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Formative assessment tasks for MYP Science


Criteria A Knowing and understanding

i. explain scientific knowledge
Provide students with a scientific concept or topic. Ask them to create a concept map that visually represents the key components of
Concept Map:
the concept, explaining how they are interconnected.
Interactive Assign students a specific scientific phenomenon. Have them create an interactive presentation (using digital tools) that explains the
Presentation: phenomenon step by step, incorporating visuals, diagrams, and explanations.
Ask students to choose a scientific principle or process. Instruct them to create an infographic that simplifies and explains the chosen
Infographic Creation:
topic, making it accessible to a general audience.
Analogies and Present students with a complex scientific concept. Have them come up with analogies or metaphors that relate the concept to
Metaphors: everyday situations, making it easier to understand.
Divide the class into pairs. Assign each pair a different scientific topic. Have them prepare a short teaching session where they
Peer Teaching:
explain the topic to their partner using clear language and simple examples.
Science Article Provide students with a science article or news story. Ask them to summarize the article and explain the scientific concepts
Review: discussed in a way that someone with no scientific background could understand.
Assign students a scientific process, such as the water cycle or cell division. Have them create an interactive diagram using digital
Interactive Diagram:
tools that allows users to click on different parts to reveal explanations.
Ask students to create a comic strip that explains a scientific concept. They can use speech bubbles, characters, and visuals to
Science Comic Strip:
convey the information in an engaging and accessible manner.
Assign students a historical scientific discovery. Have them write a short narrative that explains the discovery, including the context,
Scientific Storytelling:
process, and implications, in a story format.
Pair students up and assign one as the interviewer and the other as the scientist. The scientist must explain a scientific concept in
Q&A Interview:
response to the interviewer's questions, focusing on clarity and depth.
ii. apply scientific knowledge and understanding to solve problems set in familiar and unfamiliar situations
Provide students with a scenario or real-world problem and ask them to apply their scientific knowledge to analyze the situation and
propose appropriate solutions. For example: "Imagine you are a biologist studying a local ecosystem. Describe how you would use
your understanding of ecological principles to address the issue of declining biodiversity in the area."
Present a detailed case study involving a scientific problem. Ask students to analyze the case, identify relevant concepts, and
Case Study Analysis: suggest strategies for addressing the issue. For example: "Read the case study about water pollution in a nearby river. Describe how
you would apply your knowledge of chemistry to test and address the pollution problem."
Challenge students to design an experiment to test a specific hypothesis or research question. Ask them to outline the steps,
Experimental Design: variables, controls, and expected outcomes. For example: "Design an experiment to investigate the effect of different light intensities
on plant growth. Include details about your variables and control groups."
Provide students with experimental data, graphs, or charts. Ask them to analyze the data, draw conclusions, and explain the
Data Analysis and
implications of their findings. For example: "Examine the temperature data collected during an enzyme activity experiment. Explain
the relationship between temperature and enzyme activity, and suggest reasons for the observed trends."
Present a complex scientific problem without a single correct answer. Ask students to draw upon their understanding of scientific
principles to propose creative solutions and justify their choices. For example: "You are an environmental scientist tasked with
addressing a local waste management issue. Describe two possible solutions and explain the scientific reasoning behind each."
Create multi-step problems that require students to apply different scientific concepts sequentially to solve a larger problem. For
example: "Analyze the data on energy consumption in a household. Calculate the annual cost of running various appliances and
suggest energy-saving strategies based on your calculations."
Provide students with two or more scenarios and ask them to compare and contrast the application of scientific principles in each
Comparative Analysis: situation. For example: "Compare the application of Newton's laws in a car crash scenario and a falling object scenario. Discuss the
similarities and differences."
Ask students to connect scientific principles to real-world situations they have encountered, either through personal experiences or
current events. For example: "Describe how your understanding of genetics and inheritance helps you explain the occurrence of
certain traits within your family."
Present problems that require students to integrate knowledge from multiple scientific disciplines to find solutions. For example:
"Using principles from biology and chemistry, explain the process of photosynthesis and its role in maintaining oxygen levels in the
Pose ethical dilemmas related to science and technology that require students to consider both scientific knowledge and moral
Ethical Dilemmas: implications. For example: "Discuss the ethical considerations associated with genetic engineering and its potential impact on
iii. analyse and evaluate information to make scientifically supported judgments.
