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Faculty of Social Sciences and Mass Communication

Department of Journalism and Mass Communication

The Contribution of Gospel Annaunting Programme on Promoting Underground

Gospel Artist at Alive Radio Station

A Research Proposal in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the award of

Bachelor of Arts Degree in Mass Communication, Submitted to the Department of

Journalism and Mass communication


BAMC 82823

June, 2023

I, SANGA TUMEPEWA MAIKO do hereby declare that this research proposal has never

been submitted for a degree in any other university or higher learning institution. It is my

own work for the award of the Bachelor of Social science in Journalism and Mass


Signature: .........................................

Date: ..............................................
The undersigned certifies that she has read and hereby recommends for acceptance by St

Augustine University of Tanzania, a dissertation entitled “The Contribution of Gospel

Annaunting Programme on Promoting Underground Gospel Artist at Alive Radio

Station Nyamagana” in partial fulfillment of the requirements for award of the Requirement

for the award of Bachelor of Arts Degree in Mass Communication

Name: Mr. Alfred Ereneus

Signature ……………………

Date ….................................
Table of Contents


CHAPTER ONE.......................................................................................................................1

GENERAL INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................1

1.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................1

1.2 Background of the study...................................................................................................1

1.2.1 About Alive Radio.....................................................................................................1

1.2.3 Relationship Between Radio program and promotion of Underground Gospel Artist

1.3 Statement of the Research Problem..................................................................................3

1.4 Research Objectives.........................................................................................................3

1.4.1 General Objective......................................................................................................3

1.5 Specific Objectives...........................................................................................................4

1.6 Research Questions..........................................................................................................4

1.7 Significance of the study..................................................................................................4

1.7.1 To the Researcher......................................................................................................4

1.7.2 To the society.............................................................................................................4

1.7.3 To Media....................................................................................................................5

1.8 Limitation of the study.....................................................................................................5

1.9 Definition of Key Terms..................................................................................................5

1.10 Conclusion......................................................................................................................5

CHAPTER TWO.....................................................................................................................6

LITERATURE REVIEW........................................................................................................6

2.0 Introduction......................................................................................................................6

2.1 Theoretical argument........................................................................................................6

2.2 Theoretical Frame work...................................................................................................9

2.2.1 Priming theory...........................................................................................................9

2.2.2 Applications of priming theory................................................................................10

2.2.3 Strength of the Theory.............................................................................................10

2.2.4 Criticisms of Priming Theory..................................................................................10

2.3 Empirical Literature Review..........................................................................................10

2.4 Research Gap..................................................................................................................14

CHAPTER THREE...............................................................................................................15

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.........................................................................................15

3.1 Introduction....................................................................................................................15

3.2 Research Design.............................................................................................................15

3.3 Research Approach.........................................................................................................15

3.4 Target Population...........................................................................................................16

3.5 Sample............................................................................................................................16

3.6 Sampling Techniques.....................................................................................................16

3.7 Data collection methods.................................................................................................17

3.8 Data Analysis and Presentation......................................................................................17

3.9 Conclusion......................................................................................................................18



1.1 Introduction
This chapter presents the background to the study, statement of the problem, research

objectives, research questions, significance of the study, limitations of the study and the

scope of the study.

1.2 Background of the study

1.2.1 About Alive Radio
These are great times for Religious radio formats. Once considered to have only niche appeal,

Religious-formatted stations are quickly gaining mainstream audience acceptance. Since

1998, average quarter-hour listening for Religious formatted stations has grown by 35

percent, according to Arbitron research. This growth rate tops increases seen by every other

format measured by Attribution.

The Radio had been established on 2007 by Bishop Dr Ugine Murisa with aim of spreading

the name of God and faith to the people and community around Mwanza Region. Up to date

the Radio Remark the 15 years of its services to the community, it acquire the territory of

Two Regions which are Mwanza and Geita with a Frequency of 91.7, the radio have 20

programs which all of them are about Faith and spreading the word of God. It has a total of

12 employees who operates and run the broadcasting daily Wikipedia (2020).

The Radio programmers broadcasting at the station are Jamvi, Gospel Annaunting, Amka na

HHT, But despite that The Radio station had several aims such as To promote Gospel

music, to Entertain the community, to inform people about God through Gospel songs, But

on top of that the large aim was to promote the underground artist of gospel around the

whole city where the radio operates. Guo, Y (2020).

1.2.3 Relationship Between Radio program and promotion of Underground Gospel
Gospel announting program is the program aided by FM so as to annount gospel but also to

promote underground gospel artists by playing their songs and conduct interview with them.

Underground gospel artists are the gospel artist who are not popular to the society even their

songs. This two variables have relationship due to the fact that underground gospel artists

need gospel announting for their promotion and making their names and songs popular to the

society. But also gospel announting require underground gospel artists to succeed their

program by discussing with them. Gospel musicians want promotion from Broadcast Media

published 6 years ago 2017 by Babojido Awayinta.

Nigerian gospel singers Samson, Mogekwu on Thursday urged the nations broadcast media

like radio to promote gospel singers on their stations on a regular basis. (Samson Mogekwu).

