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Kharkiv – 2019
UDC 373.2/.3
ISBN 978-617-7364-94
Stages of Education: Structure and Content / [resp. ed. A. I. Iliadi]. –
Kharkiv : Machulin, 2019. – 196 p.

The proposed study is devoted to the topical issues of modern

methodology of preschool and primary education. The authors set out
their ideas in the form of essays, where this or that problem is reviewed.
It is targeting teachers and might interest the younger researchers.

Agreed on the Academic board of Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central

Ukrainian State Pedagogical University №10, 26.06.2019.


Khomych L. O. – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor, vice principal in

scientific work of the Institute of pedagogical education and education of adults;
Golodiuk L. S. – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor, Deputy Director of
Vasily Sukhomlinsky Postgraduate Teacher Training Institute;
Tereshchuk A. I. – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor, head of department
of technological education of Uman State Pedagodical University named Paul

© Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University, 2019.


Dear colleagues! A collective research covering the broad range

of methodology of pre-school and primary school education is brought
to your attention. Particularly the issues of expressive reading skills,
formation of logical-mathematical competence, psychology of
children, the techniques of learning a fairy tale at the lessons of
literary reading, preparatory work to master graphic skill of writing
and other very important problems (their aspects) were highlighted
in chapters of the proposed study. Stated problems belong to a
category of the eternal issues because methodology of preschool and
primary school does not keep pace with the psychological
development of children in frequently change modern society. In
many ways, it always has been. Moreover there is the reason to
presume that situation will exist as long as the educational process
exsists. It means, that a pedagogue always has to improve existing
methodological techniques and search more efficient ways of
applying them in new psychological and pedagogical conditions in
oder to overcome that backlog.
And, of course, we cannot fail to pay attention to the problem of
special education, focusing on the most urgent issue, the corrective
care for children with motor cerebral pathology. Experience in this
direction is also reflected in this study. The study highlighted some
aspects covering the development of information culture of future

teachers (including special education teachers) and their

professional image.
The authors of the study sincerely hope that their modest labor
will be useful both for beginners and professionals, working in the
field of preschool and primary school education. An objective opinion
of readers will be the best reward for accomplished job.
The authors of chapters: Yu. M. Demchenko («Methodology of
formation preschool children’s logical mathematical competence»,
«History of mathematics and its’ relation to methodology of
mathematic skills development»), O. O. Nikitina («Development
of pre-schoolers’ cognitive interests through didactic games»),
A. M. Martin («The usage of visual aids in the nature study class
(the second part of the 19th – beginning of the 20th century)»,
«Excursion as a part of the process of studying natural science: past
and present»), H. O. Horska («Psychological conditions of
preschoolers’ creative potential realization»), N. V. Kotelianets,
Yu. S. Kotelianets («Methodological system of the craft in primary
school»), D. H. Zavitrenko, A. M. Zavitrenko («The problem of
corrective care for children with motor cerebral pathology»),
A. M. Zavitrenko («Specifics of speech development of children with
cerebral palsy»), Yu. S. Bilous («Development of expressive reading
skills of primary school pupils»), S. O. Fedotova («Fairy tale as a way
of development of speech skills at the lessons of literary reading in
primary school»), O. O. Horska («The ways of mastering graphic
skills in primary school»), L. H. Kindey («Modern approaches to the
development of preschoolers’ speech skills»), I. V. Zhyhora («The
ways of forming the information culture of future educators of
preschool educational institutions and teachers of elementary
schools»), D. H. Zavitrenko, M. R. Barbulat («Ethical behavior as an
integral part of the profession of correctional teacher»).
General editorship and formation of the bibliography – doctor
of philology, professor A. I. Iliadi.

1.1. Methodology of formation preschool children’s

logical mathematical competence
Problem and its connection with significant
academic and practical tasks. In the Basic component of pre-
school education, the importance of modernizing the educational
content, the humanization of the principles, their goals, the
comprehensive development of the child’s personality are
actualized. On the part of modernization of preschool education,
children should be taught not only measure, calculate,
distinguish between geometric figures, navigate in time and
space, but also teach them think logically, develop creativeness
and cognitive interests during the educational process. See:
[online resource] “Matematika”.
Analysis of publications (allocation of unresolved
problems). During the last decades, the following scientists
addressed the problem of forming logical-mathematical
competence: The implementation of an individually
differentiated approach of children is clearly and in detail
disclosed in the works of N. I. Baglaieva, T. M. Stepanova.


The scientist H. V. Bieloshysta studied the formation and

development of mathematical abilities in preschool children. In
the writings of L. P. Haidarzhyiska, a method for the formation
of elementary mathematical notions in children of the senior
preschool age is suggested. L. I. Zaitseva reveals the
methodology of formation of the elementary mathematical
competence in children of senior preschool age [Zaitseva 2005;
Mathematical piggy bank 2013]. Features of the digestion of
abstract mathematical concepts were studied for example by
M. A. Mashovets’.
The scientist O. L. Kononko defines live competence as a
cumulative characteristic of the child in terms of feasibility of
her consciousness and behavior. He believes that competence
provides a whole range of characteristics: developed sensory
experience; practical life skills; developed needs, abilities,
habits; a set of basic personality traits that guarantee a child's
adaptability to life; ability to orient in changing conditions, to
find optimal means of implementation their personal potential.
The thesis works by S. A. Rakov [Rakov 2005] and
L. I. Zaitseva [Zaitseva 2005] are devoted to the issue of
implementation of the competent approach in mathematical
education of the higher pedagogical school and institutions of
preschool education.
The purpose of the article (task setting). The purpose
of this article is to analyze the problem of logical-mathematical
competence formation in children of preschool age and
comprehensive development during the educational process.
Statement of basic materials, justification of the
research results. Teaching and upbringing of children begins
to occur at an early age when the child is given to a
1.1. Methodology of formation preschool children’s logical competence

kindergarten. One of the pedagogical tasks that are implemented

in an educational institution is to teach preschoolers to think and
reason, which belongs both to logical-mathematical and personal
development and. In accordance with the Basic component of
preschool education, the educator must equip the children's mind
with the knowledge, skills that will help him to accept life in
general, function and interact with people in society. This is more
difficult and significant in modern life than just teaching a certain
discipline and its competencies. The preschool child will not be
able to master the worldview in general as long as he can not
perceive the world around him. Therefore, the Basic component of
preschool education in each field of activity includes logical-
mathematical skills [Pidlypniak 2017: 13; see also: Tatarinova
2004; Shcherbakova 1996].
The preschool child at the age of five must already have a
certain level of logical-mathematical competence, which she
uses both on special classes (collective, group and individual),
and in everyday life. The practice, acquired during the period
from early to pre-school age, for each child is individually
original according to the child's age and physical characteristics
and her desire to study. Some children attend children's
educational institution from an early age and classes conducted
by the teacher promote formation of interest in mathematics
and the environment, and other kids being upbrought at home
and either know nothing about mathematics or already know
the whole the multiplication table by heart and find the radical
of three-digit number [Bohush 2012: 26].
According to the program of the Basic component of
preschool education, collective or group classes on the formation
of logical-mathematical presentations among children of

preschool age are held once every two weeks or, more precisely,
twice a month. During practical classes with children in
kindergarten, individual, collective and group activities are
widely used, as well as became frequently used the integration
of logical-mathematical tasks that are used in other sections of
the program. The main and basic task of the educator, as a
preschool children mentor on the formation of competences,
from the first lessons is to determine with the help of the
methods of diagnosis of the level of logical-mathematical
competence of children, analyze and focus their attention on the
problematic issues of pupils, planning individual classes or in
group using both theoretical and the practical part when
working with preschool children, how to pedagogically correctly
use the potential of the family in the education and upbringing
of children to solve problems with the formation of logical and
mathematical representations. Note that studying and
determining the level of logical-mathematical competence of the
pupil is necessary not only during the class, but also in the daily
life of the child, both in the group and during walks. This is the
performance of an assignment, alternations, in individual and
group conversations, in didactic and role games, etc. [Zaitseva
2005: 194].
Starting from early to the end of preschool age elements of
logical-mathematical thinking are being formed based on
theoretical concepts, both from mathematical and from other
sciences. Logical-mathematical concepts are formed when
pedagogically correctly organized transition of a child of
preschool age from external indicative actions to the actions of
the internal indicative plan. In concurrence with this, the
environment passes into a verbal designation, which makes it
1.1. Methodology of formation preschool children’s logical competence

possible to carry out actions on various life situations. Logical

games, exercises and tasks of mathematical content contribute
to the development of cognitive interest in preschool children,
the formation of logical-mathematical competence, the ability to
creative and logical thinking, the desire and ability to learn.
Unusual for pupils, the game situation with the elements of the
issue of concern always arouses interest and the desire to solve
the problem in children.
Interesting tasks in logical-mathematical thinking contri-
bute to the development of a child's ability to quickly navigate,
to perceive logical and cognitive tasks, find correct solutions
for them. Preschoolers begin to think and understand that for
the correct solution of the logical-mathematical or other
direction of the problem it is necessary to focus on the
question, then they begin to realize that such an interesting
task contains some kind of «trick» and for its solution it is
necessary to connect logical thinking and understand, where
the trick is [Liubchenko 2015: 42].
The activity of children in preschool age begins to work
actively when solving different nature tasks-jokes, puzzles,
logical exercises and tasks. During these logical games and
exercises with an interesting mathematical aspect, children
master knowledge, skills acquired in previous life experiences,
search and find solutions on their own. Children who have a
well-developed knowledge, skills persistently look for a logically
correct move to a solution that leads them to a result. When the
task is interesting, it is accessible to the child, and only then
constitutes a positive emotional attitude towards it, which
stimulates mental activity, independence of thought and logical
movement, creative approach to the cause.

I. Yu. Pidlypniak determined that the logical-mathematical

development of preschool children considered to include both
qualitative and quantitative changes in the cognitive activity of
the child which occur as a result of the formation of elementary
mathematical representations and closely related to them
logical operations. Logical-mathematical development plays a
big role in shaping the «picture of the world» of a child.
Therefore, one of the most important tasks of educators,
teachers and parents is to develop a child’s interest in
mathematics and the desire to perform various tasks in
preschool age. Involving children in the process of logical-
mathematical activity, in an interesting way for children, will
help the child faster and easier master the school curriculum
[Zaitseva 2005: 195].
Consequently, the most important result of the logical-
mathematical preparation of a child of preschool age for the
study of mathematics at school is not only the accumulation of a
certain stock of knowledge, skills, as is necessary for the mental
and logical development of the child, the formation of the
necessary extraordinary cognitive and intellectual skills that
are the basis for the successful study and digestion of
mathematical and any other generalized content of the subject
in the future. Therefore, a pupil who has mastered the methods
of logical-mathematical thinking and mathematical skills can
consciously use them in the process of their own life in different
spheres of activity, and not only during the preschool age, but
also throughout his life.
Highly significant role in the development of the preschooler
thinking plays sign-symbolic activity. It helps to model and
transform the objective world into the inner plan of the child’s
1.1. Methodology of formation preschool children’s logical competence

consciousness, and human in general: substitution, coding,

modeling, schematization, generalization, systematization, etc.
There are determine the following stages of formation of sign-
symbolic activity of preschoolers: substitution (game, speech,
drawing, designing, sculpturing), modeling, logical-mental
experimentation (creative activity, individual peculiarities). The
tasks of logical-mathematical development are the formation of
logical operations of the mental activity of the child, the ability
to understand and trace the causal relationships of phenomena
and the ability to construct simple inferences based on the
causal relationship.
Logical-mathematical components are interrelated since
mathematical knowledge is acquired on the basis of logical
methods and means. If the activities of the children and the
educator are properly organized, in the process of education it
provides a sufficient level of logical and mathematical
development of children of preschool age. Because of each
logical-mathematical concept, knowledge, skills and abilities
being formed gradually, on a phased basis during the
progressive execution of mathematical and logical operations
available to a specific group and subgroup of preschoolers.
Therefore, while working with the logical-mathematical
development of pupils, it is necessary to take into account the
sequence of correct assimilation of their logical-mathematical
operations. The key tasks of the logical thinking development of
a preschool age child are: to teach to formulate the purpose; to
highlight the main thing without fixing attention to the
insignificant and the minor; analyze, synthesize, compare; to
classify objects and phenomena on certain grounds; generalize,
divide the whole into parts; to design models according to the

schemes, to argue their judgments; to establish causal

relationships, to put forward assumptions and hypotheses.
Logical skills are the necessary means for the assimilation of
the environment by a preschooler, assimilation of material in
any field of knowledge, including mathematics. These skills
used for generalizing and systematizing knowledge, give the
child the opportunity to bring new knowledge from the already
learned based on the skills acquired in daily life independently.
Pedagogical-didactic work on the development of logical-
mathematical skills and habits of pupils is to create appropriate
conditions for the formation of cognitive activity in preschoolers:
skills and abilities to explore transform experiment and
construct objects of different size, quantity and location; the use
of mental operations and logical means and techniques;
measurements and elementary calculations. The most important
thing is that a modern child of the preschool age could apply his
logical-mathematical skills and abilities during the knowledge of
the wide world that surrounds him, as well as correlate
information with the facts of biography, navigate, feel the
movement, characteristics of time, learn the basic laws of being
(change of day and night, the transition of light into the darkness
and vice versa), to determine its position among objects of the
environment, objects and people; find similar and different,
master the actions of integration, order, grouping of objects of the
environment in a word, act consciously, with the sense of
reasonability of done, with the understanding of the connection
of causes and consequences [Bahlayeva 1999: 183–189].
The educator has to fix the attention of the preschool child,
whether younger or older, on what and how she thinks and how
does, what it leads to, to raise a conscious attitude to their
1.1. Methodology of formation preschool children’s logical competence

actions, to stimulate the desire to independently make logical

judgments about their steps and deeds, to teach them make
their own assumptions. We consider the educational process as
an important form of the logical-mathematical development of a
preschool age child. The efficiency of this process should be
evaluated by qualitative and quantitative changes in the
cognitive activity of each pupil. Today, the traditional system for
the formation of children's mathematical concepts involves the
use of a single invariant technology oriented towards a child
with average knowledge. The primary form of training in
preschool education institutions is still the frontal occupation in
which children perform the same task in a single pace. When
choosing these methods of teaching, individual peculiarities of
children are not taken into account and children poorly master
the knowledge and skills in the logical-mathematical sphere.
The purpose, content and means of training do not meet the
needs of each pupil. Education will have a developing character
only when the child will be involved in developmental and
cognitive activity, and hence independent activity, which is
formed under various pedagogical influences, among which the
personality-developing interaction of the educator with the pupil
Logical-mathematical competence has the following
component structure:
– motivational component is the attitude of the child to
mathematical activity, the identification of cognitive interest,
understanding the significance of mathematics in people’s lives;
– substantive component is the mastering mathematical
knowledge within the program of the age group and the next
period of training of children;

– the effective component is mastering of procedural,

constructive, control and evaluation actions.
Formation of logical-mathematical competence implies the
ability of the child to independently carry out: the classification
of geometric figures, objects and sets of qualitative features
and numbers; serialization, that is, the ordering of objects by
size, weight, volume of location in space; calculate and measure
the quantity, distance, size, length, width, height, volume,
mass, time.
The question of the formation of logical-mathematical com-
petence is fundamental for a person-oriented model of
education. As a person-oriented model of education, educator
and parents become authoritative, trusted individuals who
create a developing environment, provide comfortable living
conditions for the child, acts primarily as a partner, and not as a
controller of its activities.
Logic is the ability of the child to prove correct judgments
and refute the wrong, ability to express, that is: to build the
simplest statements using the connection «and», «or», «if», «no»,
«then»; make the right conclusions, prove the correctness of
their reasoning.
To teach reasoning – one of the important pedagogical and
didactic tasks. The basis of the content lines of the logical-
mathematical aspect of the Basic component is the following
main logical operations such as serialization, classification,
measurement and calculation.
The formation of logical-mathematical competence of
preschool children is effectively carried out: on a specially
organized training; in the common activity of the educator and
children; in the individual activity of preschool children.
1.1. Methodology of formation preschool children’s logical competence

Preschoolers only begin to master mathematical knowledge,

therefore their logical-mathematical competence is appropriate
to characterize as elementary, but to consider it as a difficult,
complex characteristic of logical-mathematical development.
Conclusions. The feature of forming the logical-
mathematical competence is the richness of the educational
process with problematic life situations of practical nature,
which activate cognitive interests of preschool children, develop
the premises of logical thinking, exercise pupils in using
acquired knowledge of mathematics.

1.2. History of mathematics and its’ relation

to methodology of mathematic skills development
Problem and its connection with significant academic
and practical tasks. The question of the origin of mathematics
has long been interesting for many scientists and experience
teachers. Indeed, it is interesting to know how the first
mathematical concepts arose, how they developed, replenished
and gradually formed into a separate science. This is especially
important for preschool pedagogy and the methodology for the
formation of elementary mathematical concepts that study the
characteristics of a child’s initial acquaintance with numbers
and counts.
Mathematical competence is highlighted as one of the key
competences in the State Standard of Primary Education of
the New Ukrainian School, which involves identifying simple
mathematical relationships in the world around, modeling
processes and situations with the use of mathematical
relationships and measurements, understanding the role of


mathematical knowledge and skills in personal and social

human life [On Approval of the State Standard 2018].
The teacher can not form a child’s mathematical
competence without knowing the basic concepts and provisions
and being not familiar with the stages of the development of
mathematics as a science. On the basis of studying the stages
of the development of mathematics, the teacher gets
acquainted with the beginning of the theory and the
emergence of the main provisions, which is an important basis
in working with children according to the standards of the
New Ukrainian School.
Analysis of publications (highlighting of unsolved
problems). Analysis of modern pedagogical literature shows
that the issues of the formation and development of
mathematics as a science were paid not enough attention. The
basis for distinguishing the stages of the formation and
development of mathematics is mainly the periodization of
A. N. Kolmohorov. Such scientists as M. O. Volodars’ka,
A. S. Zoria, A. G. Konforovych and others took up issues of the
historical stages of development.
The role and contributions of prominent foreign and Soviet
scientists and scientists in the development of ancient and
modern mathematics at different stages of its development were
studied more widely. These questions were studied by
N. N. Boholiubov, N. A. Virchenko, A. S. Zoria, L. Paster,
M. Prokopchuk and others.
Mathematics, as a science is fundamental in the
development of personality, it originated in antiquity and is still
evolving. Therefore, it is advisable to know the stages of
formation and achievements of outstanding mathematicians
1.2. History of mathematics

who have made a significant contribution to the development of

mathematics as a science.
Purpose of the article (problem statement). The article
aims to reveal the peculiarities of the main periods of the
history of the emergence of mathematics as a science and to
research the scientific achievements of outstanding
mathematicians for the science’s development.
The presentation of the main material, the rationale
for the results of the study. Mathematics is one of the most
ancient sciences. The first elements of mathematics originated
in ancient times when a person solved certain practical
problems. The development of mathematics is inseparably
linked with the performance of tasks that arose first in practice
and then in theory. Mathematics has come a long way in the
process of its formation and has a rich history of development
[Periods of development of mathematics 2017; Zor’a 1981].
Count and calculations entered our life in such a way that
we cannot imagine an adult who cannot count and perform the
simplest calculations. It is not known exactly when one or
another nation mastered initial mathematical concepts of
calculations, multitudes and numbers, but it can be said with
certainty that the need to compare different values and count
arose from the beginning of the development of human society.
Based on the study of culture and languages of different
nations, the analysis of archaeological excavations, the study of
the welfare of peoples with low levels of social development, as
well as observations of the preschool-age children assimilating
mathematical knowledge, scientists formulated a number of
hypotheses about how the multitudes were compared in the
period before the appearance of numbers, how the first ideas

and concepts about the number and a sequence of natural

numbers were formed, and how in the process of development of
human society the number system and the written numbering
were created.
There was not enough acquired knowledge to solve new
practical or theoretical problems, so it was necessary to find new
tools and create new methods of knowledge formation.
The famous mathematician and philosopher Leibnitz
emphasized that he who does not understand the past will never
understand the present. Therefore, speaking about
mathematics, we should first familiarize ourselves with its past,
the history of the development and formation of mathematics as
a science [Konforovich 1984: 5].
Basing on the periodicals of the outstanding Soviet scientist
and mathematician A. N. Kolmohorov, mathematics in the
process of its formation and development passes through four
main stages: 1) the emergence of mathematics; 2) elementary
mathematics; 3) the creation of mathematics of variables;
4) modern mathematics [Periods of development of mathematics
2017]. Let us consider and describe the stages of formation and
development of mathematics as a science.
The first stage lasted the longest, from antiquity to the 6th
– the 5th centuries BC. At that time, the impetus for the
emergence of elementary mathematical concepts was the need
of homo habilis to make the first stone tools. Although these
tools were primitive, they already required simple, elementary
knowledge of the magnitude of the angle, the form of the
instrument, etc. At the end of the Late Paleolithic (Ice Age),
man began to form the first abstractions of the natural number
the simplest arithmetic operations. Already then, geometric
1.2. History of mathematics

patterns, such as a circle, a trapezium, a rhombus, a rectangle

and others, appeared in their ornament and drawings.
Mathematics of this period originated in practical activities such
as fishing, hunting, farming, making tools, building, etc
[Konforovich 1984: 5–6].
The founders of the beginning of the birth of elementary
mathematical concepts of this period were Thales of Miletus and
Pythagoras of Samos. It was they who first gave rise to the rules
for solving mathematical examples and problems, introduced
such concepts as proof, theorem and axiom into mathematics
[Konforovich 1984: 13].
Thales was the first to prove that the diameter divides the
circle in half, that the angles that lie at the base of an isosceles
triangle are even, and he is also considered to formulate the
theorem on the equality of two triangles on the side and the two
adjoining corners; he first described a circle around a right-angled
triangle [Volodarskaya 2003: 249–250].
Pythagorean mathematics was based on the theory of
number and its properties. Scholars of the Pythagorean school
discovered incommensurable line segments, the ratio of which
cannot be expressed using positive rational numbers
[Konforovich 1984: 13].
The second period of development of mathematics took
place within the 5th century BC – the end of the 16th century.
During this period, mathematics acquires great importance
and passes through a large stage of development.
Mathematics becomes an independent branch, basic
mathematical theories about quantities are formed. This
period is also called mathematics of constant values [Periods
of development of mathematics 2017].

In this period, mathematics is actually the science of

numbers, simple geometric figures and scalar quantities. It was
during this period that such areas of mathematics as arithmetic
and geometry began to emerge [Mathematics. Historical
reference 2016].
The outstanding philosopher of this period, Zeno of Elea, was
the first to clearly express the idea of spatial and mathematical
infinity. He uncovered the question of the inconsistency of the
concepts of finite and infinite [Konforovich 1984: 13].
Ideas, which in the further development of mathematics led
to the creation of prerequisites for the discovery of significant
theories and branches of mathematics that are now of great impor-
tance in modern mathematics, began to emerge and develop
[Periods of development of mathematics 2017].
The third period of the formation of mathematics as a
science lasted from the end of the 16th century to the middle of
the 19th century, and was called «Mathematics of Constant
Values». Since the 17th century, mathematics is developing in
Europe, its new branches related to higher mathematics are
emerging. This period is marked by the birth of two main
branches of modern mathematics – analytical geometry and
infinitesimal calculus. That is, the basis of higher mathematics
is constituted by analytic geometry, differential and integral
calculus [Periods of development of mathematics 2017]. In
addition, a coordinate system, variables and concepts of function
were introduced.
Mathematics of this period was developing in the new socio-
economic conditions, under which new complex problems arose
and their solution was no longer within the power of elementary
mathematics [Konforovich 1984: 17].
1.2. History of mathematics

The development of education in Kievan Rus was based on

its own national traditions and the use of ancient and
Bulgarian-Byzantine school experience.
Under the influence of Western European humanistic and
reformation ideas, significant changes took place in Ukrainian
education at the turn of the 16th – 17th centuries. In particular,
qualitatively new educational institutions were created, which
include the Ostroh Cultural and Educational Center, Lviv and
Kiev fraternal schools, the Kiev College, the Kiev-Mohyla
Academy. In 1576, in the city of Ostrog in Volyn, Prince
Ostrozhskyi founded a cultural and educational center of a new
type. The center consisted of a college, a literary and scientific
circle, a printing house and a library. The training was orga-
nized according to the «Seven Liberal Arts» system common in
Europe: grammar, rhetoric, dialectics and quadrivium,
geometry, music, and astronomy. The first rector of the college
was Smotrytskyi. Ostrog Cultural and Educational Center
operated until 1636. Contemporaries called it the Academy.
This was the first attempt to create a higher education
institution in Ukraine. The experience based here was used in
the organization of national education and was distributed in
Eastern Slavic countries.
For a long time, the Kiev-Mohyla Academy was the only
institution of higher education in Eastern Europe. It played a
prominent role in the development of science, cultural and
literary process in Ukraine of 17th – 18th centuries. Scientific
contacts of the Kiev-Mohyla Academy with educational
institutions of Krakow, Magdeburg, Constantinople, etc. were
fruitful. From the end of the 18th century. the academy
gradually lost its role as a cultural and educational center (it

was closed in 1817). The functions of the institution were taken

over by the Kiev Theological Academy (1819) and the Kiev
University (1834). The traditions of national education were
also preserved in Cossack times. Special attention to the
development of education was paid by hetman I. Mazepa (1644–
1709). In the middle of the 18th century, there were about a
thousand elementary schools in Zaporizhzhya Sich and in Slobo-
zhanshchina, the Kharkiv College, in which H. S. Skovoroda
taught, also operated.
This period was distinguished by the diversity of mathe-
maticians from different areas and different countries. Many
foreign scientists, such as R. Descartes, L. Euler. G. Leibniz,
P. Fermat and others made a significant contribution to the
development of mathematics of this period.
R. Descartes spoke about the three-dimensional volume of
the nature of matter, about its mobility and divisibility. He first
opened the question of the use of the analytical method in
physics and mathematics. And precisely because of the
disclosure of this issue, he became the founder of a new branch
of mathematics – analytical geometry. In his writings, he
formulated the laws of action and reaction, a stable relationship
of refraction of the sines of the angles of light, etc.
[Volodarskaya 2003: 264–265].
P. Fermat is the founder of several new areas of mathe-
matics for this period. He was fruitfully engaged in number
theory, namely divisibility, sums of simple squares, various
numerical formulas, being the author of Fermat’s great
theorem. He was one of the founders of such areas of
mathematics as analytical geometry and mathematical analysis
[Volodarskaya 2003: 265–268].
1.2. History of mathematics

One of the first to substantiate the foundations of

differential and integral calculus was G. Leibniz, which became
a significant impetus for the development of such sciences as
physics and mechanics. He introduced such arithmetic signs as
multiplication and division, marked with dots, brackets and also
the sign of differentiated and indefinite integrals, introduced
such concepts as «function», «co-ordinate» etc. [Volodarskaya
2003: 271–272].
The Swiss scientist L. Euler, who worked for about 14 years
in Russia, described in detail the course of higher mathematics,
worked on the development of the analytical method,
created a number of new methods and also brought
trigonometry and arithmetic to a new, modern level
[Volodarskaya 2003: 273–274].
L. Ph. Mahnytsky wrote the book «Arithmetic», which
played a very important role in the development of mathematics
as a science in Russia. He was not only a scientist, but also a
teacher in the school of mathematics and navigation
[Volodarskaya 2003: 272].
Mary Somerville is the author of many scientific works such
as the work «The Magnetic Properties of the Violet Rays of the
Solar Spectrum», the book «The Mechanisms of the Heavens»
and others, where she not only explained the work of other
scientists, but also submitted her own ideas [Volodarskaya
2003: 294–295].
Ada Lovelace is the first female programmer to create
various arithmetic programs for Charles Babbage’s
computer. And in 1983, the world saw her own works, but
the name and gender of the author was not known
[Volodarskaya 2003: 295].

