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ALYA FIRJANI (2213121004)

RISKI TRISNANI (2211121033)








We express our gratitude to Almighty God, who has bestowed His blessings upon us,
allowing us to complete the PROJECT task on time with the abilities and knowledge we
possess. We also thanks to sir, ARIATNA, S.S., MA.,Ph.D as a lecturer in Scientific Writing
course for directing us towards positivity, as well as our families and friends for their
support which indirectly contributed to the completion of this paper.

We have tried our best in composing this paper, titled " PRACTICAL GUIDE OF
SCIENTIFIC WRITING ", to fulfil our requirements for the Project assignment in our
Scientific Writing course. However, in the preparation of this paper, we acknowledge that
there are still many shortcomings and imperfections that are far from our expectations. For
this reason, we hope to receive relevant suggestions and criticisms for the improvement of
this paper in the future. We appreciate and will consider any of the suggestions and
criticisms, no matter how small, considering that nothing perfect without constructive

We apologize in advance for any unpleasant words or mistakes that we may have
made. Lastly, we would like to thank you, hopefully this Idea Engineering paper will be
useful and become a reference for all parties.

Medan, 21 May 2023

Group 3
A Practical Guide to Scientific Writing

What is academic writing? Scientific writing is a technical form of writing that

communicates scientific information in a document, book, or presentation to other scientists in
writing. It requires a lot of research and precise wording and may involve grant applications, peer
reviews and summarized results.
A scientific text that presents the results of an experiment or study. A research paper reports
on the results of the author's research. The core of the research report is the materials, methods and
results of the research. In the classroom, research papers have a specific format. The scope of work
will vary based on guidelines, course requirements, and topics.
The Academic Writing course introduces English language students to writing. Research
activities necessary to obtain a degree. Basically, there are four general guidelines for students to
develop their research activities. Linguistics, Education, Literature, and English for Specific
Purposes. Writing is the most important means of communicating scientific research. It helps you
document and communicate your ideas and also share your activities and insights with others.
Scientific documents come in many forms, from research notes to project reports to
scientific journal articles to scientific journals. Good writing benefits scientists in many ways,
leading to better collaboration and easier access to interdisciplinary knowledge. It also helps us
communicate better with other researchers and with the public who fund research projects.

Guidelines for Scientific Writing

Scientific papers are the main mechanisms by which scientists communicate and a
significant portion of a scientist’s time is engaged in scientific writing. Because clarity and
precision are so essential in scientific communication, the rules governing the writing of
scientific papers are quite rigid. Unlike other forms of literature, there is little room in scientific
writing for creativity; the creativity of science is in the doing, not the writing. The following is a
brief guide for the preparation of a scientific paper.

A paper is typically organized into the following sections:

1. Title

2. Abstract

3. Introduction

4. Methods
5. Results

6. Discussion

7. Literature Cited

1. Title
The title should succinctly convey the focus of the study and the scope of the paper. Some
authors prefer to give away the punch line in the title; for example, “Acclimation to Low
Temperature Increases Metabolic Rate in Rainbow Trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss”. Others prefer
to make a more general statement; for example, “The Effects of Thermal Acclimation on
Metabolic Rate of the Rainbow Trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss”. Either form is acceptable.
As a rule, the genus and species of the organism studied should appear in the title for
experimental laboratory studies. There are, however, some exceptions to this. For example,
when the species name of an organism is common knowledge, the common name may be
substituted (fruit fly for Drosophila melanogaster), or when a study is large in scope such as a
field study which includes many species, none need be named. In any case, keep the title clear
and short without sacrificing information.
Put your name and affiliation (school or other organization you are associated with when
you wrote the paper) somewhere on the title page.

2. Abstract
This is a brief summary of the purpose and salient results of the study. It should provide a
sentence or two of background for the study, a brief overview of the basic methods used, a
summary of results, and a brief interpretation of the data. Usually this section includes the
scientific name of the organisms that were studied. The exception to this rule may be if you have
done a field study which looked at many different species. In this case, you may name only those
species that figure prominently in your results and discussion. No table or figures are put here,
and no references are cited. This section is used by the reader to determine whether or not it
would be useful or interesting to read the entire paper, but as an author, don’t try to entice the
reader with mystery or cleverness. Simply state what you did, what you found, and what it
means. The abstract should be less than one double‐spaced page in your draft, but single‐spaced
in your final paper. In general, abstracts consist of only one paragraph. The abstract is placed on
a separate page in your final version.
For a published work, this part of the paper would be reprinted in Biological Abstracts
and be posted on the electronic abstracting services such as Medline or FirstSearch. At the end
of the abstract, list a few key words or phrases under which you think the paper should be listed
by the abstracting and referencing services.

