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Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C., Thursday, March 30, 1916

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God's way is a good way! No oth - er way so kind. 0 you in sin and
God's way is a good way! 0, come and walk there - in! A robe of praise He'll
God's way is a good way! He takes our sery - ice small, And touch - es it with
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sor - row, to all His mer - cy blind, Take now the gift He of - fers, lift
give you for gar-ments stained with sin; The oil of joy for mourn- ing, for
pow - er, ac - cepts and bless- es all; Then h His great corn- pas - sion, so
-tv- -•- - . _. -0- •

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up your eyes and see, He'll give you peace un - measured, for- give-ness full and free.
ash - es beau-ty rare, And all heav'n's richest treasures with you He'll free - ly share.
gracious, so di - yin e, He makes the souls we bring Him stars in our crowns to shine.

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That's God's way, His won-derful way;

Copyright, 1916, by Adelaide Bee Evans and Emma Griggs Sanderson.

That fell like music on his ear, and he Freedom's Song

Poetry Went gladly in, confessing all his sin. N. W. VINCENT
" 0 could I tell him of my love," he
sobbed, OUR Saviour, 'tis to thee,
The Conversion of Peter " But that can never be'' Compassion Who died to make us free,
ELIZA H. MORTON filled To thee we sing.
The hearts of all; for well they knew We seek thy love-lit face,
A RABBLE crew around a fire, and then they, too, O boundless is thy grace,
A challenge sharp and clear, and then, Had sinned. The day wore on, that Sab- Just, equal all thy ways,
alas! bath day, Our Life, our King!
Alas for Peter ! for he turned his back A day to be remembered long; also the
Upon his Lord, and uttered wicked night; Omnipotent thy hand —
words. And early ere the sun appeared they Rule thou in ev'ry land;
0 shaine ! Three times he thus denied rose. Thee we adore.
his faith. Uplift the sad and poor;
Three times he cursed and swore. 0 But hark ! Another sound of rushing When tried, help us endure;
shame! 0 shame! feet; Make our salvation sure
And then he turned and met an answer- And Mary Magdalene appeared and told Forevermore.
ing look Them of an empty tomb, and they went
Of love and sad reproach that pierced forth; Supreme on land and sea,
his heart. But Peter lagged behind, for in his soul Our Prince and glory be,
He felt untrue, and cowardly as well. Our joy and song.
He stumbled forth into the night, but And John, beholding both the napkin and In tempest and in calm,
ah, The shroud, each in its place, believed; Our shield from sin and harm;
No rest for him ! He sought the garden But Peter wondered in his heart and felt Beneath us be thine arm,
dark, Afraid. So kind and strong.
And there he wept and prayed, and then
his way • Back to Jerusalem they went, Thy gospel we receive,
Was straight to Calvary. Behind a rock Thy promises believe.
He watched the jeering crowd, and Back to their room. Again the door was
swung, Thy Word is true.
watched the face And Mary Magdalene appeared with With thee in sweet accord,
That haunted all his hours,— the face of We shed thy light abroad.
Him Come soon with thy reward,
Aglow. "He is alive! he is alive !
He loved. He saw the cruelty of men, Our home make new.
I've seen him with these eyes ! He called
And felt the nails that crushed through
my name! Caney, Kans.
flesh and bone,
sent a message to you all,
And in his side he felt the spear they And he has -4-
thrust And, Peter, one for you." " For me?
For met — ` How many go forth in the morning
Into his Lord. The horror made his That never come home at night;
No, no, it cannot be." " Yes, Peter, one
blood For you. He said, Tell Peter.'" And hearts have broken of harsh
Run cold, and yet he dared not cry aloud. words spoken,
He trembled with the trembling earth, That sorrow can never make right."
and saw Then adown
The sun refuse to shine. 0 day of The stairs again went Peter with a
gloom! bound,
He saw the pallid body of his Lord
Borne from the cross, away, away. He
Oft stumbling, for the tears fell fast,
and he
The Advent Review
That he could gently touch those nail-
Was hastening to his Lord. He sought
the trees,
and Sabbath Herald
pierced hands, The olive trees, within the garden where General Church Paper of
And help in those last acts of tender love, He slept. 0 would he ever sleep again? the Seventh•day Adventists
But he was left alone. Upon the grass he threw himself with
sobs, evoted to the Proclamation of "the Fait))
0 whither now? Where Jesus sweat the drops of blood. which was once delivered unto
His hope was gone, his honor dead. Not He clutched the Saints"
one The ground, and felt a hand within his
Of those with whom he long had walked, own, Issued Each Thursday by the
he knew, And heard the old familiar voice in tones eview and Herald Publishing Association
Would care to grasp his traitor hand. Of tender love, and then he knew his
Ah, no! sins Editor - FRANCIS McLELLAN WILCOX
No place for him, and so he staggered Were washed away. 0 blessed hour ! ,Associate Editors
forth O hour W. A. SPICER G. B. THOMPSON
Into the night; and oh, how long that Of sweet communion with his Lord! He Special Contributors
night! rose A. G. DANIELLS L. R. CONRADI
Gehenna. with its lurid flames, was near, To life anew. All nature echoed but the I. H. EVANS W. T. KNOX
And in his soul he felt the awful woe, voice, W W. PRESCOTT C. M. SNOW
The tortures of the lost, destroyed at last. That voice, the one dear voice in all the
But hark! What sound was that ? A To him,— the voice of Jesus, precious hould ARTMENT, and all manuscripts submitted for publication,
be addressed to EurroatAc DEPARTMENT, Review
figure dark, voice! nd Herald, Takoma Park, Washington, D. C., and NO7
Fleeing .as for life. A swinging rope! 0 ANY INDIVIDUAL.

An awful crash! And then a stillness The years rolled on, and Peter stood, a TERMS: IN ADVANCE
strange rock ne Year $2.00 Six Months $1.06
As death, for Judas lay upon the rocks,— Upon the shore of life, a beacon light Three Months $ .50 -
A traitor, dead, and gruesome in his To many a soul in sin. And when at E No extra postage is charged to countries within the
death. length IyJniversal Postal Union.
And Peter turned and fled, and sought He followed on, e'en to the cross, the Make all Post-Office Money Orders payable at the
the room, hand ASHINGTON, D. C., post-office (not Takoma Park Station)
The upper room, where oft with Jesus he Was still in his. And he awaits the hour ress Money ddress all communications and make all Drafts and Ex
Orders payable to
Had met. With trembling limbs before When he shall hear the word "Arise,"
the door and he akoma Park Station - Washington, D. C.
He stood, and lo, it opened wide. Will rise to meet his Lord with all the
" Come in! saints
Come in! We need you, Peter, here," In all the ages of the past. Amen! [Entered as second-class matter, August 14, 1903, a;
t/Ie post-office at Washington, D. C., under the act of Con.
were words Portland, Maine. dress of March 3,1879.)
" Here is the Patience of the Saints; Here are they that keep the Commandments of God, and the Faith of Jesus." Rev. 14: 12,