Provide students with a scientific article or news report related to a topic. Ask them to critically analyze the information presented,
Article Analysis:
identify the evidence provided, and evaluate the credibility of the source.
Present students with a set of experimental data or graphs. Have them analyze the data, draw conclusions, and explain how the
Data Interpretation:
evidence supports specific scientific claims or hypotheses.
Claims and Evidence Provide students with a series of scientific claims. Have them match each claim with appropriate evidence from a given set of data,
Matching: experiments, or research findings.
Argumentative Organize a class discussion where students are divided into groups, each assigned a scientific claim or statement. Have them
Discussion: present and defend their claim using credible evidence while critically evaluating opposing arguments.
Source Reliability Give students a selection of sources on a scientific topic, including peer-reviewed articles, news articles, and websites. Ask them to
Assessment: evaluate the reliability and credibility of each source based on factors such as authorship, publication date, and references.
Experimental Design Present students with an experimental design or research proposal. Have them analyze the methodology, consider potential sources
Review: of bias, and evaluate the soundness of the experiment's approach.
Misconception Provide students with a list of common scientific misconceptions related to a topic. Ask them to identify and explain the flaws in each
Identification: misconception using scientific evidence.
Have students evaluate and provide feedback on each other's research presentations. Encourage them to assess the quality of
evidence presented, the clarity of explanations, and the strength of conclusions.
Scientific Article Assign students to read and critique a scientific article. They should analyze the author's methods, data interpretation, and
Critique: conclusions, discussing the strengths and weaknesses of the study.
Current Event Present students with a current scientific controversy or debate. Ask them to research various viewpoints, critically evaluate the
Analysis: evidence presented, and form their own scientifically supported judgment.

Criterion B: Inquiring and designing

i. explain a problem or question to be tested by a scientific investigation
Problem Statement Provide a scientific scenario and ask students to craft a clear and concise problem statement that outlines the specific issue to be
Questions: investigated. For example: "In a marine ecosystem, how does the rise in sea temperature affect the growth of coral reefs?"
Present students with a broad topic and ask them to formulate a testable scientific question that focuses on a specific aspect of the
Question Formulation:
topic. For example: "What is the effect of different types of soil on the growth rate of bean plants?"
Provide a situation where a cause-and-effect relationship is implied. Ask students to identify the potential cause and effect variables,
Cause and Effect
and formulate a research question. For example: "What is the relationship between air pollution levels and respiratory illnesses in
urban areas?"
Comparison Give students two or more variables or factors and ask them to create a research question that involves comparing their effects. For
Questions: example: "How does the type of light (natural sunlight vs. artificial light) affect the rate of photosynthesis in aquatic plants?"
Provide students with a set of data or observations and ask them to identify a pattern or trend that could be investigated further. Have
Pattern Recognition: them formulate a research question based on the observed pattern. For example: "What factors contribute to the variation in
migratory patterns of birds in different regions?"
Present students with a real-world problem or challenge that requires scientific investigation for a solution. Ask them to formulate a
Applied Problem
research question that addresses the problem. For example: "How can the efficiency of solar panels be improved to maximize
energy production?"
Provide students with a research area and ask them to generate a hypothesis that can be tested through investigation. For example:
"Based on observations of melting ice caps, formulate a hypothesis about the relationship between temperature increase and ice
Experimental Design Give students a general topic and ask them to develop a research question that guides the design of a controlled experiment. For
Focus: example: "Design an experiment to investigate the effects of different concentrations of salt on the boiling point of water."
Observation-Based Present students with a natural phenomenon or observed behavior. Ask them to formulate a research question that seeks to explain
Questions: the underlying scientific principles. For example: "What causes the change in color of leaves during the fall season?"
Present students with a technological challenge or advancement. Ask them to formulate a research question that explores the
Technology and
scientific principles behind the technology and its potential applications. For example: "How does virtual reality technology simulate
realistic experiences?"
ii. formulate a testable hypothesis and explain it using scientific reasoning
Provide students with a research scenario and ask them to formulate a testable hypothesis that predicts the relationship between
variables. For example: "Design an experiment to test the hypothesis: Increasing exposure to sunlight will lead to an increase in the
growth rate of plants."
