents, especially your mother.

Fifth house - this house is about having fun and it is likely you will meet your
partner on
holiday, at places of entertainment, or through sport.

Sixth house - this house is about service and it is likely you will meet your
partner through
your everyday work, hobbies or in the armed forces.

Seventh house - this house is about partnerships and it is likely you will meet
your partner at
a wedding or through your business partnerships.

Eighth house - this house is about money and all things hidden so it is likely you
will meet
your partner through looking after other people’s money or the occult.

Ninth house - this house is about expansion (physical, mental and spiritual) and it
is likely
you will meet your partner through higher education, long-distance travel, dreams
or religion.

Tenth house - this house is about your position in life and ...
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Profile photo for Nidhi Astro | Top Vedic Astrologer
Nidhi Astro | Top Vedic Astrologer
Vedic Astrologer, Healer, & SpiritualistAuthor has 325 answers and 4.5M answer

Where to meet your spouse

Girls and women often write to me with a question about their personal lives. They
are interested in what kind of partner is visible in their horoscope, where and
when they can be met.

In such consultations, I analyze such parameters as:

1) inherent feminine qualities that help build harmonious relationships (here, in

addition to the main horoscope and the additional one - Navamsha, I look at another
D-30 Varga),

2) the position of Venus - a common indicator of romantic relationships for all

horoscopes, a spouse,

3) characteristics of the 7th house of the horoscope - the sphere of partnership,

and the 9th house - the sphere of Dharma (highest debt),

4) Relationship between Atma karaka and Dara karaka (temporary, in each horoscope
different significators of Soul and spouse),

5) The relationship and character of Dara-pada, Upa-pada and Arudha Lagna - which
show us the people to whom we are attracted, the character of the spouse and where
we can meet the spouse, and finally - how harmonious relationships can be in

6) I analyze the current and upcoming astrological periods for several systems,
transits and other methods.

7) And a few more points.

Let's stop this time partially on point 2.

According to the situation of the lord of the 7th zodiac from the sign inhabited by
Venus, one can assess where the partner can be met.

A bit of theory:

The order of the signs is as follows:

Aries opposite Libra

Taurus opposite Scorpio

Gemini opposite Sagittarius

Cancer opposite Capricorn

Leo opposite Aquarius

Virgo opposite Pisces.


Signs are divided into - movable , fixed and dual.

Movable - Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn,

Fixed - Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius,

Dual - Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces.


And if the parameter of interest to us is in a moving sign, then the spouse can be
met far from the place of birth (another country, another continent),

If in a fixed sign, then near the place of birth (in the same city, district,

If in the dual - not far and not close (neighbouring countries, regions).


Suppose Venus is located in the sign of Taurus, the 7th sign from Taurus is

And we are interested in the position of Mars - the owner of the sign of Scorpio.

Let's say Mars is in the sign of Virgo (a sign of dual nature), which means that
the spouse can be met in neighbouring countries, or if the country is large, in
neighbouring areas.

Who is the Upa-pada (let us denote it as UL for convenience) and what does it show?

Along with the planets, nakshatras, houses and signs, the padas show another layer
of the horoscope.

They show an illusion within an illusion.

If this world itself is illusory, then our perception of this world is even more
illusory. Nevertheless, for us, this kind of reality is quite real for the time

Up-pada is one of the most important marital parameters in the horoscope.

According to the sign-in which the UL is located and the planets in it, one can
judge the character, appearance and status of the spouse.

In addition, according to the house in which the UL is located, it can be assumed

WHERE the spouse can be met.

For those who are a little familiar with Vedic astrology, finding (calculating) UL
can be done simply:

We find the position of the owner of the sign of the 12th house,
We look - in what house is he from the 12th house?
We count from the owner of the 12th house as many houses as we found in the 2nd

Note: In the calculation, you need to take into account that the signs of Scorpio
and Aquarius are ruled by two planets - Saturn and Rahu ruled the Aquarius, and
Mars and Ketu ruled the Scorpio, and in choosing the ruler you need to choose the
strongest, and you also need to take into account some other nuances that I I will
not consider


Horoscope with the rising sign of Scorpio.

1. The sign of Libra is located in the 12th house.

It is ruled by Venus in the 8th house (in the sign of Gemini).

2. This is the 9th house from the 12th.

3. We count 9 signs from Venus itself - and there will be Upa-pada.

This will be the sign of Aquarius and the 4th house of the horoscope (9th house
from 8th = 4th).

This means that the sign of Aquarius will show us a likely portrait of a spouse.

Aquarians are philosophers, friendly, liberal, earning (the 11th sign of the
natural zodiac), independent, explorers and innovators, and sometimes revolutionary
(the rebel Rahu is the co-ruler of this sign).