War has filled the world today with

EDITORIALS the voice of bitter lamentation. Happi-
ness has fled from a million homes.
Widows, with tear-furrowed faces, stag-
Two Discarded Practices or whether they are spending their time ger under double burdens. Little chil-
in a way to annoy the real worshipers. dren, not knowing what it all means,
MANY aged pilgrims whose hearts still
We believe that just as far as possible reach out their arms for fathers who will
burn with the fervor and enthusiasm of never return. Hearts that were cheer-
old-time religious devotion, deplore the and as the seating arrangement of the ful are now heavy with the somber pall
passing from religious assemblies of the church will permit, families should sit of unassuaged grief.
amen corner and of the family pew. together, and particularly should boys "The frightfulness of it! Hatred has
and girls sit with one or both of their. supplanted brotherly love. Bitterness has
With their sorrow we keenly sympathize. thrust out kindness. Vengeance has put
We do not feel that the old-time amen parents. Much advantage would come to a black blot upon sympathy. Cruelty has
corner as such was a necessary accom- some of our churches by the proper con- slaughtered gentleness. Suffering, an-
paniment of church service, but its pass- sidejation of this question on the part of guish, and woe are the unmerited lot
ing betokens a change in the religious the church officers with the fathers and of millions of innocent men, women, and
mothers. children. Verily we have come to ' a
ardor of church worshipers. The regard day of wrath, a day of trouble and dis-
for present-day proprieties, the fear that tress, a day of wasteness and desolation,
they will be thought eccentric, leads TheICheapness of Human Life a day of darkness and gloominess, a day
many of the children of God to suppress of clouds and thick darkness.' "
IT has been occasion for frequent re-
utterances of praise and appreciation These and similar terrible scenes
mark during the last year that there has
which are really born of the Spirit. The which men experience or read about
been of late a great lessening of moral
result is that many services are attended have had their effect, no doubt; in lead-
responsibility, a deadening of the con-
by a spirit of formality and coldness ing to a cheaper estimate of the value
sciousness of sin. This has been attrib-
quite foreign to the atmosphere of Chris- of human life. When the rulers and
uted to the terrible casualties which have
tian liberty and brotherly love. political bureaucracies of the nations
We should avoid in our services the been witnessed by land and by sea dur-
ing the last two years. We read in sacrifice without hesitation thousands of
spectacular and the sensational. It is men in order to gain some slight or tem-
not necessary by • noisy demonstrations the newspapers of the unprecedented
slaughter which has occurred on the porary advantage over the foe, is it to
to give utterance to religious ardor or be wondered at that in the private walks
enthusiasm, but we believe that every great battle fronts. Reports of the con-
flict tell of whole companies' being dec- of life men hold the lives of their fellows
child of God should feel free to express as of little consequence?
the word of praise, or a hearty amen, imated by artillery fire; of thousands of
corpses strewing the hillside; of thou- But the rapid increase of crime in
during the church service, whenever countries politically at peace shows that
such expression is appropriate. Failing sands of wounded men left on the field
of carnage where they fell, unattended there is a deeper underlying spirit at
in this utterance, it is possible for us to work paralyzing the moral consciousness
quench the promptings of the Spirit. and exposed to rain and snow till death
mercifully brings an end to their suf- of mankind. More than eight thousand
Similarly the discarded family pew in- murders were committed in the United
dicates the changed conditions of family fering.
Nor does the picture of suffering end States during ,1913. The low estimate
and religious life at the present time. placed upon human life by some of the
We find that for the most part families with the burial of the dead on the field'
of battle. Every nation has a rapidly thugs of society is a startling commen-
represented in our church membership tary upon our present-day civilization.
occupy no regular place in the church increasing army of maimed and crippled,
who, during the remainder of their lives, Recently a woman in the Middle West
house. Too often thi€ family is broken who desired to secure revenge upon an
will keep fresh in the minds of men the
up, the father and mother seated by offending neighbor, hired an assassin for
horrors of this awful conflict. Regard-
themselves, while the children, left with- the sum of five dollars to waylay him and
ing this the Boston Post says: —
out proper supervision, occupy seats in accomplish his destruction. The Wash-
the rear or in the gallery, with their " It is with this ever-increasing popu- ington Post of March 8 tells of an in-
young companions. - Under these condi- lation of cripples, of the maimed and
helpless, that the warring nations have dictment for murder which has just been
tions children receive very little good to deal. The field of industry there has returned against a gang of men in New
from the church service, and too often lost hundreds of thousands of its com- York who were employed by a shirt
spend the time whispering and laughing, petent workers; some of them return makers' union to " beat up and kill strike
giving annoyance to those who desire to blind, some with loss of the hands trained breakers." One of the quartet admit-
engage in worship. We feel that there to delicate mechanical operations, some
without legs upon which to stand at the ted that he had agreed " to shoot any
is great remissness on the part of some work table. What is to be the future of one desired for one dollar."
parents in the Seventh-day Adventist these men? Already the appeal goes out That there exist in many large cities
Church with reference to this matter. for world benevolence in aid of their sup- organizations for the purpose of aiding
Parents should know what their children port."
and abetting crime, and of furnishing
are doing during the church service. They The editor of the Christian Advocate men to commit crime for others, has long
should know whether they are giving speaks of the present world suffering, in been recognized. The extent to which
respectful attention to the word spoken, the following striking language: this system has been perfected is indeed

significant, and shows something of the prove a shield, our rock of defense, our serve that he keeps on smoking; and he
great undercurrents which exist in the strong tower into which we may run and will continue to smoke until he reaches
world at the present time. Two years be safe. the point in his experience where he
ago, in 1914, The Macmillan Company, The Lord declares that his angels are really quits this dirty habit. When he
of New York, issued a book, " Violence " ministering spirits, sent forth to do says, " I quit now," instead of, "I am
and the Labor Movement," by Mr. Rob- service for the sake of them that shall going to quit," then God will give him
ert Hunter. This author is responsible inherit salvation; " and the divine prom- continual and complete deliverance.
for the following statement of the work- ise is, " The angel of the Lord encamp- A man can go to perdition and all the
ings of this criminal system. We quote eth round about them that fear him, and time be resolving to quit this or that
his remarks from the Literary Digest of delivereth them." In these days of peril, wrong thing. Going to quit looks toward
April 5, 1914: — — peril by disease, peril by accident, some time in the future. This will not
" You have only to call on the tele- peril by the sword, peril from evil men, suffice. The thing to do is to stop now.
phone any one of hundreds of ' detective ' peril from the elements,— our only ref- Here is a man who is continually crit-
agencies to obtain an assassin of the uge is in God. We are not safe a single icizing his brethren. He is full of all
very choicest brand. You should not, moment, sleeping or waking, outside of ['kinds of envy, jealousy, and evil sur-
of course, ask for a thief or a pickpocket his protecting care. How close we need I misings. The Spirit convicts him, and
or a murderer. You should ask for an
operator or a special officer or a private to keep to him ! How free we need to he feels that this wicked thing must be
detective. But, no matter what you ask keep ourselves from the contamination gotten rid of. He says, " I know this is
for, you will get a man carefully selected of sin, that we may claim the protection 1, a wrong thing, and I am going to quit
for his skill in criminal work. You will of his Holy Spirit! In 'that protection = it." Very good; but when are you going
obtain a man who can shoot straight, an
agent who needs no troublesome expla- we may trust and not be afraid. In that to quit? Why not quit now? Instead of
nations or detailed instructions. He will blessed companionship we may walk . saying, " I am going to quit," why not
be an understanding person, who will through danger and darkness with con-f say, " The thing is wrong, and by the
comprehend very easily and quickly the fidence and abiding joy. F. M. W. . grace of God I quit it forever," then by
nature of the work to be done. Trained faith lay hold of the power of God to
in the ways of the underworld, the ' de- give you daily and continual victory over
tective ' will undertake to see that the I am Going to Quit
patron is successful in whatever mischief the wicked thing?
he wants done. He will steal the corre- FREQUENTLY I hear people say they Take impatience. More people confess
spondence of a business rival, bribe his are going to quit this or that wrong defeat on this point apparently than on
clerks, burn his factories, or incite a habit. But it is not enough to be con- any other. Some confess this same sin
strike among his employees. He will
dynamite his works, slug him or any one tinually going to quit. The thing to do over and over again. At camp meetings
else, and, in case court work is necessary, is to quit. So long as a man is just going or other gatherings, the Spirit convicts
he will obtain enough perjured evidence to stop sinning, he hasn't stopped. The them, and we hear them say, "I am
to accomplish almost any purpose what- thing to do is to stop. going home from this meeting and stop
ever. There is, in fact, hardly any con- Here is a man addicted to strong drink. being cross and impatient in my home."
ceivable crime that the mercenaries sup-
plied by the American maffia are not He feels his need of deliverance from Going home to quit! How long do you
capable of committing. And, most im- this terrible appetite, and he says, " I am plan to be at home before you quit? a
portant of all, no matter what the agents going to quit." But he goes on drinking. week? a month? a year? But why do
do, it is understood that they will be So long as he is only going to quit, he you wait? Why not quit now? Why
fully cared for by the maffia, and pro-
tected all along the line by its able at- has not stopped, and he will keep on not quit before you go home? Stop to-
torneys. This American maffia has its getting drunk. Going to quit is not suf- day, and go home a patient man. There
agents in every city and town in the ficient. What this old toper needs to do [ is as much power to conquer your snappy
country." is to quit; and having quit, stay quit. Viand impatient spirit now as any time;
The report of the United Press as pub- Then he will be a sober man. you can have the victory this very hour,
!ished in the Post of March 9, tells of
the precautions which have been taken
by the millionaires of New York to pro-
tect their own lives and the lives of their
Another man uses profane language. as well as when you get home.
He feels condemned for this wicked The reason we do not gain more vic-
habit. He says, " This is not right, and tories is because we continually plan to
I am going to quit." But when? Now, stop at some other time, some other

