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DAY 02 (Paper 01)
Life and Importance of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.W)
Birth and Childhood
• Prophet Muhammad was born on 12th Rabi ul Awwal 570 AD. His father Abdullah had died
before his birth. His mother Aamina, named him Ahmed and his grandfather Abdul
Muttalib named him Muhammad
• According to the custom of Arabia, Prophet’s upbringing was entrusted to Halima Saadia,
who belonged to the tribe of Banu Sa’ad . Great blessing and good fortune surrounded
Halima and her family as long as Muhammad (P.B.U.H) stayed with her, they were never
short of food.
• After two years Muhammad (P.B.U.H) was brought back to his mother but there was an
epidemic(plague) in Makkah so she sent him back with Halima. Muhammad (P.B.U.H)
remained with Banu Sa’ad for five years, where he learned pure Arabic dialect, he said,
“Verily I am the most perfect Arab amongst you; my descent is from Quraish and my
tongue is the tongue of the Banu Sa’ad.
• When Muhammad (P.B.U.H) was about five years old, the Angel Gabriel came with another
angel. On this occaision, Prophet’s chest was opened and a clot of blood was taken out of
his heart and it was washed with Zam-Zam water. When Halima came to know about it, she
got scared and returned him to his mother.
• When Muhammad (P.B.U.H) was six years old, his mother took him to Madinah to visit the
grave of her husband. On their return journey she passed away at Abwa and was buried
• Umm Aimen, the slave girl brought Muhammad (P.B.U.H) to his grandfather Abdul
Muttalib, who brought him up with love and affection. When Muhammad (P.B.U.H) was
eight years old, Abdul Muttalib died, before his death he entrusted him to the care of his
son Abu Talib. Abu Talib was very kind to Muhammad (P.B.U.H); he was loving and
affectionate his nephew. Allah says regarding this, “Did he not find you an orphan and give
you shelter (and care).” (Ad Dhuha 93:6) When he was a boy, Muhammad (P.B.U.H) looked
after the flocks of Abu Talib.
Meeting with Bahira
• At the age of twelve, Muhammad (P.B.U.H) accompanied Abu Talib on a trade journey to
Syria. On his way near Basra, he met a Christian monk named Bahira, who noticed the signs
of prophethood in him. He asked Abu Talib to take special care of his nephew and protect
him. He also warned him not to take the Prophet Muhammad to Syria as Jews would harm
him. Therefore, Abu Talib sold his merchandise at Basra and came back to Makkah.
Harb ul Fijar
• Between the years 580-590, a sacrilegious war broke out at the fair of Ukaz between the
Quraish and Hawazin tribes, despite the fact that war was forbidden during the Hajj season.
Muhammad (P.B.U.H) was 15 year old when he went to the battlefield. However he did not
participate in actual fighting, he helped by picking up stray arrows thrown by the enemy
and giving them to his uncles. It lasted for many years.

Half al Fadul
• Seeing the injustice and ravages of war, some tribes decided to form an alliance to protect
the rights of the oppressed and provide them with justice. For this purpose they assembled
in the house of Abdullah bin Jad’an , they agreed that if they found anyone either a native
of Makkah, or an outsider had been wronged they would help him against the aggressor till
the stolen property was restored to him. As three main leaders in alliance were named
“Fazl”, this alliance came to be called Half-al-Fudul (truce of Fudul). Prophet
Muhammad(P.B.U.H) was among those who attended the meeting with his uncle Zubair
bin Abdul Mutlib and was so impressed by its noble objectives that he remained loyal to it.
Later on he said,” I was present in the house of Abdullah bin Judan at so excellent a pact
that I would not exchange my part in it for a herd of red camels; and if now in Islam. I
were summoned unto it, I would gladly respond’’
Youth and Titles:
• Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.h) led a virtuous life. He was considerate, kind, forbearing,
patient, noble hearted and a man of principles. He was honest and truthful and was known
as “Sadiq” ( the Truthful ) and “Ameen” (the Trustworthy ) for these characteristics. Hazrat
Sa’ad, his business partner said: “I was partner of Mohammad (P.B.U.H) in business. I
always found him very honest in his dealings; he never picked quarrels, nor made any
false statement’’
On the occasion of the annual pilgrimage, Muhammad (P.B.U.H) used to supply water to
the pilgrims and look after their comforts. He was always fair and honest in his dealings.
Marriage :
• Khadijah bint Khuwalid, a wealthy widow in Makkah, had heard about the honesty of
Muhammad (P.B.U.H) and approached him for this purpose and sent her slave Maysera
with him on a trade trip to Syria.
• Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) worked diligently and earned a great deal of profit. When
they came back, Maysera praised him for his honesty, Khadijah was very much impressed,
and she proposed marriage to him through her cousin Nafeesa, which he accepted after
consultation with his uncle. At the time of marriage in 595AD, Muhammad (P.B.U.h) was
25, while Khadijah was 40 years old. They were blessed with four daughters; Zaynab,
Ruqayyah, Umm Kulthoom, and Fatimah and two sons Qasim and Abdullah, who died in
Fixing of the Black Stone
• In 605AD, When the Prophet was 35 year old, Quraish decided to repair Ka’bah, which had
been damaged due to floods. When the question of placing the nlack stone arose, a dispute
started as every tribe was eager to have the honour to install the black stone. The dispute
was prevented by an elder who suggested that the arbitration of the first person who
entered the mosque the next morning should be taken and all accepted the decision.
Muhammad (P.B.U.H) happened to be the first person who came to Ka’bah, and he
accepted to arbitrate. Muhammad (P.B.U.H) placed the black stone in a sheet and asked
the leader of all tribes to lift it to the level where it was to be placed, and then he himself
deposited it in its place. Thus, Muhammad (P.B.U.H) was able to prevent a crisis with
wisdom and diplomacy, which could have led to bloodshed.

• With age and growing understanding Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H) became more and more
fond of solitude. He started retiring for days with a supply of dates, oatmeal and water into a
cave in a mountain (Jabal e Noor) outside Makkah, known as cave of Hira. There he pondered
and mediated over the condition of his people. These spells of loneliness and mediation
became more frequent as he approached the age of forty.
One day towards the end of Ramadan in 610 AD, he was in the cave of Hira, when angel Jibrael
appeared before him and revealed first five verses of Surah Alaq, thus he became a prophet at
the age of 40.

3. (b) Why was his relationship with his wife Khadija important for him? [4]
• Khadija supported the Prophet financially and spiritually and being the first Muslim.
• Khadija helped to give him financial independence which allowed him more time for
meditation which prepared him for receiving revelations.
• Her maturity allowed her to console and believe in the Prophet when he received
• She never complained about the hardships she faced after accepting Islam and continued
to encourage the Prophet pbuh to continue his mission.
• She was the mother of Prophet’s children and he did not marry any other woman during
her lifetime. The year of her death is remembered as the “year of sorrow” in Prophet’s
pbuh life.

(b) Despite living through the days of ignorance, the Prophet remained true to his
mission. What lessons can Muslims learn from this today? [4]
• Prophet was not swayed by falsehood and would only exemplify good character, even
when under pressure from others.
• By losing his parents at young age he was growing up to be independent but he did not
follow the evil practices of the Makkans. So Muslim youth today should remain pious and
righteous despite being independent.
• Despite living in age of immorality, he was known as “al-Sadiq”, the truthful and ‘al-amin’,
the trustworthy. Muslims today can be under pressure to be dishonest in business or
become less committed to their prayers, they can remain the example of the Prophet and
look up to his steadfastness in very challenging circumstances and use this as a model to

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