The fourth period of development is called «modern

mathematics» and originates in the second half of the 19th
century. During this period, geometric theories are actively
developed, such branches of mathematics as projective
geometry, the theory of functions of a complex variable,
functional analysis, mathematical logic, theory of sets, etc. begin
their formation and development. An independent branch of
mathematics – computational mathematics, which includes
various mathematical methods and theories, is distinguished [5
Математика. Історична довідка].
The spheres of application of mathematical sciences are
also developing. At this stage, the first attempts to create
electronic computers and the active development of
mathematical tools in general take place [Periods of
development of mathematics 2017].
During this period, mathematics was actively developing
in the Soviet space. S. V. Kovalevska, originally from
Moscow, has shown interest in the mathematical sciences
since her early years. She worked with a teacher who saw
her great potential, but her father believed that
mathematics was not a woman’s business and therefore he
no longer hired that teacher for daughter. Therefore, she had
to independently, secretly study the favorite science. Later,
her father still hired her a new teacher and it was a long-
awaited meeting with mathematical signs and formulas.
Subsequently, S. V. Kovalevska went abroad for education
and had the goal to attend lectures by the famous German
mathematician K. Weierstrass. However, he was opposed to
the woman attending his lectures, but this did not stop the
young S. V. Kovalevska, and she did achieve to pass an
1.2. History of mathematics

exam. When the professor gave her, as he believed, tasks of

a complex level, and the next day he received the right
solutions for all of them, he saw the incredible potential and
talent of the girl and invited her to become his student. Four
years later, S. V. Kovalevska received her Ph.D. Upon
returning to her homeland, she began to write articles and
stories, hesitating in what she was doing better – math or
literature. Subsequently, she nevertheless decided on her
preferences and for some time taught higher mathematics at
a foreign university, wrote scientific works and articles
[Volodarskaya 2003: 295–297].
Another outstanding Russian scientist of this period was
P. L. Chebyshev, who wrote his first scientific work in the field
of mathematics while studying at the university. Subsequently,
his first scientific work «A Note on a Class of Multiple Definite
Integrals» was published. This work was the beginning of the
great scientific heritage of mathematics. His works highlighted
the important problems of the then mathematics and presented
new ideas and theories. He also had a teaching practice at the
university [Volodarskaya 2003: 289–290].
A considerable contribution to the development of
mathematics was made by Ukrainian scientists. One of these
was Mykhailo Ostrohradsky, who made significant discoveries
in the field of mathematics and mechanics.
G. Ph. Voronoy in his short life managed to publish a total
of twelve articles, but on the basis of these articles new areas of
mathematics gained their further development.
M. Ph. Kravchuk is the author of a huge number of
scientific works, articles and even books on various branches of


mathematics. And, as it turned out, some of his works gave a

certain basis for the invention of the world's first computer.
V. Y. Levyts’kyi collected materials on mathematical
terminology in the Ukrainian language. He also contributed to
the development of the theory of analytic functions and the
history of mathematics.
The works of the scientist M. O. Zaryts’kyi are devoted to
the theory of sets, logic, the theory of functions of a real
variable, the theory of measurable multitudes transformations
and others.
The scientist V. M. Hlushkov considered the theory of
digital automata, and is one of the creators of such computers as
«Kyiv», «Dnipro», «Myr» and others.
Yu. L. Daletskyi devoted his works to the study of
mathematical analysis, the theory of differential equations and
the theory of probability. He is the author of about two hundred
scientific papers, articles, monographs.
Yu. A. Mitropol’sky wrote more than seven hundred and
fifty scientific papers based on asymptotic methods of nonlinear
mechanics, qualitative analysis of nonlinear systems of
differential equations under perturbations, and others.
A. V. Skorokhod, a well-known Ukrainian mathematician,
wrote many scientific papers on the theory of stochastic
differential equations and boundary theorems for random
processes. He has been awarded many times and since 1933 has
been a teacher at the University of Michigan.
A. M. Samoilenko began to write his first scientific works in
the distant 1961 and still has a huge luggage of scientific works.
He carried out the latest research of the old theories and
derived perturbation theory of invariant toroidal manifolds of
1.2. History of mathematics

dynamical systems. Thanks to his work in mathematics, such

terms as «the function of Green-Samoilenko», «numerical-
analytical method of Samoylenko» and others appeared.
In the second half of the 20th century mathematical
economics, mathematical biology and linguistics, mathematical
logic, information theory and other branches of science arose.
Modern development of society, economy and culture requires a
high level of information processing. Performing many scientific
and economic tasks is impossible without the use of computer
technology, the creation of special devices and machines.
Nowadays, computer-analytical and electronic computing
machines that work with speed not accessible to a person are
widely used. In the middle of the 20th century cybernetics arose
– the science of management, connection and processing of infor-
mation. Its founder is the American mathematician Norbert
Wiener, who in 1948 published a book entitled «Cybernetics: Or
Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine».
Cybernetics synthesizes the data of many related
disciplines: information theory, probability theory, automata, as
well as physiology data of higher nervous activity, modern
computer science and automation.
Cybernetics is one of the youngest mathematical sciences,
but the prospects for its development are great. Cybercrafts
control the flight of space ships, medicine, etc., but all these
machines are created by a person.
All this is the product of the human genius, the result of his
knowledge, where the mathematical sciences occupy a
prominent place.
Conclusions. Mathematics in the process of its formation
and development passed through four main stages, which

originated in ancient times and did not complete their

development to this day. During these periods, many of the
ancient philosophers, foreign and Soviet mathematicians made
phenomenal discoveries and complicated researches, published
many theories and methods that are developing to the present.
Mathematics, which arose at the base of the practical needs
of man, turned into a science that ensures the further
development of modern society.

1.3. Development of pre-schoolers‘ cognitive interests

through didactic games
The problem and its connection with important
educational or practical tasks. Researchers in the field of
psychology and pedagogy have noticed that a person who, in
childhood, was not sufficiently involved with the game, in adult
life reveals a lack of certain qualities and abilities that are
necessary for her. The more detailed and deeper the
psychologists and teachers are studying the possibilities of the
phenomenon of the game, the wider the limits of its application,
the higher its significance for people of all ages. It promotes
education, training, relaxation, restoration of forces, emotional
charge, correction of acquired experience, not only in children,
but also in adults. Therefore, it should be noted that the game is
one of the most popular types of human activities.
The analysis of publications (marking of unresolved
problems). One of the founders of the theory of the game was
the German philosopher, psychologist, author of famous works
«Animal Games» and «Games of people» K. Groos. The
development of the theory of gaming activity was largely

1.3. Development of pre-schoolers‘ cognitive interests through didactic games

influenced by the national scientific pedagogical thought. So,

K. D. Ushinsky noted that during the game «children’s soul
works by itself». Famous pedagogues P. Blonsky, V. N. Soroka,
S. T. Shatsky, V. A. Sukhomlinsky and others, experimentally
studied the leading pedagogical problems, created paradigms of
practical educational work with children in the context of
various types of game activities. The problem of game was
studied by such psychologists as L. S. Vygotsky, D. B. Elkonin,
A. N. Leontiev, A. K. Dusavitsky, and others. The issue of
stimulating pre-schoolers’ learning activities by means of the
game is revealed in the writings of prominent researchers by
M. A. Danilov, Y. K. Babansky, O. Ya. Savchenko, T. I. Sha-
mova, G. I. Shchukina, A. V. Kirichuk, S. A. Amonashvili,
V. A. Sukhomlynsky. In the scientific literature, the problems of
the game touch upon the Russian researchers D. Henkin,
A. Obertinskaya and others; Ukrainian scientists L. Artemov,
N. Havrysh, G. Grigorenko, N. Denisenko, N. V. Kudykina,
K. Shcherbakov are also engaged in these issues. The essence,
structure, dynamics of the relations formed in the game
according to the modern concepts of preschool education and
game as a source of personality formation was considered by
N. Ya. Mihaylenko, N. A. Korotkova.
The purpose of writing the article is an attempt to inves-
tigate the development of the phenomenon of the game and to
show the significance of didactic games in the process of forming
the cognitive interest of preschoolers during math lesson.
Presentation of the main work and argumentation of
the research results. The game is a historical phenomenon.
Scientists argue that its occurrence is due to the development of
society and the associated change in child's developing in the

system of social relations. So, the game is social in nature,

origin and content. A special feature of the cognitive interests of
preschoolers is that interests affect the behavior of the child,
become the basis of their activity and independence. The
development of interests takes place in gaming activities. The
presence of children of cognitive interest in activities is
associated with certain features of the nature of children:
conscientiousness, perseverance, precision.
The game as a method of teaching people have used since
ancient times. Widespread use of the game is found in folk
pedagogy. Any gatherings of adults and children were
accompanied by gaming activities. Folk pedagogy requires from
parents, teachers, educators to take care of the physical
development of children, in every way they encourage them to
move. All folk games are conducted according to the age of
children. So, for example, with children of early age (the first –
the second year of life), they use mainly individual funny games.
The German scientist K. Groos considered the game of
children as a biologically determined way of preparing for future
work, to life. The theory of the game of K. Groos is quite well
known and gained popularity in the first quarter of the XXth
century. Giving it the most general characteristic, K. Groos calls
it «the theory of exercise» or «the theory of self-education».
In the targeted organization of education, according to the
scientist, there are two ways to use the game: to enter the
elements of the game during the lesson or to use the game for
general development. The researcher K. Groos in his theory of
the game predicted that the game is important for
development. An element of the game in the lesson's structure
gives a positive effect when it is applied correctly. The
1.3. Development of pre-schoolers‘ cognitive interests through didactic games

researcher states that in the life of every higher being there is

a childhood, that is, the period of development and growth. If
the development of adaptations for further life tasks is the
main goal of our childhood, then the main place in the
formation of these phenomena belongs to the game [Vygotskiy
1982; Suxomlynsky 1976: 12].
The lack of knowledge about the peculiarities of the
development of children of preschool age has led to the fact
that until the XVIIIth century children were treated as young
adults. Therefore, the formation of the pedagogical theory of
the preschool age children’s game began to be carried out
rather later – only at the end of the XVIIIth – at the
beginning of the XIXth century. At the same time, the theory
of game activity was greatly enhanced by the ideas of
S. F. Rusova concerning the organization of child’s games.
The scientist constantly reminded teachers of the need to
take into account the individual children’s characteristics.
She emphasized that the child does not need anything like
the ability to play freely, which means that every
kindergarten must have a sufficiently large number of
different toys, so that each child can play, finding what more
suits her inclinations and her desires. Many works have been
written by educators and psychologists about the great
importance of the game for children. The main content was
focused on the idea that in games children are gaining
strength, develop physically and spiritually. The game,
according to S. F. Rusova, is a very important factor in
upbringing, because in games the nature of the child is
completely revealed and the game can either restrain it from
unwanted behavior or cause it to be desired [Rusova 1996].

Interest in gaming activity in the early XXth century was

implemented in the pedagogical system of M. Montessori, whose
theoretical foundations are free education and sensualism, a
theory according to which the basis of mental life is sensory
perceptions. On the basis of practical observations,
M. Montessori proved that different child’s types skills are
better to bring up at a certain age. According to her beliefs, the
greatest influence of gaming activity is observed in the period
from 3 to 6 years when the child is trying to choose things and
objects of his activity, and in the next period (up to 9 years),
when the child is in positions of the «researcher of the
surrounding world» [Montessori 1995]. Systems of use of gaming
techniques in teaching children of preschool age were first
developed by F. Freelle, and for the initial training – O. Dekroli.
So F. Frebel’s whole period of development of the child was
divided into three stages: the age of the infant, childhood and
adolescence. The researcher paid special attention to the game
at the first two age periods, saw it as the basis for the
development of external sensations in the infant's age and the
basis for learning the language by young children. F. Frebel
defines the game as one of the provisions of education, training
and development in his work «Education through Development».
He believed that it is in the game that best manifests the child’s
creativity and amateur. He did not rule out the influence of
adults during the children’s game. At the end, he developed the
system of children’s games in detail.
The scientist O. Dekroli considered the game as a child’s
creative activity, a means of excitement of its motor activity and
spiritual development. Unlike F. Freelle and M. Montessori, he
used in didactic games not geometric bodies, but objects of the
1.3. Development of pre-schoolers‘ cognitive interests through didactic games

outside world, which made it possible to view the game as one of

the methods of classification, repetition and consolidation of the
received impressions, knowledge, skills and bring them closer to
children’s life experience. According to his beliefs, the child
almost involuntarily makes comparisons. Therefore the game is
an activity that prompts a child to make conclusions and
judgments, so, therefore, an important means of sensory and
spiritual development of the pre-schoolers. In 1907, O. Dekroli
created a school where learning was based on free education
and called it «A school for life through life». In it, he widely used
gaming situations to teach and educate pre-schoolers.
In the native pedagogical practice in the middle of the
XXth c. didactic games were considered, mostly as a form of
organization of educational work with pre-schoolers. In
elementary school they were used as a means of rest from
lessons. In the scientific literature of the 60’s and 70’s the game
is considered as a special form of life of a child in a society that
is very important for her. The experience of using the game as a
means of activating the educational process is accumulated not
only in a primary school, but also in the middle classes.
The most prominent and widespread concept in pedagogy
was the definition by L. S. Vygotsky’s «zone of the nearest
development» Studying the peculiarities of child’s
development, the scientist concluded that this development
correlates with learning, which was an impetus to develop
their own vision and thought that teaching is the engine of
mental development of the child. L. S. Vygotsky believed that
the game stimulates the cognitive forces of the child and is the
basis of the transformation of action games into mental
activity. He considered that the game is leading means of

training and upbringing pre-schoolers. The scientist

considered the game as a favorable environment for the birth
of the cognitive forces of the child, called it the «ninth wheel»
of child’s development, a leading means of education and
Thus, a huge role in the development and upbringing of the
child belongs to the game as an important type of child’s
activity. It is an effective means of forming the personality of
the child, of his moral and volitional qualities. The game
realizes the need for influence on the world. According to the
researcher, the training creates an area of immediate
development, awakens in the child the internal processes of
development, which initially manifest themselves in the
relationship with others, cooperation with their comrades, and
later become the child's achievement. L. S. Vygotsky believed
that studying should always advance development and lead it
for itself, and the child during this process needs constant
support of the adult, as meaningfully copying the actions of an
adult as the child develops.
The problem of the game was also studied by D. B. Elkonin.
The scientist became interested in the problem of the game in
the early 1930’s. Brilliant game researcher D. B. Elkonin was
convinced that the game is social in nature and direct
saturation and is designed to reflect the world of adults. Calling
the game «arithmetic of social relations», the scientist
interpreted the game as an activity that occurs at a certain
stage, as one of the leading forms of development of mental
functions and ways of knowing the child of the world of adults.
The main thing in the game of preschoolers, according to the
researcher, is the role taken by the child. During the game, the
1.3. Development of pre-schoolers‘ cognitive interests through didactic games

child learns how to act in a cognitive environment, not in an

imaginary situation [Elkonyn 1999].
An outstanding classic of pedagogy A. S. Makarenko wrote:
«In childhood, the game is a norm and the child must always
play, even when he is doing a serious work...» [Makarenko 1954:
367–368]. An outstanding teacher spoke on the widespread use
of the game in the upbringing of schoolchildren. The game,
according to A. S. Makarenko, allows to raise collectivism,
creative orientation of the person, conscious discipline,
organization, develops intellectual abilities, aesthetic feelings. A
special place belongs to the game in preparing the younger
generation for work [Makarenko 1954: 367–368]. The scientist
raised the question of the specifics of the pedagogical leadership
of the game, where the teacher should be able to play the same
way as children, only then the pedagogical leadership of the
game will be effective.
Analyzing V. O. Sukhomlynsky’s pedagogical heritage, we
see that the teacher defines the game as an urgent need for a
junior pupil. According to the teacher, the game in front of the
children reveals the world, the creative possibilities of each indi-
vidual. There is no game and there can’t be a full-fledged mental
development. The game is a huge light window, through which
in the spiritual world of the child the life-giving flow of repre-
sentations, concepts about the surrounding world is added
[Suxomlynsky 1976: 12].
Game activity as a pedagogical problem is clearly outlined
in the scientific works by O. V. Zaporozhets. The scientist
emphasized that the problem of the game in pedagogy becomes
especially urgent, as in the process of gaming activities,
especially favorable conditions for the acquisition of new

knowledge and skills by children, to form in them such

important qualities of the human mind as the ability to perform
actions in the mental plane, symbolically change the real objects
and operate with a similar substitute for cognitive purpose
[Kudykina 2005: 7–9].
In psychological and pedagogical literature, the analysis of
game activity is closely intertwined with the problem of the
classification of games. The question of the necessity of using
the game in the organization of educational work with
preschoolers was first raised in the 80’s of the XXth century.
Through the experimental study of the possibilities and features
of teaching children at school from 6 years old, this problem was
an urgent scientific and pedagogical problem and began to be
intensively studied. The basis statement by O. M. Leontiev
about game activity is taken – the main changes in the games of
preschool children are contained in the fact that role-playing
games in the imaginary situation turn into games by rules. So,
O. Ya. Savchenko notes: «A child ages 6–7 years at the same
time tends to two types of activity: the game and the learning.
The peculiarity of this situation is that the underdeveloped
cognitive capabilities of children of this age are supported by
their strong motives, the need for emotional contact and adult
support. We can say that the more developed the child in the
school game activities, the more clearly the desire of a younger
student to assert himself in the new social role of the student»
[Savchenko 2005: 29–32]. The child’s transition from the game
to the study is a serious event in life associated with the
emergence of new motives. According to educators and
psychologists, the game represents such activities in which
children play the role of adults and in playing conditions
1.3. Development of pre-schoolers‘ cognitive interests through didactic games

reproduce their life, work and relationships between them.

Thanks to the game, the preschool child satisfies his need to
communicate with adults, in a shared life with them.
Today the game is actively used at the stage of pre-school
and out-of-school education in the educational process of
preschool and general education institutions. In the game,
there is also freedom for the child. Here, children have the
opportunity to distribute roles, to control each other, to
monitor the accuracy of the task, without the help of adults. In
this way, the child performs the role that he has assumed,
taking into account his experience. The game becomes today
the school of social relations for each child. During the game,
the child is introduced to a large range of human feelings and
relationships, learns to distinguish between good and evil.
Thanks to the game the child develops the ability to identify
their peculiarities, to determine how they are perceived by
others, there is a need to build their behavior, taking into
account the possible reaction of others.
Conclusions and perspectives. A large number of
psychologists and educators were involved with the problem of
the game and its importance for the child. And they all agreed
to the statement that it is an integral part of childhood without
which the full development and formation of a small person
can’t be possible. For preschool children, the game is an
essential condition for full physical development, emotional
satisfaction. In the life of preschoolers, the game is a leading
activity, and in the life of a junior schoolboy, it takes a little less
time, but continues to influence its development. The game, as a
kind of activity, is not only preserved in their lives, but also
continues to evolve. The usage of the system tasks that combine

imitation, play, and problem situations, allows the teacher to

make the preschooler an active participant in the educational
process. Creating game situations in the learning process and
actively seeking ways and means of their solution ensures the
accumulation of children’s social experience, the development of
intelligence; development of emotional sphere; development of
resistance to stress; development of self-confidence and
acceptance of oneself; development of a positive attitude
towards the world; development of independence; development
of positive motivation. The didactic game helps to develop
attention, perception, imagination, interest and thinking,
promotes the development of initiative, activity in education
and causes positive emotions. These games prepares the child
for school life, although the kids themselves do not think over
this significant function of the game as such.


2.1. The usage of visual aids in the nature study class

(the second part of the 19th – beginning
of the 20th century)
The State National Program «Education» and «National
Doctrine of the Development of Education in Ukraine in the 21th
Century» require significant improvement of the teaching and
educational process taking into account the world experience and
achievements of previous generations. A similar combination of
efforts of scientists, teachers, and practice pedagogues took place
in education in the second half of the nineteenth and early
twentieth centuries, and it turned out to be the popularization of
scientific knowledge and the general development of secondary
education, in particular, natural sciences.
The article deals with the actual issues of the use of visual
material in the study of disciplines of the natural cycle of the
second half of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
The purpose of this article was to study the role and place of
visual material on the lessons of natural sciences in the second
half of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.


The pedagogy of the second half of the XIXth century paid

much attention to the clarity and curiosity of teaching as a means
of combating the dogmatic nature of teaching. The question of the
use of visibility in the lessons was widely discussed in the
pedagogy of the second half of the nineteenth century.
Some issues of this problem were highlighted in many
studies of teachers of the second half of the nineteenth and early
twentieth centuries: K. D. Ushinsky, D. D. Semenov, K. V. Dub-
rovsky, A. O. Sokolov, K. O. Ivanov and others [Pavlenko 2001;
Figurovskiy 1957; Yagodovckiy 1954].
The visual aids form a separate group among the
educational literature of the educational institutions. In the
study of natural sciences, the principle of visibility is of
particular importance. Proper use of visual aids at classes helps
to create clear spatial and quantitative representations,
meaningful concepts, develops logical thinking and language,
helps to come to generalizations on the basis of consideration
and analysis of specific phenomena, etc.
Historical experience shows that it is expedient to use
visual material during the study of school subjects of the
natural cycle, in particular, in the lessons of natural science,
geography and biology. Implementing the principle of visibility
in the process of studying natural sciences, geography, biology
and other subjects of the natural cycle means creating new, as
well as supplementing, enriching and expanding the sensible
images and representations of objects of the surrounding world
in the minds of children through a purposeful direct and
indirect sensible knowledge.
An analysis of literary sources suggests that the first visual
material should be considered to be the published attachments
2.1. The usage of visual aids in the nature study class

to the Natural History Textbook for the Secondary School «The

Story of Natural History» (1786), edited by V. F. Zuyev, which
was not only the first textbook, but also the only one during the
XVIII – first quarter of the nineteenth century, and was used at
school for more than 30 years. The textbook did not contain
illustrative material, and the visual material (drawings,
diagrams, figures) was printed separately on large sheets. Such
sheets were 12 depicting animals and plants engraved on copper
plates, designed to show the whole class. Thus, they were the
first wall tables and visual material on natural sciences.
Since the second half of the nineteenth century, the use of
visual material at the lessons of the natural cycle has become
widespread in educational institutions. It should be noted
that the most interesting and valuable methodically material
on the issues of visibility was accumulated in the field of
school geography. It is known that in the 60's advanced
teachers, under the influence of the ideas of D. D. Semenov,
begin to use visual methods in geography lessons, in the first
place drawing maps.
In the teaching of geography, the idea of visibility was first
expressed in the use of maps and atlases. With the development
of printing, the printing of maps and atlases has increased
significantly, which made it possible to spread them in school.
New atlases contained quite a large number of training cards;
unlike the previous atlases, they were produced in large
numbers and widely distributed among schoolchildren.
Since the 70's and 80's of the nineteenth century, the
practical experience of the teachers of the Vilna academic
district is of considerable interest. In their speeches Vilna
teachers emphasized that in the lessons of geography, it is

necessary to develop the thinking of students, to cause

interest in amateur activities. From this problem, they took
out on the foreground not drafting maps, but careful and
meaningful reading of atlas maps. In doing so, they provide a
developed map reading plan, which stated: the map must be
studied systematically; using questions to teach the student
to draw conclusions and to conclude using atlas maps.
According to Vilna's teachers' plan, when reading a card,
students should answer such questions as: «In what latitude
and longitude is the country located?»; «What seas is washed
this country (mainland)?»; «Which countries are bordered?»;
«Specify the natural and political boundaries»; «The presence
of islands and peninsulas»; «To analyze the relief of the
country»; «Specify the availability of river systems» etc. It
was also emphasized the use of tasks that have a calculated
character in the lessons of geography (to be able to measure
the distance between countries, to calculate the area of the
Thus, analyzing the experience of Vilna teachers, we can
note that card reading provides material for independent work
of students, which in turn influences the imagination and
thinking of students. Along with the control issues that reveal
the knowledge of the actual material, we can observe a
significant number of questions that have the nature of tasks
and answers, and require students to learn consciously and
understand the material. Thus, reading geographic maps is an
important factor in teaching students to work independently
and develop thinking. The experience of teachers has been
widely used at the lessons of natural sciences in secondary
schools of the country. In order to improve the use of visibility in
2.1. The usage of visual aids in the nature study class

geography lessons, the Vilna School District provided the

gymnasium with the following visual system:
1) for the study of the coastline – globes, maps, atlases;
2) for the study of soil profiles – relief globes and maps,
picture profiles and paintings, relief images of different
conditional colors;
3) for the study of water – maps of currents, pictures of sea
and river phenomena;
4) for the study of soils – a collection of soils and rocks;
5) for the study of the climate – a map of the winds,
paintings of air phenomena;
6) for studying plant and animal life – scarecrows, figures,
pictures of animals, plants and foetuses;
7) to study the population of the globe – figures of types of
races, figures and pictures of different peoples, drawings of their
homes, plans of different cities, samples of industrial products;
8) for studying the appearance of the globe – paintings of
landscapes characteristic of areas of different zones.
The analysis of literary sources shows that there were
significant controversies regarding the issue of drawing maps in
geography classes. Thus, in 1880, on the initiative of the trustee
of the Caucasian Educational District of Yanovsky, a special
commission on drawing maps in the geography classes was
organized. Most members of the commission indicated card
drawings as a necessary, best tool for the strong acquisition of
geographic data by students.
Thus, we can note that in the indicated period the impor-
tance of visualization in the teaching of natural sciences is noted.
However, dissatisfaction with the «constructive method» or
the drawing of maps, at the lessons of natural sciences in the