wives and children against assassins and or later? So long as he is merely going place, or under some other circum-
bomb throwers. It is claimed that some to stop swearing, he will keep on using stances. This procrastination, putting
of the leading capitalists of that city are the name of God in vain. What he needs the matter off, suits the enemy well. He
paying out thousands of dollars for de- to do is to quit. Then he is delivered ; does not care what we are going to do
tective services in safeguarding their and if he stays quit, he will not take the some time in the future; it is deciding
property and the lives of their families. name of God in vain any more. to do it now, accepting the promise and
Surely these are evil days into which we A brother some time ago was talking claiming a present victory, that he fears.
are coming,— times, as expressed by the with a man who said, " I believe I could Nlany expect somehow to gain the vic-
prophet, when men's " feet run to evil, be a Christian if I could only quit !tor over every sin sometime before the
and they make haste to shed innocent swearing." This brother said, " I have coming of the Lord. But how? There
blood: their thoughts are thoughts of in- t
been talking with you for two hours, and will be no more power in the future than
iquity; wasting and destruction are in you have not sworn once. You have `there is now. If you ever gain the vic-
their paths." quit; all you need to do is to stay quit." tory, you will have to come to the place
When for a small pittance a hired To those who, cost what it will, quit any [where you surrender the will wholly to
assassin can be secured to take the life wrong habit, the Lord promises strength 1God and stop the sin. Then why not
of his fellow men, where shall safety continually, day by day, to conquer the [stop now?
be sought? With the spirit now taking
possession of the hearts of men, it can-
not be found even under the most stable
government. In the times before us, as
habit and stop committing sin. But you say, " I can't stop." By faith
Here is a man who uses tobacco. He a man can quit any sin that he wants to
wishes to be delivered from the filthy, quit, and quit when he wants to do so.
unclean habit. He says, " I am going 1Cannot God give a man victory over the

iniquity shall increase, our only refuge to quit." Good! But when? Today ? [tobacco habit, over pride, over passion,
will be found in God. He alone will this month? the next? when? We ob- 'over impatience, over any sin? — Cer-

tainly I But when? Cannot the Lord This lifting of sinful man to an equal- At a discouraging time in the history
give us the victory now just as well as ity with the angels, at least in the posses- of Israel, an angel appeared to Gideon,
next year? We limit God's power by sion of life and immortality, is an illus- bringing the message, " The Lord is with
our unbelief. tration of the gospel principle, " Where thee," and calling him to the work of de-
The way to have victory is to claim it sin abounded, grace did much more livering his people. Judges 6.
by faith now; to resolve in the name of abound." Rom. 5: zo. But the declara- As Daniel's prayer reached heaven,
God that we are done with that sin which tion of equality with angels is a denial of even while he still prayed, the angel
has conquered us again and again. identity with angels. Angels existed be- Gabriel, " being caused to fly swiftly,"
When we say, " Here and now I quit," fore man, and redeemed man will still touched him, and said,—
that moment we are victors; and mo- be man, distinct from the angelic order, " 0 Daniel, I am now come forth to
ment by moment the Lord is able to give though the associate of angels in the give thee skill and understanding. At
the victory, day after day, week after service of God. the beginning of thy supplications the
commandment came forth, and I am
week, month after month, year after Attendants at the Throne of God come to show thee." Dan. 9:21-23.
year, till the end of life, or till the com- When the prophet Isaiah was given a So close is the communication between
ing of the Lord. view of the heavenly temple, he saw heaven and earth.
Righteousness by faith claims victory different orders of angels attending the The gladdest tidings ever brought
over sin now. Victory over sin is not a throne of God:— from heaven to earth since the promise
question of feeling, but of faith. Faith "I saw also the Lord sitting upon a of the Deliverer to Adam in Eden, was
is the victory. When we believe, the vic- throne, high and lifted up, and his train brought by angels to the shepherds of
tory is ours, a present, living reality. filled the temple. Above it stood the
seraphim: each one had six wings; with Bethlehem. One angel appeared first,
G. B. T. saying,—
twain he covered his face, and with
twain he covered his feet, and with twain " I bring you glad tidings of great
Angels: Their Ministry he did fly. And one cried unto another, joy. . . . For unto you is born this day
and said, Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord in the city of David a Saviour, which
THE one verse of Scripture which, of hosts." Isa. 6: 1-3. is Christ the Lord."
perhaps, most comprehensively sums up Ezekiel beheld them in glory, attend- Such tidings to earth could never be
the ministry of the angels of God, is ing the moving throne of the Almighty. the mission of one sole angel, when all
this:— "And the living creatures ran and re- heaven longed to cry the news to a lost
"Are they not all ministering spirits, turned as the appearance of a flash of world.
sent forth to minister for them who shall lightning." Eze. I : 14.
be heirs of salvation? " Heb. I: 14. " And suddenly there was with the
Daniel beheld the angelic host gath- angel a multitude of the heavenly host
This scripture shows us how truly all ered in the most holy of the temple praising God, and saying, Glory to God
heaven is engaged in working• for the above, as the time came for the opening in the highest, and on earth peace, good
salvation of this poor world, which has of the work of the investigative judg- will toward men." Luke 2: 13, 14.
wandered from the fold of God's uni- ment, the cleansing of the sanctuary. Unseen in Halls of Governments.
verse. It will surely be a time of rejoic- As the throne of God was set for this One incident related in the book of
ing among all the angelic host when final work of Christ's ministry, the Daniel draws aside the curtain, and
Christ, the Good Shepherd, brings back prophet says: -- shows how angels doubtless often have
this lost world, cleansed from sin, once
" Thousand thousands ministered unto worked unseen in kingly courts or halls
more to the fold of God's perfect crea- him, and ten thousand times ten thousand of legislation. Daniel had prayed for
tion. stood before him: the judgment was set, three weeks for light in certain matters
The angels rejoiced when this world and the books were opened." Dan. 7.: to.
that the angel Gabriel had begun to un-
was created. The Lord said to Job: — Appropriately enough, the angels are fold to him. When at last the angel
" Where wast thou when I laid the associated with the opening of the books came, overpowering the prophet with
foundations of the earth? . . . when the of judgment; for they have been the the glory of his presence, it was never-
morning stars sang together, and all the scribes recording the words and deeds
sons of God shouted for joy?" Job theless with a statement of the reason
and lives of men in the books above. for the delay in responding to his prayer.
38: 4, 7.
God's Messengers The angel said: —
Before ever this world was created or
The word " angel " means messenger. " From the first day that thou didst set
man upon it, the angels had been created
To and fro these angelic messengers thine heart to understand, and to chasten
by the eternal Son, in whom all things
have gone in the service of their Creator. thyself before thy God, thy words were
consist. For angels are not redeemed heard, and I am come for thy words.
A view of their ever-watchful service is
men, neither do the redeemed in the But the prince of the kingdom of Persia
given in the words of the psalmist: —
world to come ever become angels. An- withstood me one and twenty days: but,
gels are a different order of beings from " Bless the Lord, ye his angels, that lo, Michael, one of the chief princes,
excel in strength, that do his command- came to help me; and I remained there
men, of a higher order in creation. The ments, hearkening unto the voice of his with the kings of Persia. Now I am
psalmist says: — word." Ps. Io3: 20. come to make thee understand what shall
" What is man, that thou art mindful Bearers of Tidings. befall thy people in the latter days."
of him? and the son of man, that thou Dan. 1o: 12-14.
They visited Abraham's tent with
visitest him? For thou hast made him Messengers of Deliverance.
a little lower than the angels, and hast warning of Sodom's overthrow. Gen-
crowned him with glory and honor." Ps. esis 18. The story of deliverance wrought by
8: 4, 5. They visited Lot in the city, and urged angels is too long to tell. One need only
In the life to come, by the wondrous him to get his family out. Genesis 19. think of the angels taking slow-moving
power of Christ's transforming grace, As Jacob, in fear but repentance, was Lot by the arms and setting him out of
redeemed men are to be made equal to about to meet Esau, whom he had de- Sodom (Genesis 19) ; of the angel find-
the angels, as Christ stated,— ceived, " the angels of God met him." ing Elijah under a bush in the desert,
Genesis 32. " This is God's host," he and first baking a cake for the hungry
" Neither can they die any more: for
they are equal unto the angels; and the said, and he knew that the God of Abra- man before speaking the word to his
children of God, being the children of ham and Isaac, and his God, also, had discouraged heart (t Kings 19) ; of
the resurrection." Luke 20: 36. not forsaken him. Elisha praying that the young man's eyes

