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Advantages and disadvantages of following an HE course

Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of following an HE course


 I will gain more knowledge and experience.

By taking a Higher Education course I will be taught by experts within the music
business industry and well-respected academics, who will help me understand the
specialities of music business and grow my passion for it.

 It will be easier to build a good network, since all universities have guest
speakers, which is the best way of meeting new people from the industry.

During my time at university, I will be able to meet a lot of people who already work at
the music business industry and the chance of building a good network is huge. I will
also be able to join societies and have access to placements and work experience
opportunities, which will enrich my CV.

 I will be able to figure out exactly what I want to do within the music
business industry.

Since I still don’t know exactly where I want to work within the music business industry,
taking this course will be essential

 By following an HE course the chances of getting a well payed job is


Getting a degree usually leads to a bigger pay cheque. Having a degree will potentially
earn me a way larger payment compared to someone with less advanced education. In
the UK graduates had an average annual salary of £38,500, over £11,000 higher than
the average salary for non-graduates.
 I will be able to work around the world. If I build a good network, I will have
work opportunities all around the world.

By having a degree, I can apply for a job in other countries since many employers
recognize the quality of education offered by UK universities and will consider
applicants with a UK degree.


 Following an HE course is not cheap – every year I will be spending almost

£10,000 and this amount needs to be payed back at some point.

I will leave university with a huge debt, but fortunately repayments are linked to my
earnings – I will only start paying my student loan once my income is above the
repayment threshold.

 I will be “stuck” in one task for a least three years of my life which can be
quite scary.

Having the same routine for three years sounds scary and boring, but it will lead to
something even better, so it’s worth it.

 I won’t be studying in Bournemouth, but I also don’t want to move to

another city so I will have to travel every day to another place which will be

I will have to get a train and travel for around 40 minutes nearly every day, which
already sounds boring and exhausting.

 I will have to do a lot of independent studying and I will have a lot of

This usually seems as a disadvantage for university students but it’s a part where I’m
interested in because I feel like it will prepare me for when I get a job and will need to
handle everything pretty much on my own.

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