Gospel Radio Promo is fantastic and has helped my music to new height and reach new

people. Redrick Carter and Al Carter are very knowledgeable easy to talk to the best in

business. (Larry Barret 2021).

I have been dealing with various Radio stations and radio protion people and its frusturing

when you have paid money for something but cannot get any feedback, answers or statistics

you have always done what you promised so thank you. Bronda (2021) you did what you said

would do.

A great vehicle to promote your music and got mass exposure to an audience of gospel music

lovers from around the world I highly recommended all Christian or gospel artists to consider

Garry Moore (2022) promote your music and get mass exposure.

This is a good platform to hind listeners and followers on your project single or album thank

you for spinning my music on day. Robert J Horton (2022) my regret is that I did not use
gospel radio promotion from the start. This program is one of the best ways for new artists to

get their music heard by the masses. Queen C Pinkston (2022) I’m very pleased with the

gospel radio promo. Gospel Radio, proudly powered by Word press privacy


1.3 Statement of the Research Problem

In most radio stations formulate their program for their benefit by including the interview and

the promotion of songs of popular artists or musicians rather than underground artists for

increasing station popularity. Also most programs in the radio stations dealing more with

Bongo flavor artists and the promotion of gospel music are only on Sunday. The situation

which show no emphasize to the gospel promotion. Radio as among the media can be used as

a tool for rising and promoting works of artists without regarding the type of music they are

dealing with. Therefore the study intends to investigate on the contribution of gospel

announting program in the promotion of underground gospel musician at alive FM radio in


Also other researchers tend to deal with the contribution of social media in promotion of

artists in general including gospel and bongo flavor artists also including popular and

underground artists Roos D , (2021].Thus this research will basically dealing with radio Alive

Fm with its gospel announting program on the promotion of underground gospel artists.

1.4 Research Objectives

1.4.1 General Objective
To assess the contribution of gospel announting program in promotion of underground gospel

artists at Alive Fm.

1.5 Specific Objectives
i. To find out whether gospel announting provide air time to local gospel artist

ii. To find out if the content aired in Gospel annaunting program influence promotion of

Gospel underground artist

iii. To find out if Gospel announting makes brand to local Gospel Artist

1.6 Research Questions

i. Does Gospel announting provide air time to local gospel artist?

ii. The content aired at Gospel announting influence the promotion of underground


iii. Does Gospel announting make brand to local gospel artist?

1.7 Significance of the study

The study will opt to be significant as it will rise some other radios awareness on considering

the promotion of the underground artist to the society as through this the society will

acknowledge and appreciate the contribution of the particular Radio hence through this the

Radio will enable itself to increase the audience as likely they would like to listen to their

fellow members of the society, however the other significant can be categorized a follows

1.7.1 To the Researcher

The study is significant as to will help the researcher to complete her Bachelor Degree on

Journalism and Mass communication, also to increase her understanding on the subject tittle

which she is conducting a study on

1.7.2 To the society

The society will be well informed about the Annountng Radio program of Alive FM and the

society will understand how the Radio program helps the improvement of the Underground

Artist, so through this Way the society will be able to support the progress of the Radio

1.7.3 To Media
The Radio Media Alive FM will be well informed about the responds of the community non

their radio programs, so through this they will understand their weakness and were to

strengthen their Radio Program so as to make a better Radio station round the globe, and it

will enhance themselves to increase the audience from the local community where the

underground are coming from.

1.8 Limitation of the study

The researcher might encounter some of the challenges during the study at the field, these

might be the perceptions and attitudes of the respondents, however as the researcher is

determined to complete the study and make it reliable to the society, the researcher have to

tackle the problems merged so as to conclude the study topic.

1.9 Definition of Key Terms

Gospel Annaunting-This is a radio station program aired in Alive FM radio for the purpose

of annaunting gospel artists.

Underground Gospel Artists-Are gospel artists who do not appear on the radio and must

either own their own record company or find alternative means of publishing their music.

1.10 Conclusion
The chapter included the background of the study, statement, objective, research question,

scope of the study, and definition of the key terms where both were aiming on the explaining

and elaborate the problem mentioned above.



2.0 Introduction
This chapter will include the conceptual framework, theoretical framework, empirical

literature review and conclusion concerning the subject title.

2.1 Theoretical argument

Gospel isa radio program which is conducted in Radio Alive Fm found in Mwanza region

Nyamagana. Radio program or radio show is a segment of content intended for broadcast on

radio. Radio programs may be a onetime production or part of a periodically recurring series.

A single program in a series is called an episode (Kumar A, 2021) Radio programs can be

categorized into two news and Non news (Entertainment)

News program

News is important because it keeps us informed as to what is happening in our own

community and what is happening in other communities which impinge upon our own.

Magazine program

The regular radio magazine programme, derived from the newsreel, is a useful outlet for a

great deal of informational and soft news material which cannot be programmed elsewhere.

Magazine programmes vary in length; usually either 15 or 30 minutes.

Documentary program

The documentary programme is a story of something. It is generally between 15 and 60

minutes in length-the actual length is usually related to the size of the subject and the way in

which it is treated.
Interview program

The radio interview is a lively variation of the talk. It considerably expands the potential pool

of talks’ contributors by bringing to the microphone people who have something to say but

who cannot write talks or are too busy to do so.