might be opened to see that there were heirs of salvation through all the ages, pedia Britannica concerning the recent
more angels with them round about than know where they are, and they know spread of the disease to " divers places :"
all the Syrians encamped against them: how to gather them, with their loved " Taking up the story at the point
" And the Lord opened the eyes of the ones, to meet the Lord. where the earlier historical summary
young man; and he saw': and, behold, the The angels who rejoiced when the leaves off, we get the following list of
mountain was full of horses and chariots Lord laid the foundations of the earth, countries in which plague is known to
of fire round about Elisha." 2 Kings have been present in each year (see
who mourned when man fell, who have Local Government Board's Reports)
6: 17. all along been working with Christ, their 1880, Mesopotamia; 1881, Mesopotamia,
Angels shut the mouths of the lions leader, to rescue the lost, will yet rejoicePersia, and China; 1882, Persia and
when Daniel was cast into their den. when the Lord brings home his own. China; 1883, China; 1884, China and In-
Daniel 6. An angel smote off Peter's dia (as mahamari) ; 1885, Persia; 1886,
What a day will that be in heaven! 1887, 1888, India (as mahamari) ; 1889,
irons in the prison at Jerusalem, opened W. A. S. Arabia, Persia, and China; 1890, Arabia,
the doors, and led him forth. Acts 12. Persia, and China; 1891, Arabia, China,
Amid the dashing spray sweeping over Signs of Christ's Corning - No. 4 and India (as mahamari) ; 1892, Meso-
the foundering ship in the Adriatic, Paul potamia, Persia, China, Russia (in Cen-
Signs on the Earth tral Asia) ; 1893, Arabia, China, Russia,
the apostle bade the despairing crew be
of good courage, " for there stood by me Otra Saviour spoke not only of signs and India (as mahamari) ; 1894, Arabia,
this night the angel of God, whose I am, in the heavens, but also of signs that China, and India (as mahamari) ; 1895,
Arabia and China; 1896, Arabia, Asia
and whom I serve, saying, Fear not." would appear on the earth, saying, Minor, China, Japan, Russia, and India i
Acts 27: 23, 24. " There shall be famines, and pesti- (Bombay) ; 1897, Arabia, China, Japan,
All through the ages, the angels of lences, and earthquakes, in divers India, Russia, and East Africa; 1898,
places." Matt. 24: 7. Arabia, Persia, China, Japan, Russia,
God have been standing by. Daniel, and
Peter, and Paul are dead; but the angels Space would fail us to describe all East Africa, Madagascar, and Vienna;
1899, Arabia, Persia, China, Japan,
still live. " They are all ministering the great famines which have come upon Mesopotamia, East Africa, West Africa,
spirits, sent forth to minister for them the earth. The Encyclopedia Britan- Philippine Islands, Straits Settlements.
who shall be heirs of salvation." Heb. nica, in its list of the great famines, Madagascar, Mauritius, Reunion, Egypt,
r gives one in the seventh century, one in European Russia, Portugal, Sandwich
Islands, New Caledonia, Paraguay, Ar-
Guardian Angels the ninth, one in the tenth, five in the gentina, Brazil; 1900, to the foregoing
That means that every child of God eleventh, two in the twelfth (one uni- should be added Turkey, Australia, Cal-
is under the guardianship of the angels. versal famine in 1162), two in the ifornia, Mexico, and Glasgow; in 1901,
The angel' of the Lord encampeth fourteenth, one in the sixteenth, one in South Africa; and in 1902, Russia,
round about them that fear him, and the seventeenth, three in the eighteenth chiefly at Odessa. This list is probably
by no means exhaustive, but it sufficiently
delivereth them." Ps. 34: 7. (the last of the three, which was in indicates in a summary fashion the ex-
Thank God, we are never left alone. 1790-92, is said to have been one of the tent of that wave of diffusion which set
Every child of God has a guardian an- severest ever known), and twelve in the in during the closing years of the nine-
gel commissioned by the loving Father nineteenth century. We quote the full teenth century."
to watch over him. Christ said: - list of these last twelve:-- The table given by the same ency-
A. D. clopedia concerning recent deaths by
" Take heed that ye despise not one of
these little ones; for I say unto you, That 1838. Intense famine in Northwest plague in India is significant: -
in heaven their angels do always behold Provinces (United Provinces) of In-
Bengal Bombay All •
the face of my Father which is in heav- dia; 800,000 perished. Year Presidency Presidency India
en." Matt. 18: To. 1846-47. Famine in Ireland, due to the 1896 2,219 2,219
failure of the potato crop. Grants 1897 47,710
This does not mean that trials never were made by Parliament amounting 1898 47,974
219 86,191 89,265
will come, or troubles. In the midst of to £1. 0,000,000. 1899 3,264 96,592
1861. Famine in northwest India. 102,369
the trial, the angel of the Lord will stand 1900 38,412 33,196 73,576
by to strengthen and to bring help from 1866. Famine in Bengal and Orissa; 1901 78,629 128,259
1,000,000 perished. 236,433
the God of all comfort. It was in the 1902 32,967 184,752 452,655
1869. Intense famine in Rajputana; 1903 65,680 281,269
midst of the fiery furnace that the " form 50o,000 perished. The government in- 1904 684,445
itiated the policy of saving life. 75,438 223,957 938,010
of the Fourth " appeared, walking with 1905 126,084 71,363
1874. Famine in Behar, India. Govern- 1906 940,821
the three Hebrew children - Jesus him- 59,619 51,525 300,355
self treading the fiery way with them. ment relief in excess' of the needs of
the people. The property loss through earthquakes
And when Jesus, in the days of his flesh, 1876-78. Famine in Bombay, Madras, runs into untold millions of dollars.
was sinking under the crushing burden and Mysore; 5,000,000 perished. Re- Some conception of the loss of life may
in Gethsemane, " there appeared an angel lief insufficient.
unto him from heaven, strengthening 1877-78. Severe famine in North China; be gained from the following table of
9,500,000 said to have perished. the " Great Earthquakes of History,"
1887-89. Famine in China. given in Nelson's Encyclopedia:
Our Saviour, who knows the comfort- 1891-92. Famine in Russia.
Year Place Lives lost
ing power of angel ministry, is the Cap- 1897. Famine. in India. Government
tain of the heavenly host, and has com- . policy of saving life successful. Man- 1038 China 25,000
sion House Fund, £550,000. 1057 China 25,000
missioned them all as ministering spirits
1899-1901. Famine in India; 1,0oo,000 1169 Sicily 15,000
to the heirs of salvation. people perished. Estimated loss to 1268 Cilicia 6o,000
When he comes in glory for his people, India, 150,000,000. The government 1290 ( ?) Peking 00,000
he will have " all the holy angels with spent £10,000,000 on relief, arid at one 1293 Japan 30,000
him." As the voice of Jesus awakens time there were 4,500,000 people on 1531 Lisbon 30,000
the relief works. 1556 China 500,000
his sleeping saints and they rise immor•- 1622 China 20,000
tal from the opened graves,- The plague has brought death to un- 1692 Jamaica 3,000
The shall send his angels, . . • and told thousands, and it would be too long 1693 Sicily 6o,000
they shall gather together his elect from a list even to enumerate the occurrences 1703 Yeddo (Japan) 200,000
the four winds, from one end of heaven of the disease in the years since Christ 1724 Lima 18,000
to the other." Matt. 24: 31. 1731 Peking 100,000
spoke his prophetic words. We can only 1737
India 150,000
The angels who have watched over the quote a paragraph from the Encyclo- 1 755 Lisbon 50,000