90 years begins to grow with great force. So, the teacher of

geography A. O. Sokolov in his speeches emphasized that in the
lessons of geography it is expedient to study the printed atlas of
maps and wall maps, because they give the best ideas about the
countries than the drawing of the teacher, and especially the
drawing of the cards by the students. After studying the country
with the help of the card, the students deliberately relate to the
drawing and make less mistakes than the original drawings,
and then use the map.
Also, A. O. Sokolov emphasized that it is not enough from
the point of view of the use of visibility in the process of
teaching geography, only geographic maps, atlases. The visual
means should be expanded. The main role in the lessons of
geography should belong to the pictures [Sokolov 1891a;
Sokolov 1892].
In his article «Paintings as a Manual for the Teaching of
Geography», A. O. Sokolov emphasized the combination of
pictures with the text of the educational material at the lessons
of the natural cycle and the use of large-scale paintings that can
be seen by all students simultaneously. At the same time, the
author notes in a limited number of paintings that should be
used in lessons and limited content of image data.
It is worth noting that not less important role in educational
work A. O. Sokolov devoted to the atlas and the map.
Particularly valuable in the work of the teacher is the tendency
to take into account age-specific characteristics of students
when considering the question of the nature of the geographical
map and atlas. Taking into account the age-old features of the
students, A. O. Sokolov criticizes the existing atlases at that
time. He proposes to replace them with separate atlases for
2.1. The usage of visual aids in the nature study class

different levels of the course, while highlighting three types of

atlases, namely: 1) atlases for the lower stages of the course;
2) atlases for the higher levels of the course; 3) atlases for the
repeated course of the upper classes [Sokolov 1891].
A. O. Sokolov noted that the first group of maps should
include not complex forms of image of geographical objects,
which can be easily found on a map and remember them.
Atlases for higher levels of the course must contain more study
material and be more complex. The third group, where
repetition of geography takes place in separate groups of
geographic facts, must represent pictures on which it is easy to
observe the placement of any geographic object on the entire
earth’s surface [Sokolov 1891a].
The main goal of the lesson of geography, A. O. Sokolov
noticed in the study of students were knowingly read the map.
The teacher noted that the cartographic representations of
students are formed during the conversation and form certain
geographical concepts that are compared with other concepts
and, as a result, summarizes the studied material.
In studying biology used a variety of collecting material of
the plant and animal world, skeletons, tables and schemes.
When studying the themes related to the animal world of
various natural zones, the teacher used the skeletons of animals
and birds in the lessons, which facilitated the learning of the
new material. Pretty common at the lessons of the botany were
herbarium collections of plants of their area, most of which
students of secondary schools made independently. For the
study of botany in educational institutions of the specified
period compulsory systematic herbaria:
1) grassy plants of coniferous forest («Coniferous forests»);

2) herbaceous plants of the deciduous forest («the deciduous

3) plants of meadows («Meadows»);
4) cereal plants («Grain plants»);
5) technical plants («Technical plants») and others [Shalaev
Teachers of the second half of the nineteenth and early
twentieth centuries noted that the use of visibility in the lessons
of natural sciences makes it possible:
– to improve the efficiency of the educational process;
– clearly submit the training material, especially when
phenomena and processes are not available for direct
– provide students with more information;
– to vary the forms of work in the classroom;
– to increase the interest of students in the subject, the
theme of study through the use of maps, atlases, paintings,
collections, tables;
– increase the strength and awareness of knowledge, and
thus improve the quality of the understanding learning
– considerably develop the stability of attention,
imagination, figurative memory.
It must be admitted that the valuable experience of the
school of the second half of the nineteenth and early twentieth
century’s is the achievement in the field of the methodology of
the use of visibility in the lessons of natural sciences, namely:
1) a combination of illustrative material with a textbook; 2) the
combination of paintings with a wall card; 3) techniques for
using paintings and drawings in the classroom.
2.2. Excursion as a part of the process of studying
natural science: past and present
In the modern period of reforming education in Ukraine
there is a rethinking of goals, objectives, content, forms, methods
for elementary education as a whole, as well as for separate
educational subjects, including the study of natural science. The
historical and pedagogical aspects of the reform of the content
and methods of studying natural science in elementary school
acquire relevance. It gives an opportunity to understand more
deeply the regularities of development of pedagogical
phenomena, to find out their factors and connections and to
assess the current state of development of the study of natural
The work of the elementary school teacher involves
expanding the outlook of junior pupils, which leads to increased
attention to the peculiarities of studying natural science in
elementary school.
The specifics of the study of natural science is that it is
studied not only through reading and translating the content of
the student material, but also on the basis of direct
communication with nature itself. This is greatly facilitated by
excursions in the natural sciences, which have a significant
cognitive value, since they allow combining the information
received and the sensory individual experience of the student.
It should be noted that such a form of study on science as a
tour was widely used in the second half of the nineteenth and
twentieth centuries. Care methods of their conduct were
thoroughly developed, and in almost every pedagogical study of
natural science emphasis was placed on the role and importance


of excursions in the process of studying nature junior

schoolchildren. Therefore, the accumulated experience of
excursions is expedient to investigate and take into account at
the present stage of the development of natural education.
The analysis of pedagogical literature suggests that issues
such as organizing and conducting excursions in natural science
were undertaken by such researchers as L. Bakhareva,
T. Bohdanets, L. Borovsk, V. Herasimov, Z. Kyrilov, S. Klepina,
O. Nikishina, O. Prokhorov, T. Smirnov, V. Tarasov, T. Tarasov,
N. Tomilina, A. Holomkinata and others.
A. Â. Gerd provided a great educational value to excursions
to nature. Back in 1866, he wrote that excursions should serve
as an addition to the lesson. He criticized the teachers who were
studying excursions to nature without the purpose and the plan
and turned them into non-use walks. A. Â. Gerd believed that
any excursion should contribute to the formation of a correct
view of nature, have a certain educational and educational goal,
to follow a clear plan. It should provide an independent work for
the students and ultimately deepen and broaden the knowledge
that students receive in classroom lessons. «Excursions should
serve as an addition to the lessons», wrote A. Â. Gerd, «the
attention of children should be directed primarily to what can
not be observed at school» [Gerd 1953: 64].
In the articles of the well-known methodologist A. Luben
the methodical recommendations on the necessity of studying
students of plants and animals, not only in classroom classes,
but also on excursions to nature, are indicated.
Known follower of A. Lubenʼs method K. Sent Ilier insisted
on the need for excursions, in which, according to his opinion, it
is necessary to teach children to observe the living conditions of
2.2. Excursion as a part of the process of studying natural science

organisms, the behavior of insects, birds and other creatures of

the animal world, as well as collect at the instruction of the
teacher of plants, animals, minerals for herbarium and
collections. The uncomplicated work that is carried out in the
process of excursions, should develop in children observation,
memory and attention.
In archival materials, in particular in the «Minutes of the
meeting of the Extraordinary Commission», we find the work of
inspectors of the school subdivisions R. Kryvuseva «Natural
excursions in elementary school» (1918). The author offers a
detailed plan of excursions, in particular, when and how to
conduct them: tours to spend 2 times a month; spring walks to
organize mostly in the afternoon; in the summer – in the first
half of the day (mostly in the morning); before the tour to
develop and think over the question [Protokoly].
All excursions of R. Kryvuseva were divided into:
mineralogical (acquaintance of students with water, streams,
clay, black earth, sand, banks, animal and plant world of rivers,
lakes, seas); botanical (familiarization of students with plants,
their structure and meaning); biological (familiarization of
students with animals, insects, birds, their structure, living
conditions and values) [Protokoly: 22].
An important contribution to the development of the
methodology for the study of natural science was made by
S. Rusova. The article «School excursions and their significance"
outlined their own views on the methodology of organizing and
conducting excursions. In her opinion, school excursions are
useful for the development of speech, the deepening of
knowledge in science, geography, positively affect the
comprehensive development of personality» [Rusova 1911].

O. Zavitiev (1890–1970ʼs) worked on the problem of the

need to allocate natural science in primary classes in a separate
subject. His main works are «Excursions and subject lessons in
grades 1–4», «Observations and experiments on natural science
in elementary school», devoted to the questions of the method of
formation of natural objects and concepts from junior
schoolchildren. Of great importance was the problem of
communicating children with nature during excursions,
observations, work in the educational area.
The rapid development of the natural sciences, which led to
their introduction into educational institutions, called on
scientists and teachers to new methodological searches. Before
Methodists, teachers faced an important question how to give
students really scientific knowledge, without overloading their
mental powers.
Among the main problems of teaching natural sciences in
the school of the second half of the nineteenth and the twentieth
centuries was the problem of guided tours.
With many objects and phenomena of nature you can
acquaint students in the classroom with laboratory lessons
with handouts, lessons with demonstration of experiments
and visual aids, but in cases where subjects and phenomena
should be considered in the natural environment, excursions
are required. Such excursions are indicated at the beginning
of the twentieth century in the program of the school of
natural science for each class.
An excursion is a form of the educational process that
allows you to observe, as well as directly study various
objects, phenomena and processes in natural or artificial
conditions. The main didactic purpose of excursions is the
2.2. Excursion as a part of the process of studying natural science

formation of new knowledge, mainly through direct

observation of natural, social, production objects and
phenomena. On excursions, children have the opportunity to
observe the objects under study and the phenomena under
the direct guidance of the teacher.
Excursions were the beginning of work on science at the
junior school, as they caused students to interest in the study
of nature, the desire to conduct observations. They were aimed
at raising children's care about nature, revealing the
aesthetic, cognitive, recreational, practical value of nature in
people's lives.
Teachers of the second half of the nineteenth and twentieth
centuries were widely used in educational work for walks and
excursions, during which students directly communicate with
nature. The organization and conduct of excursions can be
divided into the following stages:
• Before studying the topic. Indeed, excursions represented
value as the main material for further study activities from a
certain section of the program, for example, when familiar with
trees, bushes, herbs, as well as when observing seasonal
• In the process of working on a specific topic (for example,
monitoring the state of trees and shrubs in the winter for the
life of animals). On such excursions, the studied educational
material was checked and new knowledge was acquired which
was necessary for further study of nature;
• At the end of the study of the topic (for example, a trip to
nature in order to monitor the spring changes in the life of
plants, birds, animals). On such excursions, the learned
material was synthesized and repeated.

When preparing for a tour, the teacher determines not only

the sequence of questions that students must answer, but also
the tasks that students will perform during the tour.
Before taking an excursion, the teacher predefined the most
convenient route and looked for those objects that can be used
for educational purposes. Often teachers practiced guided tours
along the same route. It was used in order to demonstrate
clearly and convincingly to children seasonal changes by
comparing the natural conditions in different seasons.
Here is an example of a guided tour of Êelisavetgradʼs
biology teacher (1890). The biology teacher instructed the tour
to explain to students what observations they should conduct on
plants, familiarized children with signs of seasonal changes in
nature, gave advice on how to keep diaries of observations.
During the study of the theme «Plants in nature and
agriculture», the teacher conducted a lesson in a school park,
and the children directly observed various plants and
November, collecting multicolored leaves, which were then used
to create a herbarium [Derzhavny arkhiv (18): 23].
Another example of the life of Êelisavetgrad schools is also
worth attention. The teacher of the geography of the private
women's boarding house Mrs. N. Khriashchova, in particular,
conducted an excursion with pupils of the IV grade on the topic
«My edge» at the beginning of the school year. During the
excursion, the teacher drew the attention of children to the
beauty of native nature. Passing past the River Ingul, she
suggested that the students stay on the bridge. From here it
was visible both banks of the river. The children told us what
the right bank is different from the left. Students noted that the
left bank is lower, on it grow beautiful trees – poplar, birch,
2.2. Excursion as a part of the process of studying natural science

willow. The right bank was steep, swift, the water washed away
from it, and it became clearly visible how layers of the earth lay:
the upper layer – black earth, below the sand, clay.
This excursion not only acquainted students with the
geographical features of the area (structure of the soil,
vegetation, etc.), but also promoted the education of their love
for the beauty of native nature [Derzhavny arkhiv (3): 30–36].
According to natural science teachers of this period, school
excursions are an important means of raising the level of
educational work of the school.
These methodological recommendations are widely used in
modern elementary school during excursions at the lessons of
natural science.
The main idea of the New Ukrainian School and the new
Standard is training based on competence. The Law «On
Education» provides the following definition of competence:
«dynamic combination of knowledge, skills and abilities, ways of
thinking, views, values, other personal qualities, which
determines the ability of a person to successfully socialize,
conduct vocational and educational activities» [NUSH 2016: 11].
The standard is divided into nine educational branches:
Language, Literature, Mathematical, Natural, Technological,
Informatics, Social and Health, Coastal, Civic and Historical,
Arts and Physical Culture. The text states: «Competence
potential of each educational branch ensures the formation of all
key competencies» [Derzhavny standart 2018: 28]. The standard
allows one and the same competency to be developed through all
educational branches.
The state standard of primary general education recognizes
that the purpose of the educational branch «Natural Science» is

the formation of the natural scientific competence of the student

through the acquisition of a system of innovative knowledge of
nature, methods of educational and cognitive activity,
development of value orientations in various spheres of life and
environmental practice. In my opinion, the realization of this
goal is fully possible only through the application of the activity
approach to the organization of the educational process. The
new curriculum on science also points out that the dominant
types of work at the lessons in the New School should be:
research, problem-based learning, practical work, modeling of
natural objects, project activities, excursions, interactive forms
of work.
The purpose of the educational branch «Natural Science» is
the formation of the natural competence of the student through
the assimilation of a system of integrated knowledge of nature,
methods of educational and cognitive activity, development of
value orientations in various spheres of life and environmental
Achievement of this goal is ensured by the laws of the
following tasks:
– formation of a sufficiently integrated scientific and
natural world picture covering the system of knowledge that
reflects the laws and laws of the existence of nature and the
place in it;
– mastering accessible ways of knowledge of objects and
phenomena of nature and society.
Having analyzed the curriculum, the textbook and notebook
1st class «I explore the world» the necessary condition is using
lessons-excursions, without which it is impossible to study
natural science. This is a special type of educational activity
2.2. Excursion as a part of the process of studying natural science

conducted outside the classroom for the direct perception and

observation by students of objects and phenomena associated
with the study of software. This type of work is aimed at
satisfying the cognitive needs of students, their physical and
intellectual development, health promotion, the ability to notice
interesting, unusual. Excursions also have a great educational
value, as they contribute to the education of such qualities of
the individual as thoughtfulness, interest and love of nature,
the ability to see beautiful in the environment, savvy,
independent, diligence.
They allow children to perceive nature directly by different
organs of sensation, contribute to the expansion of the
worldview, to develop observation, the ability to see what was
happening outside their attention, orientation in space. To
study the properties of living and inanimate nature and living
conditions in the environment more fully and deeply. While in
the fresh air, children are also hardened physically and this is
also very important.
Natural science tours are connected with the whole learning
process. Therefore, the natural science program defines a
minimum of compulsory excursions needed to study each topic.
But the teacher can make changes to the subject of excursions,
if they provide sufficient assimilation of the studied material.
According to the program, excursions have an approximate
distribution by class and one year in each class.
The lessons-excursions allow the teacher to establish a more
effective and direct connection of learning with life, learn to use
the acquired knowledge in practice. Excursions to nature make
life interesting for schoolchildren, help them better orient
themselves in the environment; enriched their vocabulary,

developing speech. Objects and phenomena of nature attract

attention, interest and arouse curiosity, develop observation of
schoolchildren; They help to learn how to feel beautiful, to cause
their desire to admire nature.
Carried out historical and pedagogical analysis of the
development of educational excursions from the time of
becoming to the present, we are convinced that the study of
natural science was of great importance. Scientists have worked
fruitfully on improving the methodology of teaching natural
science. They were explored and proposed methods of
conducting excursions in the study of natural science. Many
valuable methodological recommendations that were suggested
to teachers regarding the process of formation of natural science
concepts among junior pupils are relevant to today.


3.1. Psychological conditions of preschoolers’ creative

potential realization
One of the priority problems in the field of psychology of
creativity is the phenomenology and the formation of creative
person. It becomes especially acute and actual when it comes to
childhood as the most favorable period in the growth of creative
person. With good reasons the world of childhood is endowed
with epithets like «magic», «mysterious», «fabulous», etc., which
emphasize the multiplicity of a preschooler life with variety of
creative work expressions. It is extremely vital what is formed
and developed in a childhood. So, creativity, extraordinarity of
the future individual, realization of his own creative potential
depends to a great extent on these formations and
For the first time, the creative potential as the subject of
scientific research was mentioned in P.K.Enhelmeyer’s Theory of
Creativity in 1910 as a prelude, basic creation for further creative
activity. From the middle of the twentieth century the category of
creative potential of the personality occupies one of the leading
places in the range of problems of the psychology of creativity, but

till now there is no unambiguous interpretation, generally

accepted understanding of this concept. Thus, H. S. Altshuler
considers creative potential as a personality quality, which
determines the extent of his ability to carry out creative activity.
A number of researchers (H. S. Kostiuk, B. M. Teplov,
O. M. Matiushkin, E. O. Golubieva, etc.) consider the creative
potential as the abilities, inclinations, talents of the individual
to create a new one. O. O. Glukhovska, P. F. Kravchuk,
I. V. L’vova find manifestations of the personality neoplasms in
the creative potential; D. B. Bogoiavlenska, Y. O. Ponomariov,
Y. L. Yakovleva – indicator of the creative abilities level and
prerequisite of the individual creative activity. N. V. Kuzmina
identifies the creative potential with psycho-energy resources
and personality reserves, expressed in the intensity of her
spiritual life. System research of creative potential was realized
by V. O. Moliako, and defined it as «resource of creative
possibilities of the personality, his ability to perform creative
actions, creative activity in general» [Moliako 2005: 3].
In the publications of recent years we find the results of
research on the creative potential of adults – professionals,
specialists of various industries, (V. I. Burenina, M. Y. Kudriav-
tseva, N. V. Kuzmina, Y. M. Kuliutkin), students (K. O. Gus-
kova, P. F. Kravchuk, S. V. Pimonova, O. O. Popel,
S. M. Shchehlova), schoolchildren (I. Y. Sadovnikova, A. I. Sani-
kova, Y. L. Yakovleva). But there are almost no works on the
study of creative potential in the early stages of ontogenesis,
namely, in that age period, when its manifestation is the most
important for the further development of a creative person.
This situation predetermined the option of the purpose of
our study: to analyze the psychological factors and conditions
3.1. Psychological conditions of preschoolers’ creative potential realization

for realizing the creative potential of preschoolers; to develop a

program of facilitation of creative potential in the process of
personal formation in preschool age.
Numerous studies of the peculiarities of creativity in
childhood have made it possible to recognize the pre-school
period as the most sensitive in the formation of creative
personality (L. S. Vygotsky, O. V. Zaporozhets, V. T. Kudriav-
tsev, O. I. Kulchytska, M. M. Poddiakov, Y. V. Subotsky and
others). Researchers emphasize that creativity is inherent in all
children, it is their natural need and factor in mental progress.
«Characteristic feature of children’s creativity – its
comprehensive nature; absolutely everyone create in the
childhood», – remarks D. O. Leontiev [Leontiev 2004: 215]. With
respect to child creativity, the scientist suggests the usage the
adjective «natural», emphasizing its revelation to the world,
various possibilities, and divergent orientation. The child is
oriented not on what is needed, but on what is possible,
revealing its existential nature.
Creativity can be considered as universal ability that ensures
the success of all kinds of the child’ activities and all components
of development. The creative process is learning of the language,
knowledge of the world, constructive subject activity,
experimenting, game, etc. Children's creativity is understood as
the creation by a child subjectively new, meaningful product – a
picture, a design, images, situations, actions, etc. (I. M. Bila).
The process of product’s creation is of primary importance
for a child. Emotionality, the desire to seek and many times to
test different decisions and receive special pleasure from it are
inherent in activities of a preschooler. Sometimes this pleasure
is more desirable than achieving the final result.

An essential feature of children's creativity is «creative work

for oneself» – it is the accumulation of resources for future
creative activity, enrichment with knowledge, skills and
abilities. Thus, the child changes himself, psychic neoplasms
appear in the creative component of mental activity, as well as
in the structure of the individual as a whole. By realizing
personal creative ideas, the child discloses a new one about
himself, finds out his own possibilities.
T. V. Dutkevych believes that in the process of creative
work the child creates a special, unique and socially profitable
product, namely – his personality with properties that will allow
to make discoveries, inventions, achieve life’s success. Children’s
creativity is integral with such important personality qualities
as independence, initiativeness, originality, curiosity,
sociability. That is, the creativity of the child has expressive,
amateur and personal disposition [Dutkevych 2013].
Thus, the specificity of the mental development period of
the individual in childhood, when all dasic types of abilities are
founded, allows to distinguish the essential features of the
phenomenon of «creative potential of the child».
T. O. Pirozhenko notes that this category includes the
axiological aspects of the timely identification and development
of the child’s desires, inclinations and interests, and the
problematic aspects of the children developing environment, and
the issues of the active organization of their life in terms of the
development of mechanisms of activity, and the problematic
aspects of the content of child’ life and a system of values to the
world and to oneself. Therefore, it is especially important to
understand the essence of the creative potential of the child as
an integrative personality characteristic that characterizes the
3.1. Psychological conditions of preschoolers’ creative potential realization

extent of opportunities in the implementation of creative

activity, defines the need, readiness and ability to creative self-
realization, and also provides an effective interaction of
personality with other people and high productivity of action
[Pirozhenko 2015].
Despite of continued discussions, the ambiguous
interpretation of the role of adults in the development of child’
creativity still remains in psychological and pedagogical science.
The reasons are in the complexity of the phenomenon of child’
creativity and its development, as well as in the diversity of fair
conditions for it. The key to exposing the creative potential of
child is to make creative environment that provides the
opportunity to reveal the child' creative potential. Such
environment is formed by a set of conditions, which are divided
into four groups:
– physical (the availability of materials for creativity and
the ability to act with them);
– social and emotional (creating atmosphere of safety by the
adults, confidence, when the child knows that his creative
achievements will not cause negative evaluation and blame);
– psychological (formation of child's inner freedom feelings,
overfree, support of interest in the realization of own
opportunities as result of the promotion of all the creative
efforts of the child);
– intellectual (involvement of the child in the formulation
and solution of creative tasks) [Dutkevych 2013].
In order to support and realize the creative potential of the
child, the system of measures for psychological support of the
preschool child development is most effective for us. Under
support we comprehend the directed professional activity of the

psychologist, aimed at creating the optimal psychological

conditions for successful psychological development of the child,
particularly – creative.
Without claiming to be novel about definition of the structure
in the organization of psychological support, we consider it
necessary to outline the content of each of its components.
The first component – diagnostic and prognostic,
which consists of collecting information and identifying the level
of creative potential of the child. Comprehensive study of this
integral entity should cover all its components. I. M. Bila offers
to analyze the preschool child creative potential according to the
following three groups of indicators [Bila 2014]:
1) the attitude of children to creativity (motivational compo-
nent): their enthusiasm, the ability to «enter» into imaginary
circumstances, into conditional situations, sincerity of emotions;
2) the quality of creative actions (instrumental component):
the speed of reactions, ingenuity, the combination of familiar
elements in new combinations, originality of ways of action;
3) the quality of product (productive component): the
selection of characteristic features, objects, life events, their
reflection in creative activity.
The peculiarity of these features requires corresponding
approaches to the methods and techniques of identifying
children with different levels of creative potential. The
diagnostic complex of the child’s personality creative potential
(O. A. Lystopad) is taken for the basis:
1) the complex manner of the evaluation of behavior
different aspects and activities of children, which allows the use
of different sources of information and coverage of the widest
range of variables of creative abilities of children;
3.1. Psychological conditions of preschoolers’ creative potential realization

2) the duration of the diagnostic process in time;

3) analysis of the behavior of children in those areas of
activity which are maximally meet the inclinations and
interests of children;
4) the use of training procedures, within which the
organization of facilitative influences is possible, which
eliminates the typical obstacles and barriers in performing
creative actions;
5) joining to the assessment and identification of children
with high creative potential of experts – specialists of higher
qualification in the corresponding scientific field of activity;
6) assessment of the children’s creative possibilities
indications not only in relation to the actual level of creative
development, but also taking into account the area of the
immediate development of the individual;
7) reliance on scientific, valid, objective (independent from
subjective estimates of the researcher and investigated ones)
methods of psychodiagnosis [Lystopad 2013].
As you know, for studying activity of preschoolers the
maximum informative are the results of observational
methods (various forms of observation) that allow to record
various manifestations of both organized creative activity
and the behavior of the preschooler. V. O. Moliako
distinguished the main components of the creative potential
of the personality, which, in our opinion, could be indicators
of the expression of preschoolers’ creative potential and
stand as parameters for the registration of monitoring data
[Moliako 2015]:
1) predispositions, inclinations, which are manifested in
increased sensitivity, certain selectivity, preferences, giving pre-

rogatives to one another, and also the dynamics of mental

2) interests, their orientation, regularity and systematic
display, domination of cognitive interests;
3) curiosity, the desire to create a new, disposition to finding
and solving problems;
4) the speed of new information learning, creation of
associative lines;
5) tendency to constant comparisons, confrontations,
development of standards for the next selection of
6) manifestations of general intelligence – understanding,
the speed of assessments and ways to solve problems, the
adequacy of actions;
7) emotional coloration of the cognitive processes, emotional
attitude, influence of feelings on the process of subjective
evaluation, choice;
8) persistence, purposefulness, determination, hard
working, systematic work, courage in making decisions;
9) the ability to combine, find analogies, reconstruct; the
tendency to change the options, the cost-effectiveness in finding
solutions, the rational use of resources, time, etc.;
10) intuitionism – the ability to evaluate in a quick manner,
make decisions, forecasts;
11) relatively quick and high-quality mastering of new
abilities, skills, techniques, procedure of work, skills of
performing certain actions;
12) the ability to develop their own strategies and tactics
when solving various problems, tasks, finding a way out of
complex non-standard situations.
3.1. Psychological conditions of preschoolers’ creative potential realization

The results of the diagnosis form the basis for further work
on the organization of psychological support for the
preschoolers' creative development.
The second component is social and communicative,
which consists in creating positive psychological atmosphere in
communication «the child – the adult». In our opinion, the
productive one is an approach which is based on the idea of
balance between two components: the combination of the
measure of freedom of the child’ subjective choice and external
Most psychologists emphasize that the friendly condition
(and age peculiarities) of a preschool child's creative possibilities
expressions is the lack of restrictions, internal prohibitions and
barriers that slow down creative activity in an adult age. The
preschooler is not bound by previous experience, he is free, he
does not know that «it is impossible», «this is not the case». This
distinction gives grounds to argue that potentially creative
possibilities are most clearly represented precisely in preschool
age, and the task of adults is not to suppress the creativety of
the child. Consequently, the conclusion about the role of the
model and imitation for the further growth of the individual as
obligatory components in the process of formation of the child’s
creativity appears controversial [Bila 2014].
It is necessary to find the «golden mean» that would not
transform the child’s creative aspirations into reproductive
copying of patterns of behavior and activities of an adult. The
question of psychological and pedagogical practice is to reveal
those hidden, unrecognized opportunities of the child, which
in the favorable conditions will be realized, embodied in
creative products.

The researchers found the dependence of the child’s

creative work on the attitude of adults to him. The
authoritarian attitude, hyperopia and emotional frigidity and
indifference reduce the initiative, the independence of the
child, cause helplessness, discouragement in own forces, which
lead to the denial of creativity. Therefore, in co-operation with
the child, in the interests of developing his creativity, effective
methods of facilitation, that is, encouragement, approval,
interest, development of certain mental (for example, logical
processes of comparison, classification, observation) and
practical (technique of drawing, modeling, etc.) skills must
prevail [Dutkevych 2013].
We propose a model of social and communicative provision
of educational environment functioning, which concerns not only
pre-school and out-of-school establishments, but also the system
of family education.
First, the creation of an appropriate psychological climate,
based on the dialogic principles of the subject-subject relations,
is necessary:
– Denial of the authoritarian pedagogy patterns and appeal
to humanistic ideas that involve the recognition of individual
characteristics of the child;
– Providing children with sufficient external freedom and
effective assistance in gaining internal personal independence;
– Humanistic reinterpretation of the relaying and
socializing functions of education in the direction of ensuring
the «himself» of the child;
– Love and respect of the child, respect of personal dignity,
taking into account his preferences and desires in determining
the goals of educational work and ways to achieve them;
3.1. Psychological conditions of preschoolers’ creative potential realization

– Individualization and differentiation, determining the

degree of necessary intervention in the process of becoming an
– The upbringing of children in the spirit of humanistic
values, where the main place should be taken by the most
important universal values – good, love, justice, beauty,
patriotism, etc. [Titov 2005].
An important area of work on creating a positive
psychological climate is to increase the psychological
competence of educators and parents, to change the attitude to
the usual constant stereotypes of educational activity, to ensure
the possibility of realizing psychological approaches of
humanistic orientation in interaction with children, mastering
effective methods of communication. This direction of work can
be accomplished through a system of educational seminars and
socio-psychological trainings, which involve the joint
participation of children and adults in fulfilling common
creative tasks.
The third component is productive-creative. This
direction of the program has a more pedagogical orientation,
since it concerns the carrying out of the activities of the
creativity development. After all, the creative potential of the
child is determined, disclosed and developed in the process of
specially organized education, when the child acquires and uses
his own experience of creative work, and is involved in real
creative affairs. Due to this, a preschooler learns to orient
himself correctly in the environment, increases his creative
abilities in various activities (game, design, descriptive, vocality,
etc.). It is important for the child to experience the whole range
of different techniques, methods, types and styles of art.