Now more about WHERE you can meet your spouse:

The position of the Upa-pada in this example in the 4th house shows that the spouse
can be met in places associated with the 4th house.

These are places of study (institutes, a library, etc.), in one's own home (as a
guest, for example), near water bodies, during sea voyages, in places related to
agriculture (in a village, on a farm).
If the UPA-pada fell into the 2nd house - the sphere of the inner circle, then it
may turn out that you have known your spouse since childhood and that he was a
member of your family.

In any case, this is an indicator that the commonality of traditions, religion and
material status will be important in relationships.

3rd house - the sphere of movement, communications.

And when Upa-pada enters the 3rd house, the spouse can be met on a trip (not too
far, approximately within the homeland or area of residence), at the station, in
transport, as well as in communication buildings - telegraph, post office, Internet
-a cafe.

It can also be a place of intellectual pastime.

The spouse can live somewhere nearby in the neighbourhood.

The 5th house is the realm of meditations, prayers, accumulated wisdom, children,
places of entertainment.

And the spouse can be found in kindergarten, nursing children, in yoga classes, in
meditation classes and reading moods and prayers together.

The 6th house is associated with service, taking care of one's own and others'
health, with victory over enemies.

The spouse can be found in medical institutions, taking care of people, doing
Bhakti yoga.

The 6th house is also loans, debts.

So both the bank and the credit firm are also suitable.

Remember only the saying: “diseases and debts must be disposed of immediately” and
you do not need to once again end up in a credit company or a hospital if you are
not an employee of the company and not a doctor according to calculations, he
cannot get here, but there is a a different opinion.

When UPA-pada is placed in the 10th house, the spouse is often seen at work or when
participating in work-related activities - refresher courses, business trips.

The 10th house is also associated with social activities outside of work, such as
social events, charitable foundations and events, etc.

The 9th house will show that a person can look for a spiritual mentor in a spouse,
and can meet him in places associated with spirituality - pilgrimages, temples,

The 9th house is also the realm of long-distance travel, higher education, and the
spouse may be met - at immigration offices, travelling (long distances), studying
at a higher educational institution.

7th house - the sphere of business, pleasures, living abroad.

Accordingly, a spouse can be met as a business partner, having moved to another

country for permanent residence, etc.
If you manage to see Upa-pada in the 12th house, then a good option for
acquaintance is on a retreat, on a pilgrimage, visiting monasteries.

The 8th house, as usual, indicates rather tense events associated in this case with
the meeting of the spouse.

This may be some kind of critical situation, for example, when a partner has lost a
previous spouse or when a person is forcibly married off.

Or just a meeting can be under some extreme circumstances - saving someone, etc.

Up-pada in the 11th house can mean meeting a spouse among friends, associates,
rotating in public, doing investments, on the stock exchange, in a bank.

Older brothers and sisters can contribute to an acquaintance.

To help the Upa-pada work, it is recommended to simply visit the indicated places.

And to attract a more favourable partner into your life, it is recommended to work
on your character before meeting with him.
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Profile photo for Nidhi Trivedi
Nidhi Trivedi
Professional Vedic Astrologer with global 🌏 clientsAuthor has 203 answers and 5.2M
answer views1y

Astrology can help us in foreseeing the best relationship and a lot more about the
spouse. The relationship is one of the critical findings in one’s life. Many people
appear to be unusual about how their partners will look like when they will get
united what are the conditions in which they will come together, whether a person
will have a love marriage or an arranged marriage and a lot more topics. Astrology
can deliver you the clues to all these questions by inferring the territory of
numerous planets in your natal chart.

Before you can believe tools like astrology, it is crucial to contemplate whether
you believe in the energy of destiny or not.

Many folk get offended by the belief in fate as they realize that it is

I used to run out of these concepts and have been a dedicated fan of hard work.

Something occurred in my personal life that directed me to admire if my "100% pure

intentions" and "accompanying actions" are the only reasons that bring outcomes.

I couldn't approve of randomness in the cosmos.

I researched this and then adopted the role of destiny in an individual's life.

One such problem which is very likely to appear to mind is the conditions in which
we will be confronting our spouse. Astrologers can deliver us the reply to this
question by predicting the conditions in which you will be confronting your partner
in the future by inferring the location of the planets in your natal chart. If we
wish to understand the conditions in which we will be confronting our future
husband or wife, the two planets which play a major role in specifying this are
Venus and Jupiter. If you are a man, you need to watch for where Venus is
discovered in your natal chart and if you are a lady, then you need to watch for
the situation of Jupiter in your natal chart. The house of Jupiter and Venus can
assist you to specify the situations in which you will be confronting your partner.