Year Place 'Lives lost call special attention to the masses in message was printed in No. 3 of the
1755 Northern Persia 40,00o the Atlantic coast States. A number Testimonies, issued in 1856, one year
1783 Messina, Calabria 60,00o of cities were mentioned — New York, after the removal to Battle Creek, Mich.
1 797 Quito 41,000
1812 Caracas 12,00o Boston, Philadelphia, Washington, Port- It is entitled " The East and the West,"
1822 Aleppo 22,00o land, and others. We were urged most and it may be read now with deep in-
1828 Japan 30,000 earnestly to make special efforts to pro- terest. I quote a portion:—
1851 Italy 19,000 claim our message to the people of these " DEAR BRETHREN : The Lord has
1857 Calabria 12,000
cities, and were encouraged to look for shown me in vision some things in re-
1860 Mendoza 12,000
1868 results. gard to the East and the West, which
Peru-Ecuador 25,000
1875 A special appeal was made in behalf I feel it my duty to set before you. I
Colombia-Venezuela 5,000
saw that God has been opening the way
[880 Manila 3,000 of 'the people in the State of Maine. for the spread of present truth in the
1883 Krakatoa 35,000 Portland, Maine, as we all know, held West. It requires much more power
1886 Charleston 27
a prominent place in the beginning of to move the people in the East than in
1888 China 5,000
the great advent movement. Bedford, the West, and at present but very little
1891 Japan 7,000
can be accomplished in the East. Spe-
1892 Peru 25,000 Mass., where Joseph Bates first saw the cial efforts should be made at the present
1896 Japan 26,000 Sabbath truth and gave it to James time where most good will result. The
1897 Assam 1,500
people in the East have heard the proc-
1905 Kangra 15,000 White and his wife, is the other starting
point of our work. William Miller, lamation of the second coming of Christ,
1906 San Francisco 500
and have seen much of the display of
1906 Valparaiso 1,000 Josiah Litch, Joshua V. Himes, and the power of God, and have fallen back
1907 Jamaica 1,000 others preached the first angels message into a state of indifference and security,
1907 Turkestan 14,000
where it is almost impossible to reach
in Portland, and met with strong oppo-
1908 Messina-Reggio ( ?) 150,000 them at present. After uncommon ef-
1910 Costa Rica 1,500 sition. It was here that God chose in-
dividuals who were to be leaders in forts are made in the East, with the best
1911 Turkestan 200
gifts, but very little is accomplished,
1911 Luzon 1,500 the great movement he was setting on . . . I saw that tenfold more has been
1912 Turkey 3,000 foot. James White was called to the accomplished in the West than in the
1912 Mexico 1,300 East with the same effort, and. that ,the
work while here. It was here that Sis-
1915 Italy 30,000
way is opening for still greater success.
ter Ellen G. White was chosen and or-
As we notice the many places af- I have seen that much can be done at
dained of God for a great work. J. N. present in Wisconsin, and still more in
fected, we cannot but be struck with the
Andrews, another strong leader, re- Illinois, and that efforts to spread the
exact fulfilment of the Saviour's words, truth must be made in Minnesota and
ceived his call at Paris, near the city of
'` There shall be . . . earthquakes, in Iowa. [We had not gone out that far
divers places." These calamities, which then.] It will take effect in many
With the disappointment that attended hearts there. There was a large, very
seem to be increasing in frequency,
the first angel's message, there came in- large, field of labor spread out before
should serve to turn our minds with
creased opposition. This was strong at me in vision which has not yet been en-
greater longing to the time of our Sav- tered; but there is not self-sacrificing
Portland, and was accompanied by great
iour's return, which is now near, even at help enough to fill half the places where
prej udice.
the doors. While, as foretold in the the people are all ready to hear the
The people of Maine are of the con- truth, and many to receive it. . . .
Scriptures, men's hearts are " failing
servative New England type. They are " I saw that special efforts should be
them for fear, and for looking after made in the West with tents [we had
a good class of solid, substantial people,
those things which are coming on the not started tent meetings in those days];
but are not easily moved from their old
earth," we may renew our courage and for the angels of God are preparing
ground. Our cause has made but little minds there to receive the truth. This
trust in the speedy fulfilment of Christ's
headway in that field since the early is why, God has moved on some in the
promise, "I will come again."
days of its beginning. While large, East to move to the West. Their gifts
L. L. C. can accomplish more in the West than
prosperous conferences have been raised
up in the Western States, the work has in the East. The burden of the work
Developments of Our Work in is in the West, and it is of the greatest
almost stood still in Maine. importance that the servants of God
the Eastern States Owing to the natural conservatism should move in his opening providences.
OF late our brethren in the eastern and the deep prejudice of the people in " I saw that when the message shall
part of the United States have been Maine and the other Eastern States, the increase greatly in power, then the prov-
idence of God will open and prepare
meeting with great encouragement in pioneers in our cause were led, through the way in the East for much more to
their efforts to advance the cause of the Spirit of prophecy, toward the West- be accomplished than can be at the pres-
God. Never in my experience had I ern States. In 1855 what then repre- ent time. God will then send some of
witnessed such a desire on the part of sented our printing work and headquar- his servants in power to visit places
the public to hear the message we are where little or nothing can now be done.
ters were moved to Battle Creek, Mich.
and some who are now indifferent, will
proclaiming to the world. We are This was a great trial to our brethren in be aroused, and will take hold of the
deeply impressed that we are entering the East. There were but few believers truth."
upon a new experience in our work •in west of the Ohio River, and to those There is significant meaning in these
behalf of the masses in the cities. who were left in the East it seemed a statements, and in view of what we can
As inquiries are coming to me from long distance to the new headquarters. now see being accomplished we are bet-
many of our people' who are deeply in- It appeared to these brethren as if the ter able to understand the promise of
terested in these developments, and as leaders were deserting them. There the Lord. Sixty years ago it was stated
I believe they have a meaning of great was not much to the work by way of that God would in his providence open
importance to our cause at this time, I material evidence, and as the little print- and prepare the way for the preaching
have decided to make a rather extended ing plant was taken away and those who of the message in the East, and that peo-
statement regarding the situation. were strong in leadership moved West, ple would be aroused to accept the truth.
Our people, will recall the many very discouragement came to those who re- where, in the early days, it was almost
earnest messages in behalf of the cities mained. impossible to arrest their attention or
that came to us through the Spirit of It was in this time of trial that the get them to listen to the message.
prophecy during the last years of Sister Lord gave Sister White a message for In the meantime the work was to be
White's active life. These messages these people, to cheer their hearts. This rapidly developed in the West. Tent

meetings were to be held, and strong

constituencies built up. This has been
fulfilled. Our work has extended over
all the United States and into western
Canada. It has become strong on the
Pacific Coast. How wonderfully the
Lord has fulfilled the message foretell-
ing all this! And now he is adding
Vesper Hour Parents, you have occasion for serious
further witness to the truth of that early
alarm. You should surround every mem-
message by greatly blessing the labors WORTHIE HARRIS HOLDEN
_ ber of your family with as pure an
of his messengers and people in the 'I'm vesper hour. The day is almost atmosphere as possible. Choose pure-
Eastern States. done; !
minded companions for your children.
Of this we shall speak more fully next Though dark and threatening clouds ob- Guard their dress as well as every other
A. G. DANIELLS. scure the sun, avenue by which temptation may reach
week. The chimes ring out,— events both far them. Remember that it is usually in
and near,—
Entreating us to pause and worship here. early youth that the seeds of impurity are
-•-• "4". .-.111-

