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DAY 02
Treaty of Hudaibiya 6A.H/628 A.D
• The Prophet saw a dream to visit Kaabah and decided to perform Umra.
The Quran says, “Truly did Allah fulfil the vision for His Messenger: ye shall enter the Sacred
Mosque, if Allah wills, with minds secure, and without fear.” (48:27)
About 1400 unarmed Muslims, clad in two sheets of unsewn cloth, departed for Mecca in February,
628 A.D. / 6 A.H.
• The Muslim had left Madina in a State of ihram, so were prohibited from fighting. As the
Meccans refused to allow them to enter, they stayed at Hudabiyah close to Mecca.
• For negotiations with Quraish 2 messengers were sent one after the other but they were
detained and finally Hazrat Usman was sent. When he did not return , a rumour broke out
that he was killed.
• After hearing this, the Prophet called his companions to take a pledge on his hand to lay
down their lives for the sake of Islam and avenge the blood of Hazrat Usman. The Quran
says, “Allah indeed was pleased with the believers, when the swore allegiance to you
under the tree and He knew what was in their hearts, so he sent down peace on them
and rewarded them with clear victory.” [48:18]
As this oath was taken for God’s pleasure under a tree, it is known as ‘Bait-e-Rizwan’.
Apprehended by this, the Quraish sent the messengers including Hazrat Usman back.
It also influenced the Quraish into negotiating a treaty. They sent Sohail bin Amr to negotiate a
peace treaty.
1. -Muslims would return to Madinah that year without performing Umrah.
2. -They would be permitted to come for Pilgrimage next year but would stay only for three
days in Makkah.
3. -If a Quraish from Makkah should join the Muslims without permission from his guardians,
he would be sent back to Makkah. But if a Muslim from Madinah went to Makkah he would
not be sent back.
4. -There would be no fighting for ten years.
5. Muslims would be allowed to visit Makkah and Makkans would be allowed to go to Syria
through Muslim area and their trade caravans would not be attacked by the Muslims.
6. -Any of the Arab tribes might enter into treaty or alliance with either Muslims or Quraish.
7. It was also decided that they would not fight against the allies of each other.
• Apparently, the terms of the treaty were against the interest of the Muslims, and many
Muslims including Hazrat Umar were unhappy with these terms. Umar asked why the Muslims
were demeaning their religion and was reassured by Abu Bakr and the Prophet.
• Ali was chosen to write the treaty. When the Prophet asked him to write in the name of
Allah, the merciful, the compassionate or that the Prophet was the Messenger of Allah. Suhail
objected and instead the Prophet erased it and had Ali write in your name O God and Muhammad
son of Abdullah to which the Muslims protested.

• At that point Suhail bin Amr’s sons Abu Jandal came to the Prophet asking to be freed. But
the Prophet kept to the terms of the treaty and told him to be patient. Once they completed the
document the Prophet asked the Muslims to sacrifice their animals and shaves their heads.
• The Prophet said that Muslims had been victorious and was supported in this by new
revelation “Verily we have granted thee a manifest victory”(48:1)
• The Khuza’a tribe made a pact with the Muslims and the Banu Bakr made a pact with the

(b) From this event, what can Muslims learn about the importance of
keeping their word? [4]
• The Prophet kept his word to the Quraysh for the duration of the treaty. Even before the
treaty was finished being written, he sent Abu Jandal back to the Quraysh, on account of
an agreement having been made verbally.
• This shows the importance of promising to do something, then fulfilling that action, even
if it has not been put into writing.
• As all actions and agreements are recorded by angels, God knows what has been
promised and by fulfilling promises, no matter how hard it is, then God will reward you
• So, e.g. politicians should not go back on the things they promise when they want to be
elected, or people should not take back something that they have promised to give a

Letters to King and Emperors:

Late in the six year after hijra, on his return from Hudaibiyah, the Prophet Muhammad , decided
to send messages to the kings beyond Arabia calling them to Islam. In order to authenticate the
credentials of his envoys, a silver seal was made in which were graven the words: "Muhammad
the Messenger of Allâh"
1. Heraclius, the Emperor of Byzantine
The Prophet (p.b.u.h) sent his envoy Dahyah Kalbi to Heraclius, the Byzantine Emperor, inviting
him to Islam. Heraclius wanted to know more about the Prophet (p.b.u.h) and sent his people to
find out all they could. Abu Sufyan happened to be in Ghazzah on a business trip and he was
brought to the court. Heraclius asked him many questions about Prophet (p.b.u.h). Abu Sufyan
testified to the morals and the character of the Prophet (p.b.u.h). When Heraclius heard Abu
Sufyan’s answers, he was certain that Muhammad (p.b.u.h) was a prophet of Allah; however, he
did not accept Islam under the influence of his court. He was nevertheless courteous to the envoy
and paid him due respect.
2. Muqawqis of Egypt
Hatib bin abi Baitah (r.a) was sent to Egypt. Muqawqis the king of Egypt was a Coptic Christian.
When the king read the letter, he said that he knew that a prophet was to appear, but according
to his knowledge that prophet would come in Syria. Muqawqis did not accept Islam, however he
was courteous to the envoy, and sent gifts to the Prophet (p.b.u.h) among them were two Coptic
Christian ladies named Mariyah and Sirin and a mare. The Prophet (p.b.u.h) gave Sirin to Hassan
ibn Thabit and he took Mariyah as his wife, she was mother of his son Ibrahim.

3. Chosroes, Emperor of Persia

Abdullah bin Abi Hudaifah was sent to Chosroes (Khusrau Pervez), the Emperor of Persia. When
Chosroes saw the name of Allah and Muhammad (p.b.u.h) at the top of the letter, he was furious
and tore the letter into pieces. When the messenger of Allah heard about the Chosroes’ reaction,
he predicted that soon his empire would be torn up. The Persian Empire was spread as far as
Yemen, hence Chosroes commanded the governor of Yemen to arrest the Prophet (p.b.u.h) and
bring him to his court. When his men came to arrest the Prophet (p.b.u.h), he told them that
their king was already dead. They were so impressed by the prophecy that they accepted Islam.
4. Negus, Emperor of Abyssinia
Negus, the Emperor of Abyssinia was a Christian ruler. He had earlier given shelter to the Muslims
when they migrated to Abyssinia to escape persecution at the hand of Quraish. Umro bin
Ummayyah was sent to Abyssinia to invite Negus to Islam. He accepted Islam and he showed
great respect to the envoy. He also sent presents to the Prophet (p.b.u.h). Negus died during the
lifetime of the Prophet (p.b.u.h) and he offered funeral prayers for Negus when he heard of his
5. Abd and Jaifar, the rulers of Oman
Abd and Jaifar, were joint Kings of Oman at that time. The letter was sent through ‘Amr Ibn al-‘Aas.
This letter was sent asking the people of Oman to convert to Islam.”
So in response to the letter, Oman was the first country to convert to Islam without any war. It is
said that the Prophet (peace be upon him) made a prayer for the Omani people that they will never
have enemies from outside.”
6. Munzir ibn Sawa, Governor of Bahrain
The Prophet , despatched ‘Al-‘Ala’ bin Al-Hadrami to the governor of Bahrain, carrying a letter
inviting him to embrace Islam. In reply, Munzir bin Sawa accepted Islam and wrote the following
letter: "Allâh’s Messenger ! I received your injunctions. Prior to this, I read your letter, which you
wrote to the people of Bahrain extending to them an invitation to Islam. Islam appealed to some
of them and they entered the fold of Islam, while others did not find it appealing."
7. Harith Ghassani , King of Damascus
Hazrat Shuja bin Wahab was sent to Harith Ghassani, the king of Damascus was very angry at
reading the letter. He ordered his armies to attack the Holy Prophet. Muslims were awaiting his
onslaught, but the armies never appeared.

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