Discussion program

The discussion programme provides a platform for the exchange of ideas. The ideas may be

important ones which concern us as individuals, as members of a community or as nationals

of a country.

Entertainment program

Light entertainment is a rather loose term used by many stations to cover a wide field of

programming: book and short story readings; serialized drama, particularly light and

humorous drama; variety programmes featuring light musical entertainment, comics,

community singing; some types of listeners’ letter programmes; quizzes and panel games.

Characteristics of Underground Artist

Exodus T. (2018)"Underground" artists are artist who do not appear on the radio and must

either own their own record company or find alternative means of publishing their music.

Underground” refers to performers or bands ranging from artists that do DIY guerrilla

concerts and self-recorded shows to those that are signed to small independent labels (Admin

2017).things makes artists underground includes: when there are lines of people beating at

their doors, But there are also certain instances where artists are good enough, but they are

creating music that is so unique or different; it does not have mainstream appeal. Cases like

these create what we think of as the underground artist: One who is highly talented, but who

specializes in a type of music that does not have a mainstream appeal.

Challenges Facing Underground Artist

Underground artist, you are responsible for music marketing while still producing and

performing great music this because have no management, Lack of Financing It takes a lot of

hard work and patience to get to a point where you can support yourself solely through your

music, there’s always the possibility promoters will postpone or cancel your show at a

moment’s notice. Sometimes they won’t even notify you, leaving you to find out after you’ve

wasted your gas in travel and underground musicians face is the drawbacks of using social

media to promote music. Although an artist may have thousands of fans and likes, this,

unfortunately, does not always equate to sales (Mirada media 2022).

Ways to Overcome challenges facing local Gospel Artist

defining and understanding risk, preparing for threats whether or not you think you will be

put at risk because of your practice, there are other important preemptive steps you can take,

including minimizing your visibility as a target, setting up a plan and support network, and

ensuring your financial security, fortifying digital safety new digital technologies are

transforming the art world. Social media and music streaming channels are becoming the

platforms on which artists publicly display and promote their work, documenting persecution,

finding assistance, and recovering from trauma.

Through radio program which is gospel announting helps to inform audience about gospel,

gospel artists, and their works which are produced. Also information pass easy through songs

which are aired in radio where by it reaches to large audiance. And also through radio

program which is gospel announting help to introduce the updates of gospel and artists.
2.2 Theoretical Frame work
2.2.1 Priming theory
Priming is a very relevant concept with today’s explosion of media content seen every day.

The theory refers to enhancing the effects of media by influencing how easily accessible the

information is in the audiences’ memory. This gives the audience a prior context of what is

good or bad, acceptable or unacceptable and becomes the base of their thoughts and opinions

when interpreting future information. Effects of priming are easily measureable and attributed

to how we evaluate mass media content. This can affect major topics in society, especially

related to politics such as elections for public office or new governmental policies.

Stemming from agenda-setting which sets the importance of a topic, priming tells us what

evaluations to make on those topics.

Priming is a concept through which the media effects among the people are enhanced by

providing a basic perception human minds take decisions based on the preconceptions that

are already been stored in our memory. The memories are stored as a form of nodes and they

are interconnected effectively and mostly act as a frame of reference to the decisions that we

make. Priming enables the audience to evaluate the situation and to conclude how effective

the media have been in order to make a decision by providing a frame of reference. Thus

media creates an influence among people to make judgment or a decision.

This theory was put forward by Iyengar, Peters, and Kender in 1982 and labelled it as the

priming effect. Priming is an important concept in media effects. The theory was formed

before the agenda-setting theory and is an important theory of media effects which states that

media messages can influence the decision making of the audience or make them form

judgments about a particular group or idea or concept which is showed on the screen.
2.2.2 Applications of priming theory
Priming is used to evaluate the media effects among the people. As it is a media centred

world, the studies regarding the media effects are vital. Researches are implemented applying

the priming concept to understand the impact of TV programmes and violent behaviour

among the viewers. Even during the elections, the campaigns are used to emphasis certain

issues and how it influences the people in choosing the right candidate has been observed by

applying this concept.

2.2.3 Strength of the Theory

Overall, priming as an enhancement of media effects has been proven to effect an audience’s

evaluations and judgments. The theory has evolved since it was first recognized over 30

years ago as an “activation tag” concept and now is associated with outcomes of important

topics in society. Priming has branched from agenda setting and been tested and supported by

memory-based information processing, offering significance to the public relations industry

and success of campaigns.

2.2.4 Criticisms of Priming Theory

Government or powerful people can bend information to their favor by priming. It can be

used to establish false or distorted reality. People are influenced unknowingly. Priming can

even affect the voting patterns of people in elections or establish opinions on any issue.

2.3 Empirical Literature Review

Many studies have been conducted through how media and Radio programs are supporting to

improve the Artist, just few have tried to explain how a specific Radio program is helping the

development of the underground Artist, and therefore this study will be one 0omong of the

framework to discuss how a specific Radio program is helping the development of

Underground Artist. However we will discuss some of the related studies on media to Artist

Ochieng A (2020) studied on Social media and person branding of gospel musicians in

Kenya. The paper investigated the influence of social media on personal branding of gospel

Musicians in Kenya. The objectives of the study were to establish the forms of social media

used for personal branding, to identify the factors influencing the use of social media for

personal branding, to evaluate the extent to which social media is used for personal branding

and to measure the effectiveness of social media use for personal branding.

