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Text: 2 Corinthians 10:4

Our stronghold

I. Introduction
a. Review last Sunday
b. Struggle or stronghold?
II. 2 Corinthians 10:4
a. God wants to eradicate a stronghold in our lives
i. It’s not just a struggle
b. All of us has a calling
i. Divine readiness
1. Available
a. When God says Go-GO not NO
2. Disciples
a. Did not doubt when called
ii. But it doesn’t mean nga gasunod nata kang Lord exempted nata sa struggle
1. We are not smart enough to predict every challenges that we will
2. That’s why we need the Holy Spirit not just to strengthen us but to guide us
iii. It is possible that we are Christians but not FREE
1. Bond from sin/ something
a. Baptized, go to church, dala2 ug bible
2. But thanks sa bible
a. Its not just TRUE but the TRUTH
b. God wants us to depend on the bible
i. Be our based of our truth
c. Daghan ta gusto ma change sa atong life
i. It reveals where and what to change
iv. Some of us, I Believe, will agree that there are things in our lives that will change
not just because we said we want to change
1. Not every desire that we have can be a reality
a. Gusto ko mgdiet/ gusto mg Basketball player
2. Sometimes you need to want it if you want to realize it (Gustoha gyud!)
3. Samot na ug dili gusto!
a. Priest/ Pharisees/ sadducess
i. Experience/witnessed the miracle yet wala sila na change
b. Possible na witness nimo ang miracle/ kauban nimo c Lord pero
walay changes sa atong Life
i. Because you chose not to change
c. In short, even Priest/Pharisees/ even biblical heroes gaka
experience sa struggle of sin/ stronghold
i. David- adulterer/ murderer
ii. Peter- curse/ denied Jesus
iii. Abraham- lied
iv. Moses disobeyed
v. Samson- we all know what happen
1. Delilah- be careful of the Delilah in our lives
2. When Samson allowed Delilah to enter in his life
it’s the start of his ending
3. Samson has extra ordinary strength but limited
because of his extra ordinary weakness
4. In born iya talent bt it became limited
5. It was his decision that limits Gods working in his
6. Don’t allow that you will be limited
v. We have all strength/ talents and opportunities that the Lord gave to us
1. We thought that we have God because we have talents
2. Pwd talented but not anointed
3. We should be very careful in making decisions
a. Think before you decide
i. Destination/ departure
d. In our battles it is not just what we want to achieve but where are we now!?
i. What is our honest position/ location with our Christian life
ii. Bible says “ they think they are strong but in reality they are not ( 2 cor. 10:12)
1. Ex. Movie ( lone survicor)
2. Don’t level with your struggle- level up!
a. You should be in the advantage
b. Resist the devil- decide to resist
i. Resist not Assist!
ii. Ato pa gyud gina assist maka sulod sa atong life
III. Hebrews 12:1
a. Decide to get off all that easily entangles us
i. Sin that is slowing us down
ii. Satan wants to destroy you
1. If he cant destroy you He will delay you
iii. Let GO of all that hinders us to move forward, stronghold na!
b. Definition: Stronghold in the Mind
i. All wars need a battle field
1. Our wars start in our minds
ii. A stronghold of the mind is a lie that Satan has established in our thinking that we
count as true but is actually a false belief.
iii. Until/ unless you don’t admit you have a stronghold you will never win
1. Admit there is a battle to win, if not you will not win
a. Ex. Pacman vs Marquez
2. We can’t win because we are still in denial
a. We can’t accept our honest situation
3. Pastors ga stuggle gyud ko sa:
a. Ka busy sa work, finances, anxiety, bitterness, unforgiveness
b. 5 years na gyud!??, its not a struggle it’s a STRONGHOLD
4. Possible kaha nga naa tay gina think nga struggle yet stronghold na d i?
a. Struggle is persevering while stronghold is a warfare
b. We cant win a battle if we don’t fight it, not until we admit that it is
a warfare/ stronghold
i. Abi nimo struggle ka sa relationship, work career
1. Ng bago mao ra japon
2. Tell your self it’s a stronghold not a struggle
3. “Last nlng gyud, d na gyud ko mo usab”
IV. Romans 12:1-2
a. Do not conform
i. Pattern
1. You feel FULL but not FULFILLED
2. The world will never satisfy you
3. 2,4,6,8/ 5,10,15,20
a. You knew what is next because naay pattern
b. By the renewing of your mind
i. Our mind should transform not just a struggle
ii. If you blame others about it you cant overcome it
iii. If you treat it as a struggle you cant win it
1. You will always be in the same pattern over and over
iv. Samot na gyud nga mo ingon ta nga “ di na gyud ko mausab ani”, wala na gyud pag
asa” that’s is stronghold
1. You think wala nay way but God gives us the way 2000 years ago at the
c. What does stronghold does?
i. Limits you joy, peace, and all the fruits that supposed you will enjoy as a Christian
ii. Controls your decision
1. Dili sa ko mo simba kay wala pako ka move on
2. Struggles for priorities
a. Sahay dili deliverance atong need but DISCIPLINE
V. Do you want to overcome you stronghold?
a. 2 cor. 10:4
i. We have a divine weapon
1. God gave it, used it
ii. It can’t be overcome by any weapon
1. Struggle ka sa forgiveness/ fear, trust issues
a. It’s a struggle because until now you are not winning
b. Gae lang ko time pastor ma ok ra lage ko, ma forgive ra lage nako
2. Pride- struggle for humility
a. You cant win over because you are treating it as a struggle but its
already a stringhold
b. Poor mentality- poor gyud kau ko
iii. Stronghold develops- progressing
1. You are conscious
a. You make a conscious decision nga mo side track sa will ni Lord
b. You allow it even you know it displeases the Lord
2. Na develop that is why we are addicted to it
a. Fear, anxiety, bitterness, jealousy, unforgiveness
b. Na develop that is why it became a habit
3. Sometimes we develop a habit but sometimes we don’t know we have it
VI. Who wants to be free from stronghold
a. Colossians 3:1 So if you’re serious about living this new resurrection life with Christ, act like
it. Pursue the things over which Christ presides. Don’t shuffle along, eyes to the ground,
absorbed with the things right in front of you. Look up, and be alert to what is going on
around Christ—that’s where the action is. See things from his perspective
1. Gikapoy na gyud ko sa stronghold- ACT LIKE IT
2. Promise di na gyud ko bitter but BETTER- ACT LIKE IT
b. The first step is recognizing it
i. So you can deal with it
ii. Declare war over it
1. Push forward for the better version of yourself
2. Be H.S led not flesh led
iii. Believe that what you are suffering now is a finished work already (CROSS)
VII. Recognized it by ONLY GOD”S GRACE
a. Titus 2:11-14
i. Grace appeared
1. We can’t understand grace apart from the appearance of Christ
ii. By HIS grace
1. It is always there
2. Broke, pained, sinner
a. Stronghold is demolished by HIS grace
iii. Come to His grace
1. Only of you are in JESUS you can change
a. Change your heart, life, your pattern,
iv. Stronghold?? Good news! It can be demolished!
VIII. Conclusion
a. Accept Christ, believe in the power of the Cross
b. David: Change my heart, not give another chance but CHANGE!
c. Kanta ta ta purify

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