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First Islamic Community

Scribes of Divine Revelation:
• Scribes of the Prophet (pbuh”) were among the closest companions, They not only kept a record of
revelations but also wrote letters and treaties as commanded by the Prophet(pbuh). They were the
four rightly guided Caliphs, Abu Bakr, Umar, Usman, and Ali, who accompanied the Prophet
(pbuh)from his childhood and was a memorizer of Quran. He also wrote the terms of Treaty of al-
• The Qur’an was written in its entirety during the Prophet’s time even though it was not compiled in
one text. There were various scribes who had different roles as companions, who wrote the verses
down on a number of materials. These included animals skin, shoulder bones of camels, palm leaves,
stone tablets and pieces of wood etc.
• Some of them were official scribes who wrote letters for him (for example Ubayy ibn Ka’ab) whilst
some became scribes because they kept their own personal copies of the revelations (for example
‘Abdullah ibn ‘Amr ibn al-‘As. He sought the Messenger’s specific permission asking, ‘May I write
down everything I hear from you in the states of contentment and anger?’ He replied, ‘Yes, for I
speak nothing but the truth.’). A number of companions had their own personal copies of the words
of the revelations, which were later used to verify the one copy in the time of Abu Bakr. Companions
who kept a private record of the text of the Qur'an satisfied themselves as to the purity of their record
by reading it out to the Prophet.
• The Prophet used to instruct the scribes about the sequence in which a revealed message was to be
placed in a particular Sura (chapter). In this manner, the Prophet arranged the text of the Qur’an in
a systematic order till the end of the chain of revelations. Zayd ibn Thabit reported, “We used to
record the Qur’an from parchments in the presence of the Messenger of God.” There was always a
scribe on hand to write down the revelation or to insert new ones revealed to Holy Prophet under
Divine guidance through angel Jibrael during 610AD to 632AD. This is mentioned in Quran,
“(written) by the hands of the scribes honourable, pious and just.”(80:15-16)
• Zayd bin Thabit, one of the chief scribes relates: "I used to write down the revelation for the Holy
Prophet, may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. When the revelation came to him he
felt intense heat and drops of perspiration used to roll down his body like pearls. When this state
was over I used to fetch a shoulder bone or a piece of something else. He used to go on dictating
and I used to write it down. When I finished writing the sheer weight of transcription gave me the
feeling that my leg would break and I would not be able to walk anymore. When I finished writing,
he would say, 'Read!' and I would read it back to him. If there was an omission or error he used to
correct it and then let it be brought before the people."
Some companions, who did not write down the revelations, had memorized them instead and their
versions were used to verify the written copies after the Prophet’s death.

5.(b) Explain the importance of the principles employed by the compilers of the Qur’an at
the time of the Caliphs. [4]
After the Prophet’s death there was deemed a need to compile to Qur’an into a book form. Various principles
were employed, all of them to ensure authenticity to the original message.
• The Qur’an was compiled in the dialect of Quraysh because it was the original dialect –other dialects
could have been fabricated or distorted.
• Zayd bin Thabit gathered written materials from various companions, and checked all these versions
with those who had committed the Qur’an to memory –
• this was to ensure that none of the written copies had anything added or omitted and so that the
Qur’an remained authentic to the way the Prophet had received it.

• The order of the suras was not complied in the order that the Prophet had received revelation, but
generally in order of descending length – this was due to the belief that the order of the suras was
divinely ordained and the main scribes would have known this.

P1 Q5 (a):
1. Abdullah bin Masood
• Abdullah bin masood was one of the most favourite companions of Holy ProphetPBUH and was well-
known for his love for and adherence to the Messenger of Allah.
• He is known as Sahabi bin Sahabiya because his brother and mother belonged to the earlier
companions of the ProphetPBUH. He is regarded as one of the first converts to Islam who faced tortures
of the Quraish with patience. After embracing Islam, he gave up all other business and would always
remain present in the service of the Holy ProphetPBUH.
• He learnt Quran with great fondness and attention and is said to be the first one to recite the Quran
openly in Makkah.
• He migrated twice to Abyssinia and later to Madina.
• He took part in the battle of Badr where he killed the Prophet’sPBUH greatest enemy, Abu Jahl. He
also took part in battle of Uhad.
• He knew the Quran very well, because of his close association with the Holy Prophet PBUH. He was one
of the companions named by the ProphetPBUHas one from whom the others should learn the Quran.
(Bukhari) The Holy ProphetPBUH also said: “ If anyone likes to recite the Quran as fresh as it had
descended then he must recite it on the reading of Abdullah bin Masud.” (Ahmad)
• After the ProphetPBUHdeath, he was regarded as an expert on interpretation of the Quran.
Hazrat Umar sent him to Kufa as an administrator of the public treasury and as a teacher of religion. Hazrat
Umar greatly appreciated his deep knowledge of the Quran and Sunnah and often consulted him on these
• He is said to be the authority on some eight hundred Hadiths.

2. Ubbay bin Ka’ab

• Ubbay bin Ka’ab was one of the main scribes in Madinah who wrote down the revelations of the Holy
Quran. He was one the distinguished companions of the Holy ProphetPBUH and a person of high
esteem in the early Muslim community.
• He belonged to the Khazraj tribe and had pledged allegiance to the Holy Prophet PBUH at Aqabah, as
such, he was one of the first persons from Yasrib to accept Islam.
• He served as a scribe to the Holy ProphetPBUH and wrote letters for him. The last verse of the Holy
Quran revealed in 10 A.H. is said to be written down by him.
• His recitation of the Quran was so beautiful and his understanding so profound that the Holy
ProphetPBUH encouraged his companions to learn the Quran from him.
• At the time of the Holy ProphetPBUH death, he was one of those who knew the Holy Quran by heart
and is said to have possessed his own copy of the sacred text.
• He was constant in his worship and would often be found in the mosque, busy in prayers or teaching.
He was a member of the consultative body to which, Hazrat Abu Bakr as Khalifa, referred many
He died in 29 A.H during the Khilafat of Hazrat Usman.

3. Zaid bin Sabit/ Thabit:

• Zaid bin Sabit was one of the main scribes of the Holy ProphetPBUH . He belonged to the Khazraj tribe.
He had accepted Islam before the Holy ProphetPBUH migration to Madinah. He was eleven years old
when he accepted Islam.

• After migration the Prophet appointed Zaid bin Sabit to write down the revelations received by him.
• The Holy ProphetPBUH did not allow Zaid bin Sabit to take part in the Battle of Badr as he was only
thirteen years old at that time. He took part in the Battle of Trench and the Tabuk Expedition.
• Zaid bin Sabit was a very learned person who could speak many languages. The Holy Prophet PBUH
chose him to learn Hebrew so that he could correspond with the Jews.
• He had a good memory and memorized the Quran during Prophet’s lifetime.
• Zaid bin Sabit was the first Ansar to swear allegiance to Hazrat Abu Bakr as the Khalifa.
• He took part in the battle of Yamama and fought against Musailma, the false prophet, during the
Khilafat of Hazrat Abu Bakr.
• When most of the people who had committed the Quran to memory were martyred in the battle of
Yamama, Hazrat Abu Bakr entrusted Zaid bin Sabit with the task of collecting the verses of the Quran
and compiling them in book form. After hard work and consultation with various companions of the
Holy ProphetPBUH, he produced a compilation.
• During the Khilafat of Hazrat Umar, Zaid bin Sabit was appointed as the Qazi of Madinah. Hazrat Umar
would often appoint him his deputy at Madinah when he went to perform hajj or Umrah.
• During the Khilafat of Hazrat Usman, he was made responsible for the public treasury. He was also a
member of the committee which was formed to prepare copies from the original copy of the Quran.
• Zaid bin Sabit was very knowledgeable about the commands of distribution of inheritance. The Holy
ProphetPBUH said that he was the most aware of these issues. (Tirmizi).

Ten Blessed Companions

1. Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A)
• He was a close friend of the Prophet pbuh from childhood. His pre-Islamic name was Abdul Ka’bah
which was later changed into Abdullah by Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). He was called Abu Bakr by
Arabs which means the father of baby camels; this is because he was fond of young camels
• He was the first free adult male out of Prophet’s immediate family to accept Islam. He accepted
Islam without any hesitation. The Prophet pbuh is reported to have said, “Whenever I offered Islam
to anyone, he always showed some reluctance…..Abu Bakr was the only person who accepted Islam
without any reluctance…..”.
• He had to face persecutions for his faith. Once he was pulled by his beard and was dragged through
the streets of Makkah when he stopped the Makkans from attacking the Prophet.
• He also brought other prominent Makkans to Islam. For example, Usman, Talha, Zubair and many
other companions accepted Islam as a result of his efforts.
• He bought slaves who were Muslims and set them free. For example, he gave one of his pagan slaves
and bought Hazrat Bilal and set him free.
• He showed the strength of his faith by readily accepting the truth of the Prophet’s account of the
Miraj (the Night Journey). For his demonstration of belief, the Prophet pbuh gave him the tilte “Al
Siddiq” i.e., “Testifier to the Truth”.
• Abu Bakr’s closeness to the Prophet was sealed by his daughter Aisha’s marriage to the Prophet soon
after the death of Hazrat Khadija. He accompanied the Prophet pbuh on the Hijra in 622 AD. During
the journey he stayed with the Prophet in the cave of Thaur and was reassured by the Prophet and
is referred to in the Quran as “Second of the Two” (9:40).
• After migration , he made a living by farming. He took part in all important battles against the
Makkans and the Jews . He fought all the battles during the time of Holy Prophet (PBUH). In battle of
Badr he didn’t fight but body guarded Prophet (PBUH) camp. In Uhad he showed willingness to fight
against his own son AbdurRehman bin Abu Bakr in a duel. He also participated in digging & fighting
of battle of trench.

• He again showed his unstinting support for the Prophet by supporting his decision of signing the
Treaty of Hudaibiya in 6 AH/628 AD and pacified Hazrat Umar, who was unhappy at the terms of the
• During the battle of Hunain he remained firm and didn't retreat. He made huge financial
contributions to the expedition of Tabuk. He placed all his wealth in donation.
• He led the first pilgrimage to Makkah. He also led the prayers during the Prophet’s last illness.
Prophet said at the time of his death, “ If I were able to choose a friend on earth, I would choose
Abu Bakr.”
• At the time of Prophet’s (pbuh) death, he addressed the Muslim community and made everyone
realize that Islam was to continue after the Prophet’s (pbuh) death.

