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“Cimpa for Kerja Tahun in Karo Tradition”

Arranged By :
Aisyara Sufi Hadisthy (2212421004)
Balqis Aulia Sukma Bangun (2213121026)
Belinda Fergie Siahaan (2213121041)
Bella Pitaloka Br Kembaren (2213321049)
Cynthia Romauli Sinurat (2213321053)
Delvi roito Purba (2213221047)
Taftazani Dwilasta Ramdiaz (2211121010)
Viviani Carolina Sidabutar (2213121055)

Subject : Seni Budaya dan Kepariwisataan SUMUT

Lecturer : Dr. Masitowarni Siregar, M.Ed


Praise and gratitude to the presence of God Almighty for all the abundance of His
grace and guidance, so that we can complete the preparation of this report to Fulfill the Tasks
of the Budaya dan Kepariwisataan Sumut Project. Hopefully, the preparation of this report
can be used as a reference and guide for readers.

The author would like to thank Dr.Masitowarni Siregar, M.Ed as a Lecturer for the
Budaya dan Kepariwisataan Sumut Course who has entrusted this task to us, so it really helps
us to deepen our knowledge in the field of study that is related to the field of study is being

The authors also thank all those who have shared their knowledge with us, so that
this report can be completed on time. There is no ivory that is not cracked, we realize that
this report is far from perfect. Therefore, we expect criticism and suggestions for the
perfection ofthis report.

Medan, 29 October 2022

Karo’s Group

PREFACE ................................................................................................................................. 2
TABLE OF CONTENT........................................................................................................... 3
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................ 4
A. Background Of Study ................................................................................................. 4
B. Purpose Of Study ........................................................................................................ 4
C. Benefits Of Study ........................................................................................................ 4
CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................... 5
A. Karo Ethnic ................................................................................................................. 5
B. Kerja Tahun Tradition ................................................................................................. 5
C. Cimpa .......................................................................................................................... 6
CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD ................................................................................ 7
A. Types of Research ....................................................................................................... 7
B. Object of Research ...................................................................................................... 7
C. Data Source and Type ................................................................................................. 7
D. Data Collection Methods ............................................................................................. 7
E. Data Analysis Techniques ........................................................................................... 8
CHAPTER IV RESULTS AND DISCUSSION .................................................................... 9
CHAPTER V CLOSING....................................................................................................... 14
A. Conclusion................................................................................................................. 14
B. Suggestion ................................................................................................................. 14
REFERENCES....................................................................................................................... 15

A. Background Of Study
Culture is part of humans because it is a culture that guides human values, beliefs, behavior,
and interactions with other humans. Tylor gives a definition of culture, according to him
'culture is the complex collection of knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, customs, and any other
capabilities or habits acquired by man as a member of society. Thus, culture is something we
take from the privileged space of artistic production and specialized knowledge into our daily
life experiences. Culture can be seen in terms of its form and elements.
Etymologically, the word 'tourism' comes from Sanskrit, which consists of two words,
namely 'pari' and 'wisata'. The word pari means 'together' or 'to garoundd' and the word tourism
means 'to travel'. Furthermore, in the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) it is revealed that
tourism can be defined as travel, namely activities related to travel for recreation. In Law
Number 10 of 2009 concerning Tourism, it is also explained that tourism is a variety of tourism
activities and is supported by facilities and services provided by the local community together
with tourists and the local government. Tourism is the sum total of the symptoms arising from
the journey and the process of inhabiting foreigners, as well as through the passage of a
particular country, city, and region.
Regional specialties are foods that are often or commonly consumed in an area with
characters that usually reflect the character of the community. The characteristics of typical
food in each region are definitely different. This is due to differences in culture and food
ingredients available in each region, resulting in a variety of foods with
differencharacteristicsrs. In this paper, we will discuss regional food from the Karo ethnic.
Cimpa is the regional food of the Karo tribe. Cimpa is one of the most important foods for
Karo people. Cimpa must be in every implementation of traditional Karo ethnic events.Cimpa
must be presented during the event of a traditional wedding party, annual work or Merdang
Merdem, and death. If a Cimpa is not presented in one of these traditional events, then the event
is considered lacking and imperfect.

B. Purpose Of Study
1. Fulfill the task of the North Sumatra Culture and Tourism Course Project
2. Increasing public interest in knowing Karo Ethnic Specialty Food
3. Introducing Karo Ethnic Specialty Food to various other regions.