Cause-and-Effect Present students with a cause-and-effect relationship and ask them to formulate a hypothesis that explains how changing one
Hypotheses: variable affects another. For example: "If the pH of water is increased, then the rate of corrosion of metal will decrease."
Give students two or more variables or conditions and ask them to formulate a hypothesis that predicts how they will compare in
terms of an observed outcome. For example: "Compared to a low-sugar diet, individuals following a high-sugar diet will experience
greater fluctuations in blood glucose levels."
Provide students with a set of data or observations showing a pattern. Ask them to formulate a hypothesis that predicts the pattern's
Pattern Prediction: continuation or variation under different conditions. For example: "Based on the observed trend, hypothesize how air temperature will
affect the rate of water evaporation."
Give students a scenario or question related to an experiment. Ask them to formulate a hypothesis that clearly defines the
Experimental Focus: independent and dependent variables, and their expected relationship. For example: "If the concentration of enzyme is increased,
then the rate of reaction will also increase."
Present students with a real-world problem or challenge. Ask them to formulate a hypothesis that addresses the problem and can be
Applied Hypotheses: tested through scientific investigation. For example: "If a new insulation material is used, then the energy efficiency of a building will
Provide students with a specific variable and ask them to formulate a hypothesis that predicts its effect on a particular outcome. For
Effect of Variables:
example: "Hypothesize the effect of soil salinity on the germination rate of seeds."
Present students with a technological innovation or advancement. Ask them to formulate a hypothesis that explores how a certain
Technology and
variable affects the performance of the technology. For example: "If the angle of the solar panels is adjusted, then the efficiency of
energy capture will increase."
Observation-Based Present students with a natural phenomenon or observation. Ask them to formulate a hypothesis that explains the observed behavior
Hypotheses: or pattern. For example: "Hypothesize the factors responsible for the periodic appearance of bioluminescent algae in coastal waters."
Exploratory Encourage students to propose exploratory hypotheses where the outcome is unknown and requires investigation. For example:
Hypotheses: "Hypothesize how changes in air pressure might affect the behavior of aquatic organisms in a deep-sea ecosystem."
iii. explain how to manipulate the variables, and explain how data will be collected
Provide students with an experimental scenario and ask them to explain step by step how they would manipulate the variables. For
example: "Explain how you would manipulate the concentration of a reactant in a chemical reaction experiment."
Present students with an experiment and ask them to identify the controlled variables that need to be kept constant throughout the
Controlled Variables
investigation. For example: "In an experiment testing the effect of temperature on enzyme activity, explain the variables that should
be controlled."
Variable Manipulation Give students a research question and ask them to formulate a plan for manipulating the independent variable while keeping other
Plan: factors constant. For example: "Describe how you would vary light intensity in a plant growth experiment."
Data Collection
Provide students with an experiment and ask them to explain how they would collect relevant data. For example: "Explain how you
would measure and record the pH levels during an acid-base titration experiment."
Present students with an investigation that involves measurements. Ask them to describe the instruments and techniques they would
use to accurately measure specific variables. For example: "Detail the instruments and methods you would use to measure the
length of a pendulum."
Give students a scenario involving data collection from a population. Ask them to explain the sampling method they would use to
Sampling Methods: ensure the data is representative of the population. For example: "Explain the sampling method you would use to gather data on the
preferences of a diverse group of consumers."
Provide students with a data collection task and ask them to explain how they would record and organize the collected data for
Data Recording
analysis. For example: "Describe how you would record data from an experiment involving the growth of plants over a period of
Accuracy and Present students with an experiment and ask them to discuss how they would ensure accuracy and precision in their data collection
Precision Discussion: methods. For example: "Explain how you would minimize errors when measuring the volume of a liquid."
Quantitative and Ask students to explain how they would collect both quantitative and qualitative data in an investigation, outlining the specific
Qualitative Data: methods they would use for each type of data.
Present students with an investigation involving technology, such as sensors or data loggers. Ask them to explain how they would set
up and use the technology to collect data. For example: "Describe how you would use temperature sensors to collect data during an
iv. design scientific investigations.
Present students with a research question and ask them to design an experiment to answer it. Include details about variables,
Experimental Design: controls, methods, and expected outcomes. For example: "Design an experiment to investigate the effect of different light intensities
on plant growth."