2. Hazrat Umar Ibn Khattab (R.A)

• Umar R.A was born in 590 A.D. He was a learned, educated and the intelligent person. He was a
strong spirited person and a wealthy merchant. In the sixth year of Islam the Prophet (P.B.U.H)
prayed to Allah to strengthen Islam either by Umar bin Khattab or Amr bin Hisham. It so happened
that Umar decided to kill the Prophet (P.B.U.H) while he was on his way with a sword in his hand, he
met Naim bin Abdullah. Umar told him that he was on his way to kill the Prophet (P.B.U.H). Naim
told him that he better took care of his own family first as his sister and brother in law had both
converted to Islam. Hearing this Umar immediately went to his Sister Fatima’s house and found she
and her husband Saeed bin Zaid were reciting the Quran. Umar beat them severally so much so that
his sister bled profusely. When Umar calmed down , he asked her what she was reciting. She recited
Surah Taha that she was reading. When he heard the recitation he was deeply moved and went to
the Prophet (P.B.U.H) and accepted Islam.
• Conversion of Umar R.A strengthened Islam. His conversion gave courage to the Muslims. It boosted
the morale of Muslims so much that they started praying openly at Ka'bah. Abdullah ibn Masud
reported “We have been powerful since Umar embraced Islam.” The Prophet (P.B.U.H) gave him
the title of Al Farooqi.e the one who makes a distinction between the right and wrong.
• When the Muslims were ordered to migrate to Madinah, most of them left Makkah secretly but Umar
R.A migrated openly.
• He participated in all battles Badr, Uhad, Trench, Khyber and Hunain. At the time of battle of Badr
he shared camel with Abu Bakr and abdurRehman bin Auf. During the battle of Uhad he was among
those encircled the Prophet (P.B.U.H) to protect him from Quraish. He also dug the trench around
Madinah with other companions at the time of battle of trench.
• His ties with Prophet (PBUH) were strengthened when Prophet (PBUH) married his daughter Hazrat
• He took the pledge of Rizwan at the hand of the Prophet (P.B.U.H) to avenge the blood of Usman.
He was unhappy about the terms of the treaty of Hudabiyah and showed his dissatisfaction for which
he later always repented. He was present at that time of signing of treaty.
• At the time of conquest of Makkah Abu Sufyan was taken a prisoner when he came to spy on Muslim.
Umar R.A asked the Prophet (P.B.U.H) permission to kill him.
• During the Expedition of Tabuk he gave half of his wealth in the way of Allah. The Prophet (P.B.U.H)
had a deep love for Umar R.A he said “Were a Prophet to come after me he would have been Umar
but I am the seal of prophets”. On the Prophet’s death in his grief, he said he would kill anyone who
said that the Prophet had died then Abu Bakr made him realize that Islam was to continue after
Prophet’s death.

3. Hazrat Usman ibn Affan R.A


• He belonged to the Umayyad clan of the Quraish and was among the few people in Makkah who
could read and write. He came from noble stock and a well-established family, and was very
successful trader.
• He accepted Islam in its early days at the invitation of Hazrat Abu Bakr R.A and was the first Umayyad
to accept Islam.
• Despite his status and wealth suffered persecution at the hands of his uncle who tied him with ropes,
wrapped him in a blanket and lit fire around him so that he would be suffocated but he did not leave
• Hazrat Usman R.A married the Prophet’s (P.B.U.H) daughter Hazrat Ruqayya R.A and migrated with
her first to Abyssinia and later to Madina.
• He did not participate in the first battle of Islam, Battle of Badr, on account of her ill health. She
passed away shortly afterwards and the same year the Prophet (P.B.U.H) married his other daughter
Umm Kulthoom R.A to him and gave him the title of Zunn-Nurain, the one with two lights.
• At Hudaibiya, Prophet (P.B.U.H) asked him to go and inform the Makkans of his intention to make a
pilgrimage to the Ka’aba. When the rumor of his assassination erupted, the Prophet took the oath of
revenge which is known as “Bait-e-Rizwan”.
• At the time of Conquest of Makkah, Hazrat Usman R.A rode alongside the Prophet (P.B.U.H) and at
the Farewell Pilgrimage he was given the duty of escorting the Prophet’s (P.B.U.H) wives.
• Hazrat Usman R.A was very generous man and for his generosity was given the title of al-Ghani. ‘The
Generous One’. He spent freely from his wealth in the cause of Islam. For a vast sum of money,he
bought, from a Jew, a well in Madina for the free use of Muslims emigrants, when they had problems
in getting drinking water. He also bore one third of the expenses for the army during the Tabuk
expedition, and bought the land for the expansion of the Prophet’s (P.B.U.H) mosque when the
community of the Muslims grew.He was a very modest man there are many Ahadith where the
Prophet (P.B.U.H) praised his modesty.
• He was chosen to escort the Prophet’s wives at the farewell pilgrimage. The Prophet pbuh said, “For
every apostle of Allah, there was a constant companion and my companion in Paradise will be

4. Hazrat Ali bin Abu Talib (R.A)

• He was the son of the Holy Prophet’s paternal uncle Abu Talib. After marrying Hazrat Khadija, Hazrat
Muhammad took Hazrat Ali into his house to relieve Abu Talib of some of his burdens, since he was
very poor. Hazrat Ali became one of the first to accept Islam, at this time he was only ten years old.
• Hazrat Ali is remembered as the one whom the Prophet Muhammad had asked to sleep in his bed
on the night of the Hijra. By doing this, he fooled the Quraish assassins into thinking the Holy Prophet
was still in Makka, thus allowing him and Hazrat Abu Bakr to get away. And, as the Prophet had
requested, he was also able to return all the items which the Prophet had been holding in trust for
their owners. Hazrat Ali joined his cousin and Hazrat Abu Bakr at Quba outside Madina.
• A sign of Hazrat Ali closeness to the Prophet is that when the Emigrants from MakKah were paired
with Helpers from Madina, he was paired with the Prophets himself. Hazrat Muhammad said to him;
‘ You are my brother in this world and the next’.
• In the second year of the Hijra, he married the Holy Prophet youngest daughter Hazrat Fatima.
• In the battles fought by the Muslims, Hazrat Ali distinguished himself as a fierce warrior. He shared
a camel with the Prophet on the way to Badr, and was chosen as one of the scouts to discover the
enemy’s movements. Before the battle, he one of three Muslims who engaged in single combat, and
he was chosen to carry the Muslim banner into the fighting, where he killed many Quraish.
• At Uhad, the Prophet Muhammad again gave him the Muslim banner, after the original bearer had
been killed, and he was one of the Muslims who defended the Holy Prophet after he was wounded.
At the battle of al-Khandaq, he defeated his foe in single combat, and he was among the leaders in

the siege of the Jewish tribe of Banu Qurayza. He courageously used a door as a shield at Khaybar. At
the Muslim entry into Makka, he once again carried the Muslim banner. He defended the Holy
Prophet at Hunayn. He was also sent as commander of the Muslim forces in the expeditions to Fadak
and the Yemen.
• For his exceptional bravery , the Prophet(pbuh) gave him the title of “Asad ullah” i.e the lion of Allah.
• Hazrat Ali distinguished himself in other ways, too. He was the scribe who wrote the treaty of al-
Hudaybiya, and was one of the witnesses to it. During the pilgrimage led by Hazrat Abu Bakr 9AH, he
was sent by the Holy Prophet to read out new teachings which had been revealed. These can be
found at the beginning of Surat-al-Tawba.
• Later, when he was left behind to take charge of Madina during the expedition to Tabuk, and he
went to complain that he was not going with the fighting men, the Prophet indicated that Hazrat Ali
was his closest assistant: ‘Are you not content to be with respect to me as Harun was to Musa,
except that after me there shall be no other Prophet?’
• When the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W was returning to Madina after his farewell pilgrimage, an
incident took place at Ghadir Khumm, which illustrates his high regard for Hazrat Ali. In front of his
followers, the Prophet took Hazrat Ali hand and declared, ‘Of whomsoever I am lord, this Ali is also
his lord. O Allah! Be the supporter of whoever supports Ali and the enemy of whoever opposes
him.’ (This has been recorded by a number of Sunni authors and compilers of Hadith, including
Ahmed ibn Hanbal in his Musnad.)
• Various sayings of the Holy Prophet have also been understood as tokens of the closeness between
the two. Particularly remembered among these are: ‘I am from Ali and Ali is from me.”

5. Talha ibn Ubaidullah

• He was among the first Muslims who accepted Islam at the hands of Hazrat Abu Bakr in Makka.
• He endured persecution at the hands of Quraysh, in particular when he and Hazrat Abu Bakr were
one day set upon and left tied up together on the ground.
• He travelled north to Madina, following the Prophet Muhammad and accompanied the last Muslims,
including the Prophet’s wife Hazrat Sawada and his two unmarried daughters, Umm Kulthum and
• Before the Battle of Badr, the Holy Prophet sent him and Saeed ibn Zayd to discover the Whereabouts
of the Makkan caravan, led by Abu Sufyan. And at the Battle of Uhud, he was wounded in the hand
when he deflected a sword from piercing the Holy Prophet’s head. The fingers of that hand remained
useless throughout the rest of his life. He remained at the Prophet’s side for the remainder of the
battle. For his bravery, he earned the title of ‘Living Martyr’. The Prophetpbuh is reported to have said:
“ Whosever is pleased to see a martyr on the surface of the earth, let him look at Talha bin
• Prophetpbuhgave him the title of ‘Fayyaz’ i.e. generous at the time of the Tabuk Expedition.
• After the death of Hazrat Muhammad, he supported Hazrat ‘Ali for the caliphate, but was eventually
persuaded to swear allegiance to Hazrat Abu Bakr.
• Later, he objected to Hazrat Ali delay in punishing Hazrat Uthman murderers, and toghter with
Zubayr ibn al-Awwam he raised an army.He and Zubayr were killed in 35AH/656AD, in the clash
between the two sides in the Battle of the Camel.

6. Zubayr ibn al-Awwam

• He was a cousin of the Prophet Muhammad and nephew of Hazrat Khadija.
• He was one of the Muslims who accepted Islam after Hazrat Abu Bakr(some people say he was the
fourth or fifth person to do so).
• Following this, he found the treatment of the Quraysh so brutal that he went on the migration to
Abyssinia. He later returned with the group that came back to Makka.

• After the migration to Madina, he played a prominent part in the battles of Badr and Uhud, and also
in the expedition to Khaybar,and he was among the leaders of the Muslims force at the entry into
• The Holy Prophetpbuhhad given him the title of ‘ Disciple of the Messenger of Allah’. About Talha and
Zubair, the Holy Prophetpbuhis reported to have said: “Talha and Zubair are my neighbours in
• After the Holy Prophet’s death he supported his cousin Hazrat Ali as caliph, even though he had
married Hazrat Abu Bakr’s daughter.
• But later, together with Talha , he led an army against Hazrat Ali when the caliph hesitated in
punishing the Murderers of Hazrat Uthman. Zubayr was killed in the battle of the camel.

7. Sa’ad ibn abi waqqas

• He was one of those who accepted Islam at the hands of Hazrat Abu Bakr.
• In the early years of Islam, he was among some Muslims who went to pray outside Makka in order to
avoid the Quraysh. They were interrupted by some people of the town, and when he two groups came
to blows, Sa’ad wounded an opponent and drew the first blood in the time of Islam.
• He migrated to Madina with other Muslims in 622AD.
• After the Hijra ,he took part in early expeditions and fought at the Battle of Badr. At the battle of Uhud,
he was one of the defenders of the wounded Prophet. As the Prophet was recovering from the blows
struck at him, he handed Sa’ad arrows to shoot.
• The Prophet (Pbuh) gave him the title of “The Best Archer.”
• In the years following Hazrat Muhammad death, he advised the successive Caliphs. During the time of
Hazrat ‘Umar he commanded the Muslims forces that defeated the Persians at the Battle of al-
Qadisiyya, and in the time of Hazrat Uthman he was made governor of kufa. He died near Madina in
50AH/670AD or soon afterwards.