The direction indications as per signs

The fixed sign (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius) demonstrates - spots nearby the

The dual sign(Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) indicates - the exact city in
case of slighter lines very near the city to that.

Cardinal sign(Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn)demonstrates - far away place.

Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius - East

Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn - South

Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius - West

Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces - North

The direction of different planets:

Sun - East direction

Moon - North direction,

Mars - South direction,

Mercury - North direction,

Jupiter - North-East direction,

Venus - South-East direction,

Saturn - West direction,

Rahu - South-West direction,

Ketu - North West direction

The marriage House(7th house) of Horoscope: This house is named the house of
relationship, and the lord of this house exemplifies the partner. This house should
be referred from the d1 chart and D-9 both for reasonable perception. But, if you
are a learner you can begin with the d1 chart.

The additional points underline the conditions in which we will meet our partner
according to the territory of Jupiter and Venus in several houses of the d1 chart:

Jupiter Venus in 1st House:

If Shukra for males and guru for women is found in the 1st house of your d1 chart,
you are very apt to confront your partner after you date on a discovery for them.

Jupiter Venus in 2nd House:

If Shukra for males and guru for women is discovered in the 2nd house of your d1
chart, you are very inclined to meet your partner someplace in the country or while
organizing your finances. You can also discover your partner while you are out
Jupiter Venus in 3rd House:

If Shukra for males and guru for women is discovered in the 3rd house of your d1
chart, you are very inclined to confront your partner while expressing in your
early school life or during your regular trips. It can moreover be via your younger
sister/brother and neighbours.

Jupiter Venus in 4th House:

If Shukra for males and guru for women is discovered in the 4th House of your d1
chart, you are very likely to confront your partner through your ordinary life. It
can be through any unit of the family that you will confront your partner,
especially through the norms of your mother.

Jupiter Venus in 5th House:

If Shukra for males and guru for women is discovered in the 5th House of your d1
chart, you are very inclined to confront your partner at the places of fun. It can
be while you are away for a vacation or appreciating a sport etc.

Jupiter Venus in 6th House:

If Shukra for males and guru for women is located in the 6th house of your d1
chart, you are very inclined to confront your partner through daily work or while
practising your specialities.

Jupiter Venus in 7th House:

If Shukra for males and guru for women is discovered in the 7th House of your d1
chart, you are very inclined to meet your partner at a marriage or through business

Jupiter Venus in 8th House:

If Shukra for males and guru for women is discovered in the 8th house of your d1
chart, you are very inclined to confront your partner while you will be beware of
the other someone’s wealth and other energies.

Jupiter Venus in 9th House:

If Shukra for males and guru for women is discovered in the 9th house of your d1
chart, you are very inclined to meet your partner while following your higher
teaching, during the long-distance journey or while following your ambitions or

Jupiter Venus in 10th House:

If Shukra for males and guru for a female is discovered in the 10th house of your
d1 chart, you are relatively inclined to meet your partner on your way towards a
job or through your father.

Jupiter Venus in 11th House:

If Shukra for males and guru for women is discovered in the 11th house of your d1
chart, you are very inclined to meet your partner through neighbourhood gatherings,
clubs, pals or through your public life.

Jupiter Venus in 12th House:

If Shukra for males and guru for women is discovered in the 12th house of your d1
chart, you are very likely to meet your partner through the religious means of some
in some calm areas. It can be in clinics or different territories as well.

The above-stated facts assist us to know that the conditions in which we are most
apt to meet our partner depend on the area of the planet Jupiter and Venus in a
person’s natal chart, relying on gender. It is the circumstance of guru for females
and the circumstance of Shukra for males which assists in prescribing the
situations in which we are largely apt to confront our partner as per the territory
of these planets in a person’s d1 chart. Thus, astrology can assist us in
foreseeing the conditions in which we will be confronting our partner in the future
by inferring the situation of Jupiter and Venus in someone’s d1 chart.

Nidhi Trivedi (निधि त्रिवेदी)'s answer to What is a karmic relationship or who is a karmic
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Profile photo for Nidhi Trivedi
Nidhi Trivedi
Professional Vedic Astrologer with global 🌏 clientsUpvoted by
Pooja Kumari | Vedic Astrologer
, Phd Divine Science & Astrology, International School of Astrology and Divine
SciencesAuthor has 203 answers and 5.2M answer viewsDec 10
Which planet in a birth chart tells about marriage and partner?

Marriage, Relationships, Love In The Natal Chart Jyotish

The first marriage is the victory of passion over insight, the second is the
victory of hope over experience, the third is the victory of stubbornness over
common sense...

This is how all living beings and even non-living ones are arranged that a soul
mate is needed. But men and women have changed over time. The institution of family
and marriage has practically collapsed. And as a result, the values in the
relationship have changed. And someone does not need to live in a place at all.