Give students a hypothesis and ask them to outline how they would manipulate the independent variable while controlling other
Variable Manipulation:
variables. For example: "Describe how you would vary the angle of a ramp to study its effect on the distance a toy car travels."
Controlled Variables Provide students with an experiment and ask them to identify and justify the variables that should be controlled throughout the
Explanation: investigation. For example: "Explain why temperature and pH should be controlled in an enzyme activity experiment."
Present students with a scenario requiring data collection from a population. Ask them to outline a sampling strategy that ensures the
Sampling Strategy: collected data is representative. For example: "Design a sampling strategy to gather data on student preferences for different
extracurricular activities."
Ask students to plan an investigation involving measurements. Have them describe the techniques and instruments they would use
Data Collection
to collect accurate and reliable data. For example: "Outline the methods and instruments for measuring the velocity of a falling
Provide students with a hypothesis and ask them to outline the step-by-step procedures for their investigation, including how the
experiment will be conducted and how data will be collected. For example: "Describe the procedures for testing the effects of
temperature on the rate of yeast fermentation."
Give students an experimental scenario and ask them to identify potential safety hazards and describe how they would ensure a safe
Safety Considerations:
environment during the investigation. For example: "Discuss safety precautions for an experiment involving heating substances."
Present students with an investigation involving technology, such as sensors or data loggers. Ask them to describe how they would
incorporate the technology into their experiment. For example: "Design an experiment to measure soil moisture using digital
Provide students with an investigation and ask them to outline how they would analyze the collected data, including the calculations
Data Analysis Plan: and graphs they would use to interpret the results. For example: "Explain how you would analyze the data from an experiment
testing reaction rates."
Ask students to discuss how they would ensure the reproducibility of their experiment by others. Have them outline clear procedures
and provide detailed instructions. For example: "Explain how you would design an experiment that can be easily replicated by other
Criterion C: Processing and evaluating
Provide students with a dataset and ask them to create appropriate visual representations, such as graphs, charts, or tables, that
Data Representation: accurately present the data's patterns and trends.
Present students with a graph or chart and ask them to interpret the data it represents. Have them explain the significance of any
Graph Interpretation: peaks, troughs, trends, or anomalies in the graph.
Data Transformation Give students raw data and ask them to explain the transformations they applied to make it more accessible or to reveal underlying
Explanation: relationships. For example, explain how converting absolute values to percentages enhances data understanding.
Provide students with multiple datasets and ask them to create visual representations that allow for effective comparison. Have them
Comparative Analysis: explain the differences and similarities observed.
Give students a dataset and ask them to identify patterns, trends, or correlations within the data. Have them explain their findings
Pattern Identification: and provide possible explanations for the observed patterns.
Graph Selection Ask students to choose an appropriate type of graph or chart to represent a given dataset and explain the rationale behind their
Rationale: choice. For instance, why did they choose a line graph instead of a bar chart?
Mathematical Present students with a dataset that can be modeled mathematically (e.g., linear regression). Ask them to fit a curve to the data and
Representation: explain the mathematical implications of the chosen model.
Inference and Provide students with transformed data and ask them to draw scientifically supported inferences and conclusions. Encourage them
Conclusion: to relate their conclusions back to the original research question.
Data Interpretation Present students with complex data sets and graphs that involve multiple variables. Ask them to interpret the relationships between
Skills: variables and explain their interpretations.
Effective Provide students with a dataset and ask them to choose the most effective way to visually present the data for a specific audience.
Communication: Have them consider clarity, accuracy, and relevance.
ii. interpret data and explain results using scientific reasoning
Present students with a dataset and ask them to explain the trends, patterns, and relationships observed in the data. Have them
Data Explanation:
provide scientific reasoning for these observations.
Provide students with a graph or chart and ask them to analyze the data it represents. Have them explain the implications of the
Graph Analysis:
graph's shape, slope, and any unusual data points.
Comparison Give students multiple datasets and ask them to compare and contrast the data. Have them explain the differences in results and
Interpretation: propose reasons for these variations.
Present students with a dataset showing a pattern or trend. Ask them to explain the underlying scientific principles that might explain
Pattern Recognition:
the observed pattern.
Correlation Provide students with data involving two variables. Ask them to analyze the correlation between the variables and explain whether it
Explanation: is positive, negative, or nonexistent.