8. Abd ar- Rahman ibn ‘Awf

• He was among the first Makkans to become a Muslim. Like a number of others, he accepted Islam at
the hands of Hazrat Abu Bakr.
• He experienced the hardships of the early years in Makka and was among those who took refuge
from the harassment of the Quraysh in Abyssinia. He returned with the group that came back to
Makka, and made the Hijra to Madina with the other Muslims.
• In Madina, ‘ Abd al-Rahman R.A set about making a living for himself. He sold cheese and butter in
the market, and as time went on, he become wealthy enough to send out trading caravans.
• He fought in the Battle of Badr when he had take turns with Hazrat Abu Bakr R.A and Hazrat ‘Umar
R.A in riding the same camel (a sign of how poor the Muslims were in the early years at Madina). And
he also took part in the Battle of Uhud, where he was severely wounded and remained lame
• During the march against Tabuk, when the Holy Prophet PBUH was delayed for the dawn prayer, it
was agreed that ‘ Abd al-Rahman R.A should lead, and when the Prophet PBUH came, he was content
to take his place behind his trusted Companion.
• Following the death of Hazrat Muhammad PBUH ‘Abd al-Rahman R.A took a prominent par in the
decision to elect Hazrat Abu Bakr R.A to the caliphate. A few years later he was one of the six
members of the council who elected Hazrat‘ Uthman R.A to the caliphate. He died in 31AH/652AD,
during the caliphate of Hazrat ‘Ali R.A.

9. Abu ‘Ubayda ibn al-Jarrah

• He was another among the early Makkan converts to Islam.

• He took part in the migration to Abysinnia and Madina

• He fought among the Muslims in the battles against the Quraysh. At Uhud, he stood close to the
Prophet Muhammad PUBH. He was among the leading Muslims who went on the raid, following this
battle, that took some revenge for what had been inflicted upon the Muslims.
• When the Muslims victoriously entered Makka, he was given command of one of the four squadrons
into which the forces were divided.
• A sign of the Holy Prophet’s PBUH confidence in him as a Muslim is that when the Christian delegation
from Najran visited the Prophet PBUH in Madina and were impressed by what they heard , he sent
Abu ‘Ubayda R.A with them to act as a judge in disputes between them.
• He also took part in the expedition which the Prophet PBUH sent to Syria, just before his death.
• In the days following the Holy Prophet’s PBUH death, Abu ‘Ubayda R.A took a leading part in ensuring
the election of Hazrat Abu Bakr R.A as Caliph. A Mark of his standing is that Hazrat Abu Bakr R.A
remarked that Abu ‘Ubayda R.A was as worthy as he was himself of being caliph. During the caliphate
of Hazrat ‘Umar R.A, he was put in charge of the Muslim Forces that captured Palestine and Syria. He
died in Syria in 18AH/639AD.

10. Sa’eed Ibn Zayd (R.A)

• Sa’eed ibn zayd (R.A) was one of the early converts of Islam. His father Zayd was monotheist and
followed the religion of the Prophet Ibrahim. He was Umar’s (R.A) cousin and was married to his
sister Fatima, Umar (R.A) accepted Islam when he heard them reciting Surah Taha.
• He was a devoted companion of the Prophet (P.B.U.H) and great warrior. He took part in all the major
campaigns and battles fought during the lifetime of the Prophet (P.B.U.H) except Badr as he and
Talha were out of Madinah to spy on the Quraish caravan when they returned to Madinah, The
Prophet (P.B.U.H) had already set out for Badr: however they were given a share in the booty.
• He was present during the treaty of Hudaibiyah and participated in the conquest of Makkah.
• He played an important role in the Muslim community after the death of Prophet (P.B.U.H). He was
known for his courage and bravery. He participated in many campaigns; he was the commander of
the infantry of the Muslims army during reign of Umar . He was made the governor of Damascus ,
but the resigned from the post of his love for Jihad. Later, he fought as an ordinary soldier in all the
battles that where waged for the cause of Islam. He died in the 55AH and was buried in Madinah.

Position of Women in Islam

As Wives:
• Both the Quran and Sunnah have laid great emphasis on men to be kind and gentle with their wives.
Wives are equal to their husbands. They are partners with their husbands in family life. They are
primarily responsible for the home.
• They have financial independence The Holy Quran says, “Men are the protectors and maintainers of
women because Allah has given the one more (strength) than the other and because they support
them from their means.” [4:34] This verse makes it clear that husbands have to provide sustenance
to their wives, clothe them and house them.
• Abu Hurairah relates that the Holy Prophet pbuh said, “The best amongst you is he who is most kind
to his wife.”(Tirmizi).
• In case of more than one wife, man is enjoined to treat all of them equally. He said on the occasion of
Farewell pilgrimage, “O people! You have rights over your wives and your wives have right over you.
Treat your wives with kindness.”
• Similarly she is given right to seek divorce (Khula).

• It is the duty of the husband to pay dower (Mehr) to his wife at the time of marriage. Allah says, “And
give the women (on marriage) their dower as a free gift.” (an-Nisa 4:4)
• Woman can keep her property acquired before marriage and she has no legal obligation to spend on
her family out of her personal wealth. It is the duty of a man to fulfill her material and financial needs.
• Both husband and wife must decide family matters with mutual consultation.
• The Prophet (p.b.u.h) loved his wives. Khadijah was his first wife; His love for her was so great that he
did not marry again during her lifetime. He never rebuked his wives for any of their shortcomings.
During his last illness, when he became very sick he ask his wives for permission before staying in
‘Aishah (R.A) house. He helped his wives in their daily chores.

As Mothers:
• A woman’s position as a mother is unique in Muslim society. They have the main responsibility for
bringing up children. They are the first teachers of faith and proper conduct.
• The Holy Quran and the Holy Prophet pbuh have given special importance to the mother and stressed
upon the children to be more considerate, submissive, grateful and obedient to her in comparison to
the father. They deserve respect from their children because of what they have done for them.
• Abu Hurairah relates that once a person asked the Holy Prophet :“O Messenger of Allah, who is the
most deserving person to get good treatment from me?” He replied, “Your mother.” When he asked
this question this for the fourth time, the Holy Prophet said: “Your father.” This hadith indicates that
the status of the mother is greater than that of the father (agreed upon).
• A companion of the Holy Prophet once asked his permission to take part in Jihad. The Prophet asked
him if his mother was alive. On getting the answer in affirmative, the Prophet asked him to go home
and serve her as “heaven was under her feet”(Ahmad, Nasai). This means that to respect, obey and
serve the mother is the key to heaven. In doing so, we shall be able to please Allah and the Holy
• The Prophet (pbuh) did not spend a lot of time with his mother yet he had great love for her and
always remembered her. In the last year of his life, on his way perform the farewell pilgrimage, the
Prophet (pbuh) stopped at Abwa at the grave of his mother and wept there by remembering her.
As daughters:
• According to the teachings of Islam, daughters are to be treated with love and care. They should
always be allowed freedom in legitimate choices.
• They have a right to their parents’ legacy. In this connection, the holy Prophet is reported to have
said, “If one brings up three daughters, teaches them good manners, and treats them kindly, till
they no longer need his help, Allah will make paradise obligatory for him.” A companion asked,
“what if he has two?”. He replied, “and he too.” The reporter of this hadith said that if people had
inquired about one, the Prophet would have said the same thing .
• Daughters should be cared for as carefully as sons. Abdullah Ibn Abbas related that the Holy Prophet
said, “If anyone has a baby daughter and does not bury her alive, nor ignores her, nor prefers his
sons to her, Allah will bring him into paradise.”
• Prophet pbuh had great affection for his daughters, especially his love for Hazrat Fatima is a model
of fatherly love for daughters. He is reported to have said, “Fatima is a part of me, whoever hurts her
hurts me, whoever holds malice against her, holds malice against me”. When she visited him in his
last illness, he gave her his own chair to sit.

(b) What do these teachings tell us about the relationship between men and women? [4]
• The Islamic society is governed by a sense of both individual and collective responsibility to Allah who
has defined the limits for human behavior. There are certain principles to govern the interaction of
sexes. Free social mixing between men and women is not permitted unless it is for some serious
reason or purpose.

• When mixing does take place, both men and women are to exercise proper decorum in the way they
speak and behave.
• Women are advised not to display themselves in public and not entertain or talk unnecessarily to
men who are not their close relatives.
• A Muslim man and woman are not permitted to be alone together unless they are close relatives
• Both Muslim men and women should observe modesty. The Quran says, “Say to the believing men
that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty…..and say to the believing women that
they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty….” (24:30-31)
• In marriage, husbands and wives must try their best to live with love and affection and show respect
and kindness to each other even in disputes. Where family matters are concerned, decisions must be
taken with mutual consultation and not force.

Prophet’s (pbuh) Wives [Mothers of the Believers]

Hazrat Khadijah (R.A)
• She was the daughter of Khuwalid Ibn Assad who belonged to a wealthy family of the Quraish. Her
father was a successful merchant and had left her a great wealth. She was twice married and widowed
and had three children from her previous husbands, Harith, Hind and Hinda. She used to send her
merchandise for trading to other countries. She was known as “Tahira” i.e the pure one due to the
chastity of her character.
• Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h) was recommended to her for his honesty and trustworthiness. He took
her merchandise to Syria and brought back huge profits. Maisara, her slave, who accompanied him in
his trip, spoke very highly of Muhammad (p.b.u.h). She was so impressed by him that she proposed
marriage through her friend Nafeesa, which he accepted after consulting his uncle, Abu Talib. At the
time of the marriage in 595AD, Khadijah (R.A.) was forty years old while Muhammad (p.b.u.h) was
• The marriage was successful. They had six children, two sons and four daughters; both the sons died
in infancy. The elder was Qasim by whom the Prophet had his Kuniya; he was called Abul Qasim, (the
father of Qasim). The younger son was Abdullah, who was known as at-Tayyib and at-Tahir. The
daughters were Zaynab, Ruqayyah, Umm Kulthoom and Fatima (R.A.).
• The marriage freed Muhammad (p.b.u.h) from his financial worries as Khadijah (R.A.) placed her
wealth at his disposal. She brought wealth, prestige and influence to Muhammad (p.b.u.h).
• Khadijah (R.A.) was very devoted and loving wife. She stood by him at the time of hardship and trial.
After the first revelation when he came back home shaken from the experience, she comforted him
saying that Allah would not disgrace him as helped the widows and looked after the orphans and the
needy. She took him to her cousin Waraqa bin Naufil who further assured him that he was ordained
by Allah to be a Messenger.
• She was the first person to accept Islam, she was the only wife of Muhammad (p.b.u.h) who suffered
the persecution of the early days of Islam and suffered the most at the time of boycott. She died in
the 10th year of prophet-hood. This year was declared as the Year of Grief in the Islamic history.
Prophet (pbuh) said,“The Noblest women of the world are Maryam and Khadijah.”
• One day, Khadijah’s sister Halah came to visit the Muhammad (p.b.u.h), when he heard the familiar
voice, he said, “this must be Halah; her voice is just like that of Khadijah.” A’ishah said, “How is it that
you always think of the old woman, who is no more living, when Allah has given you much better
wives.” “Never better”, he replied. “She was the wife who believed in me when other rejected me.
When people refused to believe me, she affirmed my truthfulness. When I stood forsaken, she spent
her wealth to lighten the burden of my sorrow.” (Bukhari)