A compulsory condition for the development of the cognitive

component of the preschooler's creative potential is the
saturation of the environment with sensory stimuli, speeches,
images, toys – that is, the materials with which subject actions
can be performed. The environment must be adapted to
implement the personality activities in various actions.
V. O. Moliako offers effective forms of children’s creative
potential realization.
Firstly, according to the researcher, children should
systematically be offered various creative tasks. Educators
should also direct preschoolers’ efforts to achieve original results
in their activities, find as many variants as possible to solve
every new task, compare them with each other and choose the
best solution. It is also necessary to strive for any creative
activity of the child and recommended to use special techniques
of creative training.
Secondly, it is desirable to maximally «make it aesthetic» all
forms of children’s life, to promote their acquaintance with
national artistic heritage, folk art, works of world culture,
accessible for the perception of preschoolers. All this should be
realized through appropriate educational programs, which
provide various types of creative activity.
Thirdly, it is desirable and reasonable for preschool children
to constantly participate in collective work, along with other
The system of games and exercises in such systematic
classes should be based on a set of techniques that stimulate
imagination and creativity:
– addition of the image, creating images from the given
3.1. Psychological conditions of preschoolers’ creative potential realization

– alternative use of objects (replacement of items based on

change of functions, purpose, method of use, properties, etc.);
– solving problem situations, transforming objects, self-
nominating new ideas, plots, etc.;
– finding common and different characteristics of
phenomena, things, objects;
– images using gestures, motions or artistic means of
objects, plants, animals, fairy-tale characters;
– finding errors, guessing riddles;
– reincarnation in heroes of fairy tales, dramatization,
theatrical production, etc.
Thus, by selecting content, offering creative tasks in various
activities, giving the child the opportunity to express himself
through drawing, modeling, designing, adults will contribute to
the realization of the creative potential of preschoolers.
As a result of the theoretical analysis, the peculiarities of the
preschoolers’ creative potential are determined, but its
implementation depends on a number of conditions.
Distinquished psychological factors, including motivation,
support of an adult, involvement in various types of creative
activity – allowed to create a model of favorable creative
environment and to offer a system of psychological support for
the development of preschool children. Further researches
require developing and testing of adequate diagnostic methods of
expression and evaluation of creative potential in children of
different ages, the facilitation of creative opportunities in speech,
intellectual activity of preschoolers.

3.2. Methodological system of the craft in primary school
Introduction. Modern school education focuses not only on
the acquisition of a certain amount of knowledge and skills by
students, but also on the development of cognitive and creative
abilities and a number of competencies of the individual that in
the future will allow them to pursue their own independent
lives in the future.
In this process, a special role is assigned to the educational
branch of «Technology», as the «Technology» promotes the
formation of technological competence among students on the
basis of the technological and design knowledge and skills that
are the basis for further work; the formation of an all-rounded
person who needs different types of mental and physical labor,
has technologically important qualities that ensure his self-
realization, self-affirmation and socialization. See also:
[Zimniaya 2000: 7; Matiash 2000; Saranov 2001].
The significant importance of technological culture and a
great lack of works based on its complex formation leads to the
creation and substantiation of a methodical system of labor
training of primary school students in a general education
Literature review. According to modern approaches, the
system is a complex combination of interconnected elements,
classified set of «components that is structurally and
functionally connected together by parts of the whole»
[Korsakova: 29]. Analysis of scientific researches (L. V. Viktorov,
N. V. Kuzmina, I. P. Podlasyi), testifies that the pedagogical
system consists of a set of invariant elements: 1) pupils; 2) the
purpose of training; 3) the content of training; 4) didactic

3.2. Methodological system of the craft in primary school

processes; 5) teachers; 6) organizational forms of education

[Entsyklopediya osvity: 650].
A methodological system is related to the didactic system.
According to N. I. Zaprudskiy, didactic systems «explain the
principles of constructing and interacting components» of the
educational process, and methodical «describe the pedagogical
process at the level of advice and recommendations on how to
teach a topic of the training course» [Zaprudskiy 2008].
Methodical system of training is an ordered set of
interrelated and interdependent methods, forms and means of
planning and conducting, monitoring, analyzing, adjusting the
educational process, aimed at increasing the efficiency of
student learning.
The main approaches to defining the concept of «methodical
system» are presented in the table 1.
Table 1
Basic approaches to the definition
of «methodical system» (MS).

№ Author Variants of definitions

1 Didactic approach This is a system in which didactic

L. V. Zankov principles direct and regulate the
[Zankov: 47–52] organization of the educational system,
but the level of effectiveness is rather
abstract, separated from the actual
daily activities of the teacher. Only
thanks to teaching method, the goal of
the system and its didactic principles
are implemented in teachers’ and
students’ daily activities. Typical
features of MS are connected with
didactic principles and their


implementation. The most important

principles are: versatility,
procedurality, systemicity, functional
approach, collisions (collision of the old
understanding of things with a new
scientific view of their essence,
practical experience with its theoretical
reflection, which often contradicts the
previous representations), variability.

2 Functional The structure, the components of which

approach are the goals, content and methods of
A. M. Pyschkalo, teaching, forms and means of training. All
N. V. Kuzmina, components of the methodological system
A. Arkhangel’skiy are inseparably interconnected, so any
[Pyschkalo: 60; change of one of them, causes the change
Kuzmina: 11] of other components and the whole system
as a whole.

3 Activity approach «... Any educational concepts and systems

V. Zagvyazinskiy V. require for their implementation a certain
I. [Zagvyazinskiy: system of actions. If this system is quite
95] varied and flexible, it is often called
methodical ... ", if not, then it acquires a
form of pedagogical technology»

4 Personal-pragmatic The focus of the attention is the student,

approach his self-development, so now to the
G. I. Sarantsev starting positions, which determine the
[Sarantsev: 10] specifics of the methodological system of
learning, there is the structure of the
individual, the laws of its development,
that is, the results of studying and
individuality of the pupil are added to the
elements of the functional model of MS.

3.2. Methodological system of the craft in primary school

5 Functional- Based on a deep analysis of the links of

pragmatic approach the learning process in the MS and the
A. M. Novikov definition of the basic requirements for the
[Novikov 1986] characteristics of this process:
1) understanding the unity of the content
and activities of teaching; 2) simultaneous
reflection of the activities of the teacher
and students in their dynamic interaction;
3) an understanding of the basic
functional interaction of the teacher and
the students as such that involves
teacher’s direct or indirect management of
students’ activities.

Purpose of the article: to characterize the structural

model of the methodical system of labor education of primary
school students.
Objectives of the research: 1) to develop a structural
model of the methodical system of labor training of elementary
school students; 2) analyze the main structural components of
the model.
The following research methods are used to solve the tasks
and test the hypothesis at different stages of scientific research:
1) theoretical: retrospective and comparative analysis of
philosophical, sociological, psycho-pedagogical, methodological
literature to determine the state of development of the problem
under study; systematization, generalization, theoretical
modeling, which made it possible to formulate a concept and
terminology apparatus, to determine the essence and structure
of the experimental system;
2) empirical: recording and forming experiments, diagnostic
methods of pedagogical observation, questioning, analysis of


products of children’s creativity and expert materials for deter-

mining the effectiveness of the experimental methodical system;
3) statistical methods for processing the data of pedagogical
expertise and checking the objectivity and validity of the results
of the pedagogical experiment.
Research results. The methodical system is a coherent
reflection of the model of pedagogical activity, defining features
of which are openness; completeness of components; the
presence of connections and dependencies among them; the
presence of a basic links and ideas important for the
combination of components; identification of common qualities
of the components of the system, etc.
The defining features of the modern methodological education
system are: scientifically argued planning of the learning process;
unity and interpenetration of theoretical and practical pupils’
training; a high level of difficulty and a fast tempo of learning of
the material; maximum activity and sufficient independence of
training; combination of individual and collective work of
schoolchildren; intenseness of the educational process with
technical devices; combination of various subjects.
In the structure of the methodical system of primary school
pupils’ labor training, we have identified a set of interrelated
components, among which the most important are:
– target component (general purpose and main tasks of the
– methodological, which is determined by the basic
theoretical positions and educational tendencies;
– content component, determined by the specifics of the
subject, educational standards and curricula with content,
detailed in the textbooks;
3.2. Methodological system of the craft in primary school

– processual component – structure, forms and methods of

organization of the educational process and technological
activity of students, on which depends the effectiveness of the
implementation of the purpose and content of training;
– personal (pedagogical and student) is represented by a
teacher and a schoolchild – subjects of the educational process,
in the interaction of which the purpose, methodology, content
and process of education are realized;
– a result-evaluative component, which is aimed to
determine the effectiveness of the educational interaction of the
«teacher-student» link and the assessment of the methodological
system as a whole.
Our study provides that the target, methodological, content
and procedural components of the didactically combined and
implemented in the textbook, which is at the same time the
reflection of the goal, the carrier of the content and the means,
the didactic tool for organizing the educational interaction of the
teacher and the student at the craft lessons.
The target block of the experimental system is based on the
pedagogical tendencies of the development of general education
and the actual social requests of the XXI st century according to
the education of the individual, as well as ideas of leading
national and foreign concepts.
The social order, the purpose and the result of training are
the organizing factors of this system.
Social order reflects the requirements for the personality of
a person at one or another stage of social development. The
social order of the society is a system of basic requirements for
the level of education of junior pupils in the field of
«Technology», which is set out in the State standard.

The most important purpose of the functioning of our

system is determined by the global goal of the general
educational system. It is realized in the diverse and harmonious
development of the younger generations and the formation of a
citizen of a legal democratic state, and also reflects the social
order to the level of education, development and upbringing of
the younger pupil in accordance with the current level of socio-
historical development in the field of people’s labor activity.
In addition, the goal of the educational branch
«Technologies» is the formation and development of students in
technological, informational-communicational and basic
competencies for the realization of their creative potential and
socialization in society.
The task of the methodical system is the complex formation
of the components of the technological culture of the junior
schoolboy – the emotionally-valuable, cognitive and practical-
effective components.
To achieve this goal, the following tasks are foreseen: the
formation of an idea about the subject-transforming activity of a
person, the world of professions, ways of receiving, storing
information and methods of its processing; development of the
ability to formulate creative ideas, conscious compliance with
safe working methods and the use of the tool and materials;
development of cognitive, artistic and technical giftedness,
technical thinking in the process of creative activity, skills of
manual techniques of materials processing, ability to use
technical terminology, artistic and graphic information, ability
to work with a computer; education of readiness to solve
household problems using algorithms for performing techno-
logical tasks and technological skills in practical situations.
3.2. Methodological system of the craft in primary school

Consequently, the components of the target component of

the experimental system reinforce the purpose and tasks that
determine the essence and direction of other components:
methodological, content, procedural, textbook, result-
Inseparable interconnection of these components leads to
the feasibility of their combination into a common didactic-
methodical block, which is modeled in the scheme (Fig. 1).
An important component of the methodological system is a
primary school teacher. This is a subject of training that
provides the organization and management of educational and
cognitive activities of students in the process of assimilating by
them the content of «Technology» as a pedagogically adapted
socio-cultural experience of human work.
Functional analysis of pedagogical activity allows us to
consider the system of basic properties, relationships and
actions that together form the personality of the teacher and is
also a complex dynamic system.
Important personal traits of the primary school teacher are
the balance, high mobility of the nervous system; moderate
extravagance; stenotic emotions and emotional stability; the level
of intellectual development is not lower than normal according to
sensory-perceptual-mnemological indicators and for the
characteristics of attention; high level of development of
imagination, fantasy; adequacy of self-esteem and level of claims;
a certain optimum of anxiety that provides intellectual activity;
purposefulness; empathy, high level of development of social
perception (L. M. Mitina, I. A. Zimn’aya); attachment to people
(children), humanity, attentiveness, sincerity
(V. A. Sukhomlinskiy); the ability to always keep in mind the

social vulnerability of children (Y. Korchak); the ability to see

oneself in children, to take their position (Sh. A. Amonashvili) and
readiness to adopt this position (V. Levy); having a democratic
style of communication on the basis of enthusiasm with a common
creative activity and friendly attitude (V. A. Kan-Kalik), etc.
[Amonashvili 2010; Kan-Kalik 1987; Milerian 1973; Lebedev 1992].
An equal partner of the teacher and the subject of the
training process in the represented system is a pupil of primary
school who carries out educational work and working practice.
Subjectivity (individuality) of a person is manifested in
selectivity to the knowledge of the world (content, form and form
of its representation); ways of working out of educational
material; emotional and personal attitude to objects of
knowledge [Yakimanskaya 1961].
Requirements of the standard to the learning outcomes of
primary school «technology» allow to consider appropriate in the
subjective experience of work younger students the following
1. A cognitive component combines cognitive, general labor
and special design and technological knowledge, concepts, judg-
ments, inferences of the younger student about the achieve-
ments of man in the field of material and technological cultures,
ways of knowledge and transformation of the world, focusing on
manual labor technologies, and bases of project activity.
2. Practical and effective component (subjective experience
of junior pupil in the implementation of methods of cognitive,
practical work on manual labor, design and information
3. The emotional and value component is the system of basic
values, ideals of behavior and activity of junior pupils in the
3.2. Methodological system of the craft in primary school

process of accumulation and realization of the experience of

knowledge and transformation of the world with the help of
manual labor and project activity.
The implementation of tasks set in the methodical system is
based on certain methodological principles. In the context of our
research, the methodological unit is represented by the
philosophical, general pedagogical, didactic-methodical and
implementational levels.
The philosophical level of the methodology of our study is
connected with the points on the decisive role of labor activity in
the development of society and personality, according to which
the modern person should be regarded as an active subject of
transformational activity, the unity of theory and practice, the
leading role of practice in the process of cognition; with the
doctrine of dialectical unity and patterns of communication
processes of education, education and development with the basic
elements of social life; with the humanistic character of modern
education, its orientation towards the harmonious development of
personality. The fundamental ideas for research are reflected in
the writings and practice of philosophers, educators and
psychologists (N. A. Berd’aev, V. I. Vernadsky, M. S. Kagan,
Yu. M. Lotman, A. N. Leontiev, A. S. Makarenko, S. L. Rubin-
stein, L. N. Tolstoy, K. D. Ushinsky, P. A. Florenskiy, etc.).
The basis of the philosophical methodology of our system is
cultural, axiological, personally oriented and systematic
The general pedagogical basis for the system of formation of
technological culture of schoolchildren is humanistic, personally
oriented and developmental concepts, which, in our opinion,


more closely correspond to the genetic essence of technological

An important component of the methodology of the general
pedagogical level is the system of principles, the most important
of which are the unity of educational, developmental and
educational functions of teaching, the scientific nature of its
content and methods, systematic, consistency and continuity,
visibility and accessibility in combination with a rather high
level of complexity, nature and cultural correspondence, taking
into account the age and individual characteristics of students,
the principles of the synthesis of arts and the aesthetization of
the educational process, the subjectivity of learning based on
the child's life experience etc.
In developing and substantiating specific scientific
methodological foundations, the most important points of such
concepts are taken into account: the formation and development of
personality in the process of activity (B. G. Ananiev, L. I. Bozhovich,
A. N. Leontiev, B. F. Lomov, T. A. Ratanova, D. I. Feldshtein etc.);
educational (P. Y. Galperin, V. V. Davydov, N. G. Salmina,
N. F. Talyzina, D. B. Elkonin, L. V. Zankov); labor and technological
(P. Atutov, E. A. Klimov, V. D. Simonenko, V. I. Tiutiunnik); the
design (A. A. Dobriakov, N. V. Mat’ash, V. O. Molyako,
V. V. Rubtsov, V. I. Slobodchikov); activity, content of education
(V. V. Kraevsky, V. A. Lednev, I. Lerner, M. N. Skatkin,
I. S. Yakimanska, S. U. Goncharenko) and the process of studying
(I. I. Ilyasov, I. A. Zimniaya, G. A. Zukerman, I. S. Yakimanskaya,
Yu. K. Babansky, V. O. Onishchuk, A. V. Khutorsky).
In order to provide a holistic modeling of the experimental
system of labor training for elementary school students, the optimal
didactic-methodical basis is active, competence and structural-
3.2. Methodological system of the craft in primary school

functional approaches, as well as a set of scientific theories and

principles that ensure the functioning of technological education.
In the process of modeling the result-evaluational component
of the methodical system, developments in the field of pedagogical
diagnostics are taken into account.
The control and evaluation and corrective functions of labor
training are mainly realized in the textbook and working
notebook due to the information aimed at achieving feedback in
the process of its assimilation. The implementation of the
control and evaluation function requires the preparation of a
system of multilevel tasks and questions, particularly in the
test, according to L. S. Vygotskiy, to the «zone of the student's
immediate development», located between the level of problem-
solving, focused on the teacher's assistance, and tasks, available
for independent student activity [Vygotskiy 1960].
The effectiveness of the introduction of the experimental
methodological system is demonstrated by the general increase in
the levels of the formation of the technological culture of children
through the period of studying in primary school (Table 2).

Table 2
Levels of primary school pupils’ technological competence on
different levels of diagnostics

Levels of technological
begin- sufficien
culture middle high
ning t level
Stages of diagnostics
Raw data (1st form, 1st term) 45 % 30% 22 % 3%
Benchmark data (2nd form, 12 % 38 % 37 % 13 %
4th semester)
Summary data (4th form, 0% 21 % 47 % 32 %
8th semester)
Dynamics of changes - 45 % -9% + 25% + 29%


As a result of the expert assessment of the teachers’

dynamics of the formation of technological culture of students
(at the beginning, middle and finish of training in primary
school), an increase in the assessment of all the parameters and
levels of the formation of schoolchildren’s technological culture
is recorded, indicating the effectiveness of the experimental
methodological system (Table 3).

Table 3
Summarized results of formation dynamics of primary school
students’ technological culture (on a scale from 1 to 12)
Stages of diagnostics
Input Final data
data (1-st (8th d d2
of evaluation
semester) semester)
of technological
Motivation of technical-
creative activity 4,58 8,47 3,89 15,13
Students’ technological
knowledge 3,01 8,69 5,68 32,26
Student’s technological skill 4,34 8,65 4,31 18,58
Total mark of basis of
technological culture 4,10 8,67 4,57 20.88
∑ 16,03 34,48 18,45 86,85

As a result of expert evaluation, the positive dynamics with

regard to the basic parameters and levels of the formation of
technological culture of students, the materials of approbation of
textbooks on crafts education and the results of questioning of
teachers make it possible to make conclusions about the sufficient
effectiveness of the proposed methodical system in the formation
of the bases of technological culture of primary school pupils.

3.2. Methodological system of the craft in primary school

Conclusions. The analysis of the revealed theoretical

foundations allows us to state that the structure of the
methodical system of labor education of primary school students
reflects the traditional structure of pedagogical systems,
reproduces in a holistic manner the basic elements of the
educational process: the purpose and tasks of learning (the
target component), its conceptual foundations (methodological
component), the figures of the teacher and student (personal-
pedagogical and personality-student component), content and
activity-organizational components of the educational process
(content and processual components) and it’s efficiency (result-
evaluational block).
The developed model transforms the structure of the process
learning of «Technology» into a holistic system that combines a
number of interrelated elements: a social order, the purpose of
learning and its result, subjects of the learning process –
teachers and students who have certain subject experience of
labor activities, principles of training and its contents, as well as
means of managing this process (educational information,
means of communicative pedagogical cooperation of subjects,
forms and methods of pedagogical leadership of various types of
educational activities and pupils’ behavior in the process of
acquiring subjective experience of educational, labor and project
activities on the basis of the acquisition of pedagogically
adapted socio-cultural experience in the field of labor).
Introduction to the structure of the methodical system of
personal components is determined by the leading role of the
pupils and teachers in the educational process. There is no
coincidence that in pedagogy the person is considered «the
highest value, the measure of all things», and in the didactic

and methodological works emphasizes the need to preserve the

right of each student to his uniqueness, free development and
self-development, self-realization.
An important structural component of the model is also the
textbook component – the integrative core, which is
concentrated on the methodological ideas, content and
procedural features of the methodical system. At the same time,
the textbook should be considered as the main factor in the
effectiveness of the model for the formation of components of
technological education and the integrated implementation of
cognitive, developmental and educational functions.
Research results. The methodical system is a coherent
reflection of the model of pedagogical activity, whose defining
features are openness; Completeness of components; the
presence of connections and dependencies between them; the
presence of a basic link and ideas important for the combination
of components; identifying components of the system of common
qualities, etc.
The defining features of the modern methodological education
system are: scientifically substantiated planning of the learning
process; unity and interpenetration of theoretical and practical
training of schoolchildren; a high level of difficulty and a fast pace of
learning the study material; maximum activity and sufficient
independence of training; combination of individual and collective
work of schoolchildren; saturation of the educational process by
means of technical training; acquisition of various subjects of study.
In the structure of the methodical system of labor training
of elementary school students, we have identified a set of
interrelated components, among which the most important are:
– target component (general purpose and main tasks
3.2. Methodological system of the craft in primary school

of the system);
– methodological, which is conditioned by the basic
theoretical positions and educational tendencies;
– content component, determined by the specifics of the
subject, educational standards and curricula with content,
detailed in the textbooks;
– procedural component – structure, forms and methods of
organization of the educational process and technological
activity of students, on which the effectiveness of the
implementation of the purpose and content of training depends;
– personal (pedagogical and student) is represented by a
teacher and a schoolboy – subjects of the educational process, in
the interaction of which the purpose, methodology, content and
process of education are realized;
– a performance-evaluation component, which is aimed at
determining the effectiveness of the educational interaction of
the «teacher-student» link and the assessment of the
methodological system as a whole.
Our study stipulates that the target, methodological,
content and procedural components of the didactically combined
and implemented in the textbook, which is at the same time the
reflection of the goal, the carrier of the content and the means,
the didactic tool for organizing the educational interaction of the
teacher and the student in the lessons of labor education. We
believe that the textbook is not only a mandatory element, but
also an integrative core of the functioning of a methodological
system that comprehensively reflects its essence, direction,
content, procedural principles.
The content, procedural and textbook components form the
didactic-methodical block of the developed model.