sown, and when once they find root in

Growing Prohibition Sentiment But see the grain still standing! Can it the young heart, a rapid growth ensues.
IT is claimed that there are 840 news- It must be garnered, and the hour is late! The family and the church should unite
papers in the United States, published in combating every evil, impure influ-
in the English language, which decline O soul, forget not that thy Lord and ence.
to accept the advertising of alcoholic thee
Can vanquish thousands where but one
liquors. This is an increase from 520 would flee. " Hold to the Affirmative "
newspapers which abstained from liquor Too few the workers and too great the MARY STUART
advertising in 1915. In several States, need
WHAT does it mean to hold to the af-
namely, Washington, Oklahoma, Ore- To gather those for whom the Christ firmative? How can one do it when
did bleed.
gon, West Virginia, North Dakota, Col- Claim thou thy unction from the throne opponents are to be met? Does it mean
orado, and Maine, laws are in operation on high! that one should never state errors, not
which prohibit liquor advertising, and Man hath wrought marvels when his even in order to refute them?
similar laws will soon go into effect in God was nigh. These are some of the queries that
the States of Georgia, South Carolina, Portland, Oregon. rmay arise in the mind when one reads a
Virginia, and Mississippi. There are statement like this: " Hold to the affirm-
between sixty and seventy current mag- ative. . . . Dwell not on the negative
Effects of Present Fashions onl [points of questions that arise, but gather
azines, weekly and monthly, which re-
the Morals to your minds affirmative truths, and
fuse to admit liquor advertisements into
fasten them there by much study and
their columns, and it is claimed that earnest prayer and heart consecration."
every woman's magazine published in THE morals of society are being un- —" Testimonies for the Church," Vol.
this country takes this stand. dermined by the shameful fashions that IX, pp. 147, 148.
In Canada the question of prohibition prevail at the present time. Thousands I have heard ministers of the gospel,
is attracting much attention. Recently of women attire themselves in these im- even our own ministers, in the pulpit tell
20,000 men and women with banners, modest garments without the slightest the most ridiculous stories,— the deduc-
idea that they are sowing seed that will [ dons of evolution; the vagaries of
brass bands, etc., marched to the parlia-
produce a harvest of pain and unspeak- Theosophy, Christian Science, or New
ment buildings in Toronto, carrying a
able regret. Indecent fashions allure Thought; the theories of geology and
petition with 800,000 names requesting millions to irretrievable ruin. In our
higher criticism,-- stories that many in
legislation which will make Ontario dry. cities, mothers and daughters, shamefully
the audience would never otherwise have
In British Columbia the premier has attired, walk the streets side by side; heard, stories that were so absurd that
agreed to submit a referendum on the while evil-minded men, "with eyes full they could not help but create a laugh,
liquor question to the people before June of adultery," feast upon their immodestly their very absurdity helping to fix them
I. In other parts of the Dominion the clad forms. Temptation openly flaunted in the memory.
question of prohibition is making steady in the face of such will eventually lead And it is not only persons of mature
progress, although in some provinces, to open assault. The evil desires of base mind and judgment who listen to these
men, inflamed by these needless tempta- Stales, but youth with plastic minds and
like Saskatchewan, it has received the
tions, increase more and more, until immature judgment, who find it difficult
organized opposition of the liquor in- finally the brute nature seizes control of
to understand even the simpler principles
terests. the man, and the fashionably dressed H of Christian living.
Let the good work go on until every woman becomes the victim of the crim- This is where one of the greatest evils
country shall be free from the curse of inal. Hof restating errors comes in—their in-
this body- and soul-destroying enemy of The influence for evil would not be fluence on the young. Such stories stick
mankind. so great were these fashions confined to in the memory, even against the will, and
-6- -6-
the world, but they have entered the sometime in the future they may be used
church. At the present time some who by the enemy as a net to catch the souls
" OrrrimEs our rarest visions of Him participate in the worship of God dress E of our youth, and drag them down to
come in hours of deep trial and sorrow. little differently than unbelievers. Often ruin. Stories that seem to us so ridic-
He answers our great needs in a great the one who presides at the organ, the ulous that no one could believe them,
and adequate way. The rainbows play members of the choir, and those in the may strike the fancy of some one in the
pews are attired in almost full harmony audience, even as they have seemed true
on falling rain, and our brightest halos
with worldlings. It is difficult to see how :to those who seriously promulgated them,
glow about the Master as we see him
the worship offered under these condi- and that person may be lost in conse-
through falling tears. There's many an- tions can arise as sweet incense to God.
quence. Another may be led to doubt
other garden besides that of Bethany, Is not a baleful influence often exercised the truth of the Bible, should temptation
where he has wept in sympathy with his upon the youth, even in the house of come in some subtle form, such as Satan
friends." worship? knows so well how to use.
" If Christ had not held to the affirm- offered the fruit of the tree of life. shined in our hearts, to give the light of
ative in the wilderness of temptation, he They found every avenue closed, except the knowledge of the glory of God in
would have lost all that he desired to the narrow way that leads to God. Every the face of Jesus Christ." 2 Cor. 4:6.
gain. Christ's way is the best way to fountain was sealed, save the fountain God has set his remnant church as his
meet our opponents. We strengthen of eternal life."—"Testimonies for the lighthouse upon the shore of time, to
their arguments when we repeat what Church," Vol. VIII, p. 310. warn the storm-tossed mariner who is
they say. Keep always to the affirm- -4- -. -4- trying to make the harbor of eternal rest
ative."— Id., p. 148. and safety, of the dangerous rocks and
"It has been a great error to publish A Song of Cheer reefs of sin and destruction. How use-
to all the arguments wherewith oppo- ELIZABETH WHEELER less the lighthouse, even though costing
nents battle against the truth of God; for HOPEon! though clouds hang darkly, many thousands of dollars, unless the
in so doing minds of every class are fur- With silver they are lined; light is kept burning to warn the mar-
nished with arguments which many of Though lightnings flash and thunders iner of dangers as he nears port. " That
them had never thought of. Some one crash, ye may be blameless and harmless, the
must render an account for this unwise God's voice is in the wind. sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst
generalship. of a crooked and perverse nation, among
Trust on! though danger threaten
" Arguments against the sacred truth, Around, on every side, whom ye shine as lights in the world;
subtle in their influence, affect minds Though tempest-tossed, and all seems holding forth the word of life." Phil.
that are not well informed in regard to lost, 2: 15, 16.
the strength of the truth. The moral His hand will stay the tide. The prophet, looking forward to the
sensibilities of the community at large time when " the sinners in Zion are
are blunted by familiarity with sin, . . . Pray on ! the cross is heavy; afraid," and " fearfulness hath surprised
so that God's truth is not discerned. We fain would lay it down;
But He who led the path we tread, the hypocrites," asks this solemn ques-
" In giving publicity to the erroneous Has said, " No cross, no crown." tion, " Who among us shall dwell with
arguments of our opponents, truth and devouring fire? who among us shall dwell

• error are placed upon a level in 'the

minds of the people, when, if they could
have the truth before them in its clear-
ness long enough to see and realize its
sacredness and importance, they would
Love on! the morn is breaking;
The long, dark night is o'er;
Heaven's gate thrown wide, there's joy
And peace forevermore.
with everlasting burnings? " Then he
answers the question in these words:
" He that walketh righteously, and
speaketh uprightly ; he that despiseth the
gain of oppressions, that shaketh his
be convinced of the strong arguments in Waukesha, Wis. hands from holding of bribes, that stop-
its favor, and would then be prepared to -4- -4- peth his ears from hearing of blood, and
meet the arguments urged by opposers." The Light of the World — No. 4 shutteth his eyes from seeing evil; he
—"Gospel Workers," pp. 379, 380. shall dwell on high: his place of defense
No, it is not always necessary to state A. T. ROBINSON shall be the munitions of rocks: bread
a false position in order to refute it. THE world is once more in perishing shall be given him; his waters shall be
Keep stating the truth, and the truth will need of a rekindling of the light of life. sure. Thine eyes shall see the king in
expose the error every time. Do not put In these days, when this old world is his beauty." Isa. 33: 14-17.
into the minds of our youth deadly weap- groping upon the very border of the land This closing message of the gospel is
ons which may be turned to pierce their of the shadow of death and destruction, destined to prepare a people to live and
own hearts and yours. the prophet declares, " The people that rejoice amid the glories of the second
In a powerful sermon on the Bible, walked in darkness have seen a great advent, when all the wicked will "be de-
the Rev. C. H. Spurgeon, London's noted light: they that dwell in the land of the stroyed by the brightness of his coming."
divine, sounds a strong note of warning shadow of death, upon them hath the Jesus, when he comes, will present to
on this point:— light shined." Isa. 9: 2. himself " a glorious church, not having
" There is never any necessity for Once more is there a voice to be heard; spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but
Christian ministers to make a point of not in Judea, nor in Germany alone, but . . . holy and without blemish." Eph.
bringing forward infidel arguments in sounded forth to every nation, kindred, 5: 27. The blessed Lord is waiting for
order to answer them. It is the greatest tongue, and people, summoning the peo- such a church, through which his glory
folly in the world. Infidels, poor crea- ple to a part in the closing conflict be- can shine undimmed; and just as soon as
I tures, do not know their own arguments tween the powers of light and darkness, such a church is developed, he will come.
till we %tell them, and then they glean -,— a conflict to end, not in the triumph This truth is expressed by the psalmist:
their blunted shafts to shoot them at the of an Edict of Milan or a Declaration of " Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty,
shield of truth again. It is folly to bring Independence, but in eternal and ever- God hath shined. Our God shall come."
forward these firebrands of hell, even if lasting victory. Ps. 5o: 2, 3.
we are well prepared to quench them. In the great threefold message of the Speed on, 0 glorious message! Send
Let men of the world learn error of everlasting gospel, of Revelation 14, God thy blessed light into our hearts, until
themselves; do not let us be propagators is shedding the last beams of gospel light all sin and selfishness shall be consumed.
of their falsehoods. True, there are that are ever to illumine this old sin- Make us channels through which thy
some preachers who are short of stock, cursed earth. The apostle Paul, iden- glorious light can shine into hearts dark-
and want them to fill up; but God's own tifying himself with the people concern- ened by sin. Hasten on to the dark cor-
chosen men need not do that; they are ing whom he writes, says of the remnant ners of the earth, that every honest soul
taught of God, and God supplies them church. " I think that God hath set forth may quickly see thy light and the work
with matter, with language, with power." us the apostles last, as it were appointed be speedily finished.
— Sermons, First Series, 1858, pp. 27, 28. to death: for we are made a theater unto Boulder, Colo.
One more quotation from the pen of the world, and to angels, and to men." -4-- -4-
the servant of the Lord: — Cor. 4: 9, margin. The closing act in
" Christ imparted only that knowledge the great drama of human redemption is The Law of God — No. 10
which could be utilized. His instruction now being enacted. The last actors are The Fifth Commandment
of the people was confined to the needs upon the stage. God has been sending
of their own condition in practical life. the light of this glorious message of sal- MILTON C. WILCOX
The curiosity that led them to come to vation into the hearts of men and women To the Parents
p him with prying questions, he did not because he wants to make them channel's THE first commandment on the sec-
gratify. All such questionings he made through which that light, undimmed, ond table of stone reads: " Honor thy
the occasion for solemn, earnest, vital may •be shed upon a lost world in full and father and thy mother: that thy days
appeals. To those who were so eager to final display. " God, who commanded may be long upon the land which Je-
pluck from the tree of knowledge, he the light to shine out of darkness, bath hovah thy God giveth thee." Ex. 20: 12.