Give students a dataset and ask them to make scientific inferences about the factors influencing the observed results. Have them
Inference from Data:
explain how certain variables might be affecting the outcome.
Present students with experimental data that includes measurement errors or uncertainties. Ask them to analyze how these errors
Error Analysis:
might have affected the results and discuss potential improvements.
Data Anomalies: Ask students to identify any anomalies or outliers in a dataset and explain how these unexpected results could have occurred.
Graph Manipulation Provide students with a dataset and ask them to manipulate the graph's axes (e.g., changing the scale) and explain how these
Effects: manipulations might affect the interpretation of the data.
Hypothesis Present students with experimental results and ask them to evaluate whether the data supports or contradicts a given hypothesis.
Evaluation: Have them provide reasoning for their conclusions.
Real-World Ask students to interpret experimental results within a real-world context. For example, how do their findings relate to a broader
Contextualization: scientific concept or practical application?
Alternative Provide students with results and ask them to consider alternative explanations for the observed outcomes. Have them evaluate
Explanations: these explanations based on scientific reasoning and evidence.
iii. evaluate the validity of a hypothesis based on the outcome of the scientific investigation
Hypothesis-Outcome Provide students with their original hypothesis and the actual outcomes of the investigation. Ask them to evaluate whether the
Comparison: outcomes support or refute the hypothesis and explain their reasoning.
Evidence and Present students with the collected data and ask them to analyze whether the evidence aligns with the predictions made in the
Hypothesis Alignment: hypothesis. Have them discuss any discrepancies.
Consistency Give students their hypothesis and the experimental results. Ask them to assess the consistency between their predictions and the
Assessment: actual outcomes, explaining any inconsistencies.
Variable Provide students with the results and ask them to analyze whether the observed relationships between variables match the
Relationships: predictions made in the hypothesis. Have them discuss any deviations.
Alternative Ask students to consider alternative explanations for the results that contradict their hypothesis. Have them discuss the plausibility of
Explanations: these alternatives based on the evidence.
Validity of Present students with their initial assumptions underlying the hypothesis. Ask them to evaluate whether these assumptions were
Assumptions: valid in the context of the investigation and how they may have influenced the outcome.
Incorporating Give students the results, including any anomalies or unexpected findings. Ask them to evaluate whether these anomalies challenge
Anomalies: the validity of the hypothesis or suggest new avenues of investigation.
Refinement of Provide students with the results that support a modified or refined hypothesis. Ask them to evaluate the extent to which the original
Hypothesis: hypothesis can be adjusted to account for the new findings.
Ask students to assess the strength of the evidence presented in the investigation in relation to their hypothesis. Have them discuss
Evidence Strength:
whether the evidence is convincing and why.
Present students with a scenario where their hypothesis is reversed (e.g., if the hypothesis predicted an increase, assume it predicts
Prediction Test:
a decrease). Ask them to assess whether the experimental outcomes align with this reversed prediction.
Unintended Provide students with the results and ask them to consider any unintended consequences or secondary effects of the experimental
Consequences: setup. Discuss how these factors might influence the validity of the hypothesis.
iv. evaluate the validity of the method
Provide students with the experimental procedure used and ask them to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the method in
Method Assessment:
terms of its ability to answer the research question.
Controlled Variables Present students with an experimental setup and ask them to assess whether all relevant variables were controlled adequately.
Analysis: Discuss the impact of uncontrolled variables on the validity of the results.
Experimental Design Give students an experimental design and ask them to evaluate whether the chosen design is appropriate for the research question.
Evaluation: Discuss any potential limitations or biases introduced by the design.
Sample Size and Provide students with information about the sample size and its representativeness. Ask them to evaluate whether the sample size is
Representation: sufficient to draw valid conclusions and whether it accurately represents the target population.
Measurement Ask students to evaluate the accuracy and precision of the measurement techniques used in the investigation. Discuss how
Techniques: measurement errors might affect the validity of the results.
Data Collection Present students with data collected from an experiment and ask them to evaluate the reliability of the data collection process.
Reliability: Discuss potential sources of error and their impact on the validity of the findings.
Experimental Bias Give students an experimental scenario and ask them to assess whether any potential bias was introduced during the experiment.
Assessment: Discuss how bias could affect the validity of the results.