C. Benefits Of Study
This mini research was conducted with the aim of gaining knowledge related to food and
Karo customs. By doing this mini-research, students know how to make Cimpa and Customs
made with these foods. This proves that it is not only to increase knowledge but also expertise
to make Karo specialties.
A. Karo Ethnic
Regarding ethnic origins, there are several versions. Brahma Putro in 'Karo Dari Zaman Ke
Zaman' connects with the Haru Delitua kingdom, (around the 16th century) and the aggression
of the Aceh sultanate. Nilakamsastri in Sitepu, et al relates its history to Indian traders in Barus
who settled and mingled with the local population. As a result of the riots, they also moved and
some spread to the Karo area. Another version states that the Karo ethnic group is a Proto-
Malay group who was pushed into the mountains due to the arrival of Deutro Melayu. All of
these opinions are based on certain evidence.
The Karo Ethnic are an indigenous tribe who inhabit Karo Regency or better known as
Taneh Karo. The Karo people are usually better known as the kalak Karo or its meaning in
Indonesian is the Karo people. The Karo Batak tribe has the merga silima or five main clans,
namely Tarigan, Perangin-angin, Ginting, Karo-karo and Sembiring. Each main clan has a sub
clan which is usually used by the kalak Karo at the end of its name. Kalak Karo communicates
using the Karo language and has various types of traditional events that are held at certain times
with certain goals, such as erpangir ku lau, nengget, and merdang merdem (Sembiring, 2009;
Brahmana et al., 2009; Surbakti, 2014).

B. Kerja Tahun Tradition

Kerja Tahun etymologically consists of two words, namely kerja and tahun. "Kerja" in the
Karo language means party. “Tahun” to indicate a gap of one year. So, Kerja Tahun is a
traditional party that the Karo people do every year. This annual traditional feast is related to
agricultural life, especially rice plants. This tradition full of values that contain religious aspects
and social. As the context changes and function. Kerja Tahun as an annual tradition feast is
carried out in several days.
Rice is an important crop for the village community, including the Karo Ethnic. Rice
plants are the prima donna for the Karo people. In the past, rice was planted for 1 year. The
importance of this plant is so important that from the beginning of planting until the harvest
process is a moment that is always considered important. This is what is celebrated at the Kerja
Tahun tradition.
Kerja Tahun is carried out not simultaneously in every village in Tanah Karo. There
are villages that celebrate it at the beginning of planting, some do it when the rice starts to mix,
some even turn yellow, and at harvest time. The names given by the Karo people for Kerja
Tahun are (Ginting, n.d.):
1. Merdang Merdem
This Kerja Tahun was carried out around the locations of Tigabinaga and Munthe Districts.
Implementation is carried out when the rice planting process will begin. Merdang itself means
the beginning of the year.
2. Nimpa Bunga Benih
This name is often also referred to as Ngambur-ngamburi. The implementation is around
the Kabanjahe, Berastagi and Simpang Empat areas and is carried out when the rice plants start
to leave leaves.
3. Mahpah
The implementation of mahpah is around Barus Jahe and Tiga Panah and is carried out
when the rice begins to turn yellow. Mahpah comes from the word Pahpa, which is rice that is
soaked, then dried and pounded in a place called pipih. Mahpah is also one of the typical Karo
foods that are made when the Kerja Tahun tradition event takes place.
4. Ngarires
The implementation of ngangires is in the Batu Karang area and is carried out after the
harvest season is over. Geriras means lemang while rires means a crowd.Although each region
has its own traditional name, the purpose of this Kerja Tahun Tradition is to give thanks to God
for the good plants given by the Almighty God. In addition, other than to dealing with socio-
economic and religious life, this event is also related to kinship.

C. Cimpa
Cimpa, which is a typical Karo food which is usually served on a series of Kerja Tahun
events, is made on the sixth day which is also known as nimpa. Nimpa is an activity carried
out by the local community to make a special Karo food, namely Cimpa. Cimpa is made from
glutinous rice which contains grated coconut mixed with brown sugar and then wrapped in
singkut leaves or in Karo is bulung singkut. Cimpa is cooked by steaming. The cimpa will later
become the souvenirs of the guests, in this tradition it feels incomplete if there is no cimpa.
A. Types of Research
This research uses qualitative research methods, that qualitative research methods are a
process that emphasizes investigating or interviewing directly to objects so that the results of
the data cannot be manipulated.

B. Object of Research
This research was conducted to find out how the year works in the karo community. The
object in this study is parents who are batak karo tribes and understand about the work of the
year and cimpa.

C. Data Source and Type

The type of data used in this study is in the form of primary data. According to Moeloeng
(2007: 157) in this study the primary data is a direct statement. Data obtained directly through
interviews when the researcher is in the field with the aim of knowing everything related to the
object of research, including in the primary data of this study is directly with the interview.