The target block of the experimental system is based on the

pedagogical tendencies of the development of general education
and the actual social requests of the XXI st century with regard
to the education of the individual, as well as ideas of leading
domestic and foreign concepts.
The social order, the purpose and the result of training are
the organizing factors of this system.
Social order reflects the requirements for the personality of
a person at one or another stage of social development. In these
requirements, not only for this stage, the traits and
characteristics of the person, but also important for the society
in the near future, that is perspective meaningful, are recorded.
The social order of the society is a system of basic requirements
for the level of education of junior pupils in the field of
«Technology», which is set out in the State standard.
The social order in the field of teaching primary school
students «Technologies» defines the purpose of the educational
process, which consists in a pre-conscious way of prediction and
the intended result of the activity. In addition, the specific
result of the interaction of the motivational, content and
regulatory components of human mental activity.
The most important objective purpose of the functioning
of our system is determined by the global goal of the general
educational system. It consists in the diverse and
harmonious development of the younger generation and the
formation of a citizen of a legal democratic state, and also
reflects the social order to the level of education,
development and upbringing of the younger pupil in
accordance with the current level of socio-historical
development in the field of labor activity of people.
3.2. Methodological system of the craft in primary school

In addition, the goal of the educational branch of

«Technologies» is the formation and development of students in
technological, information and communication and basic
competencies for the realization of their creative potential and
socialization in society. «Technology» in elementary school is one
of the links of continuous technological education, which
logically continues the preschool education, creates the basis for
successful acquisition of the technologies of the basic school and
the acquisition of vocational education.
The task of the methodical system is the complex formation
of the components of the technological culture of the primary
schoolchild – the emotional-value, cognitive and practical-
effective components.
To achieve this goal, the following tasks are foreseen: the
formation of an idea about the subject-transforming activity
of a person, the world of professions, ways of receiving,
storing information and methods of its processing; developing
the ability to formulate creative ideas, conscious compliance
with safe working practices and the use of tools and
materials; development of cognitive, artistic and technical
giftedness, technical thinking in the process of creative
activity, skills of manual techniques of materials processing,
ability to use technical terminology, artistic and graphic
information, ability to work with a computer; education of
readiness to solve household problems using algorithms for
performing technological tasks and technological skills in
practical situations.
Consequently, the components of the target component of
the experimental system substantiate the purpose and tasks
that determine the essence and direction of other components:

methodological, content, procedural, textbook, performance-

Our study suggests that these components are effectively
combined and implemented in the textbook, which is at the
same time a reflection of the goal, the carrier of the content and
means, the didactic tool for organizing the educational inter-
action of the teacher and the student in the lessons of labor


4.1. The problem of corrective care for children

with motor cerebral pathology
Formulation of the problem. The changes taking place in
the Ukrainian society, in the educational policy of the state, the
humanization of education and upbringing, aimed at the
harmonious development of the personality, its socialization and
individualization, determine the changes in special education,
one of the goals of which is to create conditions for the early
detection, correction and compensation of secondary deviations
in the development of infants and young children.
The provisions of L. S. Vygotskiy [Vygotsky 1935; Vygotsky
1938; Vygotsky 2000] about the complex dynamic interaction of
factors of the organic, social, subject order in the development of
a child with different types of developmental disabilities, the
significance of the early age period for the formation of a full-
fledged socialized personality, determine the priority of choosing
the early stage of ontogenesis for its study, theoretical and
practical substantiation of the ways of rendering effective
correctional and pedagogical assistance to a young child in
compensation for developmental and disorders in social


adaptation. Researchers have proved the uniqueness of infancy

and early age for effective correction and prevention of
secondary developmental disabilities (M. G. Blumin,
A. A. Katayeva, E. I. Leonhard, E. M. Mastiukova, E. F. Rau
and others). See: [Didakticheskie igry 1973].
The medical literature describes in detail the principles,
methods and content of the comprehensive rehabilitation
treatment of children with cerebral palsy, the main components of
which are physical therapy, various types of massage, drugs, ortho-
pedic care, physiotherapy, reflexology (K. A. Semenova, M. N. Gon-
charova, A. V. Grinin, I. I. Mirzoeva, S. A. Bortfeld, E. I. Rogacheva,
G. Tsypursky, V. V. Tekorius, L. O. Badalian, L. T. Zhurba,
V. Timonina, T. G. Shamarin, G. I. Belova, etc.) [Din Yan’ 1961;
Dmitrieva 1989; Dotsenko 1991; Yermolenko 2000: 19–23;
Ippolitova 1967; Psikhicheskie narushenia 1986; Kalizhniuk 1979].
Comp. more detail: [Koziavkin 1999; Koziavkin 2007].
Physical therapy is the main means of correction of the
motor sphere in children with cerebral palsy. Fundamental
approaches to the development of movements in children with
cerebral palsy were proposed and tested in the middle of the
20th century by Winthrop M. Phelps, Bertha and Karel Bobath,
Jean Tardieu, etc. In our country, the priority in this area
belongs to S. A. Bortfeld and K. A. Semenova.
W. Phelps [Phelps 1951] has developed 15 recommendation
steps that have found their application not only in physical
therapy, but also in speech therapy practice for the correction of
dysarthria. He made the following recommendations:
– Relaxation.
For relaxation, a massage in the form of light strokes can be
used. W. Phelps [Phelps 1951: 253–267] recommended to
4.1. The problem of corrective care for children with motor cerebral pathology

carefully apply the massage so as not to increase hypertonia. At

the same time, he attached great importance to relaxing the
muscles at the beginning of work and, in particular, invented a
technique for relaxing the limb by repeatedly shaking below the
joint in which there is stiffness.
He considered training of voluntary muscle relaxation to
be the most significant. W. Phelps wrote that relaxation can
be achieved not by massage, but by controlling the brain
over muscle activity. After achieving complete relaxation,
one must learn to reduce and relax the muscles without
moving. For this child, they are taught to focus on a muscle
or muscle group and then give themselves a command. The
instructor demonstrates the child with his example the
expected result.
– Passive movement.
In this case, the child does not provide any support or
resistance to the movement, but is aware of it. The instructor
makes the movement of the patient's limb. Drawing attention to
the working muscle contributes to the development of visual
and kinesthetic control. Soon the child begins to feel the
difference between contraction and relaxation of muscles.
– Active movement using assistance.
When selecting exercises, one should take into account
the auxiliary role of physical support. With different
movements, the degree of assistance varies. Maximum
assistance is provided in exercises aimed at preparing for the
implementation of independent movements. The help of the
instructor allows you to make a movement without undue
stress and fatigue, or a movement of greater amplitude.
Gradually, aid is shrinking. Different types of assistance can

be used: the instructor assists in completing the movement;

the patient helps himself with a healthy limb; movement is
carried out in the pool – water eases muscular effort.
– Active movement with resistance.
Movement with resistance enhances afforestation. There
are two possible options: the movement is carried out by the
patient – the instructor resists; the movement is carried out by
the instructor – the patient resists. W. Phelps noted that
resisting the patient himself is very important and useful before
making an active movement.
– Conditional (free) motion.
Reproduction of motion as directed. By the time this stage is
reached, all attention should be focused on executing commands
in a certain (optimal) rhythm.
– Automated movement.
Performing automated movements is crucial for training
flaccid (hypotonic) muscles. It is necessary to force the flaccid
muscle to contract, resisting the movement of the intact muscle.
– Combined movement.
Reproduction of movement in combination with another
movement. From this point on, the child has an interest and
desire to expand and improve their capabilities.
– Full rest – relaxation.
W. Phelps wrote that mental relaxation must necessarily
accompany the body, for which music is used.
– Differentiated relaxation.
– The ability to arbitrarily relax any muscle, even if others
are contracting at this time.
– Spontaneous movement from a position of relaxation.
– Keeping balance and posture.
4.1. The problem of corrective care for children with motor cerebral pathology

Reciprocal movements, giving the opportunity to return to

the direction of movement.
– Achievement and setting. (Virtually all useful hand
movements are based on these actions.)
– Motor skills.
According to Phelps, the first years of life are associated
with the formation of the main motor components, which after
12 years turn into improved skills and abilities. Phelps
technique involves the patient's conscious attitude to muscle
training. It is not fully focused on work with young children or
with children with low development potential.
The most popular in recent years are methods of
therapeutic gymnastics, based on the evolutionary laws of the
development of motor skills of a healthy child. One of them is
Method B. by K. Bobath [Bobath 1956]. It is used in all forms
of cerebral palsy, beginning at an early age, including in
children with gross mental and speech disorders and with
varying severity of lesions in the motor sphere. V. and
K. Bobath substantiated the need for work on the suppression
of pathological reflexes before the beginning of the formation
of movements. They found that at certain positions of the
body, the activity of pathological reflexes decreases. K. Bobath
called these body positions reflex-prohibiting positions. At the
heart of the reflex-prohibitory position is a diverse
reproduction of the fetal position – sitting, lying on your back
or side, lying on a ball or on a bolster. In this case, the head is
lowered to the chest, arms and knees bent and brought to the
stomach. Smooth swinging of the child at the same time
allows to eliminate the influence of the labyrinth tonic reflex
and achieve relaxation.

V. and K. Bobath emphasized that regardless of the child’s

age and the stage of the disease, work should begin with the
level of motor development that the child has. They have
developed complex sets of exercises that provide for consistent
work with the joints of the limbs in certain poses.
According to Bobatov, the motor development of the child
should be carried out strictly in order – from the head,
shoulders, upper limbs, trunk to the lower extremities.
The basic principles of the methods of V. and K. Bobath:
Inhibition of pathological reflexes and normalization of
muscle tone.
The development of reactions of straightening and
equilibrium by moving parts of the body in space.
Practicing movements with physical assistance and under the
control of an instructor. Aid decreases as movement is learned.
First, the movement is practiced at a slow pace, so that the
child is able to engage in work.
It is not necessary to ensure that the child immediately
mastered static positions, but gradually worked out one position
with another.
Methods and techniques of assistance should be consistent
with the abilities and capabilities of the child.
It is necessary to cooperate with parents.
The work program should be made individually in
accordance with the abilities and capabilities of the child.
It is necessary to permanently consolidate the movements
and actions developed earlier and currently being worked out in
everyday life.
These authors also belong to the idea of training children on
the balls. Since then, balls of various sizes have been an integral
4.1. The problem of corrective care for children with motor cerebral pathology

part equipment physical therapy classes for children with

cerebral palsy. In the future, the method Bobatov expanded and
modified V. Vojta [Vojta 1976]. He proposed a child’s motor
development system in sequences from the head down. The
child is first trained to raise and hold his head, then crawl on all
fours, then sit, then stand and walk on his knees, stand on one
knee, and finally climb and walk.
The French orthopedist G. Tardieu is the author of the
functional system of developing the skills and abilities
necessary for the life and development of the autonomy of sick
children. Along with the use of relaxation techniques, the
development of equilibrium reactions, prevention and, if
necessary, elimination (surgically) of contractures, G. Tardieu
proposed to change and adapt the form of cutlery, furniture,
toys, toiletries to the needs of children, and the development of
actions to use them called functional exercises.
In recent years, a variety of methods have been increasingly
used in the complex treatment of patients with cerebral palsy.
V. T. Kozhevnikova indicates that various orthopedic means
are used to prevent contractures and deformities: special
orthopedic shoes, instep supports, splints, orthopedic
appliances, bandages and soft collars. With their help, correct
physiological relationships of the head, torso and limbs are
created. Various types of orthopedic styling and fixtures are
used. The method of correcting spastic contractures by staging
the casting of plaster casts, with the help of which the limbs are
gradually removed to the middle position, has not lost its
Quite widely used in the rehabilitation treatment of
patients with cerebral palsy is the method of acupuncture,

acting both locally, through biologically active points at the

injection site, and providing a general reflex effect on the body
(S. A. Bortfeld, N. V. Koziavkina [comp. Koziavkina 89–96],
V. T. Kozhevnikov, K. A. Semenova).
In order to normalize the spastic tone and prevent the
occurrence of contractures, the methods of apparatus physio-
therapy are widely used, the heat treatment is paraffin and
ozocerite applications, mud and balneotherapy
(E. P. Mezhenina, K. A. Semenova).
Drug therapy, according to domestic and foreign authors, in
cerebral palsy is most effective at an early age (L. O. Badalian,
L. T. Zhurba, O. V. Timonina, K. A. Semenova and others).
V. T. Kozhevnikov indicates that in the conditions of
specialized institutions, none of the methods of treatment are
applied without physical therapy (physical rehabilitation,
kinesitherapy). With cerebral palsy, physical therapy is a
constant and leading link in complex treatment. The main
means of exercise therapy for cerebral palsy are various
methods of massage, medical gymnastics and position therapy
(postural exercises). Modern therapeutic physical culture has in
its arsenal not only a variety of techniques, but also various
technical devices (large balls, parallel bars, tracks for learning
to walk, trampolines, various simulators, etc.).
In recent decades, one of the models of correctional and
pedagogical work with children with cerebral palsy –
«conductive pedagogy» has received the greatest popularity and
popularity. This trend originated in Hungary in the late 40s and
became widespread throughout the world. The method of
conducting pedagogy was developed by A. Peto in 1945–1967,
and later developed by the M. Hari. Conductive pedagogy is
4.1. The problem of corrective care for children with motor cerebral pathology

currently considered one of the most effective methods for

overcoming motor disorders in children with cerebral palsy
without pronounced deviations in mental development.
The term «conductive pedagogy» means training organized
by the conductor’. The method is based on a systematic
pedagogical approach to the education of functions, which
focuses on medical and educational correction aimed at
developing an independent activity and independence of the
child. Conductive pedagogy is aimed at bringing up a
harmoniously developed, creative, socially active personality of
a little person. The conductor is a specialist who knows the
problems of medicine, pedagogy, physical therapy, speech
therapy, and psychology. He is the only specialist working with
the child. The teacher-conductor, working with children
throughout the day, pays attention to the complex (unified)
training of movements, speech, psyche, and emotional reactions.
This approach eliminates the «fragmentation» that is
characteristic for the treatment of children with cerebral palsy
separately by different specialists. The conductor, together with
the doctor, assesses the motor capabilities of the child and
determines the ways for their correction. Its main goal is to
overcome motor, speech and mental impairment through
education, development of detainees and correction of impaired
functions. To do this, the child, starting from the moment when
he opens his eyes in the morning, must constantly be aware of
and from here purposefully make every movement necessary to
get out of bed, for washing, toilet, breakfast, moving around the
room, etc. The conductor offers the child to relax with a kind of
auto-training, to take the initial position necessary for each
motor complex. The child at this moment sings melodies to help

him relax. Then, turning to active movement and as he masters

this movement, he pronounces it. For example, «I am standing»,
«I am going», «I have gone», «I take a spoon», etc. This is an
active awareness of the produced movement, which is fixed by a
constantly strong irritant – in a word, it is extremely effective
for stimulating motor activity and motor abilities.
Thus, the very implementation of self-service movements is a
method of development and correction of impaired motor
functions. So, in the process of getting up from bed, lifting the
head, turning the torso, sitting down, vertical installation of the
body are mastered. The task of the conductor is to help the child
to perform these motor complexes by verbal instructions,
imitative movements, and correcting the body and limbs of the
child and his movements with passive movements. The conductor
fixes the attention of children on the most successful methods of
self-correction, helping them to master one or another motor
complex, fixing it by repetition, if necessary. Stimulation of the
development of movements occurs when the need of each motor
complex is as conscious as possible by the child.
In conclusion we want to state that the main goal of
conductive therapy is the integration of a child with
disabilities into ordinary society and ordinary life. This
implies not only the development of the motor and intellectual
functions of the child, but also the formation (reconstruction)
of the personality and is carried out with the help of well-
coordinated, long-term rehabilitation programs. «This is not a
therapeutic session, but a life-long process, it is a certain
lifestyle that not only the child learns, but also his parents».
One of the main conditions for success is the continuity of
classes. By this is meant the transfer of the center of gravity
4.1. The problem of corrective care for children with motor cerebral pathology

of the rehabilitation process from the hospital to the family,

followed by periodic rotation (1 time in 3–6 months) of the
child to the rehabilitation center for the analysis of the
achieved and new milestone training. Not only the child is
trained, but also an adult who cares for him (usually his
mother). Only parents armed with knowledge will be able to
carry out full-fledged day-to-day educational and
rehabilitation work.

4.2. Specifics of speech development of children with

cerebral palsy
Cerebral palsy is one of the most serious forms of disorders
of the psychophysical development of children, which manifests
itself in disturbances of motor functions, which are often
combined with speech disorders, other complications of the
formation of higher mental functions, and often with a decrease
in intelligence. The article will discuss the speech disorder in
children with cerebral palsy.
The study of speech development of children with cerebral
palsy is devoted to a large number of works of domestic and
foreign authors. K. A. Semenova, O. M. Mastiukova,
M. I. Smuglin were engaged in the description of the conditions
necessary for the proper development of language in children
with cerebrospinal fluid. The commonality between linguistic
and motor disorders in children with cerebral palsy was studied
by M. B. Eidinov, A. M. Pravdina-Vinarskaya, N. M. Traugott,
K. A. Semenova, A. M. Mastiukova. The study of the formation
of speech in children with cerebral palsy was given by
M. Â. Breitman, M. B. Eidinova, M. Zeman, O. P. Arkhipova,
L. A. Danilov and others.


Different forms of dysarthria and alalia in children with

cerebral palsy are distinguished by M. B. Eidinov, K. Bobath,
B. Bobath, N. Bott and P. Bott, N. M. Traugott and S. I. Kaidinov.
Specifics of speech development in children with cerebral palsy
remains not fully studied and systematized. To progress this we
will try in our study.
The purpose of the study is to describe the features of
speech development and the classification of speech disorders in
children with cerebral palsy.
Material and methods. To study the specifics and
peculiarities of the speech development of children with cerebral
palsy, we used the methods of collecting, systematizing,
evaluating, comparing and analyzing information.
In a complicated structure of violations in children with
cerebral palsy, a significant place is occupied by speech
disorders, the frequency of which is from 65% to 85%
[Mastiukova 1997; Bohme 1966]. It should pay attention to the
diversity of language disorders.
In the work of K. A. Semenova, A. M. Mastiukova,
M. I. Smuglin [Semenova, Mastiukova, Smuglin 1972], the
conditions are described for the full development of the
language, which is formed in close union with the motor skills:
1) anatomical preservation and sufficient maturity of brain
systems that participate in speech function;
2) preservation of kinesthetic, auditory and visual
3) sufficient level of intellectual development that would
ensure the need for linguistic communication;
4) regular structure of the peripheral speech apparatus;
5) Sufficient emotional and linguistic environment.
4.2. Specifics of speech development of children with cerebral palsy

Children with cerebral palsy are often deprived of all these

The features of speech disorders and their degree of severity
depend primarily on the localization and severity of brain
damage [Semenova 1991]. At the heart of speech disorders in
the cerebral palsy is not only damage to certain structures of the
brain, but also the later formation or underdevelopment of those
parts of the cerebral cortex, which are of major importance in
linguistic and mental activity. This is an ontogenetically young
region of the cerebral cortex, which is most rapidly developing
after birth (premotor, frontal, temmono-temporal).
M. Mastiukova emphasizes that the lag in the development of
language in the cerebral palsy is also associated with the
restriction of the amount of knowledge and ideas about the
surrounding world, the lack of substantive and practical activities
and social contacts. Children have little life experience
communicating with a narrow circle of peers and adults.
Violations of language formation are also caused by insufficiency
of kinesthetic, auditory and visual perception, and the delay of
intellectual development [Mastiukova, Ippolitova 1985].
Negative influence on speech development leads to mistakes
in upbringing committed by parents, who often overemphasize
the child, aspire to do much for her, warn all her desires or
perform them in response to a gesture or a gaze. In this case,
the child does not have a need for linguistic communication. In
such cases, the child turns out to be deprived of linguistic
communication, which is an important precondition for
language development.
Of great importance in the mechanism of speech disorders
in the cerebral palsy has the very pathological pathology, which

limits the possibility of movement and knowledge of the

surrounding world. There is a clinical and pathogenic
commonality between linguistic and motor disorders in children
with cerebral palsy [Traugott, 1975]. Comp. also: [Bobath &
Bobath 1956; Böhme 1966; Vinarskaya 2006].
Prolonged preservation of pathological tonic reflexes has a
negative effect on the muscular tone of the apparatus of
articulation. The expressiveness of tonic reflexes increases the
tone of the muscles of the tongue, impairs breathing, voiding,
arbitrary opening of the mouth, movement of the tongue
forward and upward. Such violations of articulation motility
delay the formation of voice activity and complicate the
development of the sonic-speaking side of the language
[Badalian 1988].
In connection with the lack of kinesthetic perception, the
child not only complicates the movements, but also poorly
senses the position and movement of organs of articulation and
limbs. We agree with the opinion of E. M. Mastiukova, which
points to the relationship between the severity of violations of
articulation motility and the violation of the functions of the
hands. The most marked violations of articulatory motility are
observed in children with significant lesions of the upper
extremities [Mastiukova 1997].
Many researchers note the late development of speech in
children with cerebral palsy [Arkhipova 2006; Breitman 1902].
Delay in linguistic development begins with the negotiation
period. O. P. Arkhipova analyzed in detail the main stages of
development of children with DDP during the first two years of
life. She revealed characteristic pathological features during
the contractual period and identified four levels of
4.2. Specifics of speech development of children with cerebral palsy

contraceptive development of children who, while at different

levels of contraceptive development, differed in character and
degree of maturity of mental functions. Particular attention is
drawn to the fact that the agreement on the development of
children with cerebral palsy is in violation of the pace and
content: the eyelashes are slow and characterized by imbalance
or even the loss of certain functions [Arkhipova 2006].
Most children with lingering language development
understand someone's speech, speech is formed at a later date.
The delay in the formation of the motor language in the СP is
due to the pathology of the entire motor functional system
[Semenova 1991]).
Ê. V. Romanenko studied the conditions and peculiarities
of the formation of the sound side of speech in children of the
second year of life with the СP, and also identified some
prognostically significant criteria for violations of
contraceptive and speech development: late timing of
fluttering, the transition to the linguistic level of
communication only from 1 year 6 months, the predominance
in the linguistic order of one group of sounds (united by the
way and place of education) [Romanenko 1984].
L. A. Danilova, K. Stocka, G. N. Kazitsyna considered the
peculiarities of psychomotor and linguistic development of a healthy
child and a patient suffering from cerebral palsy, at different age
periods, from birth [Danilova, Stocka, Kazitsyna 1997].
The study of linguistic development of children with
cerebral palsy revealed a violation of various components of
speech activity: phonetic-phonemic, lexical and grammatical.
Due to the violation of the functions of the apparatus of
articulation in children with cerebral palsy, the phonetic aspect

of the language is persistently violated. E. M. Mastiukova

emphasizes that «at the initial stage of speech development,
there are many sounds, later part of them is spoken distorted or
replaced by relatives in articulation, which leads to the
indistinctness of the language and the restriction of
communication with peers and adults» [Mastiukova 1997: 102].
It indicates the atypical assimilation of phonemes, which may
not coincide with the sequence of their assimilation in normal
ontogenesis. «Already at the early stages of mastering the
phonetic system of the language of children with cerebral palsy,
defective articulation patterns may appear, which are fixed
further in the formation of a pathological speech stereotype»
[Mastiukova 1997: 76].
Children with cerebral palsy have disturbances of phonemic
perception. Often, children do not distinguish between hearing
sounds, cannot repeat component rows, allocate sounds in
In the majority of children with cerebral palsy, there are
marked violations of the lexical and grammatical structure of
the language, which are caused by the specific disease
[Ippolitova 1996; Malofeev 2009; Khalilova 1977]. The
quantitative restriction of the vocabulary and its slow
formation in spontaneous development are largely due to the
limitation of volume, inaccuracy, and sometimes the
mistakenness of knowledge and ideas about the surrounding
world. Children have limited lexical opportunities that do
not have the necessary linguistic means to characterize
various subjects and phenomena of the surrounding world.
The peculiarity of the formation of vocabulary finds
expression in violation of the assimilation of many language
4.2. Specifics of speech development of children with cerebral palsy

categories. M. V. Ippolitova points out those children have a

particularly limited supply of words that denote signs and
qualities of objects, as well as various actions with them.
Children experience difficulties in using and understanding
prepositions, phrases with prepositional constructs, as well
as words that denote spatial-temporal relationships
[Ippolitova 1996].
L. B. Khalilova discovered the limitations of lexical notions
that manifest themselves in the ignorance of children of the
exact meaning of words used in direct and figurative meanings
in the difficulty of updating synonyms and antonyms, in
violation of the rules of lexical compatibility [Khalilova 1977].
M. M. Malofeev showed the peculiarity of the dictionary of
children with cerebral palsy, which manifests itself in the form
of narrowing the volume of passive and active vocabulary,
difficulties in mastering the reader by the function of the word,
absence of the ambiguity of the word [Malofeev 2009].
Grammatical forms and categories are acquired by children
with cerebral palsy extremely slowly and with great difficulty,
which is largely due to limitation of linguistic communication,
violation of auditory perception, attention, low linguistic
activity, and impassability of cognitive activity. Children have
difficulties in constructing sentences, agreeing words in the
sentence, using correct posterior endings. Even before school,
children do not develop practical skills in the field of word
For children with cerebral palsy, the following types of
speech disorders are characteristic:
1) delayed speech development, due to motor insufficiency,
intellectual deficiency, severe somatic weakness, unfavorable

conditions of the environment (forced isolation from the team,

prolonged hospitalization, etc.);
2) dysarthria and anthrax;
3) alalia;
4) lingual underdevelopment due to decreased hearing, with
mental retardation [Semenova, Mastiukova, Smuglin 1972].
Linguistic disturbances in children with cerebral palsy are
rarely encountered isolated, with a combination of dysarthria
with delayed linguistic development or dysarthria with
alalia.The most common linguistic disorder in children with
cerebral palsy is dysarthria.
Dysarthria is a violation of the verbal side of speech, which
suffers from sound, organization of the sound stream, speech,
respiration, voice caused by violation of innervation of speech
muscle. According to L. A. Danilova, K. Stocka, G. N. Kazitsyna,
defects of pronunciation are found in 75% of children with
cerebral palsy, while in 95% of children these disorders are due
to dysarthria of various forms and severity [Danilova, Stocka,
Kazitsyna 1997].
The peculiarity of violations of the sound-speech side of the
speech during dysarthria in children with cerebral palsy is that,
with all types of active motions, muscle tone increases in
articulation muscles and increased dysarthria.
In children with cerebral palsy, the muscles involved in
language formation are usually amazed and speech disorders
are observed from simple ambiguity in the pronunciation of
some sounds to the absence of articulate speech. The speech in
children with dysarthria is smeared, unclear, poorly modulated,
with a nasal tint, and in severe cases, completely absent
[Cardwel 1956; Schonell 1956].
4.2. Specifics of speech development of children with cerebral palsy

It should be noted the pathological state of the speech analyzer

(violation of tone of muscles and motility of the articulatory
apparatus) in children with cerebral palsy. The disorder of speech
during dysarthria is due to a violation of the arterial body's
motility in connection with paresis, paralysis, hyperkinesia, as well
as changes in the tone of the articulation muscles, lips, soft palate,
diaphragm, vocal cords. At dysarthria, there are violations of
pronunciation of vowel and consonant sounds, tempo of speech,
modulation of voice, breathing, phonation, as well as asynchronous
breathing, alignment and articulation.
Even at the end of the XIX century were madeattempts not
only to distinguish dysarthria with cerebral palsy, but also to
describe its different clinical forms. Particular attention was
paid to the issues of classification of dysarthria. Subsequently,
these classifications were refined and enriched. At the present
time, various approaches to the classification of dysarthria are
based on the principle of localization of brain damage [Pravdina
1948], syndromological approach [Vinarskaia 2005], the degree
of comprehensibility of speech for others [Tardieu 1966].
We consider the most successful classification of dysarthria,
proposed by I. I. Panchenko [Panchenko 1974]. On the basis of
the syndromological approach, she distinguishes the following
forms of dysarthria in children with cerebral palsy:
1) spastic-parasitical;
2) spastic-rigid;
3) hyperkinetic;
4) atactic;
5) mixed forms:
– spastic-hyperkinetic;
– spastic and atactic;

– spastic-atactic-hyperkinetic;
– atactic-hyperkinetic.
The author emphasizes that in children with cerebral palsy
it is difficult to distinguish the symptoms of speech disorders
due to the complexity of lesion of lingual motility, if not
correlated with general motor disorders.
In speech motility there are similar defects. The type of
dysarthria is determined by the nature of the clinical syndrome.
This classification of dysarthria focuses speech therapists on the
qualitative side of arrhythmic motility disorder, which allows
more purposefully choosing one or another means of therapeutic
and logopedic work on the normalization of muscle tone and
articulation motor motility.
Linguistic disturbances that arise in cerebral palsy, can
cover various pathogenetic links in its formation:
– cognitive-linguistic processes;
– motor-language programming;
– neuromuscular exercise [Aronson 1990].
Clinically, this neurological pathology manifests itself as
problems in linguistic communication as a result of paralysis,
weakness and discoordination of speech muscle. At the same
time, speed, force, amplitude, synchronicity or accuracy of
speech movements can be violated. Neurological and topical
diagnosis of dysarthria should precede logopedic diagnosis.
As a result, we identified the main features and specifics of
the speech development of children with cerebral palsy and
described the conditions necessary for the full development of
Conclusions. In the article we have considered the
peculiarities of speech development of a child suffering from
4.2. Specifics of speech development of children with cerebral palsy

cerebral palsy in different age periods. The study of linguistic

development of children with cerebral palsy revealed a violation
of various components of speech activity. We pointed out the
types of speech disorders characteristic of children with cerebral
palsy. We have studied dysarthria as the most common speech
disorder in children with cerebral palsy.
Further research is required for other speech disorders in
children with cerebral palsy, inparticular, different formsof alalia.
Thus language disturbances in children's cerebral palsy
depend on the localization and severity of brain damage.
Great importance in the mechanism of speech disorders has a
pathology that limits the ability of movement and knowledge
of the world.


5.1. Development of expressive reading skills

of primary school pupils
The topicality of the research. The problem of forming
a comprehensive skill of expressive reading in junior pupils
belongs to the category of the principal one in the elementary
school pedagogy, since its elucidation is of great importance for
the theory and practice of modern science. Methodologically
correctly organized work with the text encourages a pupil to a
creative work, stimulated by the teacher’s desire to develop the
culture of the pupil’s emotional perception of what he/she has
read, seen or heard. The correct reading of fiction contributes to
the penetration into its thematic, ideological and artistic
content. The task of the school is to teach children to read, to
listen and to perceive a literary work. Therefore, since an
expressive reading is an integral part of the overall learning
process and the upbringing of pupils, the methodology of
developing its skills in pupils will always be relevant, as well as
the phenomenon of the visual perception of the printed text or
the prescript. Comp. [Derzhavniy standart].
5.1. Development of expressive reading skills of primary school pupils

Aspects of expressive reading of a literary work.