So - 7th house is marriage, partnerships, interaction

Profile photo for DEV Kumar
DEV Kumar
Founder of https://okastrology.xyzAuthor has 54 answers and 199.4K answer views1y

Yes! We can know when and where we can meet out spouse based on astrology.

Just look at the Venus if you are Male. And check your Jupiter if you are female.

Then, look at the placement of your Venus or Jupiter and their signs also. Because
they also have their own meaning.

For example:
If your Jupiter or Venus in 1st House: Then, you will meet your spouse through by
yourself and you will be the one who approach first.

Same as if you have Venus or Jupiter in Sagittarius sign: Then, there will be
presence of some sort of bow and arrow and horse. Even a picture will also
considered as a sign that you
Profile photo for Arsh Mishra
Arsh Mishra
Founder at (2018–present)Author has 904 answers and 15.3M
answer views4y

Not really.

If you are an astrologer, and a good one; you can guess about whether the person
which has come into your life or someone else’s life is the one for you/them or
not. It would work in majority of the cases if your concepts are right. However,
there is no fixed rule.

And how it is done, is the last step of astrological learning. When you’re well
versed with the entire horoscope and all the concepts, you will understand how it
can be done. But then again, it is too complicated and does not always hold. There
are over 7 billion people in the world and the probability of you finding two p
Profile photo for Baljeet Singh
Baljeet Singh
Former Design EngineerAuthor has 413 answers and 1.7M answer views4y

Yes position of the 7th lord in Ur chart can give you clues.

For example :-

7th lord in 1st house- Opposite sex may approach or your spouse may approach,Mind
is always filled with people and public interactions

7th lord in 2nd house-You may meet your spouse in family setting meaning family
functions,parties,get togethers,through a family member

7th lord in 3rd house-You may meet your spouse in neighborhood,short

trips,travel,in a cafe shop,internet,adjacent colony,through a friend.

Rest follows ,also Jupiter and Venus ,darakaraka also helps.

Also the effect of other planets on the 7th lord and on ab

Profile photo for Space Space
Astrologer, Relationship and Spiritual Counselor (2000–present)Author has 186
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How can I see my husband in a natal chart?

Husband in Women natal chart in Astrology

In astrology there is two marriage significant planets, which define what kind of
partner a person can get and they are Jupiter and Venus. These two planets are very
important planet in relationship. Jupiter is the husband in a women chart and Venus
is the wife in a men chart. By looking these two planets placement (house) in the
birth chart, one can tell about the place where one can meet the spouse and by
their sign placement one can tell about temperament of the spouse.

Sign placement of any planets means nature of the planet and house placement means
Profile photo for Deep Astro
Deep Astro
Professional Astrologer at (2002–present)Upvoted by
Pooja Kumari | Vedic Astrologer
, Phd Divine Science & Astrology, International School of Astrology and Divine
SciencesAug 30
How do you know your spouse from your horoscope?

Male core in the horoscope.

Based on the knowledge of Vedic astrology and my personal experience, I can say
that two planets are essentially responsible for the male core - these are Mars and
the Sun.

Mars usually forms first, followed by the Sun's improvement.

Mars is willpower, determination, the ability to make a decision and make a choice.

The first step to its development is a victory over your weaknesses.

Secondly, the observance of fasts (they exist in many religions).

Thirdly, these are austerities (voluntary restriction of oneself in something).

The fourth is the ability to assemble in extre

Profile photo for Liam Young
Liam Young
Learned in Jyotish (Vedic astrology) & Tarot, AstrologyAuthor has 507 answers and
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Who gets an exact life partner according to astrology?

It is no secret that our desires do not always become a reality.

We dream about one thing, imagine something, and later we get a little different or
not at all what we fantasized about before.

Mars and Venus are in the birth horoscopes of women and men - this is exactly what
we want, what kind of partner we dream of.

Mars is for women, Venus is for men.

But not always Mars or Venus rules the seventh house, right?

And the seventh house for both sexes just symbolizes a true partner.

It symbolizes not what we want for ourselves, but what we will get and, often,
there may be fundamental discrepancies he
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Nick Foxe
Worked in literature, career guidance and higher education. Closeted grammar nerd
and big car enthusiast.Author has 185 answers and 329.6K answer views11y
What can I do to sleep better?

Here are a few suggestions:

Make sure your bedroom is dark. Light can disturb you while sleeping.
Try relaxation techniques before bed. Examples, reading, stretching, breathing
Never do work/homework in your bed. You need to connect your bed as a place to
sleep, not work.
Do not eat before going to sleep. It'll give your spurts of energy.
Turn off the TV a hour before you go to sleep. Helps your eyes relax.
Be consistent when you wake up and fall asleep. Try to form a sleep pattern.
Personal preference - lavender scented oils or sprays help me relax. It may
help you too.