Mixed methods research approach was employed. 25 gospel musicians who topped the charts

in the music industry in Kenya in the year 2018 were interviewed and data from their social

media sites reviewed. Data was analysed qualitatively and quantitatively. Findings indicate

that various social media sites offer differing advantages with regard to personal branding.

Some social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram could offer more effective options

over others.

Andrzej Szymkowiak et El (2020) conducted a study on Music sales and artists popularity on

social media. The Internet not only affects business processes and information exchange.

Communication between performers and their followers has moved to this network, and more

specifically, to social media. The growing popularity of the digital music format has

contributed to a dynamic development of streaming services. The study included the

population of 50 respondents and it was guided by agenda setting theory where by

quantitative research approach were applied and the results found will help performers

decide which of their Internet activities are most related to the results they have achieved on

the streaming service. The study concluded that the Artist popularity will be enhanced and

acknowledge if the media will play its role effectively and the Artist will cooperate.

Connor D (2017) of music and media. A producer study of promotion encoding on social

media through lenses of paratext and medium theory. Argued that music promotion has been
important aspect for musicians, bands, and musical organizations for well over a century, the

rise of social media in the digital era has profoundly changed the way these promoters

perceived of and practice their commercial task of selling music. The interviews with

producers reveal deep, recurrent connections and ideologies underlying stated perceptions

and practices of music promotion. Though music promotion and social media usage will

continue to shift and change, the underpinning ideologies and implicit belief of promoters

will remain and social mediated promotions will continue to eclipse the central musical text.

Boyd and Ellison (2008) conducted a study on social networking which is related to social

Radio in several ways and the two concepts are often used interchangeably. However, they

are not entirely similar and it is therefore important to compare the characteristics of the two

terms to understand them. Boyd and Ellison (2008) the focus of their study was how Radio

improve the Artist and develop their carrier, and their answers were that at large extent the

radio stations does improve the Artist as this is the only way to reaches many member of

the society, which make them to be known by the society .

Roos Douma (2021) conducted a study on the impact of social media-based Artist marketing.

This paper sets out the impact of social media-based marketing of artist. This is of relevance,

because it provides researchers with a clear overview of how social media-based does help

Artist to be marketable and being known to the society hence through this this does help the

development of the Artist marketing is perceived this helps practitioners to make better

decisions when using social media as a marketing tool. In order to give a clear overview of

the impact, a literature review of 32 different papers was conducted. It is found that the use of

social Radio media has a positive relationship with the development of Artist.
Tomlin 2017 in U.S.A) he Incubate Propagate network was convened to consider the

challenges and opportunities for emerging artists from low-income and culturally diverse

backgrounds, who may be less able to take advantage of platforms and networks that are

made widely available to arts students and graduates, as identified in our initial scoping

workshops (Tomlin 2017).

Jyoti Saini1 and Dr. Ila Gupta (2016) studied on the impact of social media on foreign artists’

The emergence of social networking sites has made it possible for artists to interact with

many social media users and to communicate as well as promote their artworks among art

lovers. The objective of this paper is to investigate the impact of social media marketing

(SMM) activities on foreign artists E-art promotion in India. The constructs were adapted

from an extensive review of prior empirical studies on social media and E-art promotion. The

data were collected through a survey from the Facebook users those who liked or joined

foreign artists Facebook pages. A questionnaire using Likert scale was used to collect the

data. Exploratory factor analysis was used to identify the relevant five constructs of SMM

activities: customization, entertainment, trendiness, word of mouth, and interaction.

Structured equation modeling was performed to analyze the data. Results indicate that SMM

activities had positive and significant effects on E-art promotion mix elements. `

Damayanti, - and Destalia, Mediya and Ali, Suprihatin (2018) analysis strategy of e-

promotion of make-up artist the study aims to analyze the e-promotion strategy carried out by

chels. Makeup artist through instragam. The research method that used is qualitative research

with content analysis approach model and the main data source in this study is Instagram.

The findings in this study are the promotional strategies conducted by chels. Makeup artist

are social media strategies, especially Instagram. In this social media strategy it contains

advertising, publicity and sales promotions for either the services or goods offered. The

promotion is done by displaying the portfolio of services that have been done on the
Instagram account they have. Keywords: e - promotion, make-up artist, Instagram, e


Notwithstanding the hurdles faced by students and graduates from working class

backgrounds, the network chose to focus on the challenges for emerging artists with no

experience of university education precisely because the lack of such education remains the

primary barrier to careers in theatre, with the Warwick Commission reporting that 80% of

those employed in theatre had received specialist training at HE level (Warwick Commission

2015). This statistic underpins issues of exclusion, because the social, cultural and ethnic

backgrounds those arts graduates come from remains disproportionately narrow and


2.4 Research Gap

Many studies have been focused on how Radio station does influence the development of

Artist in General, but there are few or non-Published studies that have been conducted on

How Radio prorams do contribute to the development of the Underground Artist. Therefore

this study will concentrate on How Alive radio with its Gospel Annaunting does contribute to

the development of underground Artist.