• Jibr’il is said to have sent greetings of peace to her, through the Prophet, from God and himself;
Khadija was Muhammad’s first wife and he chose not to marry any other woman during her lifetime.
Hazrat Sawda bint Zama’a (R.A)
• She was one of the first women to migrate to Abyssinia; her husband Sakran bin Amr had died and
she lived with her elderly father; she was middle-aged and had children from her previous marriage;
• she was the Prophet’s second wife and people were surprised he wanted to marry someone who was
widowed and older; they married one month after Khadija passed away and help was needed to look
after the Prophet’s children;
• She migrated to Madinah with Hazrat Fatima and Hazrat Umm Kulthum after the Prophet’s migration.
• Her house was the first to be built in Madina; she welcomed other wives into the household;
• She was close to Aisha and in the end gave up her time with the Prophet to Aisha;
• She was known for her generosity;.The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) referred to her as the most charitable
and generous of his wives.
• On the eve of last Pilgrimage, the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) enjoined his wives to remain in retirement
after his death. HazratSawdah followed this directive so much so that she never left her house even
for Hajj and Umrah.
• She died in the 22nd year of the Hijrat towards the end of the Khilafat of Hazrat Umar R.A. She was
buried in Jannat-al-Baqi.
Hazrat Aisha R.A,
• She was Prophet Muhammad’s pbuh third wife (thouh some think he married her before
HazratSawda), was the favourite of his later years. She was the daughter of his Companion Hazrat Abu
Bakr and one of his reasons for marrying her may have been to strengthen ties with his close friend.
• Hazrat Aisha would have known the Holy Prophet pbuh from her childhood as a daily visitor to her
father’s house. According to most authorities, she was six years old when she was married to him,
though the couple did not become man and wife until she was older. (some authorities say that she
was older than this when she married the Holy prophet pbuh). According to the historian, Hazrat Aisha
R.A became a Muslim along with her parents within the first two years of prophethood.
• Her marriage to the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) was solemnized in Madina in the second year of Hijra and
she continued her youthful ways even afterwards. Her young friends would often visit her in her
apartment, a practice that the Prophet (P.B.U.H) encouraged.
• She accompanied the Prophet (pbuh) on different expeditions and battles. For example in the battle
of Uhad she, along with other Muslim women, gave water to Muslim soldiers and nursed the injured.
• Hazrat Aisha R.A was a person of high character. A scandal once surrounded her when she was
mistakenly left behind during a caravan rest stop on an expedition with the Prophet (P.B.U.H). She
returned to Madina escorted by a companion of the Prophet Sawan bin Muattal who had found her
waiting alone in the desert. Amid the ensuing gossip, a Quranic revelation (Al-Nur, 24:11-13) cleared
her reputation and proclaimed her innocence. This Surah also established the punishment for false
accusations of adultery.
• Verses about the practice of Tayammum (dry ablution) (Al-Nisa 4:43) were also revealed on her
• The Prophet (P.B.U.H) had a strong bond with his young wife and amongst the ‘Mothers of the
Believers’ she is ranked as one of the most learned. She memorized the Quran during Prophet’s (pbuh)
• The Holy Prophet’s continuing love and special affection for Hazrat Aisha are clear from his desire to
be taken to her apartment when he was dying. She nursed him there in his last days and it was there
that he was buried.

• After Prophet’s (P.B.U.H) death she remained a leading figure in the Islamic community. Such was her
knowledge that even the companions would come to her to seek guidance in religious matters. She
narrated some 2210 Ahadith from the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) and was also a critic of badly
remembered ones.
• she was critical of the third Caliph, Hazrat Uthman but opposed his violent death. During the caliphate
of Hazrat Ali R.A , together with the Prophet’s (P.B.U.H) companions Zubayr and Talha R.A, Hazrat
Aisha R.A mobilized opposition to Hazrat Ali R.A for not calling Hazrat Uthman’s killers to
accountability. This culminated in the Battle of Camel 656AD in which she played a central role but
her side lost.
• Thereafter, she did not participate in politics at all. Hazrat Aisha outlived the Prophet (P.B.U.H) by 47
years and was one of the principal links back to the Prophet (P.B.U.H) era of decades onwards as the
world of Islam grew and expanded. She is buried in Jannat al-Baqi in Madina.
Hazrat Hafsa bint Umar (R.A)
• she was the daughter of ‘Umar ibn al-Khattab. She was born five year before prophethood. She was
first married to Khunais bin Huzaifa.
• Hafsa became a Muslim along with her parents and her husband. He was among those who had
migrated to Abyssinia. Later, both Hafsa and her Husband migrated to Madinah.
• Khunais took part in the battle of Badr in which he was martyred, leaving no children. After the
prescribed period of Iddat(waiting) was over, the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) expressed his desire to
marry Hazrat Hafsa with a view to strengthening his ties with Hazrat Umar and his tribe.
• Like Aisha, she memorised the Qur’an by heart; she lived with the Prophet for eight years;
• She was quick tempered like her father, and revelation came after the honey incident where she told
the Prophet his mouth didn’t smell good after eating honey. The Prophet said that he would never
eat honey again. Allah sent the revelation(66:01) and commanded the Prophet not to make anything
unlawful to him which Allah has made lawful. After this Hafsa went to the Prophet and sought
• After his death when the Qur’an was compiled, a copy was kept with her for safekeeping, known as
the mushaf. ‘Uthman took the Mushaf from her for standardising the Qur’an.
• She was also a narrator of hadith. She died when she was around 60 years old.
Hazrat Umm Salama (R.A)
• She was one of the earliest converts to Islam. She and her husband were among the first to emigrate
to Abysinnia.
• When her husband died after becoming injured at Uhud. First, Abu Bakr proposed her, then ‘Umar.
She said nobody was better than her husband so she didn’t want to marry again and then the
proposal came from the Prophet She accepted the Prophet’s proposal and they were married in 4AH.
• She memorised the Qur’an by heart during Prophet’s lifetime.
• She took part in many expeditions; at Hudaiybiyah the Prophet told the companions to offer sacrifice,
they didn’t do it, then Umm Salama told the Prophet to do the sacrifice himself then the companions
will follow him.
• Among the wives of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) Hazrat Umm-e-Salama was second only to Hazrat
Aisha in learning. She was very keen to learn traditions. She has quoted a number of traditions on
the authority of her first husband Abu Salamah, Hazrat Fatima R.A and the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H)
himself. Besides, several authors have quoted traditions on her authority. She is the narrator of 378
Hazrat Maria Qibtiya
• She was sent to the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) as a gift from the ruler of Egypt, in the year 628. The Holy
Prophet (P.B.U.H) had sent a letter of invitation to him and in order to show his respect, the ruler
sent a package of gifts to the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) which included two Greek-Egyptian female

slaves(who happened to be sisters, Maria and Serena). Both accepted Islam on their Journey to
Madina after being explained the teachings of the faith by their escort Hatib.
• Hazrat Maria joined the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) household as his wife and bore him a son, Ibrahim
who tragically died as an infant, Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) later freed her.
• Hazrat Maria was included in the pension payment that were given to the Holy Prophet‘s(P.B.U.H)
wives after his demise, moreover, all source affirm that she was included in the ranks of ‘ Mother of
the Believers’
• Hazrat Maria passed away five years after Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H).

General Reading
Hazrat Zainab bint Khuzaymah was born in Makkah and was the step sister of both umm-al-Fadhl, the
wife of Prophet (P.B.U.H) uncle Abbas, and of the Mother of the faithful, HazratMaymunah. They were from
same mother, but had difference father. Harat Zainab was fortunate, in that she embraced Islam in the early
days of the faith. Her husband died in the battle of Uhad, and she began to live in poverty. Prophet (P.B.U.H)
that proposed marriage to her to ease her burden, and in lieu of her husband services to Islam. Hazrat Zainab
was an extremely generous person known to help the needy and destitute, and for her generosity and
kindness to the poor, she earned the title of Umm-al-Masakeen, ‘Mother of the Poor’. She died soon after
her marriage to the Prophet (P.B.U.H). He led her funeral prayer and lowered her body into the grave. She
is too buried in Jannat al Baqi.

Hazrat Juwayriyyah bint al-Haritha was the daughter of the chief of the Banu Mustaliq and was taken
captive after her tribe had been defeated by the Muslims in 5 A.H. Juwayriyyah whose real name was Barra
was among the prisoners and she was allotted to one of the companion name Thabit ibn Qays as part of his
share of the spoils but she wanted to pay him a ransom for her freedom to which he agreed. Some month
later, she approached Prophet (P.B.U.H) and declared her conversation to Islam; at the same time she told
him of her predicament of not being able to buy her freedom. He agreed to have her set free also proposed
marriage to her, which she readily accepted. They were married in 628. As a result of her marriage to the
Prophet (P.B.U.H) the Muslims liberated all the captives of the Banu Mustaliq. Hence she was a source of
blessing to her tribe as well. Her father and tribes and tribesmen also accepted Islam soon after their release
from captivity,
Hazrat Juwayriyyah led a pious and simple life and spent her time in lengthy prayers and regular fasting.
Hazrat Aisha taught her the reading of Quran and she spent a lot of her time in its recitation.
HazratJuwayriyyah died 28 years after Prophet (P.B.U.H) and is buried in Jannat al Baqi.
Hazrat Zainab bint Jahshwas a cousin of Prophet (P.B.U.H) and the Prophet (P.B.U.H) himself had
arranged her marriage to Zayd bin Harithah, his adopted son and former slave. Hazrat Zainab at first refused
to proposal saying that she was the widow of a Quraish, implying that her social standing was higher than
that of Zayd. It was perhaps the Prophet’s (P.B.U.H) intention to demonstrate by this union that near Allah
the standing of a person was not because of lineage but piety, and it may have been the reason why he
wanted to arrange this union.
It was after Prophet (P.B.U.H) announced a new verse of the Holy Quran stating “It is not fitting for a believer
man or woman when a matter has been decided by Allah and His Messenger, to have any option about
their decision: if anyone disobeys Allah and His Messengers he is clearly on wrong path.” (33:36) that
Hazrat Zainab agree to marry Zayd. The marriage however fell apart and the Prophet (P.B.U.H) himself
married her after the revelation of Quranic injunction to do so on completion of the mandatory period of
iddat. Hazrat Zainab used to boast on the other wives of the Prophet (P.B.U.H) saying “You were given in
marriage by your families while I was married (to the Prophet (P.B.U.H) by Allah from over seven
Hazrat Zainab was known for her wisdom and given the title of Umm al-Hikma (Mother of wisdom) she was
also known as ‘one with the long arm’ on account her generosity and charitable nature. She was extremely

pious and God-fearing and the Prophet (P.B.U.H) had predicted that she would be the first wife to die after
him. She died during the Caliphate of Hazrat Umar and was buried in Jannat al Baqi

Hazrat Ramla bint Abu Sufyan was the daughter of Abu Sufyan the chief of the Umayyad clan and the
leader of the whole Quraish tribe and one of the most powerful opponents of Prophet (P.B.U.H). Her first
husband was Ubaydullah ibn Jahsh a brother of Hazrat Zainab bint jahsh. Ubaydullah ibn jahsh and Ramla
were among the first people to accept to accept Islam. In 616, in order to escape the hostilities of the
Quraish they both emigrated to Abyssinia where she gave birth to her daughter Habibah and came to be
known Umm Habibah. When Ubaydullah died while still in Abyssinia, the Prophet (P.B.U.H) sent her a
proposal of marriage which she gladly accepted.
The wedding ceremony took place in Abyssinia even though the Prophet (P.B.U.H) was not present. The
Negus a huge feast after the ceremony and arranged to send all thirty of the remaining immigrant Muslims
back to Arabia. They travelled to Madina in to boats, Shurahbil ibn Hasana accompanied HazratRamlah on
this journey. hazratRamlah held the Prophet (P.B.U.H) in high regard. When her father came to seek her help
re-negotiating the Treaty of Hudabiya she refused to let him sit on the Prophet’s bedding as he was at that
time still a polytheist. She was a simple and pious lady and it is said that she narrated some sixty- five hadiths

Hazrat Safiyah bint Huyyay ibn Akhtab Was the daughter of Huyyay ibn Akhtab, the Jewish
instigator of the pagan siege of Madina. After the Muslims Survived that assault, they marched northwards
towards Khaybar, a Jewish settlement from where the plot was hatched. After some fighting , the Jews were
subdued and HazratSafiyah was taken captive and given to a Muslim named Dahia as part of his share of
Spoils. Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) purchased her freedom from Dahia and proposed marriage to her,
which she accepted and converted to Islam .The wedding took place in 628 and this cemented the relations
between Jews and Mulims.HazratSafiyah though young in years, was fiercely loyal to Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H),
She was also very intelligent and Charitable. She accompanied the Holly Prophet (P.B.U.H) to Makkah on his
Farewell Pilgrimage. She outlived Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) by 38 years and died at the age of 60 in the month
of Ramadan. She too is buried in Jannat al-Baqi

Hazrat Maymunah bint al-Harith Was widow and sister- in-law of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H)
uncle Abbas.T he Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) married her in the year 629, and She was his last Wife. She died in
681 and was also the last of his Wives to follow Him, Hazrat Maymunah is also buried in Jannat al-Baqi.