The first four commandments pertain all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and one know that you honor your parents
to our duty to God, the last six to duty with • all thy might. And these words above all earthly friends.
to our fellow men, and the first of these . . . shall be in thine heart: and thou s Honor them by being obedient. When
six to the highest and holiest relation-
ship of earth. From duty to God, our
heavenly Father, we are brought to our
duty to our earthly parents.
It has been aptly said that to do the
fifth commandment is the religion of
shalt teach them diligently unto thy [ either tells you to do something, do it
children, and shalt talk of them when promptly. Do not wait and wait and
thou sittest in thine house, and when wait. Sending a sluggard, the wise man
thou walkest by the way, and when thou says, is like smoke to the eyes or strong
liest down, and when thou risest up." acid to the teeth — it hurts; so does the
See Deut. 6: 5-9. Let the loving, living slow, careless child hurt the one who

children. This presupposes godly par- principle of God's Word be a joy in your depends upon him. Obey promptly,
ents who appreciate their responsibility life that shall beget a joy in the lives of cheerfully, willingly. Listen to what
in bringing children into the world, and your children. the Bible says of those who broke this
standing in the place of God to those Fill the child with this living truth, commandment in ancient times:—
children till the young minds can grasp and it will suppress and eliminate the " He that revileth his father, or his
their duty to God. inherited evil traits and develop the mother, shall surely be put to death."
The parents' duty to the child begins physical and moral powers for good. Ex. 21 : 17.
before the child is begotten. Oftentimes The child Jesus was trained in the " Cursed be he that setteth light by his
the parents are one or both unfitted to truths of the Scriptures, and it is a note- father or his mother. And all the people
bear or rear children, and the child worthy fact that it was from the armory shall say, Amen." Deut. 27; 16.
comes into the world fearfully handi- of Deuteronomy that he drew his effec- Honor your parents by being kind to
capped. He often inherits from one or tive defense against Satan's assaults in them. Father comes in weary from his
both parents very unamiable, unholy the desert of temptation. See Matt. 4:: work. Get him his easy-chair and slip-
tendencies of disposition or desires, 1-to. pers. Wait on him. Help mother to do
This often is gathered from a generation Above all things, live what you teach. the many little things. Do not wait to
or two or three back, the result of sins Be a companion to your children. Play be told. Think of the things to be done
of former generations. Traits in both with them; talk with them; go with f before mother tells you. Surprise her
parents are often intensified in the child. them; live the religion of Christ before by being thoughtful, loving, helpful. So
Are the parents nervous, irritable, and them; be true to them. If you have lied also relieve father of little things. Let S
impatient; these traits may be manifest before, never do it again. If you have him see you can be trusted. Sometime
in the child in almost insane bursts of sinned against them, be strong and brave the weary step of a tired father or
passion. and true to confess your sins.. Make no mother will be heard no more. The
All these things, and more, should be rash promises; keep those you do make, heart which has been faithful to you all
taken into account by the Christian if possible. Teach your children to trust the years will cease to beat, and the
father and mother; and if they have not you and confide in you. Provoke them hands will be clasped over the once-
planned before the child is born to give not to wrath. Chastise if necessary, but troubled heart, now still. The loved one
him a good inheritance, they should plan in love and after prayer to God, consid- cannot hear you speak, cannot help you
afterward to correct the evil and con- ering your own infirmities and the in- any more in this life, can no longer be
serve and strengthen the good. heritance you have given them, But do comforted by the kind, loving words you
First, then, let them look after the not neglect their training and discipline. speak. Oh, say the kind words now !
physical child. Let the formation of See Eph. 6: 4; Col. 3:21. Say the loving words now. Do the
regular habits begin with a regular, gen- " But," you say, " this article is not kindly deed now. " Honor thy father
erous, nourishing, body-building diet. on the fifth commandment; it does not and thy mother " now. Do not try to
Eliminate from that diet the stimulants, tell the children their duty." Yet, it is escape it by saying, "I must look after
the sweets, the things that build unsat- needed; for it is easier for the child to my own." Your parents are your own;
isfied appetites but do not furnish proper " honor " the father and the mother who look after them. The Jews would give
food. Let the feeding be regular, its are worthy of honor. If the parents live all their property to God in name, yet
frequency determined by the age of the the right life, they will not need in se- use it for themselves freely. But when
child. There is a moral education in verity to exact honor. asked to do for father or mother, they
the formation of right habits, and it is would say, " Corban " (given to God).
the moral side of the child with, which To the Children It was not an excuse; it was a subter-
this article deals. But the strong moral God has honored the children by giv- fuge. I
side must regard the physical basis. It ing one commandment especially for Be kind today, especially to father and
is impossible to train the child right and them. Of course it is the duty of chil- mother, that the promise may be fulfilled
neglect the body. The clean, strong body dren to obey every commandment of the to you: " That thy days .may be long
means a more easily obtained clean, law. But when our promise-keeping upon the land which Jehovah thy God
strong mind. heavenly Father preached that holy ser- giveth thee."
Teach the child to love the truly good mon from Mt. Sinai, he did not forget Mountain View, Cal.
thin0 to eat and drink; to love the pure the children. He gave one command- -4,- '4-
air, and the washing with water without ment especially to them, and gave with
and within. Help him to know that all it what he did not give with the others,— Secret Societies
these things are necessary to physical a promise. • Children — little boys and Their Influence Not Conducive to
strength and health. This is not a paper girls, big boys and girls, young and old SpirituarGrowth
on child care and diet; it merely notes boys and girls — ought to listen when
the importance of these things, and every God speaks, and ought to obey what he MRS. E. G. WHITE
Christian parent should become intelli- commands. THE Lord's injunction, "Be ye not
gent regarding them. Books containing " Honor " your parents. You ought unequally yoked together with unbeliev-
good instruction and advice abound. to respect them, but honor is more than ers" (2 Cor. 6: 14), refers not only to
God's Word and the Testimonies have respect. To be respectful is to listen at- the marriage of Christians with the un-
abundance of instruction. Let the par- tentively to what they say. When re- godly, but to all alliances in which the
ents saturate themselves with the in- proved, you should not " answer back." parties are brought into intimate asso-
struction that makes for better humanity. When told of your faults by your par- ciation, and in which there is need of
Begin early with the moral instruction ents, instead of rebelling, confess your harmony in spirit and action. The Lord
of the child. He has a conscience; edu-
cate early and rightly according to the
faults, Your parents are your friends:, gave special direction to Israel to keep 411
your faults are your greatest enemies. themselves distinct from idolaters. They
Word of God. For thus saith Tehovah, Whether you call them father and! were not to intermarry with the heathen
the covenant God, to thee, 0 parent: mother, papa and mamma. or the old- nor form any confederacy with them .
"Thou shalt love Jehovah thy God with fashioned " pa " and "ma," let every! " Take heed to thyself, lest thou make
a covenant with the inhabitants of the fore the light that is in thee be darkness, the good of no effect, and renders these
land whither thou goest, lest it be for a how great is that darkness ! " Matt. 6: associations detrimental to the interests
snare in the midst of thee: but ye shall 22, 23. And when our light becomes of the soul. We have another life than

destroy their altars, break their images, darkness, how shall we be a light to the that which is sustained by temporal food.
and cut down their groves: for thou shalt world? " Man shall not live by bread alone, but
worship no other god: for the Lord, The work of our personal salvation by every word that pioceedeth out of the
whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God." also depends upon our cooperation with mouth of God." " Except ye eat the flesh
Ex. 34 : 12-14. " For thou art a holy the divine agencies. God has imparted of the Son of man, and drink his blood,
people unto the Lord thy God: the Lord to us moral powers and religious suscep- ye have no life in you." Jesus said,
thy God hath chosen thee to be a special tibilities. He has given his Son as a " Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh
people unto himself, above all people that propitiation for our sins, that we might my blood, hath eternal life."
are upon the face of the earth. The be reconciled to God. Jesus lived a life Our bodies are built up from what we
Lord did not set his love upon you, nor of self-denial and sacrifice, that we might eat and drink. And as in the natural, so
choose you, because ye were more in follow his example. He has given the in the spiritual economy; it is that which
number than any people; for ye were Holy Spirit to be in Christ's stead in our minds dwell upon which sustains the
the fewest of all people: but because the every place where help is needed. He spiritual nature. Our Saviour said, " It
Lord loved you, and because he would employs the heavenly intelligences to is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh
keep the oath which he had sworn unto bring divine power to combine with our profiteth nothing: the words that I speak
your fathers. . . . Know therefore that human efforts. But we must accept the unto, you, they are spirit, and they are
the Lord thy God, he is God, the faithful gift of God, we must repent, and believe life." John 6: 23. Spiritual life must be
God, which keepeth covenant and mercy in Christ. We must watch, we must sustained by communion with Christ
with them that love him and keep his pray, we must obey the requirements of through his Word. The mind must dwell
commandments to a thousand genera- God. We must practice self-denial and upon it, the heart must be filled with it.
tions." Deut. 7: 6-9. self-sacrifice for Christ's sake. We must The word of God laid up in the heart