D. Data Collection Methods

The method used for data collection to find out more about Batak Karo (Cimpa) specialties
and annual work is the interview method. An interview is a conversational process with the
intention of constructing people, events, activities, organizations, motivations, feelings and so
on that are carried out by two parties, namely the interviewer who asks questions with the
interviewee. Interviewing is a very popular method of collecting data, therefore it is widely
carried out in various studies. This method is used to generate non-existent data, such as What
informants know about year work, Year work on Karo society is not carried out simultaneously.
Some celebrate at the beginning of the planting period, when the rice begins to leafy, turn
yellow, and at harvest. What is the name of the mention of the work year in the informa area ,
at which time is the year work carried out in the informant area? Informant area (including
village name, date, and month of year work), What are the meanings of the year work that
informants know, Basically the determination of the date of work of the year can be seen from
the Karo calendar. How is the system of determining the date of work of the year in the
informant area? There are 7 stages of the year’s work tradition. The work of the year in ancient
times started from cikor-kor, cikurung, ndurung, mantem, matana, nimpa, and rebu. What are
the stages of the year work in the informant’s area, what stages are carried out, What foods are
usually served at the time of the year work event, At the time of the work year, the host usually
makes a cimpa unung-unung to the guests who come. What is the meaning of cimpa making ,
Is cimpa unung-unung one of the characteristics of working years? Interviews are conducted
with elders or parents who are Batak Karo who understand about the typical food of the Karo
Batak Tribe.
E. Data Analysis Techniques
According to Bogdan, data analysis is, “The process of systematically searching and
compiling data obtained from interviews, field notes, and other materials, so that it can be easily
understood, and the findings can be informed to others” (Sugiyono, 2008: 244)”. There are
several stages in data analysis that are commonly carried out in qualitative research, namely
(Huberman and Miles in Bungin, 2003: 69)
1. Categorization and reduction of data, the researcher collects important information
related to the research problem, and further groups the data according to the topic of
the problem.
2. Data feed. The data that has been collected and grouped is then arranged systematically
so that researchers can see and study the important components of the data presentation.

Karo is one of the Batak ethnics in North Sumatra. Karo ethnic is a dynamic ethnic that
spreads even during its geographical visit, such as the districts of Langkat, Deli Serdang, and
Dairi. The capital of Karo Regency is Kabanjahe. Kari ethnic has a variety of cultures which
are certainly different from those of other ethbic. Some of the Karo ethnic's cultures include
kerja tahun, Mengket Mbaru Mbaru, Mbesur-Mbesuri, Ngalar Utang Adat, and many more. In
addition to a diverse culture, the Karo ethnic also has special foods from the area. The typical
foods of the Karo ethnic include cimpa, cipera, lemang/rires, Pagit-pagit/terites, kidu-kidu, and
others. In addition to their culture and special food, the Karo ethnic is also rich in dances,
musical instruments, traditional songs and abundant natural products.
One of the cultures that exist in the Karo is “Kerja Tahun” or annual party. During “Kerja
Tahun”, many Karo specialties food are usually served, one of which is cimpa unung-unung.
Cimpa unung-unung is the hallmark of the “Kerja Tahun”. Although there are many types of
cimpa, cimpa unung-unung will still be selected during the “Kerja Tahun”. It is very easy to
find cimpa unung-unung during the “Kerja Tahun”. However, this food is rarely made on
ordinary days by the Karo people.
To clarify about Kerja Tahun and cimpa unung-unung, we have collected data through
interviews, reading journals, and collecting qualitative data to provide additional information
related to this activity.
The data from the respondens about Kerja Tahun and Cimpa Unung-Unung :