Replicability Ask students to evaluate whether the experimental procedure is described in sufficient detail to allow other scientists to replicate the
Discussion: study. Discuss the importance of replicability in validating results.
Provide students with an experimental method and ask them to consider alternative methods that could have been used to address
Alternative Methods:
the research question. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of these alternatives.
Present students with the results of an investigation and ask them to evaluate the generalizability of the findings to real-world
External Validity:
scenarios. Discuss potential limitations that might affect the external validity of the results.
Ethical Ask students to evaluate whether the chosen method aligns with ethical guidelines and standards. Discuss how ethical
Considerations: considerations could impact the validity of the investigation.
Improvement Provide students with a method and ask them to suggest modifications or improvements that could enhance the validity of the
Suggestions: procedure. Discuss how these changes might affect the quality of the data.
v. explain improvements or extensions to the method.
Provide students with a given experimental method and ask them to propose specific improvements that could enhance the
Method Enhancement:
accuracy, precision, or reliability of the results.
Sample Size Present students with an investigation involving a small sample size and ask them to explain how increasing the sample size might
Consideration: improve the validity and generalizability of the results.
Controlled Variables Give students a controlled variables list and ask them to suggest additional variables that should be controlled to minimize potential
Expansion: sources of bias.
Ask students to suggest alternative measurement techniques that might provide more accurate or comprehensive data compared to
the original methods used.
Replication and Provide students with an experimental method and ask them to explain how conducting multiple replications of the study could
Verification: enhance the robustness and reliability of the results.
Cross-Validation Present students with data from an experiment and ask them to propose a complementary method or technique that could be used
Strategy: to cross-validate the results.
Modified Experimental Give students an experimental design and ask them to explain how modifying one or more aspects of the design could lead to a
Design: more comprehensive understanding of the phenomenon under investigation.
Variable Manipulation Ask students to suggest additional levels or ranges for an independent variable that could provide a more comprehensive view of its
Expansion: effect on the dependent variable.
Control Group Provide students with a scenario that lacks a control group and ask them to explain how including a control group could improve the
Implementation: ability to make causal inferences.
Longitudinal Study Present students with a cross-sectional study and ask them to explain how transforming it into a longitudinal study could provide
Consideration: insights into changes over time.
Additional Data Ask students to propose additional data points or measurements that could provide a deeper understanding of the relationship
Collection: between variables.
Technology Provide students with an experimental method and ask them to suggest how incorporating modern technology or instrumentation
Integration: could enhance data collection and analysis.

Criterion D: Reflecting on the impacts of science

i. explain the ways in which science is applied and used to address a specific problem or issue
Summative assessment questions
Real-World Provide students with a specific scientific concept and ask them to explain how it can be applied to address a real-world problem or
Application: issue. For example, "Explain how the principles of genetics are applied in agriculture to improve crop yields."
Present students with a technological advancement or innovation and ask them to explain the underlying scientific principles that
make the technology possible. For example, "Explain how the principles of electromagnetism are used in the operation of electric
Environmental Give students an environmental issue (e.g., pollution, climate change) and ask them to explain how scientific knowledge is applied to
Problem Solving: develop solutions and mitigation strategies.
Ask students to explain how medical advancements and treatments are developed based on scientific research. For example,
Health and Medicine:
"Explain how knowledge of cellular biology is used to develop treatments for cancer."
Present students with an engineering challenge and ask them to explain how scientific principles are used in the design and
construction of solutions. For example, "Explain how principles of structural engineering are applied in designing
earthquake-resistant buildings."
Provide students with an energy-related issue (e.g., renewable energy sources, energy efficiency) and ask them to explain how
Energy Solutions:
scientific understanding is applied to develop sustainable energy solutions.
Biomimicry Ask students to explore examples of biomimicry (design inspired by nature) and explain how scientific observations of natural
Exploration: phenomena are applied to technological innovations.
Present students with a global challenge (e.g., water scarcity, biodiversity loss) and ask them to explain how interdisciplinary
Global Challenges:
scientific approaches are used to address these challenges.
Public Health and Provide students with a disease outbreak scenario and ask them to explain how epidemiological methods and biological knowledge
Disease Control: are used to control the spread of the disease.
Space Exploration and Ask students to explain how scientific knowledge in fields such as astronomy, physics, and engineering is applied in space
Technology: exploration and the development of space technologies.