3. Introduction
The introduction is where you place your study in the context of the field as a whole, and
also provide the rationale for the study. This is best done by a sort of sophisticated story‐telling.
Use the work of others that have published on your topic before you to set the stage. It is not
necessary to cite every article written that relates to your study, but you should have enough
citations to develop a reasonable rationale and provide the background leading to the hypotheses
you have tested.
So the first thing in the introduction is the advantage of getting a good introduction is that
it must have 6 criteria namely an overview, prior research, a rationale of paper, The methodology,
a Thesis statement, and outline. At the end, state your hypotheses clearly, and outline the
predictions of the hypotheses and the expected results if your hypotheses are valid. State implicitly
here the significance of the study you have done. A very simplistic example follows:
Previous studies (Finhead and Fishead, 1988) on the metabolic rates of rainbow trout,
Oncorhynchus mykiss, have shown that short‐term exposure to low temperatures results in
decreased metabolic rates. Similar results were obtained using crustaceans (Crabhead, 1989) and
amphibians (Toadface, 1990). However, little is known about how this decrease in metabolic rate
is modified by the thermal history of the animal. Croaker (1992) has shown that a two‐week
acclimation to 10’C has no effect on the metabolic rate of frogs at any temperature of
measurement, whereas Claw and Jones (1988) showed that prior exposure to low temperatures for
5 weeks raised the metabolic rates of lobsters at low temperatures of measurement (for review, see
Smith, 1994). We tested the effect of thermal acclimation for prolonged periods (6 weeks) on the
metabolic rates of rainbow trout measured at both low and high temperatures. Any ability to
compensate for low environmental temperatures, such as those experienced by the animal during
the cold seasons of the year in the natural environment, would be manifest in the higher metabolic
rates of cold‐acclimated animals when compared to warm‐ acclimated conspecifics.
The introduction explains why this research is important or necessary begin by describing
the problem or situation that motivates the research.

4. Methods

This is where you describe how you went about testing your hypotheses. You must provide
enough information that another investigator could duplicate your study simply by reading your
description. Chances are your study will not be duplicated exactly, but may be modified by
another investigator in order to answer related questions or pose similar but not identical
hypotheses. Certain procedures need not be described exhaustively; i.e., routine lab procedures
(mixing solutions, weighing materials, scrubbing of rocks, transfer of samples from the net to
basins, etc.), or those described in detail in other papers. Simply cite the source of your protocol,
describing in detail any modifications you may have made.

You should include locations and site descriptions for field studies, the numbers of
organisms you used, and the statistical methods employed. Some journals allow authors to
employ a separate section to describe field sites, called Study Site; it usually is placed before the
Methods section. Also, any materials that are not routinely available or that may differ in quality
from one supplier to another should be mentioned followed by the name of the supplier.
5. Results
In the Results, simply state what you found, without interpretation or elaboration. Your
results should be logically organized into tables, figures, or both. Every table and figure should be
mentioned in the text, in order of appearance. The text should describe what kinds of information
are in each table and figure, the most salient features of the data presented, and/or the features you
would like to call to the attention of the reader. There is no need to point out every datum, but do
point out trends you may want to focus on later in the Discussion portion of the paper.
Raw data is almost never included in a scientific paper. Data is summarized in some form;
for example, means are reported, not individual observations, or the data are plotted in a manner
which illustrates the trends you want to emphasize. Include descriptive and analytical statistics;
i.e., standard deviations (or Standard errors of the means, SE), the results of t ‐tests or analyses of
variance (ANOVA). It is sufficient to indicate where statistical significance occurred and the
confidence level. No need to provide all of your calculations. Some complex calculations may be
provided in an Appendix at the end of the paper.
Include figure legends below graphs and table legends above tables. Number y our figures
Fig. 1, Fig. 2, etc., and your tables Table 1, Table 2, etc. The legends should include a title (for
example: Fig. 1. Metabolic rates of rainbow trout at different temperatures.), and a sentence or two
of explanation (i.e., Metabolic rates of n=6 fish were measured at both 5 and 20’C. Measurements
were made using closed‐ chamber respirometry. All animals were acclimated to 10’C for 6 weeks
prior to measurements.). Do not use the terms Graph or Chart in the titles. Graphs (as well as line
drawings, photographs and maps) are Figures and charts are called Tables.
6. Discussion
In this section, interpret your results and state your conclusions in the light of your
original hypothesis. Examine your results in the context of other published studies (with
appropriate citations).

Consider here any sources of error or differences in protocol that might cause your results to
differ from other published data, or point out support other data may give to your interpretations.
Refer to the tables and graphs in your Results section to make your points if necessary. You may
even want to briefly re‐state a few of your results if it helps your interpretive argument. Be
concise, be accurate, but be persuasive in this section. Convince the reader that your interpretation
is the correct one.

The author should begin the Discussion section by restating the hypothesis he/she was
testing. Then he/she may begin interpreting the results in light of this hypothesis.

1. Understand Your Audience:

o -Identify your target audience: Consider the expertise and knowledge level of the
readers to tailor your writing style and language accordingly.

o -Familiarize yourself with the specific journal or conference guidelines: Different

scientific publications have different formatting requirements, citation styles, and
word limits. Adhere to these guidelines while preparing your manuscript.