3.1 Introduction
This chapter represents the methods and techniques that will be used to carry out the study. In

particular, it will discuss the research design, the geographical study area and target

population sample size, the sampling techniques, the source and method of data collection

and analysis: it further presents validity and reliability of research design and ethical

considerations that will be employed in this study.

3.2 Research Design

Research design is defined as "the overall strategy that you choose to integrate the different

components of the study in a coherent and logical way, thereby, ensuring you will effectively

address the research problem; it constitutes the blueprint for the collection, measurement, and

analysis of data. Note that a research problem determines the type of design one can use, not

the other way around". A research design will be the general plan of how you will go about

answering your research questions, Saunders, Lewis, Thornhill, (2011).

There are three general types of research design namely, descriptive, exploratory and Survey.

This study will adopt a Descriptive research design, because this research purposely aimed to

obtain information concerning the current status phenomena and to describe what exists with

respect to variables or conditions in a situation, Kothari (2008). On top of that, the study

involves surveying people and recording their answers for analysis and hence descriptive is

the most appropriate design.

3.3 Research Approach
Research approach is defined as a plan and the procedures for research that span the steps

from broad assumptions to detailed methods of data collection, analysis, and interpretation

Creswell, (2014). In this study, the researcher will use Qualitative research approach

Qualitative approach will be used to anable the researcher to provide a critical analysis of the

opinions and facts basing on their experiences. The approach will be used because it is

suitable to study people’s opinion and attitudes through interviews. This approach also will

be used for the aim of getting deeper information and explanation of data in narration form

will be used because of researcher seems as easy way to collect broad information about how

gospel announting program promote the underground gospel artists Creswell (20l4).

3.4 Target Population

McLeod (2019) defined target population as the total group of individuals from which the

sample might be drawn. Mugenda & Mugenda (2003) also define target population as that

population the research, the studies and whole findings will be used to generalize to the entire

population. The target population of this study will be the Underground Gospel artist, Radio

presenters and the social members who have knowledge about the music industry business

3.5 Sample
Sample size is defined as the number of items to be selected from the population to constitute

a sample for research Kothari, (2008). Krishnaswami (2003) describe a good characteristic of

a good sample as representativeness, accurately; precision and its size that is information

gathered from the sample can be generalized to general population of a study if the samples

are carefully selected to select to reflect the population characteristics. This study will opt to

use 11 respondents were by there will 5 presenters, 1 program manager and 5 Gospel Artist

the residents of Nyamagana District.

3.6 Sampling Techniques
Herman, (2016), defined sampling technique Is the process of technique of choosing a sub

group from a population to participate in the study; It is the processing of selecting a number

of individuals for a study in such a way that the individual selected represent the large group

from which they were selected. In this study researcher will use purposive sampling


Purposively sampling

Refers to a group of non-probability sampling techniques in which units are selected because

they have characteristics that you need in your sample, in other words units are selected on

purpose. The main purpose of this is to identify the cases individual or community’s best as

the best way to counter your study. Kothari (2004) Defines purposive sampling as the

technique of how the researcher selects the person or the group as the sample based on their

purpose and options.

3.7 Data collection methods

Tromp and Kombo (2006) define data collection is the process of gathering and measuring

information on variables of interest, in established systematic fashion that enables one to

answer stated research questions, and evaluate out comes. Parallel to that, Herman (2018)

contents that there are various categories of methods for data collection in which some of

these includes; interviews, questionnaires, observations, documentary, and focus groups. The

data for this study will be obtained through Interviews.


Structured interview, consist of a series of pre-determined questions that all interviewee

answer in the same order. Data analysis usually tends to be more straightforward because
researcher can compare and contrast different answers given to the same question. Mugenda

Mugenda (2005).

3.8 Data Analysis and Presentation

Kothari (2020) defines data analysis is involving of closely operation which are performed

with the purpose of summarizing the data collection and organizing them in manner that they

answer research questions. Since the researcher will use Descriptive approach, quantitative

data analysis will be used through tables and percentages and qualitative data analysed

through explanation.

3.9 Conclusion
This chapter presented the means of data collection how they will be collected and analyzed.

However this chapter is the core base of our study as if the means of data collection fails then

the study will prove failure too.



4.0 Introductions

This chapter present and discusses findings on the Contribution of Gospel Annaunting

Programme on Promoting Underground Gospel Artist at Alive Radio Station at Nyamagana

District. The study were guided by the three objectives which were (i) to find out whether

gospel annaunting provide air time to local gospel artist, (i) to find out if the content aired in

Gospel annaunting program influence promotion of Gospel underground artist, (i) to find out

if Gospel annaunting makes brand to local Gospel Artist.Since the study employed Interview

as a data collection Tool where the respondents were Elevel whiele 5 ofthem wwere men and

6 were women who included presenters, underground artist and program manager. Tehe

study includes the respondent’s of 23-30. Whereby 23-28 years old were 8, 29-32 were 2 and

33-35 were 1


Objective I: To find out whether gospel Annaunting provide air time to local gospel


The question aimed at finding out that if the Gospel annaunting programme does provide

airtime to the local gospel artist who will boost their music career hence the responses were

as follows:-

One of the respondent replied that; airtime is an important factor in boosting the music of

underground artists, but it is not always enough. In addition to airtime, underground artists

must have strong relationships with music industry professionals, build engaging fan base,

and create effective marketing strategies to increase their visibility. Building relationships
with influencers, developing a PR and advertising plan, and focusing on creating quality

content are also keys to success. However, airtime alone is not enough to boost the music of

underground artist. Underground artists need additional promotional and marketing strategies

in order to reach their full potential.