No Question Respondent 1 Respondent 2

1. What do you know "Kerja tahun " that it is a Karo traditional party held in
about “Kerja Tahun” celebration of the harvest that one village or one sub-district
celebration? is carried out by the with the aim of gathering
community once a year. As distant families, or a form of
gratitude and thanks for the gratitude to God after or
abundant harvest."Kerja before the harvest
Tahun" is a Karo custom that is
held once a year. Annual work
is one of the traditions carried
out every year to meet with
family near and far and get in
touch with each other.
2. "Kerja Tahun" in the It's called "Kerja Tahun" we Merdang merdem, usually in
Karo community is celebrate on the 6th month the middle of the year,
not done when the harvest has come out, Tanjung Pulo, 22-23 July
simultaneously.There I am the villager in Kutabuluh 2022
are those who Gugung, June 25/26. His name
celebrate at the is "Kerja Tahun" (Guro guro
beginning of the aron),
planting season,
when the rice begins
to leaf, turn yellow,
and when it is
harvested. "Kerja
Tahun" is also known
as merdang merdem,
nimpa flower seeds,
creepers, and
mahpah. What's the
name "Kerja Tahun"
in your area? Explain
at what time was
"Kerja Tahun" done
in your area?
3. What are the It is a thanksgiving to God, The meaning is being able to
meanings of "Kerja because of the harvest in a meet relatives or family who
Tahun"do you know? year, and as a means of are far away, because at
Explain briefly. communication/meeting with work, all distant relatives will
distant relatives. come home to welcome the
Kerja Tahun
4. In general, "Kerja What I know is that it is an Enliven the annual work
Tahun" event is activity that must be carried event by performing dances
accompanied by out as a sign of respect for the of young people from the
"Gondang Guro- ancestors, it has been carried village and several other
Guro Aron". Explain out, there are also various guest stars.
what you know about events or forms of celebration
the event. such as dances and so on.
5. Basically, the The decision is made at the Determining the date of
determination of the sub-district office and will be "Kerja Tahun " is done by
"Kerja Tahun" date seen on the Karo calendar or looking at the Karo calendar
of the year can be the name "Nitik Wari" because by looking at a good date to
seen from the Karo if there is no niktik Wari there do the event. Determination
calendar. What is the will be a commotion or murder of the date should not be done
system for usually often occurs because at arbitrarily
determining the date this annual party we spill blood
of work in your area? or it was said to cut cattle ,pig.
Briefly explain
6. There are 7 stages of There are two stages. The first At this time for the work trip
the "Kerja Tahun" day is called "Motong" and the of the year, it remains only to
tradition in ancient second day is called "Matanya"
times starting from do mantem, matana, and
cikor-kor, cikurung, nimpa
ndurung, mantem,
matana, nimpa, and
rebu. How is the
"Kerja Tahun" in
your own area?
Explain what steps
were taken.
7. What foods are Cimpa,rendang,dan gule, Cimpa, rendang, tape, pagit
usually served at pagit-pagit, cincang, sup , sate, pagit, cincang, sup
"Kerja Tahun" lomok-lomok and trites
8. Explain what you Guro guro Aron is a tradition In my opinion, it's an
know about handed down from our entertainment party that
"Gendang Guro- ancestors, namely by dancing displays art and culture in the
Guro Aron” with one hand. In my opinion, land of Karo
I think it's an entertainment
party that displays art and
culture on the land of Karo.
9. "Kerja Tahun" event For men, they usually wear The clothes worn during the
is always suits and use "Bulang Bulang". working year are the same as
accompanied by For women, they use kebaya, the clothes worn during the
"Drum Guro-Guro nipes and wear a hood. Karo traditional party.
Aron (GGA)". Women will wear hoods and
Explain how the men will wear coats
clothes used during
the GGA event.
10. During the "Kerja Cimpa unung unung is one of The meaning is that where
Tahun" the host the hallmarks of Karo custom the cimpa unung-unung is
usually makes cimpa for guests who have just very sweet, it can be
unung-unung to the arrived and are ready to be interpreted that the harvest
guests who come. In served. And also respects our will produce sweet fruit and
your opinion, what is ancestors who first carried out will change a lot like rice will
the meaning of the tradition and also has "mbuah" its name.
making the cimpa? Is meaning so that the plants in
cimpa unung-unung the fields are satisfying.
one of the hallmarks
of "Kerja Tahun"?

Based on the result of the research we have done related to the Kerja Tahun and cimpa
unung-unung, we got the following data.
Kerja Tahun is a celebration as a form of gratitude for the harvest of the Karo ethnic which
is carried out once a year. Kerja Tahun is a tradition carried out by every village, where this
event is an opportunity for every family to stay in touch. Karo people who migrate usually go
home during this event so they can meet their family and distant relatives or in Karo language
it is known as the phrase “Mburo ate tedeh” which has the same meaning as treat longing; to
family, hometown, and friends.

Kerja Tahun of the Karo people is not carried out simultaneously. There are those who
celebrate at the beginning of the planting season, when the rice begins to leaf, turn yellow, and
when it is harvested. Kerja Tahun is also known as merdang merdem, nimpa bunga benih,
ngerires, and mahpah. Each sub-district usually has a different time to do Kerja Tahun.
However, villages within one sub-district usually have the same Kerja Tahun date. If different,
Kerja Tahun date of the village will be a few days different and still in the same month.

