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Collage of Arts Department

of Translation First Stage

Lecture 9\Second semester Instructor: Dr.Mugdad
Homework \Translation Subject: Literature

‫ سجاد إحسان قاسم‬:‫ترجمة‬

Translate the following from English into Arabic :

English Arabic
‫حمل ويكفيلد حقيبته‬, ‫ كانت أمسية في تشرين االول‬-1
1.It was an evening in October. Wakefield
picked up his suitcase and said goodbye. .ً‫وقال وداعا‬
‫ "ربما قد ابقى هناك‬."‫ "انا ذاهب الى الريف‬:‫ قال لها‬-2
2.”I going into the country” he told her. ”I
may be away for three or four days” ."‫لمدة ثالث او اربع أيام‬
‫ وبسبب ذلك لم تسأله عن‬,‫ عرفت زوجته حبه للغموض‬-3
3.His wife knew his love of mystery , and so
she did not ask the reason for his journey. .‫السبب وراء رحلته‬
,‫ أعطاها ويكفيلد ابتسامة زائفة عبر الباب المفتوح‬-4
4.Wakefield gave her a sickly smile through
the open door, and in a moment he was gone. .‫وخالل لحظة وجيزة كان قد ذهب‬

‫ لقد سارع على طول الطريق المزدحم واختفى بين‬-5

5.He hurried along the busy street and
disappeared among the crowd. . ‫الزحمة‬
‫ "سوف يرون الى‬."‫ " الناس يشاهدونني‬:‫ لقد فكر‬-6
6.”people are watching me,” he thought.
”They'll see where I go and tell my wife”. ."‫اين انا ذاهب ويخبرون زوجتي‬

7.He heard feet close behind, and feared ‫ وخشى ان احد ما‬,‫ سمع خطوات اقدام قريبة خلفه‬-7
that somebody was trying to catch him... ...‫يحاول اإلمساك به‬
‫ نادى احد بصوت في وسط الزحام وظن انه نادى‬-8
8.A voice in the crowd called out and he
thought that it called his name.....But ‫ ال احد‬.‫ لكن ويكفيلد ال يملك سببا ً للخوف‬.....‫باسمه‬
Wakefield had no cause for fear. No eye .‫يتبعه‬
followed him.
‫ ذهب ويكفيلد‬,‫ بعد انعطافات متعددة باتجاهات مختلفة‬-9
9.After several turns in different directions,
Wakefield went to a lodging house in the .‫الى منزل إقامة عند الشارع المقابل‬
next street.
‫ لقد اقام هناك في غرفة صغيرة والتي حجزت له‬-10
10.There he stayed in a small room that was
already booked for him, and his journey .‫وهنا انتهت رحلته‬, ً ‫مسبقا‬
‫ كان عمره حوالي‬,ً‫ كان ويكفيلد رجالً قصيرا ً هادئا‬-11
11.Wakefield was a quiet little man, about
fifty years old. He seemed to be a good ‫ بدا كأنه زوج صالح – ليس من النوع الذي‬.‫الخمسين‬
husband —not the sort of man to leave his .‫يترك زوجته‬
‫ لقد كان‬.‫ سرعان ما بدأ يشعر باالسف جراء فعلته‬-12
12.He soon began to feel sorry about his
action. He was lonely at his lodgings. He .‫ سأل نفسه لماذا ترك زوجته‬.‫وحيدا ً في محل اقامته‬
asked himself why he left his wife.
.‫ يفترض ان لديه سبب ما لكن لم يستطع تذكره‬-13
13.He supposed he had a reason but he
could not remember it.

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