Promotional tactics such as press releases, events, social media, and partnerships can create

increased exposure and help underground artists reach more potential fans. It is also

important to create a unique and engaging sound and story to draw people in. Additionally,

networking with other artists in the music industry and seeking the help of a music industry

professional or mentor can be invaluable. Most radio stations have limited airtime and are

usually reserved for music from more popular and well-known artists. While some radio

stations may provide airtime to Underground artists, most of them are left to promote their

music themselves to reach wider audiences.

It was also revealed that, Radio stations have different policies and strategies when it comes

to airtime for underground artists and the type of music they play. In some cases, radio

airtime can be very helpful for underground artists, while in other cases it may not be as

beneficial. It is always best to contact the radio station beforehand to learn more about their

policies and any other opportunities for boosting underground artist’s music. Airtime alone

will not be enough to boost the music of an underground artist. Programs such as radio and

TV appearances, live performances, partnering with other artists, releasing music to

streaming services, and online advertising are all critical components of helping to promote

and boost an artist’s music. Depending on the artist’s resources and the availability of options

in their area, a programme manager may consider a combination of these to help an

underground artist reach a wider audience.

Another respondent replied that, airtime can potentially give underground artists extra force

to work and compete to be seniors in the gospel industry. With Airtime, underground artists

can get increased exposure in the gospel industry by communicating with artists and listeners

genre-specifically. This can also help them to engage with gospel industry airwaves,

promoters, venues, fans, and potential collaborators. Additionally, with Airtime, underground

artists can receive targeted play listing promotion and marketing opportunities to further their

growth in the industry. This answer will depend on the individual artist; airtime can certainly

be helpful to a gospel artist by allowing them to reach more people and make their voice

heard. However, success in the gospel industry, like any other industry, is also determined by

a number of other factors such as an artist’s talent, work ethic, and networking abilities.

Ultimately, Airtime can be a tool for helping to achieve success in the gospel industry, but it

is ultimately up to the artist to make the most of the opportunity.

On the other hand some respondents argued that the Airtime platform does not give anyone

an extra “force” to work in the gospel industry. The platform simply provides a platform for

gospel artists to promote their music and promote their work. It is up to the individual artist to

build their own success, and only they have the power to become a senior in the gospel

industry. The Airtime radio presenter does not give artists extra force to work and compete to

be seniors in the gospel industry. The Airtime radio presenter is an online platform that helps

artistes promotes their music. It serves as another avenue where music can be uploaded and

heard by fans both locally and abroad. The platform also provides an easy way for people to

discover new music, and artists to get their music heard. While Airtime can assist an artist

with getting their music heard, ultimately the success of an artist in the gospel industry will

depend on their talent, hard work, networking and other factors related to the business of

One of a prominent Radio Presenter replied that airtime does not give gospel musicians extra

force to work and compete to be seniors in the gospel industry. Ultimately, it comes down to

an individual’s skill, talent, and reputability to be successful in the gospel music industry.

Airtime can help a gospel artist or group to spread their music, but ultimately it is up to the

dedicated artist how successful they will be.

It is up to the radio program manager or producer to determine if the local artist is involved in

content creation for the gospel announcing radio program. That would depend on the

individual radio station and the type of programming they offer. Some radio stations may

have a dedicated gospel show while others may offer more general music programming. It

would ultimately be up to the radio station to decide whether or not to involve local artists in

content creation for their gospel radio show.

It depends on the type of content that the local artist creates. If their style is appropriate for

gospel radio, then they may be involved in content creation. However, if their style is not in

line with a gospel radio program, then they may not be suitable for such content creation. It

depends on the type of content each local artist is creating. Some may be specialized in

gospel-announcing content, while others may focus on other types of content. It depends on

the artist's personal preference. Some underground artists may be involved in content creation

for gospel radio programmes, while others may not. Ultimately, it is up to the individual artist

to decide if they wish to participate in such a programme.


Objective II: To find out if the content aired in Gospel Annaunting program influence

promotion of Gospel underground artist

The study wanted to know if the content aired at Gospel annaunting influence the promotion

of the underground gospel artists and the programme manager, radio presenters and

underground artist were asked to participate.

The Gospel Announcing program has a great relationship with the development of young

gospel music artists because everything that is talked about and happens is about or directly

affects the artists, for example, the time to announce emerging young artists. Similarly, it is

my responsibility to ensure that the shows that are corrupt have content that directly affects

budding gospel artists who do not have big names in the community, so everything that is

done here is aimed at helping small artists.