Introduction to the scientific and methodological literature
according to the chosen topic makes it possible to state that
during the last decades the problem of forming the qualities of
reading in junior pupils was studied by a large number of the
native scientists and teachers (B. A. Buyal’sky, L. I. Ivanova,
A. Y. Kapska, L. Yu. Koreniuk, G. A. Oliynyk, O. Ya. Savchenko,
N. F. Skrypchenko, I. T. Fedorenko etc.). However, the analysis of
special literature on expressive reading gives grounds to make a
conclusion that some aspects of this problem are still studied
insufficiently. Comp.: [Aksionov 1962; Oliynyk 2002].
An important component of the educational process in the
modern elementary school is the mastering of literary reading.
The essence of primary literary education is that a child has to
acquire reader’s and speech skills, to master the ways of
working on the text, children's and school books. The method of
holding modern lessons of literary reading cannot be considered
without the elements of the theory and practice of expressive
1. Emphasis on the means of expressiveness of a
literary work. As the study of the experience of the teachers’
work shows, particularly this problem draws very little
attention at reading lessons. In most cases, the efforts of
teachers are reduced only to the fact that children during their
reading should be guided by punctuation marks at the end of
the sentence and read loudly. But that is not enough. Firstly, it
is necessary to focus on helping pupils to find the necessary
means of expressiveness, based on the understanding of the
content of what has been read, the deep penetration into it, and
the desire to convey during their reading their attitude to the

content, to the characters, to the created psychological

atmosphere, to express their moral judgment of the events and
actions of the characters.
Expressive reading as a way of getting acquainted with
belles-lettres helps to understand that the word has not only a
concrete, substantive, nominative meaning, but also an
internal figurative-expressive (figurative) meaning that
prompts the perception of a literary work as a phenomenon of
art. In this regard, the advice of V. O. Sukhomlyns’ky does not
lose its conceptual value, who noted: «Teach all children to
read so that they can read thinking and think reading»
[Sukhomlins’ky 1980: 39]. It is difficult to teach such kind of
reading. The content and methods of teaching expressive
reading are complicated when transitioning from class to
class. Expressive reading as a literary reading of the
performing art has two facets: to understand the meaning, the
essence of the read work, and the «penetration of the
performer into the listener».
2. Focus on the psychological aspect of the analysis of
the literary work. The psychological immersion of the
reader in the read material is rather long and complex,
almost perpetual creative process that constitutes the
understanding of everything that is said in the literary work.
Correct and clear understanding of the meanings, images and
goals of the author, his attitude to the described event, his
psychological and aesthetic view is the understanding of the
author’s philosophy and features of language and style. In
general, the process of careful studying of the selected
material, «getting used» to it becomes the reason for the
study of special critical and literary papers.
5.1. Development of expressive reading skills of primary school pupils

While theoretical preparation for the lesson, the teacher can

fulfill a chain of recommendations, proposed by A. Ya. Zakushniak
[Zakushniak 1984], but it is very difficult to implement them
practically in the modern school environment. It is important to
take into account only one thing, in particular, to realize that both
the teacher and every pupil try to read competently in accordance
with their knowledge, age, experience and skills. If the level of the
literary works which were worked up at the lessons corresponds
to the age of students, they will understand clearly and deeply the
literary work, they will have an interest in studying, they will be
interested in commenting on the literary work specifically. As
a result, two things are relevant for the expressive reading of a
pupil: interest and admiration.
The work of decoding of the author's ideas, embodied in the
text, requires both a professional specialist and a student to
formulate correct questions that already contain a vector, in
which one should look for the correct answer. In particular, the
thing is about the following: «What?» and «Why? (For what
purpose?)». Answering these question, you can understand what
the reader wants to convey to the audience, i.e., in what way
and in what direction he can affect the recipients, which
thoughts, feelings he will push the listeners, and what
evaluation of the literary work they will give or what conclusion
they will draw. The goal of the reader determines specific tasks
that he has set before him. Their implementation provides the
main link between the reader and the listeners.
3. Commenting on the work as means of its creative
understanding. At the lessons of expressive reading, the main
place is put to the creative understanding of the text. The
teacher has no ability to demand from each pupil a complete

retelling of the literary work. The teachers is satisfied with the

desire to use a word to perform some kind of an action, to
present exciting thoughts and to create the description of the
artistic world, created by the author. The result of this is the
estimation of the degree of perception, which is always versatile.
Even with brief notes, presented by a teacher, which are related
to the quality of reading, constant classes of expressive reading
give noticeable results.
However, expressive reading is not limited to verbalization
itself. It is facilitated by translation, explanation and
comparison. Therefore, this type of reading is based on the
elements of many methods and techniques. We will list some of
them: translation, explanation and comments, distribution of
text reading by roles, previous exercises, conversations,
independent work, etc. Methods and techniques of expressive
reading then achieve the goal when it takes into account several
conditions: the availability of technical means of training,
computers, the correspondence of the chosen method of
complexity of the text, taking into account the correspondence of
the level of informational content of the text to the intellectual
level and the age of children.
The selection of material is quite important for reading. The
selected material should not only be interesting and exciting,
but, first of all, it should be educational in terms of content and
language, it should correspond to the age and level of the
intellectual development of children.
Children are very vulnerable and sensual. Well-read
literary works influence the consciousness and memory of
children, give them aesthetic pleasure, oblige them to appeal
to the chosen image once again, get acquainted with other
5.1. Development of expressive reading skills of primary school pupils

heroes of the literary work, penetrate into their thoughts and

feelings, love some characters, and condemn other characters.
Rapid and inattentive reading of a literary work becomes the
reason for its misunderstanding by children, awakens
dissatisfaction in them and even, frankly speaking, does not
cause interest to literature.
For children to realize the literary work, it is necessary,
first of all, that they should carefully study it, precisely
understanding the idea and the topic, presenting concrete
characters, events, internal connections and interaction between
events and people.
Having defined the theme of the story, we must clearly
imagine a range of events in it, so that in the process of
expressive reading we can appeal to them. Understanding the
content of the passage, the teacher must determine how the
pupils will disclose the image of the characters in it, which
conclusions this will lead to. In this case V. M. Aksenov advises
the reader to put the author mentally next to himself or herself
and in some way answer the following question: if the author
were with us, how would he act?
4. Emotional perception of the work and its role
analysis. It is very important to imagine the state in which the
event is animated, complemented. The reader comes to the
thought about the events and defines his/her attitude towards
them and the people depicted in the story. Actually, the main
informational tone and tone of voice depend on the reader's
attitude to events and actors.
Clear views of the reader are very important. In his/her
imagination a person describes a personage in such a way that
it clearly shows the inner world of the character, the state in

which he/she acts, the goals of his/her behavior, the direction of

his/her interests and admiration.
If the teacher sets himself/herself the task of preparing
the pupils for expressive reading, then he/she must organize a
special analysis of the work – the role analysis. The role
analysis, first of all, differs by its purposefulness: it helps the
pupils to enter the literary work, so that the writer's
descriptions should become close to them, and the direct
observation and experiencing of events should lead to
excitement. The necessary special part of the role analysis is
the definition of the performers’ creative tasks, which
anticipates a clear understanding of why the performer has
read this literary work and what he wants to bring to the
audience. The role analysis (analysis) is a special technique in
the analysis of the artistic creativity, because it has the
connection with the art of reading.
A complete and emotional response determines a productive
analysis of the literary work at school. In the accepted school
analysis of the literary work, a pupil receives certain literary
knowledge, the skills of organizing disputes, discussion in the
process of the role analysis, wit and a sense of beauty. From the
first moment of the role analysis, a pupil feels as a participant
or a direct observer of the events, described in the work, while
bearing in mind that in the future he should transfer these
impressions, thoughts and feelings to the listeners. In this
analysis, words, logical and psychological accents, intonation of
sentences, and their correctness are taken into account. As a
result, the language of the child is more fluid, expressive, and
these all factors are considered to be important in the
perception of speech by ear.
5.1. Development of expressive reading skills of primary school pupils

The direct imagination, obtained at the first acquaintance

with the literary work, is extremely important for the expressive
reading at school, because the question is solved here: whether
the work is pleasant to you or not. If you get the right
impression from the first reading, then it is a guarantee of
further success. The loss of this important moment will be
irreversible, because the second and further readings will be
deprived of elements of unexpectedness, extremely effective in the
field of the intuitive creativity [Osnovy metodiki nachal’nogo
obuchenia 1965: 39].
Conclusions. The application of the technology of the
expressive reading of the literary works, taking into account the
psychological peculiarities of understanding the meanings made
by the author in the text, give the teacher the opportunity to
highlight the educational and independent activities of the
student, to increase readers’ interest and their attraction to
such works and generally to the book.

5.2. Fairy tale as a way of development of speech skills

at the lessons of literary reading in primary school
Tale Consideration One of the most important tasks of a
modern primary school is a creative personalitys development,
increasing the interest and active participation of the pupils in
the studying process, development of the reproductive and
creative imagination, evaluative judgement. Spiritual
renovation of our country, the process of the society’s
democratization presuppose creation of the appropriate
conditions for the confirmation of creative atmosphere, many-
sided personalitys development, as well as the development of


a personalitys talents. The task of the process of the high

creative potential future generations upbringing is considered
not only as an actual problem of the modern pedagogical
science and practices, but it is also considered as a social
necessity. In the modernized Educational Primary School
Program it is stated that «the results of an educational process
are available in the case of using interactive forms and
methods of teaching – investigating, informational, plot and
roleplaying games, dramatizations ...» [Typical Educational
Programs 2018: 123]. For the implementation of the defined
teaching forms and methods effective is the realization of the
content line «Development of the Literary and Creative Pupils
Activity, Based on the Read Material» of the course «Literary
Reading» in the process of studying a fairy tale as a genre, the
skills of a fairy tales peculiarities investigating formation,
experimenting with its text. Development of the creative
activity, based on the read material, meant for the second
grade pupils: compiling the verbal pictures on the basis of the
read material, compiling variants of the famous fairy tales
endings, writing mini-compositions (3 sentences) about the
fairy characters, taking part in the group and collective
dramatizations of the read material [Typical Educational
Programs 2018: 34]; for the third grade pupils: compiling
variants of the fairy tales endings, mini-compositions about
the fairy characters (3–4 sentences), fairy tales (5–6
sentences) [Typical Educational Programs 2018: 40]; for the
forth grade pupils: roleplay reading of the fairy tales,
compiling a fairy tale independently and with the teachers
help, taking part in the fairy tale dramatization» [Typical
Educational Programs 2018: 38].
5.2. Fairy tale as a way of development of speech skills

The importance of learning fairy tales as a genre is

conditioned by their moral and ethic value and cognitive
possibilities, as well as by their genre special features, which
are manifested first of all in the fact, that fairy tales are
comprehensible for the children, aged 6–9, which is expressed in
the simplicity of the plot, directedness of the structure (a
traditional beginning, triple repetitions with the appearance of
new characters, a happy end), the presence of fantasy,
brightness and expressiveness of the language.
The analysis of scholastic and methodological literature
witnessed the scholars attention to the various aspects of work
with a fairy tale at the lessons of literary reading: the
psychological grounds of the speech procreation and
development are being proven in the works by P. Y. Halperin,
B. H. Ananieva; and the process of fiction perception, the
perception of fairy tales in particular – in the works by
L. S. Vyhotskiy, B. S. Meilakh, P. Y. Yakobson and others.
Historic and pedagogical sources highlight the «gift of
eloquence» development question (F. I. Buslaiev,
I. I. Srieznievskiy, K. D. Ushinskiy, I. Y. Franko,
V. O. Sukhomlinskiy); the foundation of the work with word
techniques (V. I. Vodovozov, N. A. Korf, F. F. Bunakov,
D. I. Tikhomirov); the fairy tales selection criteria for teaching
to read and the techniques of work with the fairy tales as the
means of speech development (K. D. Ushinskiy,
V. O. Sukhomlinskiy). See: [Belkina 2001; Dunayevska 1987;
Edigei 1995].
Methodological investigations distinguish such approaches,
as: the meaning and content of work with vocabulary
(P. O. Afanasiev, K. B. Barkhin, O. M. Bandura, S. P. Redozubov);

the speech development at the pre-school age

(Y. I. Tykkeieva); the tasks and content of the speech
development at literary reading lessons in the secondary
school (M. I. Rybnikova, M. V. Kolokoltsev, P. I. Kilosov); the
enrichment of the primary school pupils vocabulary in the
system of language lessons (M. R. Lvov,
M. S. Rozhdestvenskiy, I. P. Gudzyk, M. S. Vashulenko,
T. O. Ladyzhenska [Vashulenko 2001]); the ways of the
speaking vocabulary enrichment at the reading lessons
(S. O. Adamovich, H. I. Lypkina, M. I. Omorokova,
N. F. Skripchenko, N. M. Svetlovska and others); teaching
the primary school pupils to read a folk and literary fairy tale
(O. V. Dzhezhei, M. S. Bibko); the influence of a folk tale onto
the childrens speech (A. P. Usova, L. I. Fesenko, S. A. Alieva,
N. N. Nasrudlaieva, S. A. Litvinenko and others). Comp.:
[Propp 1986; Fedotova 2017; Fesukova 2000; Hordiyuk 2000].
As we can see it, different aspects of the set problem
investigation discover general approaches to learning a
Ukrainian folk fairy tale, taking into account pupils age
peculiarities, explain the system of its methods and
techniques. Nevertheless the methodology of pupils
vocabulary enrichment, aimed at the full perception and
comprehension of a folk fairy tale, is not fully revealed.
So, the contemporary methodology does not supply the
realization of the program educational standard at the level
of primary education, which demands the formation of the
skills of independent search and comprehension of words and
expressions in the text, which depict characters, life
conditions of that time, nature, description of events, the
skills to differentiate the shades of words in its genre
5.2. Fairy tale as a way of development of speech skills

peculiarities. All that allow to conclude that the investigation

of the given theme is actual.
Lets declare, that a fairy tale is a unique genre of folklore, it
is a piece of folk work with the elements of fantasy, which has
its own peculiarities of reading. It has its own bright genre
features, which clearly differentiate it from other genres. The
formation of the primary school pupils expressive reading skills
at the lessons of literary reading is a complex and responsible
process. Contemporary methodologists suggest a system of
methodological techniques of learning a fairy tale, taking into
account its genre peculiarities [Zhivitskaya 2002: 53].
As far as a fairy tale has a special manner of narrating,
reading: fairy tale-like, mysterious, slow or fast, if it is
necessary to represent a fast change of events, at the
beginning of the lesson, when the textbooks are shut, the
teacher should emotionally retell a short fairy tale close to the
text or should read it, or the fairy tale should be acted out by
the prepared pupils in the form of expressive reading. The
pupils should visually observe facial expressions, gestures,
voice characteristics (tempo, timbre), the pose of the presenter
(a reader), in order to see all means of visual expressiveness.
In the further work at the lessons the text of the fairy tale
(parts of it) under consideration should be expressively read,
retold by the pupils, preserving a special folk manner of
A fairy tale has its own peculiarities of structure. It consists
of the beginning, main part and ending. Pupils should visually
observe the structure of a fairy tale, should figure out its
beginning, ending, recollect some traditional beginnings and
endings in other folk fairy tales, learn the stable verbal formula

most frequently used at the beginning of a fairy tale and the

permanent verbal expressions, used at the end.
The following beginnings are traditional for the Ukrainian
folk tales:
«Once there lived a grandfather and a grandmother …» («A
Lame Duck»).
«One man had an old cat …» («Sir Kotskyi»).
«Once there lived two brothers – the first one was poor and
the second one was rich». («A Wise Girl»).
The above mentioned beginnings of the Ukrainian fairy
tales are very laconic; set expressions, such as once there were,
once there lived and others are widely used in them.
As for the ending, lots of Ukrainian fairy tales do not have
this structural component. For example, there isnt any ending
in the fairy tale «A Mares Head». Of course, this fairy tale ends,
but there is no final set verbal formula in it:
«The grandfather has gone away to find out.
When he comes there – there is just an empty hut standing
in the forest».
A creative way of learning a fairy tale is the task to create
beginnings and endings for those fairy tales, which do not have
such components.
A folk fairy tale has one more structural peculiarity, which
is first of all common to a magical fairy tale: triple repetitions of
the main episode, the main actions and words. For example, in
the fairy tale «Kyrylo the Tanner» Kyrylo is asked for help three
times: at the beginning there came the oldest people, they
distracted the master-athlete from his work, and 12 leathers
were torn by his hands; then the youngest came; and after that
the prince sent little children.
5.2. Fairy tale as a way of development of speech skills

So, this very triple repetition (the oldest, the youngest, the
children) has a symbolic meaning. Because the combination of
three age categories symbolizes life, its three stages: the
childhood, the youth, the old age.
At the lesson of literary reading the pupils under
supervision of a teacher should notice the details, which are
being repeated, should understand the function of these
repetitions for the characteristics of the fairy tales heroes,
for the development of the fairy tales plot, should learn to
include the components-repetitions into their own creative
A fairy tale as a folklore genre is rich in permanent
epithets, emotional and evaluative words in the characteristics
of its heroes. For example, in the fairy tales «A Goat Thorn» and
«A Mitten» there are some permanent characteristics of heroes,
as well as the epithets alongside with emotional and evaluative
«– Goat, my dear and sweet, have you eaten anything or
have you drunk anything?» («A Goat Thorn»).
«A croaking Frog, a scratching Mouse, a quickly running
Hare, a fanged Boar, a wandering around Bear» («A Mitten»).
These very words create the atmosphere of mystery,
fascination, magic in the fairy tales. While listening to and
reading the fairy tales, pupils hear, find, figure out these lexical
units in the texts and use them to characterize fantastic heroes,
in the process of getting ready for the expressive reading of the
tales, in order to convey the character of the heroes, using the
appropriate intonation and the relevant voice during the
dramatic readings. Such words pupils write out into their
treasure boxes of words.

The good and the evil are distinctly distinguished in a fairy

tale; a permanent and intransigent struggle between them is
happening in the text. Most frequently a fairy tale demonstrates
the victorious force of the good over the evil. For example, the
good triumphs over the evil in the fairy tale «A Mares Head»: a
hardworking girl, the grandfathers daughter, is rewarded, and a
lazy girl is punished; a goat-thorn from the tale with the same
name is punished too. Still there are lots of fairy tales, including
the Ukrainian ones, with a tragic ending: the Fly is killed, being
squashed by the strong long hands of the spider (a fairy tale «A
Fly and a Spider». Of course she is punished for being frivolous,
she is the evil, but she has been won over by the greater and
more dangerous evil – the spider. Working at characteristics of
positive and negative heroes, an important role should be given
to the pupils questions to the text (What? Who? Where? How?
Why?), «tricky questions» (i.e. the pupils questions for the sake
of prognostication (What fate might this or that character get?)).
In order to express their own attitude to the fairy characters,
the pupils can be given a task like this: to create some verbal
portraits or to play a game «Which heroes do I like and which of
them I dont like? Why?» For example, «Whom of the heroes from
the fairy tale «Sirko» do you like? Why do you like them?».
A fairy tale is a didactic tale. It unmasks the evil; negative
heroes are punished for being lazy, treacherous, sly; positive
ones are being praised or awarded for their hard work, loyalty,
devotion, help. In most fairy tales the moral (idea) «lies on the
surface», it isnt announced directly but it is clear; in some of the
fairy tales the moral is not clear, it is not formulated. For
example, such fairy tale as «Spin and Whirl» is rather
comprehensible for the primary school children, they can easily
5.2. Fairy tale as a way of development of speech skills

discover its allegory and formulate its moral: «Those ones who
do not work will not eat. Because they havent earned that». Still
there are lots of fairy tales which cannot be understood by the
children, they cant understand what is condemned and what is
praised there, for example, the fairy tales «A Merciful Mistress»
and «A Mitten». In this case pupils are given a list of proverbs
and sayings, out of which they should choose the expressions,
that might be used as a title of the fairy tale, i.e. they are
proposed to find the second title of the fairy tale under
consideration. For example, choose one of these sayings to name
the fairy tale «A Merciful Mistress»:
1. A greedy one pays twice.
2. Gives a little bit, but expects much more in return.
A fairy tale is a narrative tale with the elements of fantasy.
Primary pupils quickly grasp it and love it for this reason. One
of the important methods of learning a fairy tale is looking for
the elements of fantasy in it. In the process of at the fairy tales
«A Mitten», «Sir Kotskyi», «A Fox and a Hedgehog», «Sirko»
pupils define the ability of the animals to speak like people do
that and to behave in a humanlike way as the element of
fantasy. The main means of fantasy in these fairy tales is
personalization, impersonation, and personification. But there
are lots of fairy tales which do not contain any fantasy, for
example, «Who Used to Be Hardworking?» (a Bulgarian folk
tale), «A Taught Godfather», «A Merciful Mistress». Why are
they called fairy tales then? This question is rather difficult for
the primary school pupils. Thats why a teacher should draw the
childrens attention to the structure of a fairy tale (the presence
of the beginning and ending; the presence of triple repetitions in
the main part), to the generalized nature of the text.

At the reading of fairy tales lessons an extremely important

problem is making it clear, which groups the fairy tales are
divided into (folklore; authorial; literary). Pupils should know the
classification of fairy tales perfectly well. Working with the book
exhibition will help the pupils to differentiate folklore and literary
tales, to understand how they differ from each other, which
groups they are divided into (fairy tales about animals, the ones
about people, magical fairy tales) [Zhivitskaya 2002: 52–53].
Using the above mentioned methodological approaches in
the process of methodological work at the fairy tales at the
lessons of literary reading will help the primary school pupils to
distinguish the peculiarities of the structure of a fairy tale as a
genre, to comprehend the moral of the folk tale, and as a result
of this the pupils will be able to formulate the main message
(idea) of the tale independently.

5.3. The ways of mastering graphic skills in primary

In accordance with the Basic component of preschool
education in 2017, the Program for the development of the
preschool child «Ukrainian Preschool» was updated, a
component of set of normative documents, scientific and
methodological materials related to the modernization of the
content of preschool education and the humanization of its
goals and objectives. This is one of the proposed programs of
the new type, which reflects the requirements for updated
tasks and content of children education from early to senior
preschool age, defined indicators of certain type of
competencies [Bilan 2017].

5.3. The ways of mastering graphic skills in primary school

An important period for a preschooler is the senior

preschool age, which is related to the preparation of the child
for schooling. Before admission to school, the formation of the
school maturity of children six (seven) years should be
actualized. The teacher has to balance the mental, social and
emotional maturity of the pupils; to develop organizational,
general-cognitive, constructive, speaking and control-
assessment skills; to start forming a positive attitude to the
future of school life. It is vital, because at this age there is a
sharp change in social status, life position – becoming a
pupil. The adaptation of a preschooler to new conditions is
often accompanied by negative manifestations: annoyance,
fatigue, loss of appetite, sleep disturbance, bad mood,
reluctance to go to school. Sometimes even the inhibitory
processes of the child mental development and disorders of
the nervous system are observed.
One of the types of speech activity of children of the senior
preschool age, which they begin to master during this period, is
writing. The skills of correct and good writing are formed quite
slowly and require the child to take arbitrary behavior and
additional efforts. The younger the child, the more difficult it is
to master graphic skills, especially for six-years-old
schoolchildren [Bohush 2010: 4].
Taking into consideration difficulties in mastering writing
skills by children, the main task of the study is the development
of effective work system on the formation of graphic skills at the
stage of preparing them for schooling.
The program for the development of preschool-age child,
«Ukrainian Preschool», defines indicators of competence of child
of the sixth year of life in preparation of hand to writing:

– knows what a writing-book is needed for;

– holds the pencil correctly while performing graphic
– focused on the page of the album sheet and writing-book;
– understands the notion of «between lines», «under the
line», «left upper corner», «right upper corner», «on the line», «in
the middle»;
– carries out exercises on the shading of images, drawing
with wavy, oval, straight, arched lines [Bilan 2017: 235].
The practice of teaching children of five or six years old in
school to write, for the most part, testifies unavailability of the
child’s hand to write the elements of letters and letters
themselves, since six-years-old pupils are characterized by
weakness of small arm muscles, lack of movements regulation
during writing, considerable fatigue during prolonged stress,
insufficient formation of visual perception of the graphic form of
the letter [Na dopomohu vchytelevi 2016: 5].
The simplest test that allows you to check whether a child’s
hand is ready for writing can be done not only by teachers but
also by adult members of the family:
1. It should be checked whether the child can manipulate
small objects. For this reason a child should be given a packet
with buttons and be asked to separate the small ones from the
large ones (colored from white, etc.), and then string them on
the thread. It is noticed how a child performs this task:
confidently, fast enough, movements are clear (+) or very slowly,
awkward (-).
2. Ask the child to take a pencil (pen) with index finger and
thumb of right or left hand and twist it. The pencil does not fall
(+), it constantly falls (-).
5.3. The ways of mastering graphic skills in primary school

3. Ask the preschooler to draw a few vertical and horizontal

lines, a quadrangle, a square, an oval, a circle. Lines are equal,
clear, shapes of the correct form (+). Exercise does not work (-).
4. The child must shade a small pattern according to the model.
Task performance is assessed by adults, whether strokes are level
and parallel, and their direction. Exercise works (+) or not (-).
5. At first the child must carefully consider and remember
one, then two or three geometric figures. Then the figures are
closed and it is suggested to reflect them from memory. Exercise
works (+) or not (-).
6. An adult displays a symmetrical drawing of several
geometric shapes, one of which is skipped. The child completes
the drawing. Exercise works (+) or not (-).
7. Show several geometric shapes, differently shaded, and
ask the child to copy the drawings. The figures are copied
correctly, keeping the size, the direction of the strokes, the
combination of parts (+). Dimensions, confusing direction of
strokes, lines are not connected, uneven, trembling (-).
8. The adult depicts the same figures on two sheets of paper,
arbitrarily arranged on the page. Ask the child to find the same
figures or their combination. The child correctly determines the
figures (drawing) in no more than 6 seconds (+). Looking for
figure more than 6 seconds (-). Does not define (displays
incorrectly) the same figure (-).
9. Suggest the child to make simple shapes – a square, a
triangle, a diamond, etc. from the details (sticks). Quickly and
confidently makes sample of parts (+). Performs very slowly,
uncertainly, with a hint (-).
10. Give the child a clean sheet of paper and a marker,
suggest the game: imagine that, along with the adult, she rides

the car and the route should be marked: «Let’s go straight, turn
right, move forward. Stop, the road is blocked, we turn back,
then to the left, make a circle and ...». As a result, the scheme of
motion (+) must come out. Not come out (-).
Evaluate the results. If the child has effortlessly fulfilled all
or most of the tasks, he/she is well prepared for school and most
likely will not have problems with mastering writing.
«Negative» in the performance of tasks will demonstrate
parents, educators weak points. So, if the child can not handle
tasks 1–4, he/she does not have coordinated movements and
visual-motor coordination. If the child has difficulty in
performing tasks 1–2, he/she needs to pay attention to the
ability to hold a pencil (pen), being able to make exercises with
small objects. If exercises 5–6 are failed, visual memory is
needed to be trained actively. If there were problems with the
tasks 7–10, attention should be paid to the development of
visual-spatial and visual-motor coordination.
In the works of A. M. Bogush [Bohush 2010; Bohush 2016],
O. Yu. Pryshchepy [Pryshchepa 2012; Pryshchepa 2013],
I. V. Tsepova [Tsepova 2008; Tsepova 2013], and others the
exercises that will help to prevent the typical disadvantages of
«child home-preparation to school» are described in details. In
theses papers the base for calligraphic, correct and fast-speed
writing is also created.
When constructing system of exercises, we consider it
appropriate to refer constantly to the «zone of the immediate
development» of the child.
Firstly, we take into account the typical features of the
perception and preservation of information for preschoolers,
involving all channels of perception. Thus, two goals are set:
5.3. The ways of mastering graphic skills in primary school

1) the improvement of the functioning leading channel and

2) the formation and development of the weak, through the use
of exercises of compensatory character. Children receive a visual
sample of new element and consecutive way of its
implementation; audio, when they perceive commentary on the
way of action and repeat it aloud or about themselves,
kinesthetic, when in motion they reproduce it in the air, in
writing-book, on a sheet of paper.
Secondly, we are not limited to the mechanical reproduction
of elements when counting, but also simultaneously work on the
formation of visual, acoustic, tactile, kinesthetic, emotional
memory and corresponding eidetic images. Eidetism (from the
Greek «eidos» – look, image) is a psychic phenomenon, which
consists in the ability to reproduce a vivid visual image,
preferably when the object causing this image does not directly
affect the sensory organs. In addition, games using eidectic
techniques allow you to diversify child’s learning, make it more
Reproducing the image, we use associations of different types:
by form (sun, dandelion, cherry, hedgehog, by size (watermelon,
balloon, ball), by color (cucumber, leaf, cactus), according to the
logical association (autumn, November, rain, guelder rose), as well
as commonly acceptable associations (the 8th ofMarch – flowers of
mimosa, the 9th of May – tulips, poppy flower).
It is desirable that the image that we offer children for
visual perception, had a clear outline, because the brain is
clearly responsive to the contour, to the complete form; reflected
action; was accented, pronounced; caused a sense of humor,
because funny stories are remembered faster and better;
provided positive thinking that relieves stress.

