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Poverty in rural India is a complex and multifaceted issue with profound implications for
human development, social justice, and economic growth (World Bank, 2023). It is estimated
that over 200 million people in India live below the poverty line, and the vast majority of
these reside in rural areas (World Bank, 2023). Poverty is linked to a host of negative
outcomes, including malnutrition, illiteracy, disease, and social exclusion (Sen, 2009).

We should be concerned about poverty in rural India because it is a moral imperative. Every
person has the right to live a decent and dignified life, regardless of their circumstances.
Poverty is also a major obstacle to sustainable development and economic prosperity (World
Economic Forum, 2022).

Can the amalgamation of successful entrepreneurship and the burgeoning hospitality sector
serve as potent instruments in the fight against poverty in the diverse rural landscapes of
India? Yes, we believe that the amalgamation of successful entrepreneurship and the
burgeoning hospitality sector can play a significant role in alleviating poverty in rural India.
Entrepreneurship can generate employment and income opportunities, while the hospitality
sector can create a demand for local goods and services (Sharma & Singh, 2022).

There are a number of ways in which entrepreneurship and hospitality can be leveraged to
reduce poverty in rural India. For example, entrepreneurs can establish businesses in the
tourism sector, such as homestays, ecotourism lodges, and cultural tours. They can also
develop businesses that cater to the needs of local residents, such as food processing units,
handicraft workshops, and retail outlets (Singh & Kaur, 2021).

The hospitality sector can also play a role in poverty alleviation by providing employment
opportunities for rural residents. Hotels, restaurants, and other tourism-related businesses
can hire locals as tour guides, cooks, waiters, and other staff. They can also purchase goods
and services from local suppliers, such as farmers, artisans, and craftsmen (Singh & Kaur,

Our research aspires to make three primary contributions to the ongoing discourse on
poverty alleviation in rural India:

A Comprehensive Framework: We aspire to construct a comprehensive framework that

seamlessly integrates successful entrepreneurship and the burgeoning hospitality sector as
potent instruments for poverty alleviation in rural India. Unlike previous research, which often
approaches these domains in isolation, our study aims to provide an integrated perspective,
recognizing the inherent interconnections.
Region-Specific Strategies: By considering the geographical diversity of North, South, East,
and West India, we intend to put forth strategies tailored to each region, acknowledging their
distinct challenges and opportunities.
Policy Guidance: Our research seeks to offer pragmatic policy guidance rooted in empirical
evidence. This guidance can serve as a compass for governmental and non-governmental
entities in designing effective poverty alleviation programs that harness the entrepreneurial
spirit and the untapped potential of rural India.
We believe that our research has the potential to make a significant contribution to the
ongoing discourse on poverty alleviation in rural India. By examining the multifaceted nexus
between entrepreneurship, hospitality, and poverty, we seek to challenge established
viewpoints and advance scholars' understanding in several profound ways.

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