Profile photo for Eskild Rasmussen

Eskild Rasmussen
Experience with astrology since 1980Author has 5.9K answers and 5.6M answer views2y
How do I predict my future spouse's possible zodiac signs using my birth chart?

How do I predict my future spouse's possible zodiac signs using my birth chart?

Method #1

If you are male, look at:

The descendant
The Moon

If you are female, look at:

The descendant
The Sun

Consider the position in sign and the aspects. For instance, if you are male, and
your Venus is aspecting Uranus, then there might be an attraction to Aquarians,
since Uranus rules Aquarius.

Does it work? I am not sure. But that is what traditional astrology teaches us.

Method #2

Look at the sign opposite your Sun sign, because it represents your ideal
partner’s ascendant. For instance, if your Sun sign is T

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How do I find my soulmate using Vedic astrology?
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Subhi Vishwakarma
After marriage he started forcing Neetu to terminate the pregnancy or allow him to
have 'Nikah' with a Muslim woman.

When she refused he tortured her, had unnatural sex with her so that the baby is
dead in her womb. Somehow he managed to kill the baby.

Some of his messages:

Subhi Vishwakarma
After the baby was dead, he threw her out of his house. When she reached the police
station, he said he never married her and asked for a proof that they were married.

Khalid sent wedding pictures like these to Neetu so that she cannot use them
against him.

Subhi Vishwakarma
After using Neetu for years and exploiting her sexually the police says there is no
ground to register a case against Khalid.

Neetu even reached @SwatiJaiHind

office for help but to no avail. She is still struggling to get a case registered
against him.
11:04 AM · Feb 7, 2023
Quote Tweets
Delhi Commission for Women - DCW
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Please share her number on DM.
Subhi Vishwakarma
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Asterix de Gaulle
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DV case
Gems of Politics
Replying to
Swati Maliwal, will not do anything in this case as the person accused belongs to a
Sumuday Visesh & they are their Core Vote Bank.

Sabh kuch vote ke chakkar hai ..

Replying to
Facebook se ladki patana ab bhi chalu hai...Incredible
Rinku Singh
Replying to
*छात्रों ने मजिस्ट्रेट को लाठी-डंडे से पीटकर चेहरा सूजा दिया:* इतना मारा कि आंखें नहीं खुल रही; इंटर एग्जाम सेंटर में घुसने से रोका था
Act of piecefuls
छात्रों ने मजिस्ट्रेट को लाठी-डंडे से पीटकर...
इतना मारा कि आंखें नहीं खुल रही; इंटर एग्जाम...
Jayanta (ଜୟନ୍ତ)
Replying to
After reading this, don't know but I have zero sympathy for Neetu here.
Replying to
Swati should resign then. Is she doing it ?
Replying to
This seems like her fault. So many red signals and she ignored all of them.
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Gaurav Pradhan
Gaurav Pradhan

© Comments w/o Prejudice #DataScience, #DigitalTransformation, #SMAC, Cyber

Warfare, Global Top 100CIO, Gartner Top10 CIO, Social Entrepreneur, Founder Gaurav
Pradhan Foundation

Jai Hind
Member since January 2020
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Gaurav Pradhan
U all are witness
Gaurav Pradhan
The Arctic has long been a model for optimism and international cooperation. The
disruption of cooperation is because of the [Ukraine] crisis, but there can be no
progress on pan-Arctic issues without Russian participation
The loss of Russia, both as a collaborator and as an active member of the Arctic
Council is profoun because the country has half the Arctic’s land mass,
jurisdiction over most of the Arctic Ocean, is home to nearly half of the Arctic’s
population, and oversees most of the region’s economic development

Now, much of this international collaboration is on pause, partly because the other
seven Arctic Council states have suspended communication with Russia

This is why Ukraine Russia war

Gaurav Pradhan
कांग्रेस बीड़ी-सिगरेट का जलता हुआ वो आखरी टुकड़ा है ..
जो जरा सी चूक होने पर पूरे देश को जला सकता है,

इसीलिए इसको पैर से मसलकर बुझा देने में ही देश की भलाई है ।

Gaurav Pradhan
4000 किलोमीटर चला
AC container मे सोया
हर सुबह social media पर शायरी लिखी
40 से ज्यादा T-Shirts पहनी
बड़ी बड़ी दाढ़ी बढ़ाई
फु टबॉल खेला
बुजुर्ग महिलाओ से चिपका
सोते जागते खाते पीते उठते बैठते मोदी को कोसा
कड़कड़ाती ठण्ड मे T-Shirt पहन कर घूमा
रामायण को महाभारत में और महाभारत को गीता में मिलाके ज्ञान बाँटा
चलते चलते पता नहीं कितने चुम्मा लिए
मंडित मंदिर भटका

