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ina : Hello Dewi. Look at my new purse. I made it by myself.

Dewi : Hello, Rina. Hey, that's nice. Isn't that your old purse? The one that
we bought one year ago?
Rina : Yeah, that's right.
Dewi : How did you do that?
Rina : Sorry, What did you say?
Dewi : How did you do that, Rina?
Rina : Oh, well, first, I just added some colorful buttons. Then, four-five
glittery beads. Finally, I gave my magic finishing touch, he.. he..

Iwan : You look very happy, Dinda. What happened?

Dinda : Guess what? I got an “A” on my English test.
Awan : Sorry? … It’s very noisy here. I can hardly hear you.
Dinda : I said, “I got an “A” on my English test.”
Awan : Really? That’s fantastic.
*Hamzah lari menghampiri Haep & Nelva*
Hamzah :: Guys guys, have you heard that we will have a new classmates today?
Nelva & Haep :: are you sure?
Hamzah :: Yeah, absolutely sure... *bisik2* she is very tall. I think her tall is 2 meters.
Nelva :: Could you speak a little louder? I can’t hear you ._.v
Hamzah :: == I say that she is very tall. I think her tall is 2 meters.
Nelva :: Oh.. hahaaaa.. I am sorry :Dv
Haep :: Is she? *menunjuk Dewi*
Hamzah :: Ah yaaa... .. let’s we greet her J

*Hamzah, Nelva, Haep menyapa Dewi*

Hamzah, Nelva, Haep :: Hi! Good morning! Are you new in here?
Dewi :: yeah, of course. I am from Bali. By the way, my name is Paramashanty dewi eka
Nelva :: Wow, it is too long. So, how can we call you?
Dewi :: Just call me, Dewi.
Hamzah :: Did you say “Dora” or “Dewi”?
Dewi :: -_- Dewi... D – E – W – I
Haep :: emm.. oke dewi, my name is Hafara. I hope you can understand my friend, Hamzah
*menunjuk hamzah*. He is little crazy, I think :Dv
Dewi :: Hahahahaha..
Hamzah :: Can you repeat that? >.<
Haep :: Hahahaa.. I am sorry, Hamzah... just kidding, just kidding... =))v
Hamzah :: Dewi, can you tell us why you move into Sidoarjo?
Dewi :: Yeah, because my father was assigned by his boss to work in Sidoarjo. So, all of my
family must to move in Sidoarjo. Actually, since the first, I want to visit this city. So I am
very happy, when my father was assigned.
Nelva :: I’m sorry Dewi, Could you say that again please? I didn’t catch it.
Hamzah :: No rebroadcast, miss :P So, use your ears carefully :P
Nelva :: What a bad boy you are! >.<
Dewi :: emm.... What did you say your name was? *ke Nelva*
Nelva :: I am Nelva.. Nelva Kirana
Dewi :: Oh yaaaa... I am sorry Nelva :D

Haep :: Sssst... Mr. Yocco is coming guys!

*Guru Yocco memasuki ruangan*

Mr. Yocco :: Good morning …
All :: morning (suara lemah)
Mr. Yocco :: Good morning !!
All :: morning !!!
Mr. Yocco : okay, what are you doing here!!?
All :: nothing !!!
Mr. Yocco :: what !!?
Hamzah :: sorry sir, we can’t hear you clearly.. ._.
Mr. Yocco :: I ask to all of you, what are you doing here?
Hamzah :: oh
All :: study English !!
Mr. Yocco :: once again, what are you doing here !!
All :: Study English !!
Mr. Yocco :: okay, I will call your name, Hamzah Rahmatullah
Hamzah :: Present !!
Mr. Yocco :: your weight?
Hamzah :: 60 kilo grams
Mr. Yocco :: 100 kilo grams? How fat you are...
Hamzah :: 60 kilo grams sir .. ==
Mr. Yocco :: Nelva Kirana
Nelva :: Present!!
Mr. Yocco :: Hafara Firdausi
Haep :: Present!!
Mr. Yocco :: Paramashanti Dewi
Dewi :: Present!!
Mr. Yocco :: Oh, are you new student here?
Dewi :: Yes (suara lemah)
Mr. Yocco :: What? I can’t hear you ..
Dewi :: Yes sir !! I am new student in this class now !!

Mr. Yocco :: Where from are you?

Dewi :: I am from Bali, sir.

Mr. Yocco :: Pardon me? Did you say “Bali”?

Dewi :: Yeah sir. Bali island, the most beautiful island in Indonesia :DD

Haep :: *angkat tangan* Sir, why do you always repeat and asking to repeat our answer?

Mr. Yocco :: Excuse me?

Haep :: I say that, why do you always repeat and asking to repeat our answer?
Mr. yocco :: Haha, why do I always repeat your answer? All just because I “jret rip my
pants.. when big larry came round just to put him down.. wkwk” sorry wrong music .. ._.v
All just because I will tell all of you about asking repetition’s expression in this time.... And

actually, all of you have asking repetition’s expression every day =DD

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