Another respondent replied that gospel team works hard to ensure we provide airtime to all

local artists within the Nyamagana district. We are always on the lookout for the next big

thing and hope to help local artistry thrive. We encourage local underground artists to reach

out to us via our radio station’s website and let us know what kind of music they make. We

promise to give all submissions serious consideration and provide the vibrant and culturally

diverse Nyamagana district with the freshest music possible. Radio stations that specialize in

gospel programming often provide air time to local gospel artists. Such radio stations look to

promote and support gospel music and the artists who produce it.

Upon interview depends on the particular gospel station you are asking about. Some gospel

stations may decide to give airtime to local underground artists, while others may be more

focused on highlighting established or well-known artists. You should contact the station
directly to inquire about their policies on local underground artists. Gospel announcers in

Nyamagana district are committed to giving airtime to local underground artists. In fact,

many of them are actively seeking out talented unsigned artists to highlight on their shows.

As a result, the airwaves of Nyamagana are now buzzing with exciting new sounds from local

underground musicians.

Another respondent who was a radio presenter replied that, as a radio host, there are usually

four parts of the Gospel Broadcasting program that help budding artistes. They will usually

include highlights of gospel events, a section featuring music from emerging artists, an

interview with an emerging artist, and a section featuring music from popular artists. This

provides an excellent platform for emerging artists to share their work and reach new


As a radio annaunter, the Evangelization program that supports building artists should consist

of four parts. The first part should introduce the gospel music artist and their music; the

second part should have a musical interview with the artist and their music; the third part

usually includes interpretations of gospel music and its effects on people’s lives, and finally

the fourth part provides an explanation and understanding about the artist himself and their

music. This format will provide an opportunity to promote these budding gospel artists and

provide a unique experience for listeners. The radio programme does have four segments

which includes the first part should introduce the gospel music artist and their music. The

second part should have a musical interview with the artist and their music. The third part

usually includes interpretations of gospel music and its effects on people's lives. Finally, the

fourth part provides an explanation and understanding about the artist himself and their


As the answers were recorded to these programmes runners and the answers were described

as there are four segments in Gospel Annaunting Radio programme these segments are meant
for helping the underground Artists an the study proved that these four segments does help

the underground Artist at Large extent and therefore the study concludes that’s these

segments have potentials to the development of the gospel underground Artist.

Another respondent who is a programme manager responded that; as a programme manager,

there are several ways to promote gospel underground artists through gospel annunciating

programs. The most obvious and powerful way is for the program to play the artist's songs as

part of the broadcast. This can give the artist exposure to a much larger audience, which can

lead to increased plays and downloads. The program can also feature short interviews or

segments with the artists to introduce them to the audience and share their stories. This can be

a great way to humanize the artists and help create an emotional connection with the

audience. Offering exclusive content, such as unreleased singles, to listeners can also create

anticipation and interest in the artist. Additionally, the program can offer to share the artist's

work and information with their listeners. This could include social media postings, sharing

of videos or even hosting live shows. Finally, showcasing new and upcoming artists in

regular segments can help to create a sense of community and solidarity among the gospel

underground scene.

It was absolutely revealed that, radio presenters who highlight and promote Gospel

underground artist through their content can have a huge impact on their success. By

broadcasting music from lesser-known artists, or featuring them on an interview segment or

speaking positively about them during the program, presenters of Gospel Announcing can

potentially highlight and build up the profile of an artist and accelerate their journey to

success. Radio presenters that specialize in gospel music often have a lot of influence when it

comes to the promotion of gospel underground artists. Radio presenters and DJs who

specialize in gospel music are known for their vast knowledge of the genre, often having

access to early and exclusive music from upcoming gospel artists. This often leads to the
presenter providing a platform for the gospel underground artist to promote their music, and

in many cases, even gain radio airplay. Additionally, they may also offer any promotional

assistance they can provide in terms of getting the artist's music out there to a wider audience.

Also, it was revealed that the promotion of Gospel underground artist might be positively

influenced by the airing of their content in a Gospel Announcing program. This could help to

increase the visibility of the artist and their music, enabling them to reach a wider audience.

Additionally, the exposure could click with certain listeners, individuals or groups who may

not normally listen to gospel music. Furthermore, if the content is well received it can bring

attention to the artist’s other work, giving them further incentive to produce and cultivate

content as well as build brand awareness. Having gospel underground artists featured in

gospel announcing programs can have a significant positive impact on the promotion of these

artists. These announcers typically have large followings of gospel music fans and the

exposure the artists receive can help bring attention to their work as well as help build their

fan base. The programs can act as a forum that allows the underground artists to showcase

their talents to a larger audience which can potentially lead to increased opportunities for

success. Additionally, the announcers can act as a mentor or role model for these artists,

giving them encouragement and advice in furthering their success.


Objective III: To find out if Gospel Annaunting makes brand to local Gospel Artist

The study wanted to understand if the Radio programme does make and create a brand to the

local underground artist,

There are often performances from established artists in the programme to encourage young

underground artists. This gives the programme a sense of continuity and mentorship as young
music fans can become more familiar with the music of their favorite artists. That also

depends on the particular program, but many radio presenters do include senior artists in their

programs as a way to support the underground music scene. Some will invite the more

established artists to share their creative works with the audience, while others may hold

interviews to discuss topics such as their own artistry, the industry, challenges, and latest

trends. This type of presence can help to create a bridge between the mainstream and the

underground, while also offering encouragement and insight to upcoming artists.