Hazrat Rayhana bint Amir Rayhana bint Amir was A Jewish women from the Banu Nadir married to
man from the Banu Qurayazah. She was also taken captive from the campaign against Banu Qurayazah and
given to the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) .He freed her but initially she refused to marry him and lived quietly in
her own apartments. She did not accept Islam until a few years later and was never included among the
‘Mother of the Faithfull ’. Some accounts say that the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) married her, but these were
untested claims. She died shortly after Holly Prophet (P.B.U.H) farewell Pilgrimage .

(b) Taking two aspects of their relationship, explain how the marriage of the Prophet and
Khadija sets a good example for Muslim marriages today? [4]
• They had a love and respect for each other that people could learn from today; she had her own
business which the Prophet never stopped her from, and she supported the Prophet through all his
difficulties. Following their example, Muslim couples today should support each other in times of
difficulty and distress.
• She reassured her husband when he told her about the revelation and never stopped believing he was
telling the truth because she knew his character. In times of difficulty people should be patient with
each other and try to reassure their partners.

(b) How can Hazrat Aisha be seen as a role model for Muslims now? [4]

• Her role as a teacher of sunna should inspire Muslims to learn and teach their religion.
• She memorized the Qur’an which Muslims should also aspire to do.
• She is especially a role model for women as she was more learned than many of the men of her time.
• She was patient in times of difficulty and generous with wealth when she had it.
• she took part in public life which should encourage Muslim women today to take an active part in
nation building after acquiring education and necessary skills e.g. medicine, teaching, research,
nursing etc. women can play a vital role in society and should not be deprived of education.

(b) “The best of you is the one best to his wife.” Explain what the Prophet meant by this
statement and how it is relevant to Muslims now. [4]
• The Prophet encourages men to look after their wives and that those with good character treat their
wife better than they treat others. Prophet (pbuh) treated all of his wives with love, respect,
compassion and kindness.
• Muslims should not compete in jobs or wealth but rather in how well they treat their wife and family.
Those who treat their wife well are those who should have most respect.
Now many Muslims do not treat their wives well, they treat them like slaves, or they beat them, but this is
not what the example of the Prophet teaches Muslim men about their relationship with their wives.

• A year before “the year of the elephant,” ‘Abdullah ibn Abdul Muttalib was married to Aminah
daughter of Wahb.
• When the time came close to the birth of the Prophet (s.a.w.), Amina saw a dream that she gave birth
to a boy and with this boy a magnificent emergence of light spread out and enveloped the earth until
it reached Busra in al-Sham. She also saw herself in the dream saying ‘I seek for him, refuge in Allah
the One from the evil of every envier’. Aminah, named him Ahmad [meaning one who renders
praise (to God)].
• Soon after he was given to Halima saadia for nursing. When he was two Halima brought him back
but requested Aaminah to keep him for more time, to which she agreed.
• When Muhammad s.a.w. was 6 years old, his mother decided to visit the grave of her husband,
Abdullah, in Yathrib. Both Barakah and Abdal-Muttalib tried to dissuade her. Aminah however was
determined. The caravan took ten days to reach Yathrib. Muhammad s.a.w. was left with his maternal
uncles of the Banu Najjar in Madinah(Yathrib), while Aminah went to visit the grave of Abdullah. Each
day for a few weeks she stayed at the grave.
• On the way back to Makkah, Aminah became seriously ill with fever. Halfway between Yathrib and
Makkah, at a place called al-Abwa, they stopped where she died and was buried.
• The Prophet (pbuh) did not spend a lot of time with his mother yet he had great love for her and
always remembered her. In the last year of his life, on his way perform the farewell pilgrimage, the
Prophet (pbuh) stopped at Abwa at the grave of his mother and wept there by remembering her.

Halima Sadia :
• She was an Arab Beduin woman. She was a Wet-nurse and raised up the prophet Muhammad when
he was a child and took care of him for the first 5 years of his life.
• There were many signs about how Halimah`s life was changed to a better days. Her goats used to
come home full, and over flowing with milk, while the rest of the Bedouins' goats used to come
home scraggy and empty. Halimah knew that she had a blessed child with all the miracles and
• After two years, Muhammad was returned to his mother Amina. She told Amina about the great
blessings that she had received when Muhammad was in her care, but soon, Amina

was persuaded by Halima and her husband (Al-Harith) to return the child back with them for another
two years to protect him from a spreading disease in Makkah.
• After two years, a strange incident happened to the prophet. He was playing with his foster brother
at the back of their homes, when two Angels appeared to them as two men wearing white clothes.
The Angels laid down the prophet and opened his chest, took out his heart, split it and removed a
blood clot and washed it and his chest until they became purified . Then, they returned the heart
back to Muhammad's body before going away. His foster brother ran to Halimah and told her that
Muhammad has been murdered. She rushed out and found Muhammad standing with a pale white
face. She checked all over his body and found that he was fine and then she took him back to their
home. Due to that incident, she was afraid.
• Later and very shortly, she returned Muhammed to his mother. Then, Muhammad was returned to
the care of his mother Amina and continued to live with her until she died..
• Years after Muhammad's mother died and he got married to Khadijah, Halimah came to him
complaining of her poverty. He asked Khadijah to give her 40 sheep. After Muhammad got his first
revelation, Halimah and her husband came to the Islamic prophet and embraced Islam. When she
came to Muhammad on the day of Hunayn, he took off his robe and put it on the ground for her to
sit.She died in 8 A.H. and her grave lies in JannatulBaqi, Madinah.The Prophet (pbuh) was known to
call Halima ‘my mother’.
Abu Talib
• Abu Talib was paternal uncle of the Holy Prophet who brought him up after the death of his parents
and his grandfather by the time he was eight years old. He took him into his family and treated him
like his own son, giving him extra kindness.
• When the Holy Prophet started to preach Islam, his relatives turned against him. But Abu Talib, who
had taken care of him since he was a child, said to him: ‘Go ahead with what you have been bidden
and I pledge to continue to give you my support and protection’.
• Abu Talib continued to maintain his positive attitude as his nephew Hazrat Muhammad did not mean
any harm and did not call anything wrong. The chiefs of Makkah did not take any action against the
Holy Prophet in the early stages. When he started to criticize their idol worship, they decided that
the matter was too serious to ignore. Yet they could not do much about it because Abu Talib
protected his nephew against all threats and let everyone know of his readiness to fight for him.
• As the Holy Prophet continued to preach his mission, oppositions increased. Therefore, a delegation
composed of the most influential people of Makkah came to Abu Talib and asked him to stop his
nephew from preaching his religion or to hand him over to them. Abu Talib who continued to follow
the religion of his people, did not let his nephew down. He called the Holy Prophet and told him what
had taken place. He explained to the Holy Prophet the difficulty of the situation and said: “Save me
as well as yourself and do not cause me to carry a burden I cannot bear.”
But the Holy Prophet was firm as ever and said, “O my uncle if they place the sun of my right hand and the
moon on my left hand and ask me to renounce my work, Iwill not stop until Allah fulfils it for me, or
destroys me in the process”
Abu Talib was deeply moved and said: “you may go and do whatever you like. I will never withdraw my
protection from you and will never let you down”
• Abu Talib communicated his resolution to the people of his tribe and asked them to protect the
Prophet against the Quraish. He was the Holy Prophet’s protector as long as he lived. He died I 10 th
year of prophethood. His death was such a great loss to the Holy Prophet that he called the year of
his death the ‘year of Grief’. After Abu Talib’s death. Quraish started abusing the Holy Prophet
verbally and physically.
Muhajirin and Ansar
➢ Among the numerous blessing of the holy Prphet’s (p.b.u.h) Hijrat, one of the most important and
unique blessing was that of Mawakhat i.e the creation of brotherhood between Muhajirin and Ansar.

➢ Muhajaririn or the emigrants is the name often applied in the Quran those followers of Holy Prophet
Muhammad (p.b.u.h) who had immigrated from Makkah to Madinah with him. They were tortured
and persecuted by the unbelievers but they remained steadfast. They sacrificed their lives as well as
their wealth for the sake of Islam. Some of them even left their families behind when they migrated
to Madinah. They did not even claim their belonging after the conquest of Makkah, in accordance
with the orders of the holy Prophet (p.b.u.h). The term Muhajir is not applied to the Prophet (p.b.u.h)
himself, but only to those who migrated with, before or after him and later made up a large portion
of the population to Madinah. The Prophet (p.b.u.h) described them as favourites of Allah who will
receive a splendid reward as the Quran says:
“ Those who believed, emigrated and fought in the cause of Allah with their wealth and their lives
are greater in rank in the sight of Allah. And it is those who are the attainers [of success].” [9:20]
➢ The Muslims of Madinah, who received and help the prophet (p.b.u.h) after his migration from
Makkah, were called Ansar or the helpers. They were also called Ansar-un-Nabi, or Helpers of the
Prophet. They were given this titleto distinguish them from the Muhajirin, who were mainly
dependent upon their help and support after migration of Madinah.
They were good natured, soft spoken and pious people who were devoted to the holy Prophet
(p.b.u.h). This is confirmed by the Holy Quran in the following words:
‘’But those who before them had homes (in Madinah) and had adopted the faith, showed their affection
to those, who came to them for refuge and entertain no desire in their hearts for things given to the
emigrants, but gave them preference over themselves even though they themselves were poor.’’ [59:9]
➢ The holy Prophet (p.b.u.h) assembled them at the house of Anas five months after migrating to
Medina and told them that the Muhajirin had left all their belongings in Makkah and were now
penniless and shelter less. He, therefore wanted to create the relationship of Brotherhood between
the Muhajirin and Ansar. He appointed ninety Muslims, the forty-five of whom were from the Ansar
and the other forty-five from the migrants, as brothers.
According to this foundation of brotherhood established, leaders of each family in Medina would
provide a Muslim family from Mecca with accommodation and share their belongings with them,
and they would work together.
➢ The Prophet did not choose two Muslims to become brothers randomly. Contrarily, he investigated
them carefully and appointed the best matches as brothers. For instance, there was an exact
harmony between Salman al Farisi and Abu’d-Dardaa; Ammar and Khuzaifa; Mus’ab and Abu
Ayyub, in terms of character, likes, and feelings. On this occasion, the Prophet(pbuh) too Hazrat Ali
as his brother and said, “You are my brother in this world and in the hereafter.”
➢ The emigrants tried their best so as not to be a burden on anyone. The most remarkable example of
this is Abdur Rahman bin Awf’s answer to Saad bin Rabi’s proposal.
“I am the richest of all Muslims of Medina in terms of money. I saved half of my wealth for you!” said Sa’d
bin Rabi to Abdur Rahman bin Awf, who were appointed as brothers.
Great Companion Abdur Rahman bin Awf’s answer was as noteworthy as the proposal: “May God make
your wealth auspicious for you! I do not need it. The greatest favour you can do me is to show me the way
to the market where you do business.”
The next morning, Abdur Rahman bin Awf, who was taken to Qaynuqa’s market, bought some goods such
as oil and cheese and started the trade business. After a while, he earned a fair income and then became
one of the well-known tradesmen of Medina. Many other Muslims of Mecca found appropriate jobs for
themselves and lived happily by their own work, like Hazrat Abdur Rahman bin Awf e.g Abu Bakr made a
living by farming.
➢ The Ansar wanted to share their date palms with the Muhajirun but the Muhajirun refused, so the
Ansar offered them to work in their orchards and in return they were given dates. In this way the
Madinans gave protection and material assistance to their Makkan brothers and the Makkans came
with their faith to share and spread in Madina.