यहाँ तक की राहुल गाँधी को भी मार दिया

लेकिन ये मोदी ने सिर्फ 2 स्पीच मे सब उखाड़ दिया... सारा पैसा और time बर्बाद हो गया ईसा पूर्व
1 reply
Gaurav Pradhan
The estimate is that there is 600,000 barrels diesel shortage per day in Europe
right now which will only increase this year. Most transport run on diesel

...... and the major supplier to plug this gap?

India is going to fulfil this by more than 60%

This is a huge game-changer in geopolitics as India move up from consumer to


India is emerging as the upstream refinery destination of Russian oil which is then
exported to Europe

Currently we are buying 17 lakh barrels of Russian oil every day at roughly 47$ per
barrel which means potential export revenues to the tune of 70 billion dollars this
US simply cannot tolerate the rise of India in the energy geo-economics (especially
built on partnership with Russia), this is why all these attacks are happening;
they have moved beyond "human rights" & "religious freedom" to wild documentaries &
attacking Indian businesses. The other reason is that India is securing its sea
route which can be used by Indian Navy

What threatens US the most is the next step when India joins other BRICS nations to
implement the mBridge platform for international hydrocarbon trade, that will be a
death knell for the dollar and the exorbitant privilege that US enjoys. The direct
trade without $ had already a warning to US and it is spreading fast. The
Chairmanship of Oil, Arms, Pharma mafia of US is tumbling like a pack of card

Adani Issue is one such attempt. I will explain this in my next video next week
Gaurav Pradhan
ये पोस्ट के वल आत्ममंथन करने के लिए है

चरित्र का निर्माण माँ करती है ये मैं समझा चुका हूँ

कु छ दूषित चरित्र वाले बच्चों जब पापा लॉलीपॉप नहीं देते ताकि उनके दाँत ख़राब नहीं हों तो वोह बच्चे पड़ोसी को अपना बाप बना लेते है

वैसे ही कु छ लोग टीप टॉप के किताब लिखते है और जब रेवाड़ी नहीं मिलती तो उसी को गाली और ज्ञान देते फिरते है

अब आप मंथन कीजिये आप क्या उनके चँगुल में फस गये है या आप उनको पढ़ते और सुनते है जो शेर की तहरा डटे हुए है
Gaurav Pradhan
US won’t sanction India for buying Russian oil,' says US diplomat

भारत ने मंजूरी मांगी क्या?

Gaurav Pradhan
On the earlier post let me ask a question to my young friends who have solution to
every political problem. Jail them, kill them, ignore them is their solution

"How much time you have used and wasted behind Patao a Girl and how much energy and
money u wasted"
Gaurav Pradhan
Sorry to say, most of you think politics is a straight line and is the shortest

It is not.......
2 replies
Gaurav Pradhan
Mathematical Logic from Newton Lab

Adani would be super rich even without Modi but Chuumi Ayyub would be a nobody
without him. So Modi made Chuumi not Adani.
Gaurav Pradhan
A soldier and a Golfer know how to respect a lady when she visits the Unit or
Golfer's Club

A warm welcome to a soldier's wife

Gaurav Pradhan
कीचड़ उसके पास था मेरे पास गुलाल
जो भी जिसके पास था उसने दिया उछाल

~ कांग्रेस छिलाई विशेषज्ञ प्रधानमंत्री मोदी जी राज्यसभा में 😁

Gaurav Pradhan
Adani Wilmar raided by Himachal Tax dept over allegations of GST violations.

The actual Reason

Adani closed its cement plant in HP

But why, because the congress govt in HP demamded Adani to pay Rs 10 per bag as
commission. Adani refused because the price is already very competative and they
don't have that cost buffer

So now create more trouble

But I am happy, HP had to pay price for electing mafia

Gaurav Pradhan
This is why I stress upon Defining the problem

Legendary Boxer Sarita Devi made a shocking inclusion at the ongoing Y20 summit.
Her statement spread like wildfire and became a talking point on social media.