Another respondent replied to the question with a view that, it depends on the program and its

objectives. While there may not necessarily be senior artists involved to encourage the

undergrounds ones, the program manager may be able to use incentives such as promotional

activities, highlighting of performers, broadcast media programs, celebrity involvement, and

other such methods to bring more attention and visibility to the underground artists. Many

programmes are designed to provide support and mentorship to emerging and underground

artists, and if the programme has a goal of encouraging these artists, then enlisting the help of

more seasoned professionals from the music industry can be a great way to do this. Whether

or not senior artists are present in the programme to help in this manner will depend on the

specifics of the programme.

It was revealed from one of the respondent that the Radio programme helps underground

artists create their own image by providing them with a platform to showcase their music to a

larger audience. This platform allows the artist to reach a wide range of listeners and build a

fan base that can help them establish their name and career. Additionally, the radio

programme helps to provide underground artists with publicity, resources, and support,

allowing them to gain recognition and grow their career further. Radio programmes can help

underground artists to create their own image by giving them the opportunity to promote their

music or be highlighted by the radio presenter. Additionally, radio programmes can also help
these underground artists to gain a broader audience by exposing their music to a wider

demographic. Also, radio programmes can help create an identity for these underground

artists and allow them to develop a fan base and reach potential new listeners. Finally, radio

programmes can also create additional exposure through strategic marketing methods such as

social media campaigns and other digital marketing strategies.

Another respondent argued that Radio programming can be hugely beneficial for

Underground artists as it provides them with an invaluable platform to promote their music to

wider audiences. It can also allow them to create their own image as they can tailor the radio

show to their tastes and preferences, and promote their music and brand in the way they want

it to be heard. For example, they can choose the type of music they want to play, and create

an atmosphere or theme that resonates with their audience. Additionally, the radio show can

also be shared on various streaming platforms, giving them even more exposure. Radio

programmes can help underground artists create their own image by providing a platform for

them to showcase their music to their fans. Radio shows can provide exposure to new

audiences, allowing underground artists to connect with people who may not be familiar with

their music. Many radio shows offer interviews and artist spotlights to help underground

artists stay on top of current trends and gain insight into their own artistry. Additionally,

many radio programmes offer opportunities for underground artists to collaborate on projects

that can help them gain more exposure and create a unified brand for themselves.

On the other hand a Radio Presenter argued to the affirmative and said that, Radio

programmes are a great way for underground artists to make themselves known to the public.

Being featured or having their music played on these programmes helps to dramatically

increase the reach of their message. It allows them to quickly and efficiently build their own

image, while simultaneously creating a platform for their work. This, in turn, can help them

to develop a solid fan base and to expand their reach. Radio also offers direct contact with a
large audience, providing invaluable feedback that can help the artist refine their craft. In

short, radio programmes play an important role in supporting underground artists in creating

and promoting their own image. The radio programme does help the underground artist to

create and boost their own image as through some interviews they do get time to assess

themselves on their own development and seek for further development,. Thus they study has

seen that’s through this Radio programme the local underground artist have a better chance to

create and boost their own image.

Generally, the study has found out that the Gospel annaunting radio programme have some

great impact to the development of the music career of the local underground artist as well as

the Radio itself as it gain popularity and attention to the community itself. Thus the radio

programme must continue and bring out more effects to the community.


5.1 Introduction

This chapter discusses the findings on the Contribution of Gospel Annaunting Programme on

Promoting Underground Gospel Artist at Alive Radio Station at Nyamagana District. The

study were guided by the three objectives which were (i) to find out whether gospel

annaunting provide air time to local gospel artist, (i) to find out if the content aired in Gospel

annaunting program influence promotion of Gospel underground artist, (i) to find out if

Gospel annaunting makes brand to local Gospel Artist.

5.2 Discussion of the findings

Objective I: To find out whether gospel Annaunting provide air time to local gospel


The study found out that tehe Gospel annonting does give Airtime to the Gospel underground

Artsist, as the radio programme was designed to help them, the redio does influence the local

underground artist to rise up and become senior artist. The studyd also found out that despite

the efforts made by the Radio their some challenges they face but the radio programme has

does make sure they create enough time and crucial information to be aired that would boos

the music of the Underground artist.

Relation of the findings with guide study priming theory

The theory refers to enhancing the effects of media by influencing how easily accessible the

information is in the audiences’ memory. This gives the audience a prior context of what is

good or bad, acceptable or unacceptable and becomes the base of their thoughts and opinions

when interpreting future information. Therefore the study relates with the teory as through
giving enough airtime to the underground artist which will enable the society to be familia

with their music hence chooe them as their Gospel Artsist choice.

Therfore the study concluded that the Airtime given to gospel Artist has managed to

influence the rise of the Gospel Artist also it has enabled the maturity of theRadio programme

as it has gain momentm since its establishment as it keeps on gaining more followers who

supports the Underground gospel artist.

Objective II: To find out if the content aired in Gospel Annaunting program influence

promotion of Gospel underground artist

The study found out that the content aired at Gospel annaunting programme does influence

the rise and promotion of the underground artsist. However

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