5(b) How can Muslims apply this model of brotherhood to help their communities?
• Islam establishes human brotherhood on the basis of faith. Allah describes the believers as being
brother. “The believers are but brothers” [49:10]
• Brotherhood between Muhajirin and Ansar reminds the Muslims that the feeling of brotherhood is
an essential prerequisite for unity. It guarantees the safety and the well-being of the society at
• Muslims can help by looking to see what they can offer others. Help can be in any form, e.g.,
financial assistance to poor, youth services, challenging social injustice etc.
• Muslims may live in areas where people from another country have come to settle, whether it be
because they are fleeing from persecution or to seek work. Muslims can help them by finding out
about them, asking if they need any help, providing food/clothing/information and /or by helping
them to integrate.
Prophet’s (pbuh) Daughters
1. Hazrat Zainab
• She was eldest daughter. She was born in 5th year of marriage when the Prophet (P.B.U.H)
was 30.
• She was married to Abul Aas bin Rabi, Khadija’s nephew. When Hazrat Zainab became a
Muslim and her husband did not, it caused problems.
• Abul Aas fought on the side of Quraish in the battle of Badr, and he was taken as prisoner
and brought before the Prophet. Hazrat Zainab sent a necklace, which her mother had given
her, for his release. When the Prophet (P.B.U.H) saw the necklace, he recognized it and his
eyes were filled with tears. He consulted his companions and returned the necklace and freed
Abul Aas on condition that he sent Zainab to Madina.
• Later Abul Aas came to Madina. However, they were separated when a Divine Revelation
prohibited Muslim women to marry non-Muslims. Later, Abul Aas accepted Islam, and they
were rejoined.
• Zainab died in 8 A.H as a result of sword wound inflicted by Habbar bin Aswad at the time she
was migrating to Madina. She had a son Ali and a daughter Umamah.
2. Hazrat Ruqayyah (R.A)
• She was three years younger than Zainab.
• She was first married to Utba, son of Abu Lahab before prophethood. However, Abu Lahab
became a bitter enemy of the Prophet after his prophethood.
• After the revelation of Surah Lahab Abu Lahab asked his son to divorce Ruqayyah which he
• She then was married to Hazrat Usman and migrated with him to Abyssinia Where she gave
birth to a son Abdullah who died when he was six year old. They came back to Makkh in the
tenth year of prophethood. A few years later she migrated to Madina with her husband.
• She Died in 2 A.H, just at the time when Muslims were returning from the Battle of Badr. The
Prophet (P.B.U.H) performed her funeral prayer. Due to her illness, Hazrat Usman did not
participate in the Battle of Badr.
3. Hazrat Umm e Kulthum (R.A)
• Hazrat Umm Kulthum was the third daughter of Prophet (P.B.U.H).
• She was first married to Utaibah another son of Abu Lahab. When the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H)
declared his mission, Abu Lahab became his enemy.
• After the revelation of surah Lahab and asked his son to divorce Umm e Kulthum, which he did.
• She migrated to Madina with her step mother HazratSawdah.

• After the death of her sister Ruqayyah she was married to Hazrat Usman, hence he came to be
known as Zul-Noorain. She did not have any child.
• She died in 9 A.H in the month of Shabaan while her father and husband were away on the Tabuk
4. Hazrat Fatima(R.A)
• She was the youngest daughter born to Prophet (P.B.U.H) and Hazrat Khadja five years before
prophethood. She was much loved by her father and among all her sisters resembled him the most.
• She used to hear him recite the Quran and had memorized the entire Holy Book. She also acquired
much knowledge and wisdom by spending time in the Prophet’s (P.B.U.H) company. After the death
of her mother Hazrat Khadija she tried to look after the comfort and needs of her father at home.
Whenever the Prophet (P.B.U.H), came home injured from the streets of Makkah she would tend
to his wounds.
• Once she saw Abu Jahl putting the guts of a dead animal on her father’s back when he was praying
and was in prostration, she ran to him to remove the filth from its back whilst he stayed in his
position. When the Prophet (P.B.U.H) saw her crying he said, “Don’t cry, my daughter for indeed
Allah will make your father victorious”.
• Prophet (P.B.U.H) migrated to Madina before her because he knew that if he allowed her to go
before him the Quraish would have known about his plans to migrate , and if he took her with him
it would have posed a big danger to her. So, she stayed back and followed later him to Madina with
Hazrat Saudah.
• In Madina many sought Hazrat Fatima hand in marriage but the Prophet (P.B.U.H) politely declined
all and gave her in marriage to Hazrat Ali. In 624AD they were married and lived simple yet happy
life together, experiencing the poverty faced by the most of the immigrants. A Year later Hazrat
Fatima gave her birth to her first son who the Prophet (P.B.U.H) named al-Hassan, the beautiful
one and the following years in 626 she gave birth to another son who the Prophet (P.B.U.H) named
al-Hussain the little beautiful one. She also had two daughters Zainab and umm kulthoom.
• Prophet (P.B.U.H) had a special affection for his youngest daughter on one occasion he said to her
“You are the highest of the women of the people of paradise except for Maryam daughter of
Imran .”
• In his last illness he foretold that Hazart Fatima would be the first of his family to follow him and
she died in 632, within 6 months of her father death. Muslim hold Hazrat Fatima in high respect
and she regarded as the perfect role model for Muslims women. She also remembered by her title
‘Al Zahra’, ‘the shining one’. The Prophet (P.B.U.H) showed his affection for her and would visit her
before he left on a journey and upon returning.

5.(b) Can Muslims learn from the Prophet’s bond with Fatima? Give reasons for your
answer. [4]
There is no greater father daughter relationship example than that of prophet and Fatima. We can model
our life after them. The holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) had special affection for Hazrat Fatima. He always stood up
when she came to him. Prophet’s great respect and dignity to her teaches us what good treatment to our
daughters looks like. Distance and dismissive behavior is against Islamic tradition. Once Prophet (P.B.U.H)
said “Fatima is a part of me, whoever hurts her, hurts me and whoever holds malice against her hold
malice against me”. Father who have a healthy connection with their daughters will find that what hurts
their daughter will hurts them.
Once Prophet (P.B.U.H) summoned Hazrat Fatima and told her that she would be the first one to join him in
paradise. This is an extra ordinary example of father daughter relationship which should be followed today.
Prophet (P.B.U.H) never mourned that he had daughters and no sons (as his three sons died in infancy) so
Muslim should not think thatsons are better than daughters. Daughters can learn from Hazrat Fatima loyalty
and respect for her father.

Hamza ibn Abd al-Muttalib

• He was related to the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) in many ways. He was the Prophet’s (P.B.U.H) uncle and
also the son of his maternal aunt as well as his foster brother. He was two years older than the Holy
Prophet (P.B.U.H). Hazrat Hamza was very fond of wrestling and hunting and excellent in the arts of
swordsmanship and archery. He was so involved in and attached to his pastimes that he hardly took
any notice of the spread of Islam.
• In 6th year of prophethood, One day he was returning from a hunt he was informed that if he had come
earlier he would have seen the condition of his nephew Mohammad (P.B.U.H) who was preaching his
religion in the Ka’abah, when Abu Jahl abused him. Hazrat Hamza was enraged on hearing this. He
rushed to the Ka’abha where Abu Jahl was sitting with his companions. He pounced upon Abu Jahl and
struck him with his bow on the head with great force. Then he declared his acceptance of Islam. Those
were the days when Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) would preach Islam secretly.
• With the acceptance of Islam by Hazrat Hamza the situation changed and the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H)
was able to preach Islam openly. After his acceptance of Islam, he gave up hunting and wrestling and
devoted his time and energy to the cause of Islam.
• Hazrat Hamza migrated to Madinah with other Muslims in 622AD.
• In the second year of hijrat, Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) sent thirty men to check the caravan of the non-
believers of Makkah under the command of Hazrat Hamza. He had thus, the honour of being entrusted
with the banner of Islam for the first time in Islamic history
• During the battle of Badr he killed many unbelievers including their great warriors. In the Battle of
Uhad, the unbelievers deputed Wahshi, a slave of Hinda, Abu Sufyan’s wife to kill Hazrat Hamza in
return of his freedom and a handsome reward.
• Wahshi hid himself behind a rock and as soon as Hazrat Hamza came within range threw his weapons
at him. It was such a deadly weapon that as it struck Hazrat Hamza succumbed to his injury. Hinda
whose father was killed in the Battle of Badr by Hazrat Hamza, cut out of the liver from his dead body
and tried to chew it. Then she cut off the nose and ears of the dead body and made a necklace of them.
The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) led the funeral prayers for all the martyrs of Uhad, including Hazrat Hamza
and gave him the title of ‘Chief of the Martyrs’.

Khalid bin Walid

• He was from a family who opposed the Prophet in Makka, and although he did not take part in the
Battle of Badr, he played a vital role in the Battle of Uhud against the Muslims, turning the Muslim
victory to defeat.
• He converted to Islam after the Treaty of Hudaybiya. In 629, Khalid set out for Madina. On the way he
met 'Amr ibn al-'As and ‘Uthman ibn Talha, who were also going to Madina to convert to Islam.
• After conversion he took part in the Battle of Mu’ta. It was the first battle between the Romans and
the Muslims. He reported that the fighting was so intense, that he used nine swords, which broke in
the battle. Khalid took over after Zayd ibn Haritha, then Ja’far ibn Abi Talib, then Abdullah ibn Rawaha
were killed. It was because of him that the Muslims returned safely. For this the Holy Prophet PBUH gave
him the title of Saif Allah – The Sword of Allah.
• He subsequently took part in the Conquest of Makka, Battle of Hunain and the Battle of Tabuk. During
the conquest of Makkah he was appointed as leader of one of the four squadrons into which the Holy
ProphetPBUH divided his army.
• He was at the farewell pilgrimage of the Prophet, and is said to have collected three hair from the
Prophet there, which gave him victory in his battles.
• Hazrat Abu Bakr and Hazrat Umar placed similar reliance on him and made him commander of their
armies in the wars against the Romans and the Persians. He died in 642 in Syria.