Thirdly, to comment on the actions performed in writing-book,

or to illustrate the created image, we suggest accompanying work
in the writing-book by talking some time(reproduction, learning,
self-composing) of certain text. Usually these are rhymed lines,
tongue twisters, lines of children’s poems or even songs’ fragments.
Thus, at the same time, we solve tasks for the development of
speaking skills of preschoolers (sound skills, word formation,
grammatical constructs), basic speech skills (listening, speaking,
writing), determining the tempo rhythm of the exercise, and also
ensuring synchronism, fluency, and confidence of movements.
According to the laws of the development of conditioned
reflexes (O. G. Ivanov-Smolenskiy), sequence of operations on
any element will be the following:
Stage I. Direct influence (sample display) causes direct
motor reaction of the child – repetition of the sequence of
movements (direct motor irritant – direct action).
Stage II. Verbal influence (explanation, commentary) causes
a direct motor reaction – the writing of element (verbal irritant
– direct action).
Stage III. Verbal conditionally-reflector reaction in response
to direct irritant (demonstration of the element by the teacher,
its writing causes the child to remember the text of the poem,
songs which the sequence of movements is associated with).
Stage IV. Verbal conditionally-reflector reaction in response
to verbal irritant (the educator asks – the child answers).
Below are examples of basic preparation for writing
exercises, taking into account their sequential complication:
1. Familiarization with the structure of writing-book.
Writing points on a line, between lines – dots-seed, poppy.
2. Writing of straight and inclined lines – rain, grass.
5.3. The ways of mastering graphic skills in primary school

3. Writing of broken lines – horn, swing.

4. Drawing of geometric figures and objects with straight
lines – banner, window.
5. Drawing of geometric figures and objects with straight
and inclined lines – spruce, house.
6. Shading of geometric figures with straight and inclined
lines – pencil, banner.
7. Shading of geometrical figures with short fragmentary
lines – strawberry, (wild) strawberries.
8. Shading of design with straight and inclined lines –
house, basket.
9. Drawing of patterns with straight and broken lines –
pysanka, embroidery.
10. Shading of images of fruits and vegetables with dots –
carrots, apple, and pear.
11. Shading of images with half-oval lines – cone, fish.
12. Drawing of objects with oval lines – plum, carrot, leaf,
bell, lily of the valley.
13. Drawing of objects with oval and rounded closed lines –
bagel, cherry, snowball, sun.
14. Writing of straight lines with roundings at the top and
below – geese, ducks, flowers.
15. Drawing of objects with half-oval lines – Moon, a piece of
bread, a slice of watermelon.
16. Drawing of designs with arched and wavy lines –
snowdrifts, scobs, fringe.
17. Drawing of designs with the arched line with hinges –
telephone cord, frost patterns, weaving.
Poetic texts by M. Syngayivs’kiy, I. Nehody, Y. Zhelezniakov,
K. Perelisna, V. Luchuk, O. Pchilka, T. Shevchenko are applied

to every image. These texts are learned and reproduced by

children during exercises.
Gradually, this system of exercises is supplemented by writing
elements of letters and the letter itself in the air by five amplitudes
(according to the height of the room – from the ceiling to the floor,
the height of the board, the height of the samples submitted on the
board, the height of the enlarged sample in the writing book and
finally the usual line, containing pattern of dotted line). Writing is
accompanied by pronunciation (singing) of the language sound,
which this letter means in the writing.
Z. D. Gol’din suggested working with «Alive writings» in
which he proposes to write dynamic images of letters [Gol’din
1997]. This is a complex of game exercises for the formation of
dynamic motor portrayal of handwritten letters. This way the work
on the development of the distance judging and dimensional
coordination of movements proceeds; not only the image of the
letter writing in the dynamics is formed, but also the sense of
beauty of movements based on the proportionality, the rhythm of
the performance of individual elements, the plastic transition from
one movement to another is educated. This is a special «writing
without it» when children write in the air, on the snow, on wet
sand or on the floor. They write with their right or left hands or
both; with foot, body, head, nose, fist, palm, fingers; the letter could
be «written», trampled down, jumped and even danced. The
nominal name of the exercise helps to create kinesthetic,
emotional, visual, and eidhetic image of the letter: «Boxer» – the
child «punches» the letter in the air, pronouncing the sound in
every direction; «Sparrow» – with the index and middle fingers
«jump», drawing letter on the surface of the table or desk;
«Pinocchio» – writes letter in the air with his nose; «Bandmaster» –
5.3. The ways of mastering graphic skills in primary school

writes in the air with both hands, and also changes the tempo of
the exercise making and the amplitude of motions, depending on
the melody.
To our mind, such appeal to the «zone of the immediate
development» of the child (game techniques, built on working
with variety of eidhetic images, aimed at all ways of information
perception; alternating graphic exercises with pantomime,
plastic, dance moves; simultaneous development of imagination,
attention, thinking and speech of a preschooler) allows you to
effectively implement tasks defined by program.
Consequently, teaching writing to preschoolers should only
lead to positive emotions, because any tension in the arm and
body, emotional experience leads to despair and discouragement.
In order to prevent the fatigue of children, a large number of
preparatory exercises aimed at fulfilling the main tasks of the
preparatory period is necessary to combine with the game and
development of the skills of spoken language. It is a variety of
preparatory exercises: shading, lining with dotted lines, drawing
objects in limited space, performing various ornaments from the
main elements of the letters. There is the combination of compul-
sory graphic exercises with work on the poem, physical exercises
with verbal and musical accompaniment, the implementation of
free movements which give the chance to rest and emotional
charge for the next kind of work among the game moments.

5.4. Modern approaches to the development

of preschoolers’ speech skills
Formulation and substantiation of the relevance of
the problem. The need to reform the national educational


system in general and the pre-school unit in particular

substantiates the relevance of the study of progressive
pedagogical technologies, rethinking their conceptual
foundations in view of the requirements of the present day,
introducing the most effective approaches to the educational
process of preschoolers. We believe that the study of the
specifics of the use of TRVZ-pedagogy elements in a preschool
institution will make it possible to improve the process of
development in children of developed creative abilities through
the study of the native language and the use of the word in all
areas of communication, that is, to form the language
competence of pupils of the PEE successfully.
In the Basic component of pre-school education, it is
emphasized that one of the most important tasks of this unit is
the formation of the child’s personality and direct systematic
preparation for further study at the school. Given this, in the
current educational programs for the education and upbringing
of preschool children in the conditions of the PEE, provision is
made for timely speech training of children to school and the
formation of a child's thinking and cognitive activity, behavior
and personality in general [Dytyna 2016]. Comp. also
[Andreievets’ 2013; Lohvynchuk 2012; Movlenn’evy rozvytok
doshkil’nykiv 2010; Burova 2010 ].
The level of formation of the child’s speech, in particular
phonetic-phonemic and lexico-grammatical aspects, depends on
the level of knowledge acquisition, the development of skills and
abilities in accordance with the requirements of educational
programs. Obviously, broadcasting is inseparably linked with
thinking, so it is important to ensure that the preschool child
performs a full-fledged thinking and cognitive function that
5.4. Modern approaches to the development of preschoolers’ speech skills

facilitates the successful acquisition of reading and writing in

elementary school.
Analysis of recent research and publications. Given
the modern processes of updating the Ukrainian national
system of education, scientists formulated a number of
important tasks, among which the main thing for a preschool
institution is to provide the right conditions for a full and
comprehensive development of the child, education in her
initiative, creative person. The success of this task involves
updating approaches to the selection of methods for organizing
various activities of children. Modern lingua didactics
recommends abandoning the use of reproductive methods,
gradually replacing interactive activities – creative, research.
The organization of such activities involves the introduction
of a personally oriented approach to learning based on love and
respect for the child’s personality and his inner world, the use of
cognitive abilities of the child, its internal potential, provides
development of creative abilities, active life position and basis
for the formation of basic competencies [Bohush 2013; Bohush,
Havrysh 2011; Dytyna 2016]. Today, the pedagogical science
offers a lot of innovative technologies for the implementation of
the defined program requirements in the PEE, one of which is
the TRVZ-pedagogy. The development of creativity as one of the
priority lines of development of a preschool child is defined in
state programs and other normative documents that regulate
the educational process of preschool institutions. Creativity
implies maximal realization of the child's autonomy, creative
initiative, identity, ability to solve problems not on a template,
but on the basis of their ideas and hypotheses. The analysis of
scientific literature shows that in the studies of psychologists, in

particular in the writings of A. V. Brushlinsky, P. Engelmeyer,

Y. A. Ponomariov, T. Ribot, O. K. Tikhomirov, as well as in the
scientific researches of G. Altshuller, J. Dixon, S. M. Vasileisky,
the peculiarities of teaching children to organize inventive
activity are substantiated [Dytyna 2016].
The basic position of the innovation theory developed by
G. S. Altshuller consists in the fact that the formulation of the
technical problem and the search for its solution are not
spontaneous, but according to well-defined laws that can be
recognized and used to deliberately solve problem situations
[Dytyna 2016; Zhyvytska 2015]. The ideas expressed by
G. S. Altshuller turned out to be interesting for the
improvement of the educational process, so teachers and
psychologists adapted them to work with children in schools and
preschool educational institutions.
In addition, special studies (B. L. Zlotin, A. A. Nesterenko,
T. A. Sidorchuk, M. N. Shusterman) that are interesting for
understanding the above problem are presented, in which the
system of work on the introduction of TPVZ in the educational
process of educational institutions of various types is presented
[Dytyna 2016]. In the writings of M. N. Schusterman, a method
is proposed for the upbringing of preschoolers, a system of
games for the development of their creative imagination is
The methodology of TRVZ is aimed at forming a search
engine, which reduces the stereotyped and template of thoughts.
Effective from this point of view are techniques for the develop-
ment of imagination, proposed by a pedagogue-practitioner
L. A. Nesterenko, who recommended on the material of
mysteries teach children to fantasize, independently look for
5.4. Modern approaches to the development of preschoolers’ speech skills

original ways of solving creative problems [Dytyna 2016]. In the

Ukrainian pedagogical industry, the specific methods of using
TRVZ-technologies in working with children of junior school age
were described by domestic methodologists O. V. Lesina and
V. P. Telyachuk [Skhodynkamy tvorchosti 2007].
Consequently, the proposed methodological study reflects
the peculiarities of the use of methods of TRVZ-technologies for
the creative development of preschool children, since this very
age contributes to the development of creative imagination,
attention and imaginative thinking.
The objective of the paper is to outline the problem of
the application of methods and techniques of TRVZ-pedagogy
(technology of solving inventive tasks) in the process of teaching
the native (Ukrainian) language and developing the
broadcasting of pupils of pre-school educational institutions.
Presentation of the main research material. In modern
linguodidactics, the constant search for optimal methods and
techniques of speech and thinking development of preschool
children continues, as, according to many psychologists, it is at
this age that the foundation for the formation of non-standard
and creative thinking is created. Particularly popular in this
field acquires TRVZ-pedagogy, because it involves the
introduction of a partnership style of communication with
pupils, the creation of a friendly atmosphere, the stimulation of
creative activity. The specificity of the TRVZ is reflected in the
methodological principles, among which we call the following:
the creation of a positive atmosphere, which allows the child to
joyfully be surprised at their discoveries in the search for non-
standard solutions; absence of disapproving evaluations of
creative attempts; tolerance for unusual ideas and questions.

Compared to engineering TRVZ-technology, the

introduction of TRVZ-pedagogy in the PEE involves the
organization of collective games, exercises and occupations to
maximize the effectiveness of the current educational
program. The organization of classes on this technology
formulates the following methodological requirements: the
determining criterion for the selection of material is its
compliance with age characteristics and development of
children; compulsory planning of exercises for the
development of thinking, morality, imagination, memory,
sense of humor, volitional qualities; on the formation of
attention, intelligence; integration of cognitive tasks to
provide search and analytical activity [Yukhymets’ 2011].
The specifics of work on TRVZ-technology in a preschool
institution is that it is organized in a phased manner: 1) to
teach to see and solve contradictions, not to be afraid of the
negative in the object and phenomenon; to perceive the
environment in the interconnection of its components; to form
the ability to isolate the surrounding resources; 2) to develop
the ability of preschoolers to invent; «Enliven» the objects and
phenomena; choose the best options from a range of offers;
3) to solve fabulous tasks and to make fairy tales with a happy
limb; make new fairy tales based on well-known; 4) to develop
the ability to find a way out of any life situation using the
acquired knowledge and intuition, making non-standard and
original decisions.
Undoubtedly, it is difficult to fully understand the TRVZ in
preschool age due to the small paternal experience, but it is
important to focus on the formation of creative imagination and
imagination, which is the basis for creative activity.
5.4. Modern approaches to the development of preschoolers’ speech skills

The effectiveness of assimilating the methods and

techniques of TPVZ for preschool children directly depends on
the level of development of their creative imagination, which
helps children to think, to seek, to independently solve their
problems; to know the world around us and ourselves.
Imagination is a mental process that can be purposefully
managed. In view of this, psychologists highlight several
traditional ways to create new images [Yukhymets’ 2011], among
which we call the following:
1. Agglutination involves the creation of a new image by
joining parts of known images or representations. In work with
preschoolers, it is recommended to use the game «Photorobot»:
one child draws the head of any animal, the other – the trunk,
the third – the legs or tail. You can draw on one sheet, closing
the finished pieces from the next participant of the game, or
making the application by joining the cut pieces from children’s
drawings, postcards or magazine illustrations. The game is
relevant when pupils know enough fairy tales.
2. Accenting allows you to create new images underlining
those or other features. The individual details can be enlarged
or reduced to any size to emphasize shape features.
Preschoolers can offer a verbal game: «What grows up from
someone who loves to listen to strangers’ conversations (ears),
climb in other people's affairs (nose), sculpt others (eye), spit
on others, etc.?»
3. Hyperbolization is manifested in changing the object in
size to emphasize its individual parts. This technique is
appropriate for discussing various fairy-tale or fantastic
situations in the function of an additional means to overcome a
variety of obstacles.

As we see, the common feature of all the techniques of the

development of the imagination is the desire to change the real
situation to achieve the goal and overcome possible obstacles.
Precious child development skills in modern linguodidactics
are considered to be methods of developing a creative
imagination. One of these methods is brainstorming, the
purpose of which is to activate the imagination, to collect
various ideas for finding a solution to the task. According to the
structure and method of conducting is similar to the usual
conversation, but has its own specifics:
– brainstorming is used to discuss a situation that seems
– every participant in the discussion has the right to speak
and suggest his own solution to the problem;
– it is important to accept all ideas, even fantastic, without
criticism and verbal assessment «right-wrong»;
– from each of the proposed ideas, choose one for a more
detailed discussion;
– the results of the discussion should be realized in productive
activities: make a fairy tale, draw, create a collage, construct a
scheme. It is important to pay attention not to the quality of
drawings, but to the skill created by him about the story.
Children of preschool age are offered to discuss only those
issues in the sense of which they already have experience. In
the process of familiarizing with this method, unwanted
behaviors and activity of children may occur. To do this, the
tutor must follow the following recommendations:
1. To provide in the system of work development of the
ability to listen to another; to enter a rule of the raised arm; rule
«say when you listen to another»; microphone rule.
5.4. Modern approaches to the development of preschoolers’ speech skills

2. Not to pay attention to repeated ideas; to find

contradictions that prove the imperfection of the proposed idea.
3. Ask the most active child if nobody expresses ideas; add
item or illustration to the selected topic; prepare an adult or
child who will arrange a discussion.
4. To offer independent development of idea in productive
activity in the absence of time; an individual discussion of each
idea at another time.
Brainstorming allows the child to understand that there are
alternatives to solving any problem, gradually learning to
analyze their own and others’ ideas. The choice of themes for
brainstorming depends on the age of children: the kids are
offered well-known domestic or fairy-tale situations.
In the oldest preschool age, they also discuss fantastic
transformations around the world. In particular, you can choose
topics of the following type:
1) save the fairy tale heroes from dangerous situations;
2) to solve domestic problems: a) to get out of the apartment,
if the lock is damaged or there are no keys; b) the group has
finished paint and paper, what and what can be painted; c) in
the garden turned off the electricity, no electric cookers and
refrigerators, no lighting – how to get out of this situation.
3) to offer fantastic situations:
a) how to survive on an island, in which, besides plants
and animals, there is none and nothing;
b) describe the kindergarten for the inhabitants of the
underwater world;
c) Imagine and describe what will be the Moon
settlement for astronauts who are preparing for
interplanetary trips.

It is interesting for the development of a creative

imagination of preschoolers to be a method of morphological
analysis, created within the 30s of the last century for solving
astrophysical problems. This method allows you to create new
images by choosing and combining different qualities. For
convenience, all proposed features of the object are presented in
the table. For example, in order to create a new image of a fairy
tale hero, it is necessary to distinguish the main criteria by
which it can be characterized and to place them in the table
vertically. The number of criteria is chosen arbitrarily: parts of
the body, features of nature, place of residence, means of travel,
clothing, etc. Regardless of the fantastic image in the table, the
horizontal options are presented with the possible options
selected criteria. After that, one option is randomly selected
from each line so that a new image is formed. Preschoolers are
encouraged to make a fun story from the life of a new hero. By
this method, you can work with man-made or natural objects: to
invent new games, scripts of holidays, labor actions, etc. When
drawing up a table, kids can use subject pictures, and older
children are the first letters of the word or characters or
symbols. In a similar table you can enter the heroes of fairy
tales, a description of the place of events and make new
charming fairy tales with the children.
For the formation of the skills of preschoolers to compose
creative stories, one can implement the catalog method deve-
loped in the 20 years of the last century by a professor at the
University of Berlin E. Curse and adapted to work with
For work, take any book – a textbook or a collection of fairy
tales, which have a prose text and almost no illustrations. The
5.4. Modern approaches to the development of preschoolers’ speech skills

instructor consistently puts the children the question on which

the plot is based. Answers to these questions are looking for pre-
schoolers in the book, showing a finger to any place in the text.
The words come in a variety of unrelated, so the
combination of freely chosen words and sentences makes it
possible to create interesting scenes, unexpected characteristics
and comparisons. In the structure of most fairy tales, positive
and negative characters, their struggle, and other characters,
which help both the one and the second, are presented,
therefore, we recommend organizing the conversation in such a
sequence: 1. Who do we make a fairy tale? 2. Is this a good or
evil hero? 3. What good (evil) did he do? 4. Who was he friends
with? 5. Who interfered with them? 6. How? 7. What is all over?
How was evil punished?
The number of questions can be increased depending on the
age of the children. For heroes give more detailed
characteristics, introduce new actors. If there is more than one
word in working with the text, and the whole phrase that fits
the design, you can use it completely. This method is most
effective in working with a small number of children (2–5).
The method of focal objects is an alternative to the
catalog method proposed by the American psychologist C.
Witting. Please indicate how, for example, to improve, go to the
area as in the focus of the photo, but before that, select the
marked countries that are not related to it. Dawns, preschoolers
suggest to name three arbitrary objects. Introduce a condition
under which one of them represents the world of nature, the
other is man-made, the third – immaterial. Three lines of cards
displaying the objects (or concepts) representing these groups
are shown to facilitate the choice. Pupils choose one from each

line and name as much as possible the qualities of each subject

or concept. Of these, they are chosen by definition. After this,
the tutor calls the object of modification, which in turn assign
the selected attributes. Children discuss proposed changes to
the object.
This method can be used in individual and collective work
with preschoolers. First, children explain the lexical meaning of
compound phrases. After the narrative compiled as a result of
collective fantasy, the children themselves with pleasure
describe the newly created objects.
The method of analogies (synectics) arose in the 50
years of the twentieth century, the author of which is the
American U. Gordon. Analogies include vivid comparisons and
expressions in folklore, the manifestation of the magic of fairy-
tale characters. To organize the creative activity of preschoolers,
it is recommended to apply four types of analogies:
1. Direct analogy involves the search for similar
phenomena, processes, signs in other areas of reality. This
method is used by children in plot games, using objects
substitutes for missing objects in them. Direct analogy is used
mainly in work with older preschoolers.
2. Personal analogy (empathy) manifests itself in the ability
of the individual to empathize, understanding the emotional
state of others. Empathy requires an individual to imagine
himself in a concrete way and to convey the feeling, experience,
mood of this image in a problem situation. Kids are limited
enough to simulate motions.
For children 4–5 years of the problem is complicated: it is
necessary to describe and transmit language means of the state
of some man-made objects. With older preschoolers you can
5.4. Modern approaches to the development of preschoolers’ speech skills

work out ways to behave in the above situations. For such tasks
you can use the heroes of fairy tales and characters of real life.
3. Fantastic analogy offers to abandon the laws of nature
and get into the fairy world. Varieties of this analogy are the
following typical techniques of fantasy: increase, decrease,
acceleration, deceleration, animation, stoning, shredding,
association and others.
4. Symbolic analogy is observed in such examples of
literature and oral folk art: the heavenly king, the ruler of the
seas. For exercises with preschoolers take elementary
comparisons of objects according to their properties: in form, in
color, in size, in a touch, to taste.
Conclusions and perspectives of further research of
the trend. Thus, the analyzed features of TRVZ-technology
testify to the importance of introducing receptions for the
organization of educational and educational activities of pupils
in pre-school educational institutions.
The main goal of TRVZ-technologies is the development of
thinking, imagination, speech and creative abilities of children
and their practical use in solving creative tasks, forming
ingenuity skills. In the long run, this experience will help future
adults solve their life challenges. Formed thinking and
experience in finding out-of-the-ordinary solutions enables us to
find ways to establish interpersonal and social contacts, that is,
to realize communicative tasks.
Further analysis and generalization require questions
related to the formation of the imagination and imagination of
preschoolers on the basis of typical techniques of fantasy offered
by the technologists of TRVZ-pedagogy.


6.1. The ways of forming the information culture of

future educators of preschool educational institutions
and teachers of elementary schools
Formulation of the problem. For the last decades the
domestic theory and practice of the professional education have
been enriched with the new ways and technologies for training
the competitive specialists. Information technologies (IT) occupy
a special place among them. Today, acquiring knowledge about
these technologies and forming the skills of their practical usage
for solving state and social relevant problems are considered as
the most important professional qualities of a modern specialist.
Not without a reason the problem of the necessity for training
the specialist determines as the «dominant» in education,
particularly, the educator of the preschool institution and the
teacher of the primary school of using modern information
technologies in the educational process, which are constantly
being improved [Lukashiv 2014].
In the conditions of computerization of the education the
task of forming the preparedness of the future educator and the
6.1 The ways of forming the information culture of future educators

teacher of primary classes of using new information

technologies becomes urgent, because the modern teacher must
be prepared to use new IT for full realization of any information
resources that involves the development of all components of the
information culture of the teacher.
Today, the pedagogy rethinks the approaches of training
specialists by abandoning some of the established traditions and
stereotypes. The intensity of the technology and market
relations have led to an understanding that, in general, the
educators and teachers’ occupation differs from other types of
socially useful work not only by its specificity, but also by the
fact that it has its own product and its technologies. That is why
the mastering of new technologies has become a priority in the
process of training future educators. According to this, special
attention is paid to the study of trends in the development of
information technologies and the forming the information
culture of future specialists.
The process of informatization of the education system is an
important factor in the development of the professional qualities
of future educators and teachers of primary classes. New
technologies are increasingly used as a social product which
provides intensification of all branches of the economy, accele-
rating scientific and technological progress, the development of
pedagogical science, etc [Antonchenko 2004]. In the state national
program «Education («Ukraine XXI Century»)», the introduction
of new information technologies which improve the quality of
education is important among the main ways of developing
education for increasing the efficiency of the educational
process, which requires a certain information culture at the
educators’ level [Derzhavna natsional’na programa 1993].