Present students with a food-related issue (e.g., food production, food safety) and ask them to explain how scientific principles are
Food Security:
applied to ensure food security and quality.
Natural Resource Provide students with a scenario involving natural resource management (e.g., forestry, fisheries) and ask them to explain how
Management: scientific data and research inform sustainable practices.
Formative assessment ideas:
Provide students with case studies related to various problems or issues (e.g., water pollution, renewable energy, disease outbreak).
Case Study Analysis:
Ask them to explain how scientific principles are applied to address these cases.
Research Assign students specific topics related to scientific applications (e.g., biotechnology in agriculture, medical imaging techniques). Have
Presentations: them research and present their findings, explaining the practical applications.
Provide students with news articles, videos, or documentaries highlighting scientific applications in real-world scenarios. Ask them to
Media Analysis:
critically analyze and explain the science behind the featured applications.
Debate and Organize debates or class discussions where students take different sides of an argument related to scientific applications.
Discussion: Encourage them to explain their positions using scientific reasoning.
Problem-Solution Present students with hypothetical scenarios involving problems (e.g., energy crisis, pollution) and ask them to propose
Scenarios: science-based solutions, explaining the application of scientific principles.
Create online quizzes with scenarios where students select the correct scientific principle applied to solve a specific problem. Provide
Interactive Quizzes:
explanations for both correct and incorrect choices.
Hold Socratic seminars where students engage in a guided discussion about the application of science in addressing societal issues.
Socratic Seminars:
Encourage them to provide evidence-based explanations.
Assign students roles such as scientists, policymakers, and citizens. Present them with a problem (e.g., environmental disaster) and
Role-Play Activities:
ask them to interact and explain how they would apply science to address it.
Provide students with a central problem or issue and ask them to create a concept map illustrating the various scientific disciplines
Concept Mapping:
and concepts involved in addressing it.
Scenario-Based Give students a scenario involving a specific problem (e.g., food shortage, climate change). Ask them to write a short essay
Writing: explaining how scientific knowledge can be applied to find solutions.
Divide students into pairs or small groups. Assign each group a different scientific application scenario. Have them explain their
Peer Teaching:
scenario to another group, promoting peer-to-peer learning.
Field Trips and Guest Organize field trips to local institutions or invite guest speakers who work in fields where science is applied to address problems
Speakers: (e.g., waste management facilities, research labs).
Assign students to create infographics, posters, or multimedia presentations that visually explain the application of science in solving
Creative Projects:
a specific problem.
Current Events Have students follow current news related to science and technology. Ask them to select a news article, analyze the problem
Analysis: addressed, and explain the science-based solution proposed.
ii. discuss and evaluate the various implications of using science and its application to solve a specific problem or issue
Organize a class debate where students take different roles and discuss the positive and negative implications of applying science to
Implications Debate:
address a specific problem. Encourage them to consider ethical, social, and environmental aspects.
Provide students with a problem-solving scenario and ask them to create a chart listing the potential positive and negative
Pros and Cons Chart:
implications of using science to address the problem.
Ethical Dilemma Present students with ethical dilemmas related to applying science to solve problems. Ask them to discuss and evaluate the ethical
Scenarios: implications from various perspectives.
Critical Reading Assign students a scientific article or news article that discusses the application of science to address a problem. Have them write a
Response: response that evaluates the potential implications and limitations of the proposed solution.
Provide students with case studies of past scientific applications (e.g., genetic modification, nuclear energy). Ask them to discuss the
Case Study Analysis:
short-term and long-term implications of these applications.
Future Scenario Ask students to brainstorm potential future scenarios resulting from the widespread adoption of a scientific solution. Have them
Brainstorming: consider economic, environmental, and societal implications.
Divide students into small groups and assign each group a specific scientific application. Have them discuss the potential effects of
Group Discussions:
implementing this application on different aspects of society.
Cause and Effect Provide students with a problem and ask them to create a cause-and-effect diagram illustrating the various implications (intended
Diagram: and unintended) of using science to solve the problem.
Expert Panel Assign students roles as experts representing different stakeholder groups (scientists, policymakers, environmentalists). Have them
Simulation: participate in a panel discussion on the implications of a specific scientific application.
Ask students to imagine the world several decades from now after the widespread adoption of a scientific solution. Have them write
Future Predictions:
short essays discussing the potential positive and negative changes.