Zaid Ibn Harith

• Zayd ibn harith (RA) belonged to an influential family, he was kidnapped when he was young and sold
as a slave. A nephew of Khadijah bought him in Syria and he gave him to his aunt Khadijah (RA), who
gave Zayd to the Prophet (S.A.W).
• When the Prophet (S.A.W) invited people to Islam, Zayd was amongst the first four people to accept
• When his family came to know about his whereabouts, his father and uncle came to the Prophet (SAW)
and offered to buy Zayd (RA). The Prophet (S.A.W) gave Zayd the choice to go with his father or stay
with him. However, Zayd (RA) refused to go back to his family and preferred slavery to freedom. The
Prophet (S.A.W) adopted Zayd (RA) as his son and hence he came to be known as Zayd ibn Mohammad.
• Zayd (RA) came to be called by the name of his father after a revelation came which commanded that
adopted sons must be called after their fathers.
• Zayd (RA) was married to Umm Aiman, the slave girl of the Prophet (S.A.W) whom he had set free.
They had a son named Usamah ibn Zayd .
• He accompanied the Prophet during visit to Taif and got injured while protecting the Prophet(pbuh).
• Zayd migrated to Madinah, later the Prophet sent him to Makkah to bring his wife Sawdah and
daughters umm-Kulthoom and Fatimah to Madinah.
• He accompanied the Prophet in all his battles namely the battle of Badr, Uhad and Trench. He was also
present when the Treaty of Hudaibiyah was concluded.
• The Prophet married his cousin Zaynab bint Jahsh to Zayd bin Harith (RA). However, the marriage was
not successful and Zayd (RA) divorced Zaynab after one year.
• Zayd bin Harith was martyred in 8th A.H in the battle of Mautah.
Jafar bin Abu Talib
• Hazrat Jafar was the son of Abu Talib and elder brother of Hazrat Ali. He along with his wife embraced
Islam in its early stages.
• He was among the second batch of emigrants to Abyssinia. They were pursued by the unbelievers of
Makkah who requested Najashi king of Abyssinia to hand over the emigrants to them. The King
summoned the Muslims to his court and asked them about their religion. The Muslims had selected
Hazrat Jafar as their spokesman. He delivered a speech in which he explained the principles of Islam
and what the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) taught them. He also recited portion of Surah Maryam. After
hearing it, Najashi said, “By God this and the Gospel are the lights of one candle” thereafter, Najashi
dismissed the unbelievers in his court and assured the Muslims that they may reside peacefully in his
• He went back to Madina in 7 A.H. When Khyber was conquered, the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) gave him
a piece of land near Masjid al Nabwi and kept him close to himself.
• The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H)sent an army to Mutta in Syria in 8 A.H. Hazrat Jafar was included in the
army. Hazrat Zaid bin Harith was the commander of the army. In case of his death, he was to be
succeeded by Hazrat Jafar. HazratJafar was martyred in the battle. He received ninety wounds on his
body and lost both his hands. The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H)said,“Allah has granted him two wings in
place of his two hands so that he flies about in paradise wherever he likes ”He is called
JafarTayyarJafar the flier.
• Hazrat Jafar took great care of the poor and needy. Hence, he was known as Abul Masakeen. He
resembled the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H)in features and habits. The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H)himself said
“You resemble me in features and manners”
Salman al-Farsi
• Hazrat Salman R.A the Persian, was born in Persia to a wealthy man who was overprotective of his son,
never allowing him out of his mansion. Hazrat Salman belonged to the Zoroastrian faith and was assigned
the duty of keeping the ceremonial fire burning in the family home.

• Out of curiosity to see the outside world, he left home and happened to come upon a group of Christians
singing during their worship. Fascinated by the vibrancy of his faith, he converted to Christianity and
settled in Isfahan. Yet his quest for religious knowledge took him to Syria, where he heard from some
priests about the coming of a new prophet in Arabia, and also the signs that would distinguish this
prophet. He made his way to Arabia and en route was captured and sold in slavery.
• When the Prophet (P.B.U.H) arrived Yathrib and Salman-Al-Farsi heard accounts of him, he was keenly
interested and attended one of his gatherings. Each sign he had been told about was present in the Holy
Prophet (P.B.U.H) and thus Hazrat Salman accepted Islam.
• The Prophet (P.B.U.H) secured him his freedom, and he served the cause of Islam well. It was his advice
to encircle Madina with a trench to protect the city that saved the oasis from the Makkan attack at the
time of the war by the tribes that had united against Islam, the Prophet (P.B.U.H), and the Muslims. This
came to be known as the Battle of Khandaq (Trench) and also as Battle of Ahzab (Trench).
• Hazrat Salman was one of the top officers who conquered the Persian Empire in the Caliphate of Hazrat
Umar R.A and, upon his death was buried there.

Mu’adh bin Jabal

• He was a boy in Yathrib when the Prophet (P.B.U.H) sent Musab bin Umair to preach Islam to the people
of the oasis after the first pledge of Aqabah. Hazrat Mu’adh R.A accepted the new faith and in the
following year, he travelled with the seventy or so Muslims of Yathrib to make the second pledge of
• On returning to Madina, he started a youth association to convince idol worshippers to give up their
practices. Several influential people of the city accepted Islam on account of his efforts.
• After the Prophet (P.B.U.H) migrated to Madina, Hazrat Mu’adh became one of his close companions
and learned the Quran so well that Prophet (P.B.U.H) declared him to be one of the four who should
be sought out for learning the Quran.
• The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) also mentioned him as an expert in issues related to law, and later, he was
sent by the Prophet (P.B.U.H) as an ambassador to Yemen.
• According to a Hadith of the Prophet pbuh , Muadh will be the leader of Muslim scholars on the day of
• The Holy Prophet is reported to have said about him. “ The most learned of my Ummah about the
lawful and the unlawful is Mu’az bin Jabal.” (Tirmizi)
• Mu’az bin Jabal returned from Yemen during the Khilafat of Hazrat Abu Bakr and accompanied Usamah
bin Zaid on the expedition to Syria.
• He died of Plague in 18 A.H. while he was in Syria.
4. (b) Did the role of Abu Talib help strengthen the early Muslim community? Give
reasons for your answer. [4]
• Yes it did for example because he allowed the boycotted Muslims to stay at Shib-e-Abi talib , which
gave them a place to stay in a time of difficulty;
• he supported prophet at all times, which in turn supported the followers of the Prophet and this would
have helped them carry on in their mission;
• when the Quraish offered the Prophet bribes and the Prophet refused, Abu Talib said he would not
ask him again which again helped strengthen the support given to the Prophet and his community.
• Physical protection that he gave to the Prophet helped the Islamic flourished otherwise Makkan
would have killed him in very beginning.
5.(b) In your opinion, can Muslims today learn anything from Abu Sufyan’s
involvement with the Prophet? [4]
• Muslims can learn that no matter how fierce a person is against Islam, they can change and become
friends to Islam. Therefore, Muslims should not treat non-Muslims in a bad way, as they can be part
of their community in the future. The example of the Prophet is to treat people well no matter how

they treat you. Muslims can also learn that a new Muslims’ sins are wiped clean so their past should
not be held against them. So Muslims now should not look down on new Muslims no matter what
their background.
(b) To what extent do ‘Ali and Zayd’s relationships with the Prophet provide models for
family relations today? [4]
These stories can tell Muslims that it is not just immediate relations that are important, and that Muslims
should look after other family members as well. ‘Ali was not his son but the Prophet looked after him like he
was, and so if there is a need in your family, then it is encouraged to help family members by treating their
children the same as you would your own, rather than giving your own children better things than other
relatives. Adoption is also important in Islam and candidates could write that adopted children are to be given
the same treatment in the family as other children. Although God later changed the inheritance of adopted
children, their treatment within the family should be like your own children.
5. (b) What can be learnt from Bilal’s role in the Islamic community? [4]
• Bilal’s life can provide Muslims with valuable lessons.
• His ethnic background was not a hindrance in his status as a companion of the Prophet, and so racial
equality should be practised amongst Muslims of all communities. The Prophet pbuh said, “All
mankind is from Adam and an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab, nor has a non-Arab over
the Arab. Similarly, no white has superiority over the black; nor have a black over white; except by
piety and good action… are all the children of Adam, and Adam was made of mud.”
• His background of being a slave did not prevent the deep friendship between him and the Prophet,
and so all men should be treated equally despite their class.
• Due to the beauty of his voice the Prophet favoured him as muezzin, and that it is the purity of one’s
heart that God looks at.

Bilal bin Rabah :

• Bilal Ibn Rabah R.a was a slave from Abyssinia.
• He was one of the seven early converts. He suffered a lot for accepting Islam. His master Umayyah
bin Khalaf used to torture him; He would make Bilal R.A lie down on burning sand and would place a
heavy stone on his chest. He told Bilal to denounce Islam or he would be left there to die. Bilal in
reply would say “Ahad Ahad!” (Allah, the One).
• Once Abu Bakr was passing by while he was being tortured, Abu Bakr bought him and set him free.
• After migration to Madinah, the Prophet (pbuh) chose Bilal to deliver Adhan to call the Muslims for
prayers, as he had a high pitched and resonant voice. Hence, Bilal came to be known as the Mudhin
of Prophet (pbuh).
• He participated in all the battles fought during the life of the Prophet (pbuh). He killed his master
Umayyah ibn Khalaf in the Battle of Badr. After the conquest of Makkah, he deliver Adhan on the
roof of Ka;bah.
• Bilal gave Adhan for the first time after the death of the Prophet (pbuh) on the request of the Caliph
Umar when a treaty was made with the Jews.
• Bilal was very pious person. He settled in Syria and married there. Once he dreamt that the Prophet
(pbuh) was calling him, he wept bitterly and left for Madinah. Hassan bin Ali, the Prophet’s grandson
comforted him and asked him to give Adhan. On hearing Bilal giving Adhan everyone was greatly
moved as it reminded them of the time of the Prophet (pbuh) and tears rolled out of their eyes. He
died at the age of 60 and was buried in Damascus.
Abu Sufyan:
• Abu Sufyan was born in 560 AD. He was the chief of the clan of the Banu Abd-Shams from Banu
Umayya; he was a very powerful and respected man of Quraish. He was one of the Prophet (pbuh)’s

bitterest enemies. Abu Sufyan was married to Hind bint Utba. Abu Sufyan’s daughter Ramlah R.a was
married to the Prophet (pbuh).
• In 624 AD Abu Sufyan was coming back from Syria with his caravan and asked the Quraish to escort
him. As a result the battle of Badr took place. After the battle of Badr Abu Sufyan became the chief
of the Quraish. And led the Quraish in the battle of Uhad in 625 and the battle of trench in 627AD
against the Muslims.
• When the Prophet (pbuh) sent a letter to Heraclius inviting him to Islam, Abu Sufyan at the time was
in Jerusalem for Business purpose. Heraclius called Abu Sufyan and asked him about the Prophet
(pbuh) character’s. Abu Sufyan attested to the fact that the Prophet (pbuh) was truthful and never
broke promise.
• In 8 AH the Quraish broke the treaty of Hudaibiya, however they soon realized their mistake and Abu
Sufyan came to Madinah to have the Treaty restored, but he was unsuccessful.
• At the time of the conquest of the Makkah Abu Sufyan came to spy and was taken as a prisoner, but
was saved by the intercession of Abbas R.A. The Prophet (pbuh) invited him to Islam at that time Abu
Sufyan accepted that the Meccan gods had proved powerless and accepted Islam. Before entering
Makkah the Prophet (pbuh) honored Abu Sufyan by announcing that whose enters the house of Abu
Sufyan would be safe.
• Abu Sufyan fought by the side of the Prophet (pbuh) in the battle of Hunain. He lost an eye during
the siege of Taif. Abu Sufyan also fought in the battle of Yarmuk and died at the age of ninety in 650
AD in Madinah.
Hamza ibn Abd al-Muttalib
• He was related to the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) in many ways. He was the Prophet’s (P.B.U.H) uncle and
also the son of his maternal aunt as well as his foster brother. He was two years older than the Holy
Prophet (P.B.U.H). Hazrat Hamza was very fond of wrestling and hunting and excellent in the arts of
swordsmanship and archery. He was so involved in and attached to his pastimes that he hardly took
any notice of the spread of Islam.
• In 6th year of prophethood, One day he was returning from a hunt he was informed that if he had come
earlier he would have seen the condition of his nephew Mohammad (P.B.U.H) who was preaching his
religion in the Ka’abah, when Abu Jahl abused him. Hazrat Hamza was enraged on hearing this. He
rushed to the Ka’abha where Abu Jahl was sitting with his companions. He pounced upon Abu Jahl and
struck him with his bow on the head with great force. Then he declared his acceptance of Islam. Those
were the days when Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) would preach Islam secretly.
• With the acceptance of Islam by Hazrat Hamza the situation changed and the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H)
was able to preach Islam openly. After his acceptance of Islam, he gave up hunting and wrestling and
devoted his time and energy to the cause of Islam.
• Hazrat Hamza migrated to Madinah with other Muslims in 622AD.
• In the second year of hijrat, Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) sent thirty men to check the caravan of the non-
believers of Makkah under the command of Hazrat Hamza. He had thus, the honour of being entrusted
with the banner of Islam for the first time in Islamic history
• During the battle of Badr he killed many unbelievers including their great warriors. In the Battle of
Uhad, the unbelievers deputed Wahshi, a slave of Hinda, Abu Sufyan’s wife to kill Hazrat Hamza in
return of his freedom and a handsome reward.
• Wahshi hid himself behind a rock and as soon as Hazrat Hamza came within range threw his weapons
at him. It was such a deadly weapon that as it struck Hazrat Hamza succumbed to his injury. Hinda
whose father was killed in the Battle of Badr by Hazrat Hamza, cut out of the liver from his dead body
and tried to chew it. Then she cut off the nose and ears of the dead body and made a necklace of them.
The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) led the funeral prayers for all the martyrs of Uhad, including Hazrat Hamza
and gave him the title of ‘Chief of the Martyrs’.
Khalid bin Walid