Relevance. The problems of forming the informational

culture of future teachers of preschool institutions and teachers of
primary schools, their preparedness of using the latest
information technologies in their professional activity prove the
relevance of the above issues in modern pedagogy and the
relevance of this article. It is about preparing a new generation of
teachers who will possess not only traditional but also innovative
training technologies which can handle certain information and,
moreover, produce it creatively for solving educational tasks.
That’s exactly on what the modernization of professional
pedagogical education is focused on. This article reveals the main
ways of forming the informational culture of the teacher and his
preparedness of using IT in the professional work.
The problem of the professional preparedness of future
teachers for the active and effective usage of information
technologies is gaining ground, as the country development
strategy is directly linked to the intensification of the process of
introducing advanced technologies into all spheres of life. The
relevance of the problem is determined by increasing the
functional significance of the information culture of the
individual in the modern information society, the expansion of
the volumes of information and information communications,
the intensive development of information technics and
technologies, the humanization and the humanitarization of
social life.
Review of literature on the history issue. This problem
(more likely – a whole range of problem issues) has been the
subject of consideration of foreign and domestic psychologists
and teachers repeatedly. The analysis of scientific sources shows
that the issue of forming the preparedness of future specialists,
6.1 The ways of forming the information culture of future educators

particularly teachers, to work with information technologies is

constantly monitored by specialists of different profiles,
depending on the system of their priorities and the type of
professional needs. The development and implementation of IT
in the education system are being constantly researched by
scientists from international organizations: UNESCO, the UN,
the European Union, the Council of Europe, and others. The
scientific works of such scholars as S. Pipert, M. Reznik,
E. Patarakin, E. Polat, A. Khutorsky, B. Yarmakhov,
O. Yastrebtsev, V. Bykov, M. Zgurovsky, V. Kukharenko,
N. Morse, S. Rakov are devoted to this issue. The problems of
introducing IT into the process of studying at technical
universities are dedicated to the research of K. Vlasenko,
V. Klochka, T. Krylova, T. Maximova, I. Reutova, J. Trius and
others. Thus, the general problems of informatization of the
education are highlighted in the philosophy of the education of
T. Voronin, B. Gershunsky, B. Glinsky, V. Glushkov, I. Robert,
V. Sukhina, M. Scherbina and others, despite that the
description system of this problem is not received yet.
Consequently, any attempts to resolve it can potentially
contribute to the development of the theory of readiness, so they
will always be relevant.
The pedagogical conditions, criteria, levels of readiness of
usage the information technologies are defined in the works of
O. Gavrilenko, O. Torubara, G. Nitchenko, the indicators of
readiness for pedagogical activity – in the works of K. Duray-
Novakova, whose work has already become classical.
O. Dushchenko introduced curious conditions of a reader’s
preparedness of using IT, e.g. knowledge, skills, skills in terms
of IT concepts; striving for new knowledge, acquisition of skills

and skills in the field of IT; striving for creativity. However, the
formulation of preparedness as a formed quality is discovered in
R. Gurin’s work, e.g. «The professional readiness of a future
teacher to apply new information technologies (NITs) in
professional activities is an integrated quality of his personality,
which is manifested, firstly, by increasing the productivity of
thinking, development, memory, skills, expansion and
deepening of knowledge through the use of NITs and their
facilities; and secondly, by the ability to choose the means of
action, to carry out self-control over the implementation of their
own actions and to predict ways to increase productivity during
the informatization of the education process» [Gurin 2004: 18].
Certain aspects of the introduction of new information
technologies in education have been developed in the scientific
works of V. Hritsenko, M. Zhaldak, O. Khomik, I. Volodka,
V. Kushnir, O. Dziubenko and other authors. The issue of
informatization of training and methodological support for
vocational education is highlighted in the studies of A. Litvin,
who demonstrated the algorithm of activating the participants
of the educational process, disclosing their creative qualities and
individual abilities.
The application of computer technologies and Internet
technologies in education on the basis of informational culture is
presented in works of I. Bekh, V. Vinogradov, T. Demkiv,
T. Ilyina, G. Kozlakova, G. Kruchinina, E. Mashbits, P. Obraz-
tsova, L. Skvortsova, L. Tikhonova, I. Bilousova, S. Kryshtof
and others. The method of computer training was investigated
by V. Volynsky, L. Zoznobina, A. Kolomiets, N. Odarchenko,
S. Paniukov, L. Chashko and others. A great emphasis is placed
on the development of O. Dushchenko, where the criteria for the
6.1 The ways of forming the information culture of future educators

preparedness of the future teacher of usage the IT in

professional activities is suggested, e.g. positive motivation and
focus on the use of IT; a complex of professional knowledge,
skills and abilities which are necessary for the application of IT;
the ability to build an individual didactic IT training system
[Dushhenko 2015].
Presentation of the material. Modern education is directly
related to the introduction and usage of information technology
of education, which requires, foremost, the formation of
information culture in society and in each higher educational
institution. We believe that on the basis of information culture a
creative specialist should be formed, particularly, a teacher of a
preschool institution, a teacher of elementary school, who
studies during his professional and intellectual life, constantly
increasing the level of knowledge and ideas about innovative
technologies and techniques; creatively processes information,
creates conditions for a comfortable, informative and effective
The level of development of the informational culture of stu-
dents, future specialists depends on the quality of knowledge, skills
and abilities of working with information, and, also, on the psy-
chological and professional readiness of the teacher to work with
new information and technological means (look for details:
[Lukashiv 2014]).
In the literature, there is no unanimity in the notion
«information culture», so this concept needs a terminological
characteristic. Various researchers interpret their content and
components in different ways. Depending on the viewpoint of
the teacher or psychologist, different composition of the
components is offered to him, as a result of which all definitions

of this concept have practically no points of contact, and,

therefore, they cannot be compared. The content of the concept
«Information Culture» is interpreted differently also through
correlation with different notions: human culture, educational
activity, information activities; rules of human behavior in the
information society or this notion is not defined at all.
Let’s follow the thought that information culture is a
prerequisite for the successful professional activity of the
teacher, since the formation (in a certain way and on certain
methodological principles) of activity ensures the deep
interaction of a specialist with information technologies in a
specially created environment and psychological atmosphere.
Thus, the main features of information culture is the
understanding of the essence of information and information
processes, their role in socio-cultural activities, and the ability
to use knowledge for operating information. In the support of
this view, we quote V. Lukashiv’s statement that the
information culture of each person is a component of the
information culture of the knowledge society and it has a
specific meaning, because, in general, the information is the
intellectual capital of society [Lukashiv 2014: 25].
For the forming of information culture of teachers
(educators of preschool institutions, teachers of elementary
schools) certain conditions must be observed:
– compliance of curriculum content and programs with
trends in IT development in specific industries;
– introduction of new IT in higher education;
– high level of professional training of each teacher in
relation to modern IT which are constantly changing and
6.1 The ways of forming the information culture of future educators

In the innovative aspect the information culture of the

teacher is considered as a professionally significant personal
quality of the educator, which provides an effective, rational,
ethically balanced interaction with the information environment
in the process of mastering innovations and serves as a mean of
transforming the given information outside into a personal
instrument of transformation activity. The notion of
«information culture» is closely linked to such concepts as
«information society», «information education», «information and
educational activity». That is exactly so, because only the
information culture opens up the access for modern person to
information resources accumulated by civilization and aims at
the development and creation of pedagogical values,
technologies and abilities of the individual. According to this,
the information technology is a pedagogical technology which
uses software and hardware for working with information.
Information technologies and computer training tools are
increasingly used in all types of professional activities, which is
reflected in the organization of the educational process. Most
scholars semanticize the information technology as a set of
methods, tools, and techniques which provide the search,
collection, storage, processing, presentation, transmission of
information between people on the basis of electronic means,
computer technologies and communications [Morze 2004: 12]. In
the encyclopedic dictionary of informational and pedagogical
technologies, information technology is treated as a set of tools
and methods by which the cause of information processing is
carried out. It also describes the definition of information and
communication technologies, which are explained as a set of
methods, production processes, software and hardware means,

integrated with the purpose of collecting, processing, storing,

disseminating, displaying and using information in the interests
of its users [Entsyklopediyja osvity 2008: 51].
Taking into account the above, we can conclude that the use
of information opportunities of modern technologies contributes
to the activity of participants in the educational process, the
disclosure of their creative qualities and individual abilities, in
which we are solidified with A. Litvin [Lytvyn 2006: 22].
However, in order to increase the readiness of future
educators of preschool institutions and teachers of primary
schools, the appropriate conditions are needed to use IT. The
main ones were outlined in the profile literature. Particularly,
we consider it is appropriate to dwell on those, which are
proposed by K. Godlevskaya and Y. Kobiuk, e.g.:
1) the orientation of the teacher's basic professional
readiness for forming the direction, the special and
methodological training of the future teacher of using the IT in
pedagogical activities;
2) designing and constructing the content of teacher’s
information education;
3) the gradual management of the process of forming the
readiness of the future teacher to become familiar with IT
within the framework of a holistic process of his basic vocational
training. Look for details: [Godlevs’ka 2016: 19–20].
Previous conclusions. Consequently, at the present stage
of the development of education there are contradictions
between the amount of knowledge and skills which future
educators (preschool educators, primary school teachers) should
have in terms of informatization of education, and the tradi-
tional system of training which cannot provide this. The forming
6.1 The ways of forming the information culture of future educators

of preparedness for working with information technologies in

professional activity is a long process, which is an important
component of professional teacher training of future specialists,
that is why this process takes place through purposeful activity,
individual activity of the future teacher and special conditions.
The skills which are necessary for a future teacher for a
successful professional activity with the usage of IT tools are
defined as a system of conscious actions aimed at organizing
learning activities and based on the specific characteristics of
each individual and the knowledge required for this.
An overview of the literature on the problem allows us to
draw a number of conclusions:
The lack of a common understanding and interpretation of
the notion of «information culture» impedes the creation of a
purposeful system for the forming the information culture of the
individual and does not allow the diagnosis of its level.
The current situation in the forming the information culture
of a specialist has contradictions between the level of
development of the information sphere and the training of
specialists. And these contradictions are social in nature.
The forming of IT space in education is possible on the basis
of information culture, which is conditioned by the idea of IT
development of the individual, the disclosure of its creative,
aesthetic and ethical components of the communication process.
The information culture, which is formed in the process of
training the teachers, determines the general culture,
professional culture and culture of interaction.
The creation of conditions for the effective organization of
the process of forming the information culture is possible only
by observing the following principles: cultural approach; system

approach; integrity; activity approach; technological approach;


6.2. Ethical behavior as an integral part of the profession

of correctional teacher
Introduction. In the conditions of the introduction of
innovative forms of education in the education system of
Ukraine, in particular the inclusion, the need for professional
special assistance among children with disabilities, their
parents, employees of state educational institutions and
pedagogical workers of mass educational establishments is
objectively growing. Particularly acutely, this problem faces
educators and teachers of mass educational establishments, as
children with special educational needs and limited health
opportunities began to come to them. In recent years, with the
aim of increasing the professional readiness for the practical
work of graduates of higher educational institutions receiving a
specialty in the field of «Pedagogical Education» by the order of
the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, recommended
selective discipline «Corrective pedagogy», or «Inclusive
pedagogy» the purpose of which is acquaintance of students of
pedagogical specialties with the basics of practical work of
correctional teacher. Therefore, it is a topical issue to study the
peculiarities of shaping the image of correctional teacher among
students in order to determine the directions of its further
adjustment and the formation of the students' positive attitude
towards special pedagogical assistance in the conditions of
inclusion, which will help increase their readiness for
pedagogical work.

6.2. Ethical behavior as an integral part of the profession of correctional teacher

The purpose of the research is to describe the peculiarities

of forming the image of correctional pedagogy among students of
pedagogical specialties, in comparison with other social groups.
Methods for the study and identification of the image of
correctional teacher are:
1) information gathering;
2) systematization;
3) assessments;
4) analysis and interpretation of results.
To conduct research, we have selected an appropriate
diagnostic toolkit. In the first stage of the empirical research for
the purpose of diagnosing the opinions of the researchers
regarding the typical and ideal correctional teacher and their
value system, the following psychodiagnostic tools were
1) method of diagnostics of interpersonal interaction T. Liri
[see: Burlachuk 2002];
2) Questionnaire on Terminal Values by I. G. Senin [Senin
At the second stage, we used a questionnaire to study the
internal structure of the image of the profession of correctional
teacher. This projective method almost does not provoke
responses of a protective nature and allows you to reveal an
unconscious attitude toward a correctional teacher and his
profession [Gladush 2014].
The analysis of theory and practice shows that the
phenomenon of the image is a complex, complex, interdisciplinary
concept that has its own history of development. Among the
various definitions of the image we will dwell on the following:
«The image of the object (man, object, phenomenon) is the thought

of an object that arose in the psyche of a definite or indefinite

group of people on the basis of the image formed in their psyche as
a result of or direct perception by these or other characteristics of
the given object, or indirect – on the basis of the perception of an
already appreciated one's image (on the basis of the perception of
thought), formed in the psyche of other people» [Zharikova, 2005].
In Longman's English Dictionary, «image – the opinion
people have a person, or the way the person seems to the
public», which in translation means the opinion of other people
about the person they are or what other people see it (Image).
This concept is connected not only with the appearance, but also
with the internal content of the person, its psychological type.
Analyzing the comparison of the notion of «image» with
concepts close in content, it is necessary to highlight several
important characteristics of the image, describing it as a socio-
psychological phenomenon: the image is formed under the
influence of information that is provided and receives both at
the level of conscious and on the subconscious; the image is
stable and at the same time dynamic; the image may affect the
behavior of the subjects who perceive it, that is, it is active; the
image is formed in several stages: at first the characteristics of
the object are perceived, its image is formed, and then – the idea
of the object based on the evaluation of the object's value; the
formation of the image takes place on the basis of perception of
both external and internal characteristics of the object; the
image may have a rational or emotional character or a different
alignment of these components.
Approaching the object of the study – the image of the
profession – and using the above definition of O. Y. Panasiuk,
we will form a definition of the image of the profession: the
6.2. Ethical behavior as an integral part of the profession of correctional teacher

image of the profession – the thought of a profession that arose

in the psyche of a definite or uncertain group of people based on
the image formed in their psyche as a result of their direct
perception of certain characteristics of the profession or indirect
– on the basis of the perception of an estimated person (on the
basis of perception of thought), formed in the psyche of other
people [Panasiuk 2003]. From the standpoint of this definition,
we will consider the image of the professorship of correctional
Since the image of the profession consists of the image of its
representatives, one can speak about the presence of different
types of image in the functioning of the image of the profession.
It should be noted that the image may be negative.
The image is a complex entity with a certain structure. The
image of most researchers is considered from the point of view of
the system approach, that is, as an integral system that has a
certain structure and functioning laws; the components of the
system are relatively independent, but not isolated, and are in
constant interconnection and development, and the system is
not reduced to the sum of parts that form it. Image is a category
that can be applied to any object that becomes the subject of
social cognition. Profession can be considered an object, which
becomes the subject of social cognition. From these we conclude
that the profession as a subject of social knowledge has a certain
image of certain social groups and individuals.
More traditional is the allocation in the structure of the
image of components such as the core and variable
components of the image, which are sufficiently rapidly
changing under the influence of the medium. Cognitive,
emotional and behavioral components, as well as reflexive and

value components as mechanisms of integration of the

mentioned components can be attributed to the components of
the image included in the kernel [Krysanova 2005].
Considering the image of the profession of correctional
teacher, it can be noted that it is a socio-psychological
phenomenon, because it is formed in the bearers of the psyche
in the process of knowing objects of social reality. And part of
the socio-psychological phenomenon traditionally distinguish
three components: cognitive, affective, and behavioral. Let us
try to concretize these three components in relation to the
image of the profession: cognitive (knowledge, beliefs about
the profession, its features); emotional (emotions, experiences
that cause a profession); Behavioral (readiness to act in a
certain way regarding a profession).
We assume that this structure of the image of the profession
can be applied also to study the problem of forming the image of
the profession of correctional teacher at university students, but
the point is that the automatic transfer of the structure of the
socio-psychological phenomenon is only our logical inference,
which has not been verified experimentally.
Since the image of the profession is a system, it consists of
elements that are part of this system: the individual
characteristics of the profession; the image of the profession as
a set of its individual characteristics; thought about the
profession; profession – the prototype of the image; a person
(an image-image object) or a group of people (an audience of
the image) who have an opinion about the profession
[Panasiuk 2008].
The named components of the image of the profession (in
each of the presented points of view), which are available in a
6.2. Ethical behavior as an integral part of the profession of correctional teacher

certain audience of the image, may have different levels of

differentiation and specificity – this will constitute the content
of the image of the profession.
Consequently, the image of the profession has a certain
structure and content, knowledge of which will enable us to
determine how the image of the profession is formed – the
stages taking place and with the help of which mechanisms are
being formed.
Future teachers is a special category of subjects perceiving
the image of the profession of correctional teacher. The social
situation of students development is determined by the
peculiarities of students as a special category of youth, which is
organizationally united by the institute of higher education and
receives professional training, in particular pedagogical.
Formation of the image of the profession of correctional
pedagogue passes certain stages. Step by step describing the
formation of the image of correctional teacher among students of
pedagogical universities is difficult, since we can not control
when the perception of information about the profession of
correctional teacher took place, where exactly the person
receives information about the profession of correctional
teacher. In the study we confined ourselves to establishing and
describing the image of the correctional teacher at the time of
the study.
The research was conducted on the basis of Volodymyr
Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University
and several other institutions. The average number of
respondents was 78 persons aged 16 to 36 years old (among
them were students of the pedagogical university and
representatives of non-pedagogical professions).

The sample of the subjects was 78 persons aged 16 to 36

years old – 38 persons in age groups 16–23 years (university
students) and 24–36 years old (persons who are not students
of higher educational institutions and have professions other
than pedagogical specialties). The first group of students is
1–2 students of the Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central
Ukrainian State Pedagogical University (Faculty of Pedagogy
and Psychology – 18 people, Faculty of History – 15, Faculty
of Physics and Mathematics, Faculty of Geography – 15).
Investigators from the second group – workers of the
organization Stertells – 17 people, Kropyvnytskyi Regional
Oncology Dispensary – 10, PPC «Kirovograd Regional
Hospital of Kirovograd Regional Council» – 11 people. The
second group involves us to carry out a comparative analysis
of the peculiarities of forming the image of the correctional
teacher in different groups. The first group consists of 17
boys and 21 girls (average age in group 19 years), in the
second group – 14 men and 24 women (average age in the
group – 29 years).
The first stage of the empirical research (diagnosis of the
opinion of the researchers regarding the typical and ideal
correctional teacher and their system of values;
psychodiagnostic toolkit – the method of diagnosis of
interpersonal interaction T. Liri [Burlachuk 2002],
questionnaire of terminal values of I. G. Senin) [Senin 1991].
The results of the study indicate that students consider
the typical correctional teacher more aggressive, more
inclusive, more dependent, more friendly and altruistic. And
the ideal correctional teacher is more authoritative, more
aggressive, more friendly and altruistic.
6.2. Ethical behavior as an integral part of the profession of correctional teacher

Conscious and subconscious components of the image of the

profession of correctional teacher are different in content from
students and adults and cover the following features:
1) the idea of a typical correctional teacher was formed as a
less dominant and highly-friendly. Students see an ideal co-
rectors teacher rather a bit more friendly but much more
2) the vision of a typical correctional teacher as a friendly
person is positively associated with factors such as interest in
his profession, the authority of the profession of correctional
teacher, and a positive emotional attitude towards this
profession. Increasing the positive emotional attitude toward
correctional teacher in students is observed with increasing its
dominance, which is a manifestation of expectations of the
teacher from students;
3) interest to the profession of correctional teacher does not
depend on either age or social status. Students have a
significantly higher positive emotional attitude toward
correctional teacher, authority in the profession and belief in the
effectiveness of correctional and pedagogical assistance
compared with adults;
4) not all structural elements of the image of the profession of
correctional teacher at university students were associated with
terminal values. The direct nature of the connection with the value
of «active social contacts» only in such components of the image as
«positive attitude to the profession of correctional teacher» and
«authority of the profession». The reciprocal nature of the
connection of values «high material position» and «preservation of
individuality» is observed only with such a component of the image
of the correctional teacher as «interest in the profession».

The subconscious component of the image of the co-educator

is deeply individual, although it has certain commonalities in
some people.
The second stage of the study (diagnosis of the image of the
profession of correctional teacher in students and adults by
questioning the study of the internal structure of the image of
the profession of correctional teacher).
In order to study the subconscious components of the image
of the correctional teacher, this method of conducting the
associative experiment as a free associative test is used. The
word-stimulus, the reaction to which will be further processed –
«correctional teacher» as a designation of the object of social
cognition, which is being studied. In case of responding only to
the named stimulus, it would be difficult for the investigators
not to control their own conscious associations, therefore, 10
words-incentives are added to the list of words to reduce the
conscious control over reactions to words-stimuli, among which
the necessary ones are also included. Words-incentives that
were needed to reduce conscious control of reactions, selected
the ones related to the profession of «correctional teacher» (for
example «help», «consultation»).
With the help of a questionnaire, the image of the profession
of correctional teacher was divided into four structural elements
of the image of the professional correctional teacher (method of
factor analysis): interest in the profession; belief in the
effectiveness of correctional and pedagogical assistance;
authority of proffession; positive emotional attitude toward
correctional teacher.
Comparing the results of the research on the distribution of
associative reactions by subject groups in students and adults,
6.2. Ethical behavior as an integral part of the profession of correctional teacher

one can distinguish the main differences between the

subconscious component of the image of the profession of
correctional teacher in students and adults:
1) correctional teacher in the subconscious of students is
associated with a person as a social phenomenon (almost 50% of
the results), while for adults the most expressed group is a
group of associations related to the medical field, which is
explained, according to First, the social situation of students’
development is permanent finding in a collective, more frequent
social contacts than in adults, and secondly, the greater access
of students to information, as a result of which they learn about
the objective features of the profession of correctional teacher,
and this is unlikely at the subconscious level little tied to the
field of medicine;
2) correctional teacher is not related to the field of
professional activity (none of the students had an association
from the «Perfect possession of a specialty» group), while for
adults it is a relatively high association (it is found in 13% – 5
persons) This can be attributed to the leading activity of
students – study, and as we studied junior courses, then for
them, educational, rather than professional, is at the forefront.
Therefore, perhaps, there is no subconscious evaluation of
others based on what is not in their own experience – the
experience of professional activity;
3) correctional pedagogy is associated with the type of
occupation, work activity more in adults (19% of adults – 7
people, unlike 6% of university students – 2), which we also
associate with students, unlike adults, do not work and as a
result do not evaluate the correctional teacher primarily as a
person with a certain set of qualities, and this serves as a factor

in the sense of their psychological proximity to the correctional

teacher, possibly also at the subconscious level, while adults
contrast the profession of correctional teacher with their own
The study of the problems of the image focuses on the work of
such foreign scientists and scientists as P. Bird, L. Brown,
F. Taylor, A. Faiol. In scientific researches of recent years the
emphasis has been placed on the study of the personal image of
pedagogical workers, in particular in the works of L. E. Zotova,
A. S. Krivtsova, O. A. Kuprina, Y. P. Netesana, S. B. Salmanova.
For today, there is a shortage of research both theoretical and
applied, from the study of such a socio-psychological phenomenon
as a professional image, in particular the image of the correctional
teacher and the peculiarities of its formation among students of
pedagogical higher educational institutions as a special category of
subjects of perception of the image of the correctional teacher and
his profession. In our study, we studied the peculiarities of the
formation of the image of correctional pedagogy among students of
pedagogical specialties, in comparison with other social groups.
In the course of the study, we found that the subconscious
component of the image of the co-rector is deeply individual,
although it has certain commonalities in some people. For
students, it has its own peculiarities, in particular, they value
the correctional teacher not as a representative of a particular
profession, but above all as a person with a certain set of
qualities; they tend to associate associations with the gender
belonging to the correctional teacher and with a person as a
social being.
Conclusions. Thus, the study showed that students in a
higher education institution expect a corrective teacher to have
6.2. Ethical behavior as an integral part of the profession of correctional teacher

a dominant position, indicating that there are inadequate

expectations about his profession. This may be due to the
peculiarities of adolescence, the recent social role of a schoolboy,
who is in a position that you will not call a dominant one. This
calls for measures to be taken to educate students about the
peculiarities of the profession of correctional teacher. The
subconscious component of the image of the correctional teacher
at the students reflects the attitude of them to the correctional
teacher, first of all not as a professional, but as to the same
person as they themselves. As a result, students often attach
the role of correctional educator to their people. Therefore, socio-
psychological services of a higher educational institution need to
take measures to explain to students the functions of
correctional teacher and to improve the image of professional
correctional and pedagogical assistance, the allocation of its
positive sides.
The typical features of the profession of correctional teacher
are determined. Specific features and basic conscious and
subconscious components of the image of the correctional
teacher, as well as the main differences between them for the
student and the adult are indicated.
Further prospects for studying the problems of forming the
image of correctional teacher in students is to clarify the
structural elements of the image of his profession, to study the
role of personality traits in assessing the profession, and to
develop a «correctional teacher» at the students positive attitude
towards the profession.


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Barbulat Maria Ruslanivna – secretary in the dean's office of

Pedagogy and Psychology Department of the Volodymyr
Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian Pedagogical University.
Bilous Yulia Sergiivna – student working for master’s degree at the
Department of Methodology of Preschool and Elementary School
Education (Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian
Pedagogical University).
Demchenko Yulia Mykolayivna – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
(Ph.D.), lecturer at the Department of Methodology of Preschool
and Elementary School Education (Volodymyr Vynnychenko
Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University).
Fedotova Svitlana Olexandrivna – Candidate of Philological
Sciences, assistant professor of the Department of Methodology
of Preschool and Elementary School Education (Volodymyr
Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian Pedagogical University).
Horska Halina Oleksandrivna – Candidate of Psychological Sciences,
assistant professor of the Department of Psychology (Volodymyr
Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian Pedagogical University).
Horska Olena Oleksandrivna – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
(Ph.D.), assistant professor of the Department of Methodology of
Preschool and Elementary School Education (Volodymyr
Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian Pedagogical University).
Kindey Lesia Hrygorivna – Candidate of Philological Sciences,
assistant professor of the Department of Methodology of
Preschool and Elementary School Education (Volodymyr
Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian Pedagogical University).
Kotelianets Natalka Valeriivna – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences,
assistant professor of the Department of Methodology of

Information about the authors

Preschool and Elementary School Education (Volodymyr

Vynnychenko the Central Ukrainian Pedagogical University).
Kotelianets Yulia Serhiivna – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
(Ph.D.), lecturer at the Department of Methodology of Preschool
and Elementary School Education (Volodymyr Vynnychenko
Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University).
Martin Alina Mykolayivna – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
(Ph.D.), assistant professor of the Department of Methodology of
Preschool and Elementary School Education (Volodymyr
Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian Pedagogical University).
Nikitina Olena Oleksandrivna – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
(Ph.D.), lecturer at the Department of Methodology of Preschool
and Elementary School Education (Volodymyr Vynnychenko
Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University).
Zavitrenko Dolores Heorgiyivna – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
(Ph.D.), lecturer at the Department of Methodology of Preschool
and Elementary School Education (Volodymyr Vynnychenko
Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University).
Zavitrenko Artem Mykolayovich – teacher of the Department of
Philosophy, Social and Humanitarian disciplines, foreign
languages, Ukrainian and Latin language № 2 of Donetsk
National Medical University.
Zhygora Irina Valeriivna – Candidate of Philological Sciences,
assistant professor of the Department of Methodology of
Preschool and Elementary School Education (Volodymyr
Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian Pedagogical University).


FOREWORD................................................................................ 3
SKILLS......................................................................................... 5
1.1. Methodology of formation preschool children’s logical
mathematical competence............................................... 5
1.2. History of mathematics and its’ relation to
methodology of mathematic skills
development…….............................................................. 15
1.3. Development of pre-schoolers‘ cognitive interests
through didactic games.................................................... 28
DEVELOPMENT......................................................................... 39
2.1. The usage of visual aids in the nature study class (the
second part of the 19th – beginning of the
20th century).................................................................... 39
2.2. Excursion as a part of the process of studying natural
science: past and present................................................. 47
III. METHODOLOGY OF ART AND CRAFT........................... 57
3.1. Psychological conditions of preschoolers’ creative
potential realization....................................................... 57
3.2. Methodological system of the craft in primary
school............................................................................... 70
IV. PROBLEMS OF SPECIAL PEDAGOGY........................... 89
4.1. The problem of corrective care for children with
motor cerebral pathology…………………………………. 89
4.2. Specifics of speech development of children with
cerebral palsy……………………………………………….. 99


AND THINKING…..................................................................... 110
5.1. Development of expressive reading skills of primary
school pupils…………………………………………………. 110
5.2. Fairy tale as a way of development of speech skills at
the lessons of literary reading in primary school…….... 117
5.3. The ways of mastering graphic skills in primary
school…………………………………………………………. 126
5.4. Modern approaches to the development of
preschoolers’ speech skills………………………………… 135
6.1 The ways of forming the information culture of future
educators of preschool educational institutions and
teachers of elementary schools…………………………… 148
6.2. Ethical behavior as an integral part of the profession
of correctional teacher……………………………………… 158

For notes

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