2. Structure your Paper:

o Title: Create a concise and descriptive title that accurately represents the content of
your research.

o Abstract: Summarize the objective, methodology, key results, and conclusions of

your study in a brief and informative manner.

o Introduction: Provide a clear background and context for your research, highlighting
the significance of the problem you are addressing.

o Methods: Describe your experimental design, materials, and procedures in sufficient

detail to allow others to replicate your study.

o Results: Present your findings objectively, using tables, figures, and graphs when
appropriate. Avoid interpretation or discussion in this section.

o Discussion: Interpret and explain your results, relate them to existing literature, and
discuss the implications and limitations of your study.
o Conclusion: Summarize the main findings, restate the significance of your research,
and suggest possible future directions.

3. Use Clear and Concise Language:

o Use plain and straightforward language: Avoid jargon, acronyms, and overly complex
terminology that may confuse your readers.

o Write in an active voice: It enhances clarity and makes your writing more engaging.

o Be concise: Eliminate unnecessary words, redundancies, and repetitions to make your

writing more focused and precise.

4. Maintain Logical Flow and Coherence:

o Use logical transitions between paragraphs and sections to guide your readers through
your paper smoothly.

o Use headings and subheadings to organize your content and make it easier for readers
to navigate through different sections.

o Ensure each paragraph has a clear topic sentence and supports the main argument or
point of that section.

5. Cite and Reference Properly:

o Use appropriate citation styles: Familiarize yourself with the citation style preferred
by the target journal or conference (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago).

o Cite relevant and recent literature: Support your claims and arguments with credible
sources from reputable scientific journals and publications.

o Provide accurate and complete references: Double-check your reference list for
accuracy, including author names, article titles, journal names, and publication dates.

6. Revise and Edit:

o Proofread your manuscript for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.

o Read your paper aloud to identify awkward sentence structures or unclear phrases.

o Seek feedback: Have your work reviewed by colleagues or mentors to get constructive
criticism and suggestions for improvement.

7. Literature Cited
This final section of the paper is a list of the sources that were cited in the paper. The list is
arranged alphabetically by last name of the first author of the source book or paper. Do not

other sources that were not cited, even if they are relevant and you read them from beginning to
end. Only list those you have cited in the text. Remember, any ideas that are not your own must be
credited to the author. Scientific papers do not use footnotes. After the statement of an idea in the
text, put the name(s) of the author(s) of the source paper followed by the year that the source
paper was published in parentheses (Finhead and Fishead, 1978). If there are three or more
authors, use et al; for example (Finhead et al. 1979). Provide the full citation for the source in
Literature Cited, at the end of the paper. A standard format is as follows, but may differ from
journal to journal:
Finhead, A. G. and B. B. Fishead. 1978. The effect of temperature on the metabolic rate of
thermally acclimated rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. J. Exp. Biol. 97: 512‐514.
Check the Literature Cited in the papers you read to get an idea of how this is done for
single author books, edited books, government documents, and other types of sources.

Other Hints
1. Underline or italicize scientific names and other Latin usage, such as et al. and e.g. It is not
necessary for names of family or other more inclusive taxa to be italicized. In general,
enclose the scientific name in parentheses following the first mention of the common name.
Thereafter, use the common name except for species where the scientific name is more often
used or for species which have no accepted common name. Do not capitalize common names
except when the word begins a sentence or the common name includes a proper noun (e.g.
Blanding’s turtle, New York fern). If a different species of a genus previously referred to is
mentioned, use the initial of the genus with the specific name (e.g. Rana clamitans and R.
sylvatica both eat crickets…). If the specific name is unknown, list the genus name followed
by sp. (e.g. We observed a small garter snake (Thamnophis sp.) living in the basement). If
the genus name may refer to several species, use the genus name followed by spp. (e.g.
Clemmys spp. are all omnivorous). Do not underline or italicize sp. or spp.
2. Clearly document units of measurement in your paper (i.e., Metabolic rate [ml/mg body


3. Avoid writing in the first person. There are times when this is okay, such as when
describing what you did, but never use modifying phrases like “I think...” or “We feel...”
If you are expressing opinion, it is best to say something like “It appears that…” or “The
data are consistent with…”
4. Refer to other peoples’ published work in the past tense; refer to your work in the current
paper in the present tense.

5. Read the scientific literature. That is clearly the best way to get a feel for writing
scientifically. Remember, scientists are among the worst writers in the world. It is a difficult
task to write with the fluidity and clarity that makes a paper a pleasure to read, and yet
maintain the rigid ground rules of scientific writing. This skill won’t come easily, but it is
well worth developing.
6. Double‐space the final paper and all drafts (except the abstract, which is single‐spaced).

McMillan, V.E. 2001. Writing papers in the biological sciences. 3rd Edition. Bedford/St.
Martin’s Press, Boston and New York. 207 p.

Pechenik, J.A. 2001. A short guide to writing about biology. 4th Edition. Addison‐Wesley
Educational Publishers, New York. 318 p.

American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American

Psychological Association (7th ed.).

Bem, D. J. (2003). Writing a review article for psychological bulletin. Psychological

Bulletin, 127(6), 918-927.

Weaver, W. (2018). Writing and publishing science research papers in english: A global
perspective. Springer International Publishing.

American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American

Psychological Association (7th ed.). American Psychological Association.

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