• He was from a family who opposed the Prophet in Makka, and although he did not take part in the
Battle of Badr, he played a vital role in the Battle of Uhud against the Muslims, turning the Muslim
victory to defeat.
• He converted to Islam after the Treaty of Hudaybiya. In 629, Khalid set out for Madina. On the way he
met 'Amr ibn al-'As and ‘Uthman ibn Talha, who were also going to Madina to convert to Islam.
• After conversion he took part in the Battle of Mu’ta. It was the first battle between the Romans and
the Muslims. He reported that the fighting was so intense, that he used nine swords, which broke in
the battle. Khalid took over after Zayd ibn Haritha, then Ja’far ibn Abi Talib, then Abdullah ibn Rawaha
were killed. It was because of him that the Muslims returned safely. For this the Holy Prophet PBUH gave
him the title of Saif Allah – The Sword of Allah.
• He subsequently took part in the Conquest of Makka, Battle of Hunain and the Battle of Tabuk. During
the conquest of Makkah he was appointed as leader of one of the four squadrons into which the Holy
ProphetPBUH divided his army.
• He was at the farewell pilgrimage of the Prophet, and is said to have collected three hair from the
Prophet there, which gave him victory in his battles.
• Hazrat Abu Bakr and Hazrat Umar placed similar reliance on him and made him commander of their
armies in the wars against the Romans and the Persians. He died in 642 in Syria.
Zaid Ibn Harith
• Zayd ibn harith (RA) belonged to an influential family, he was kidnapped when he was young and sold
as a slave. A nephew of Khadijah bought him in Syria and he gave him to his aunt Khadijah (RA), who
gave Zayd to the Prophet (S.A.W).
• When the Prophet (S.A.W) invited people to Islam, Zayd was amongst the first four people to accept
• When his family came to know about his whereabouts, his father and uncle came to the Prophet (SAW)
and offered to buy Zayd (RA). The Prophet (S.A.W) gave Zayd the choice to go with his father or stay
with him. However, Zayd (RA) refused to go back to his family and preferred slavery to freedom. The
Prophet (S.A.W) adopted Zayd (RA) as his son and hence he came to be known as Zayd ibn Mohammad.
• Zayd (RA) came to be called by the name of his father after a revelation came which commanded that
adopted sons must be called after their fathers.
• Zayd (RA) was married to Umm Aiman, the slave girl of the Prophet (S.A.W) whom he had set free.
They had a son named Usamah ibn Zayd .
• He accompanied the Prophet during visit to Taif and got injured while protecting the Prophet(pbuh).
• Zayd migrated to Madinah, later the Prophet sent him to Makkah to bring his wife Sawdah and
daughters umm-Kulthoom and Fatimah to Madinah.
• He accompanied the Prophet in all his battles namely the battle of Badr, Uhad and Trench. He was also
present when the Treaty of Hudaibiyah was concluded.
• The Prophet married his cousin Zaynab bint Jahsh to Zayd bin Harith (RA). However, the marriage was
not successful and Zayd (RA) divorced Zaynab after one year.
• Zayd bin Harith was martyred in 8th A.H in the battle of Mautah.
Jafar bin Abu Talib
• Hazrat Jafar was the son of Abu Talib and elder brother of Hazrat Ali. He along with his wife embraced
Islam in its early stages.
• He was among the second batch of emigrants to Abyssinia. They were pursued by the unbelievers of
Makkah who requested Najashi king of Abyssinia to hand over the emigrants to them. The King
summoned the Muslims to his court and asked them about their religion. The Muslims had selected
Hazrat Jafar as their spokesman. He delivered a speech in which he explained the principles of Islam
and what the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) taught them. He also recited portion of Surah Maryam. After
hearing it, Najashi said, “By God this and the Gospel are the lights of one candle” thereafter, Najashi

dismissed the unbelievers in his court and assured the Muslims that they may reside peacefully in his
• He went back to Madina in 7 A.H. When Khyber was conquered, the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) gave him
a piece of land near Masjid al Nabwi and kept him close to himself.
• The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H)sent an army to Mutta in Syria in 8 A.H. Hazrat Jafar was included in the
army. Hazrat Zaid bin Harith was the commander of the army. In case of his death, he was to be
succeeded by Hazrat Jafar. HazratJafar was martyred in the battle. He received ninety wounds on his
body and lost both his hands. The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H)said,“Allah has granted him two wings in
place of his two hands so that he flies about in paradise wherever he likes ”He is called
JafarTayyarJafar the flier.
• Hazrat Jafar took great care of the poor and needy. Hence, he was known as Abul Masakeen. He
resembled the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H)in features and habits. The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H)himself said
“You resemble me in features and manners”
Salman al-Farsi
• Hazrat Salman R.A the Persian, was born in Persia to a wealthy man who was overprotective of his son,
never allowing him out of his mansion. Hazrat Salman belonged to the Zoroastrian faith and was assigned
the duty of keeping the ceremonial fire burning in the family home.
• Out of curiosity to see the outside world, he left home and happened to come upon a group of Christians
singing during their worship. Fascinated by the vibrancy of his faith, he converted to Christianity and
settled in Isfahan. Yet his quest for religious knowledge took him to Syria, where he heard from some
priests about the coming of a new prophet in Arabia, and also the signs that would distinguish this
prophet. He made his way to Arabia and en route was captured and sold in slavery.
• When the Prophet (P.B.U.H) arrived Yathrib and Salman-Al-Farsi heard accounts of him, he was keenly
interested and attended one of his gatherings. Each sign he had been told about was present in the Holy
Prophet (P.B.U.H) and thus Hazrat Salman accepted Islam.
• The Prophet (P.B.U.H) secured him his freedom, and he served the cause of Islam well. It was his advice
to encircle Madina with a trench to protect the city that saved the oasis from the Makkan attack at the
time of the war by the tribes that had united against Islam, the Prophet (P.B.U.H), and the Muslims. This
came to be known as the Battle of Khandaq (Trench) and also as Battle of Ahzab (Trench).
• Hazrat Salman was one of the top officers who conquered the Persian Empire in the Caliphate of Hazrat
Umar R.A and, upon his death was buried there.
Mu’adh bin Jabal
• He was a boy in Yathrib when the Prophet (P.B.U.H) sent Musab bin Umair to preach Islam to the people
of the oasis after the first pledge of Aqabah. Hazrat Mu’adh R.A accepted the new faith and in the
following year, he travelled with the seventy or so Muslims of Yathrib to make the second pledge of
• On returning to Madina, he started a youth association to convince idol worshippers to give up their
practices. Several influential people of the city accepted Islam on account of his efforts.
• After the Prophet (P.B.U.H) migrated to Madina, Hazrat Mu’adh became one of his close companions
and learned the Quran so well that Prophet (P.B.U.H) declared him to be one of the four who should
be sought out for learning the Quran.
• The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) also mentioned him as an expert in issues related to law, and later, he was
sent by the Prophet (P.B.U.H) as an ambassador to Yemen.
• According to a Hadith of the Prophet pbuh , Muadh will be the leader of Muslim scholars on the day of
• The Holy Prophet is reported to have said about him. “ The most learned of my Ummah about the
lawful and the unlawful is Mu’az bin Jabal.” (Tirmizi)
• Mu’az bin Jabal returned from Yemen during the Khilafat of Hazrat Abu Bakr and accompanied Usamah
bin Zaid on the expedition to Syria.

• He died of Plague in 18 A.H. while he was in Syria.

4. (b) Did the role of Abu Talib help strengthen the early Muslim community? Give
reasons for your answer. [4]
• Yes it did for example because he allowed the boycotted Muslims to stay at Shib-e-Abi talib , which
gave them a place to stay in a time of difficulty;
• he supported prophet at all times, which in turn supported the followers of the Prophet and this would
have helped them carry on in their mission;
• when the Quraish offered the Prophet bribes and the Prophet refused, Abu Talib said he would not
ask him again which again helped strengthen the support given to the Prophet and his community.
• Physical protection that he gave to the Prophet helped the Islamic flourished otherwise Makkan
would have killed him in very beginning.
5.(b) In your opinion, can Muslims today learn anything from Abu Sufyan’s
involvement with the Prophet? [4]
• Muslims can learn that no matter how fierce a person is against Islam, they can change and become
friends to Islam. Therefore, Muslims should not treat non-Muslims in a bad way, as they can be part
of their community in the future. The example of the Prophet is to treat people well no matter how
they treat you. Muslims can also learn that a new Muslims’ sins are wiped clean so their past should
not be held against them. So Muslims now should not look down on new Muslims no matter what
their background.
(b) To what extent do ‘Ali and Zayd’s relationships with the Prophet provide models for
family relations today? [4]
These stories can tell Muslims that it is not just immediate relations that are important, and that Muslims
should look after other family members as well. ‘Ali was not his son but the Prophet looked after him like he
was, and so if there is a need in your family, then it is encouraged to help family members by treating their
children the same as you would your own, rather than giving your own children better things than other
relatives. Adoption is also important in Islam and candidates could write that adopted children are to be given
the same treatment in the family as other children. Although God later changed the inheritance of adopted
children, their treatment within the family should be like your own children.
5. (b) What can be learnt from Bilal’s role in the Islamic community? [4]
• Bilal’s life can provide Muslims with valuable lessons.
• His ethnic background was not a hindrance in his status as a companion of the Prophet, and so racial
equality should be practised amongst Muslims of all communities. The Prophet pbuh said, “All
mankind is from Adam and an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab, nor has a non-Arab over
the Arab. Similarly, no white has superiority over the black; nor have a black over white; except by
piety and good action… are all the children of Adam, and Adam was made of mud.”
• His background of being a slave did not prevent the deep friendship between him and the Prophet,
and so all men should be treated equally despite their class.
• Due to the beauty of his voice the Prophet favoured him as muezzin, and that it is the purity of one’s
heart that God looks at.

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