"I was influenced by militants to move towards insurgency and transported weapons
for them, but sports changed me and motivated me to work for the glory of my

Champion boxer Laishram Sarita Devi

That's the crux of North East. It was kept isolated for 70 years by Congress.
Giving financial packages to people is not a long-term solution

Now you know "Khelo India Youth Games" power

Our solutions are always out of box

Gaurav Pradhan
No No, this is not Russian or US jet


DRDO and HAL will together be able to roll out the 1st LCA Mark II somewhere in
2024-25 :- CMD of HAL

Cabinet sanction for the project has been received and finances released.
Gaurav Pradhan
Many times my info is camouflaged in a post that you think is my personal stuff.
Its all about what comes in mind and the safe bet to make it public

Here is the News

Indian airlines are expected to place orders for around 1500-1700 aircraft over the
next two years. (CAPA India). if you add Tata orders it is 2000+

This is why Modi Govt wants to invest in it

If you miss any post on this channel, the chain in broken, and will never
understand the full story
Gaurav Pradhan
Moitra went to school in Kolkata. She graduated in economics and mathematics in
1998 from Mount Holyoke College South Hadley in Massachusetts, United States.

Moitra worked as an investment banker for JPMorgan Chase in New York City and

This is why I say that five-star companies are flooded with idiots and do not trust
this kind of research group. They are the most educated one
1 reply
Gaurav Pradhan
This is why I always say, Modi ji is walking in a field filled with land mines. he
is walking very carefully and in a calculated way, whereas the hyper wants him to
jump all over
Current Time 0:56
Duration 7:17
Gaurav Pradhan
*Cartoon published in a newspaper of Europe. India story told in one pic. 👏
Gaurav Pradhan
Sitting in another part of India and commenting on Kashmir is very easy
As i always say, if you have to know Kashmir, visit Kashmir.

During my recent personal trip, I asked my wife if she would like a picture at Lal

She said, I will leave that place for my soldier, Dal is mine

3/4 more years, Kashmir will be the best destination in India to live, Work or tour

I went to Kashmir last week as my last 40th trip but it seems, the 41st will be a
new count. Kashmir and Kashmiri don't want to leave me

Kashmir has changed only because of Modi ji Leadership and the Sacrifice of our
boys in Olive. No one else can claim any credit
Current Time 0:20
Duration 4:06
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Gaurav Pradhan
Gaurav Pradhan

© Comments w/o Prejudice #DataScience, #DigitalTransformation, #SMAC, Cyber

Warfare, Global Top 100CIO, Gartner Top10 CIO, Social Entrepreneur, Founder Gaurav
Pradhan Foundation

Jai Hind
Member since January 2020
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Gaurav Pradhan
किले का दरवाजा हमेशा अन्दर से खुलता है

बहुत से हिन्दू ये काम यूट्यूब पे कर रहे है

Current Time 0:53
Duration 0:53
Gaurav Pradhan
Annamalai IPS is sent on official trip to Sri Lanka and explain efforts taken by
Govt of India to Tamils and fishermen of Sri Lanka.

Underlying issue is Representing Govt and convincing Sri Lankan fishermen on

Katchatheevu issue.

They were the final roadblock as they were brainwashed by local politicians that if
Katchatheevu is gone, they won't get good fish anymore.

Strategic visit
Current Time 0:30
Duration 0:30
Gaurav Pradhan
$ का राम नाम सत्य शुरू हो चुका है
Gaurav Pradhan
A Turkish woman thanked an Indian Army doctor for saving lives of her son and
daughter in the earthquake that affected Turkey.

This is Indian Army

Bharat on path of Vishwaguru

Gaurav Pradhan
Australian Ramdas Athawale😄
Gaurav Pradhan
U all are witness
Gaurav Pradhan
The Arctic has long been a model for optimism and international cooperation. The
disruption of cooperation is because of the [Ukraine] crisis, but there can be no
progress on pan-Arctic issues without Russian participation

The loss of Russia, both as a collaborator and as an active member of the Arctic
Council is profoun because the country has half the Arctic’s land mass,
jurisdiction over most of the Arctic Ocean, is home to nearly half of the Arctic’s
population, and oversees most of the region’s economic development

Now, much of this international collaboration is on pause, partly because the other
seven Arctic Council states have suspended communication with Russia

This is why Ukraine Russia war

Gaurav Pradhan
कांग्रेस बीड़ी-सिगरेट का जलता हुआ वो आखरी टुकड़ा है ..
जो जरा सी चूक होने पर पूरे देश को जला सकता है,

इसीलिए इसको पैर से मसलकर बुझा देने में ही देश की भलाई है ।

Gaurav Pradhan
4000 किलोमीटर चला
AC container मे सोया
हर सुबह social media पर शायरी लिखी
40 से ज्यादा T-Shirts पहनी
बड़ी बड़ी दाढ़ी बढ़ाई
फु टबॉल खेला
बुजुर्ग महिलाओ से चिपका
सोते जागते खाते पीते उठते बैठते मोदी को कोसा
कड़कड़ाती ठण्ड मे T-Shirt पहन कर घूमा
रामायण को महाभारत में और महाभारत को गीता में मिलाके ज्ञान बाँटा
चलते चलते पता नहीं कितने चुम्मा लिए
मंडित मंदिर भटका

यहाँ तक की राहुल गाँधी को भी मार दिया

लेकिन ये मोदी ने सिर्फ 2 स्पीच मे सब उखाड़ दिया... सारा पैसा और time बर्बाद हो गया ईसा पूर्व
1 reply
Gaurav Pradhan
The estimate is that there is 600,000 barrels diesel shortage per day in Europe
right now which will only increase this year. Most transport run on diesel
...... and the major supplier to plug this gap?