Provide students with media sources (e.g., documentaries, opinion pieces) discussing the implications of scientific applications. Ask
Media Analysis:
them to analyze the viewpoints presented and form their own evaluations.
Create quizzes with questions that require students to evaluate the potential societal, economic, and environmental implications of
Interactive Quizzes:
different scientific applications.
Impact Assessment Provide a worksheet where students assess the short-term and long-term impacts of a scientific solution, considering factors like
Worksheet: economic costs, environmental changes, and ethical considerations.
Divide students into groups, with each group researching and discussing a specific implication (e.g., economic impact, ethical
Jigsaw Activity:
concerns). Then, have students share their findings with other groups.
iii. apply scientific language effectively
Scientific Report Assign students a scientific scenario or experiment, and have them write a report that effectively communicates the procedure,
Writing: observations, results, and conclusions using correct scientific terminology.
Create quizzes that focus on specific scientific terms related to a unit or topic. Ask students to match terms with their definitions or
Vocabulary Quizzes:
use them in sentences.
Explanation in Ask students to take a complex scientific concept and explain it using simple language, ensuring that the meaning is accurately
Layman's Terms: conveyed without sacrificing accuracy.
Scientific Poster Assign students to create a scientific poster on a specific topic. Encourage them to use appropriate scientific language to explain the
Creation: concepts, processes, and implications.
Provide students with a scientific concept and ask them to create a concept map that illustrates the interconnected terminology
Concept Mapping:
associated with the concept.
Analogies and Ask students to explain a scientific concept using analogies or metaphors that relate it to everyday experiences, showing their
Metaphors: understanding of the concept's essence.
Assign students a scientific term and ask them to prepare a short presentation or explanation for their peers, ensuring they use
Peer Teaching:
accurate scientific language.
Have students create interactive flashcards with scientific terms on one side and definitions or explanations on the other. This can be
Interactive Flashcards:
done digitally or with physical cards.
Data Interpretation Present students with a graph or chart and ask them to write a paragraph explaining the trends or relationships using scientific
Writing: language.
Lab Report Provide students with a sample lab report containing incorrect or vague scientific language. Ask them to identify and correct the
Improvement: language to improve clarity and accuracy.
Scientific Glossary Assign students to compile a glossary of scientific terms related to a particular topic. They can provide definitions and examples for
Creation: each term.
Have students explain scientific processes, concepts, or experiments verbally to a partner or small group, ensuring they use
Verbal Explanations:
appropriate scientific language throughout.
Assign students to find a scientific news article or video. Have them summarize the content while using scientific terminology
Provide students with a list of scientific terms and ask them to construct definitions using their understanding of the terms' meanings.

Criteria D
Objective i - Explain the ways in which science is applied and used to address a specific problem or issue:
Provide a scenario where a scientific concept is applied to solve a real-world problem. Ask students to explain the scientific principles
involved and how they contribute to solving the problem.
Give students a specific technological innovation and ask them to explain the scientific basis behind it and how it addresses a
particular issue.
Present a case study involving the application of science to address an environmental challenge. Ask students to explain how
scientific knowledge is used to develop solutions.
Objective ii - Discuss and evaluate the various implications of using science and its application to solve a specific problem or issue:
Provide a hypothetical scenario where a scientific solution is implemented to address an issue. Ask students to discuss the potential
positive and negative implications from different perspectives.
Present a current issue related to technology or health. Ask students to evaluate the ethical, social, and environmental implications of
applying science to solve the problem.
Give students a scientific innovation that has generated debate. Ask them to discuss the implications of widespread adoption,
considering economic, ethical, and long-term consequences.
Objective iii - Apply scientific language effectively:
Provide students with a description of a scientific process or concept. Ask them to rewrite the description using appropriate scientific
Present a scientific diagram or graph and ask students to label it using accurate scientific terminology.
Give students a list of scientific terms and ask them to construct a paragraph that effectively explains a complex concept using those
Objective iv - Document the work of others and sources of information used:
Provide a research scenario and ask students to list the different sources of information they would use to gather relevant data and
background information.
Present a scientific report and ask students to identify the references or citations used to support the information presented.
Give students a list of information sources and ask them to explain why each source is credible or not, based on criteria such as
authority, reliability, and bias.

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