The meaning of Kerja Tahun is as a form of gratitude to God for the blessings given to the
harvest so that it continues and increases. In addition, Kerja Tahun function is to maintain good
relations and communication within the family, where during Kerja Tahun all families will
meet and gather. During Kerja Tahun, we can get to know more about our family and the speech
we should use to communicate. In addition, for young people, it can be used as a place to get
acquainted and find “impal” or a mate and introduce a partner to their parents.

During Kerja Tahun event, Gendang Guro-Guro Aron (GGA) is usually held. Without
GGA, Kerja Tahun will feel less, because it will be boring for the community because there is
no entertainment. GGA is usually done at night until the morning for 2 days. GGA performed
the Karo dance “Landek sada tan” and other dances accompanied by traditional Karo musical
instruments. Where the dancers in the GGA are village youths who can only dance with their
impal. In addition, the GGA event is usually enlivened by other guest stars such as singer Karo
and perkolong-kolong. This GGA event is a place to get acquainted for young people by talking
while dancing or after each other.

Kerja Tahun date system is usually based on the Karo calendar. Kerja Tahun date should
not be made arbitrarily, it must be adjusted to the Karo tribal calendar. Given the Karo calendar
there are days that are believed to be not good for certain activities. Calendar Kerja Tahun can
be seen by people who know to see a good date (siniktik wari).

In ancient times Kerja Tahun was carried out for 7 days starting from cikor-kor, cikurung,
ndurung, mantem, matana, nimpa, and rebu. But now this event is usually done for 2 or 3
days. Generally now it is done for 2 days, namely "mantem and matana". Mantem which
means to cut; usually cut beef or pork. On the second day is called matana where on this day
as a gathering event by visiting each relative's house and eating in each house together.

Foods that are usually served at Kerja Tahun include rendang, soup, curry, trites, cimpa,
tape, lemang, gat-gat, kuling-kuling, lomok-lomok, and many more. Of course adjusted to
the ability of the host. That way, we can find many Karo specialties food during Kerja Tahun.
During the GGA event, the clothes worn by young people who danced were Karo
traditional clothes. Clothing for men includes shirts, beka buloh, sarongs, trousers, shoes.
While the clothes for women include kebaya, skirt, tudung (kelam-kelam, uis ambir-ambir
emas, beka buloh), and langge-langge (uis nipes, ragi barat). Especially for the bapa aron
(who manages the male dancers) added with bulang-bulang and specifically for nande aron
(who manages the female dancers) plus a jujungan on the hood.

As for during Kerja Tahun, the host usually makes cimpa unung-unung to the guests who
come. Making cimpa unung-unung as a tradition that has been carried out by the ancestors
of the Karo people from ancient times during Kerja Tahun. Its distinctive packaging is
singkut leaves which are commonly found in the Karo land forest. This leaf is specifically
used to wrap the cimpa unung-unung. For other types of cimpa usually wrapped in banana
leaves. Cimpa unung-unung symbolizes the sweet taste of an abundant harvest. In general,
cimpa unung-unung is used as a gift to guests who come as a sign of having done years of
work. There is a year's work, there must be a cimpa, so this cimpa is the hallmark of Kerja

This is the addition picture to support the paper:

Perkolong-Kolong Nande Aron Bapa Aron

Aron Si diberu Alat Musik Karo Daun Singkut

Cimpa Unung-Unung Terites/Pagit-Pagit Lomok-Lomok Rendang

A. Conclusion
“Kerja Tahun” as a tradition related to the socio-economic life (rice farming) of the Karo
people. Annual work is carried out not simultaneously in every village in Tanah Karo. There
are villages that celebrate it at the beginning of planting, some do it when the rice starts to
mix and some even turn yellow, and at harvest, the names given by the Karo people for work
this year are Merdang Merdem, Nimpah flower seeds, Mahpah and Ngerires. This tradition
contains several educational values, namely historical values, social values and also
religious values. Therefore, this tradition needs to be preserved and carried out regularly
with adjustments to the situation/conditions and needs of the community. The Year's Work
Tradition is a rich tradition of our nation's culture.

Cimpa is one of the most important foods for the Karo people. Cimpa must be present at
every Karo tribal event. Cimpa must be presented at traditional weddings, annual work or
merdang merdem, and death. If the cimpa is not presented in one of these traditional events,
then the event is considered lacking and imperfect. One of the famous culinary in the Karo
Tribe is Cimpa Unung Unung. The uniqueness of this food lies in the leaf (wrapper) of the
food known as Singkut Leaf.

B. Suggestion
It is hoped that today's youth are able to continue to carry out the traditions that have
been passed down from generation to generation so that they are not forgotten. Therefore, it
is important for the Karo people and surrounding areas to know the work traditions of the

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