India is going to fulfil this by more than 60%

This is a huge game-changer in geopolitics as India move up from consumer to


India is emerging as the upstream refinery destination of Russian oil which is then
exported to Europe

Currently we are buying 17 lakh barrels of Russian oil every day at roughly 47$ per
barrel which means potential export revenues to the tune of 70 billion dollars this

US simply cannot tolerate the rise of India in the energy geo-economics (especially
built on partnership with Russia), this is why all these attacks are happening;
they have moved beyond "human rights" & "religious freedom" to wild documentaries &
attacking Indian businesses. The other reason is that India is securing its sea
route which can be used by Indian Navy

What threatens US the most is the next step when India joins other BRICS nations to
implement the mBridge platform for international hydrocarbon trade, that will be a
death knell for the dollar and the exorbitant privilege that US enjoys. The direct
trade without $ had already a warning to US and it is spreading fast. The
Chairmanship of Oil, Arms, Pharma mafia of US is tumbling like a pack of card

Adani Issue is one such attempt. I will explain this in my next video next week
Gaurav Pradhan
ये पोस्ट के वल आत्ममंथन करने के लिए है

चरित्र का निर्माण माँ करती है ये मैं समझा चुका हूँ

कु छ दूषित चरित्र वाले बच्चों जब पापा लॉलीपॉप नहीं देते ताकि उनके दाँत ख़राब नहीं हों तो वोह बच्चे पड़ोसी को अपना बाप बना लेते है

वैसे ही कु छ लोग टीप टॉप के किताब लिखते है और जब रेवाड़ी नहीं मिलती तो उसी को गाली और ज्ञान देते फिरते है

अब आप मंथन कीजिये आप क्या उनके चँगुल में फस गये है या आप उनको पढ़ते और सुनते है जो शेर की तहरा डटे हुए है
Gaurav Pradhan
US won’t sanction India for buying Russian oil,' says US diplomat

भारत ने मंजूरी मांगी क्या?

Gaurav Pradhan
On the earlier post let me ask a question to my young friends who have solution to
every political problem. Jail them, kill them, ignore them is their solution

"How much time you have used and wasted behind Patao a Girl and how much energy and
money u wasted"
Gaurav Pradhan
Sorry to say, most of you think politics is a straight line and is the shortest

It is not.......
2 replies
Gaurav Pradhan
Mathematical Logic from Newton Lab

Adani would be super rich even without Modi but Chuumi Ayyub would be a nobody
without him. So Modi made Chuumi not Adani.
Gaurav Pradhan
A soldier and a Golfer know how to respect a lady when she visits the Unit or
Golfer's Club

A warm welcome to a soldier's wife

Gaurav Pradhan
कीचड़ उसके पास था मेरे पास गुलाल
जो भी जिसके पास था उसने दिया उछाल

~ कांग्रेस छिलाई विशेषज्ञ प्रधानमंत्री मोदी जी राज्यसभा में 😁

Gaurav Pradhan
Adani Wilmar raided by Himachal Tax dept over allegations of GST violations.

The actual Reason

Adani closed its cement plant in HP

But why, because the congress govt in HP demamded Adani to pay Rs 10 per bag as
commission. Adani refused because the price is already very competative and they
don't have that cost buffer

So now create more trouble

But I am happy, HP had to pay price for electing mafia

Gaurav Pradhan
This is why I stress upon Defining the problem

Legendary Boxer Sarita Devi made a shocking inclusion at the ongoing Y20 summit.
Her statement spread like wildfire and became a talking point on social media.

"I was influenced by militants to move towards insurgency and transported weapons
for them, but sports changed me and motivated me to work for the glory of my

Champion boxer Laishram Sarita Devi

That's the crux of North East. It was kept isolated for 70 years by Congress.
Giving financial packages to people is not a long-term solution

Now you know "Khelo India Youth Games" power

Our solutions are always out of box

Gaurav Pradhan
No No, this is not Russian or US jet


DRDO and HAL will together be able to roll out the 1st LCA Mark II somewhere in
2024-25 :- CMD of HAL

Cabinet sanction for the project has been received and finances released.
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