Again the Lord declares through the grow up into Christ by constant connec- and sacredly cherished and obeyed,
prophet Isaiah: — tion with him. through the power of the grace of
"Associate yourselves, 0 ye people, Whatever turns the mind away from Christ, can make man right and keep him
and ye shall be broken in pieces; and God to trust in man, or conform to a right; but every human influence, every
give ear, all ye of far countries: gird human standard, will prevent us from earthly invention, is powerless to give
yourselves, and ye shall be broken in cooperating with God'in the work of our strength and wisdom to man. It cannot
pieces; gird yourselves, and ye shall be own salvation. This is why the Lord restrain passion, or correct deformity of
broken in pieces. Take counsel together, forbade his. people to form any alliance character. Unless the truth of God con-
and it shall come to naught; speak the with the heathen; " lest it be for a snare trols the heart, the conscience will be
word, and it shall not stand: for God is in the midst of thee." He said, " They warped. But in these worldly societies
with us. For the Lord spake thus to me will turn away thy son from following the mind is turned away from the Word
with a strong hand, and instructed me me." And the same principle applies to of God. Men are not led to make it the
that I should not walk in the way of this the association of Christians with the study and the guide of life.— Bible Stu-
people, saying, Say ye not, A confed- ungodly. dents' Library.
eracy, to all them to whom this people When we accepted Christ as our Re- (To be continued)
shall say, A confederacy; neither fear deemer, we accepted the condition of be-
coming laborers together with God. We -4- -4--
ye their fear, nor be afraid. Sanctify
the Lord of hosts himself; and let him made a covenant with him to be wholly " To correct the bad habits of others,
be your fear, and let him be your dread." for the Lord; as faithful stewards of the is often to form a bad habit yourself. A
Isa. 8: 9-13. grace of Christ, to labor for the upbuild- nagging disposition is natural to few; it
There are those who question whether ing of his kingdom in the world. Every comes from tired nerves, or from super-
it is right for Christians to belong to the follower of Christ stands pledged to ded- sensitiveness, or from a too free indul-
Free Masons and other secret societies. icate all his powers, of mind and soul and gence in sharp criticism — which is likely
Let all such consider the scriptures just body, to .him who has paid the ransom to lead a person into a minute and har-
quoted. If we are Christians at all, we money for our souls. We engaged to be assing scrutiny of the life about him.
must be Christians everywhere, and must soldiers, to enter into active service, to So long as criticism does not react un-
consider and heed the counsel given to endure• trials, shame, reproach, to fight favorably either on the critic or on the
make us Christians according to the the fight of faith, following the Captain criticized, it is beneficial; but when it is
standard of God's Word. of our salvation. accompanied by a sense of impatience in
The people of God on earth are the In your connection with worldly so- the one and of resentment in the other,
human agents that are to cooperate with cieties are you keeping your covenant it becomes nagging, and should be
divine agencies for the salvation of men. with God ? Do these associations tend to dropped."
To the souls that have joined themselves direct your own mind or that of others -4- -4- -4-
to him, Christ says, " You are one with to God, or are they diverting the inter- I WONDER why it is that we are not all
me, laborers together with God." God est and attention from him? Do they kinder than we are. How much the
is the great and unperceived actor; man strengthen your connection with the world needs it ! How easily it is done!
is the humble and seen agent, and it is divine agencies, or turn your mind to How infallibly it is remembered! How
only in cooperation with the heavenly the human in place of the divine? superabundantly it pays itself back! For
agencies that he can do anything good. Are you serving, honoring, and mag- there is no debtor in the world so hon-
It is only as the mind is enlightened by nifying God, or are you dishonoring orable, so superbly honorable, as love.
the Holy Spirit that men discern the him and sinning against him? Are you "Love never faileth."—Professor Drum-
divine agency. Hence Satan is con- gathering with Christ, or scattering mond.
stantly seeking to divert minds from the abroad? All the thought and plan and
divine to the human, that man may not earnest interest devoted to these organ-
cooperate with heaven. He directs the izations have been purchased by the THE less we see to esteem in ourselves,
attention to human inventions, leading precious blood of Christ; but are you the more we shall see to esteem in the
men to trust in Irian, to make flesh their doing service for him when uniting your- infinite purity and loveliness of our Say-
arm, so that their faith does not take selves with atheists and infidels, men who iour.—"Steps to Christ."
hold upon God. " The light of the body profane the name of God, tipplers, -410-
is the eye: if therefore thine eye be drunkards, tobacco devotees?
single, thy whole body shall be full of While there may be in these societies " THE kingdom of God comes to a
light. But if thine eye be evil, thy whole much that appears to be good, there is, community only so far as it comes to the
body shall be full of darkness. Tf there- mingled with this, very much that makes individual members of the community."

reparation, that will not keep them

THE aiting long.

I The second field to be entered this

WORLD-WIDE y(ear lies in the southwestern part of our
trritory, and includes the native states'
FIELD Of Travancore and Cochin. Malayalam
iS the language spoken by six million
people in this section. There is a very
close resemblance in many respects be-
Nothing else does our hearts so much tiveen Tamil and Malayalam, although
Progress in South India
good as to see the gospel soldiers laying tlley are two very distinct languages.
J. S. JAMES siege to new strongholds, and claiming About four years ago one of our first
THE year 1915 has been one of bless- friends and adherents for Christ in the cOlporteurs began circulating Tamil
ing and progress for our work, and for untouched fields. Two large language tacts and giving Bible readings among
the workers laboring in this part of the areas have opened to us in this mission some Malayalim people who understood
vineyard. One or more baptisms have the past year, of which I must write Ilarnil. As a result, a number became
briefly. it erested in the truths we teach, and

been held at every station where the work
has been established any length of time. Every year many Indians of southern Vitro men went to Nazareth to attend a
At Nazareth, our oldest station, three India seek employment outside their na- ries of meetings held by Brother
baptismal services have been held, add- tive country, traveling as far as south homas. Later these men were bap-
ing fourteen to the membership. Brother Africa, Burma, Singapore, Java, and tized, and returned to their native coun-
E. D. Thomas, our Indian evangelist in Sumatra. Two Telugu men, named Sol- try to teach the truth to others. God
charge, has worked faithfully and hard, omon and Benjamin, while working in h s blessed their labors, and they now
and the Spirit of God has witnessed Burma, heard the present truth, accepted s nd me the accompanying picture of
liberally to his efforts. He writes that
others are interested in the truth, and
another baptism is contemplated in the
near future. Mrs. Thomas, aside from
her duties as mother and housekeeper,
has engaged in Bible work among the
women in the village, carried regular
teaching work in the school, and con-
ducted a special class for wives and
mothers who wish to learn to read and
Two baptismal services have been held
at Pondicherry, where we have a Tamil
church established in a French colony.
Ten have been added to their number,
and Brother Devasayaham, our Indian
evangelist in charge, writes that others
who are studying with him will soon be
ready to go forward. Here, too, Mrs.
Devasayaham has joined her husband,
laboring in the interests of the women
a very important work, contributing it fully, and were baptized. Later the these who have covenanted together to
largely to the success and healthy growth Spirit turned them back to their homes wailk in all the truth taught them. They
of every company or church. What a here in India, where they began working aslf for an experienced worker, to come
blessing it is that the wives of these for their friends and the people in the and give them further instruction and
workers can thus join their husbands in surrounding villages. They were then organize a church. The man sitting in
uplifting and advancing the spiritual and joined by Brother Jacob, mentioned front is Brother Abel, the leader. His
moral conditions of their respective above, who had heard of the truth be- wife sits by his side. The second man
communities. fore, but had not yielded himself to it. fr the left in the row seated is Brother
From Coimbatore, Pastor G. G. Lowry These brethren succeeded in arousing Da iel. Both these men have been bap-
sends word of the baptism of five can- considerable interest by their work; but tiz d, and Brother Abel attended our
didates during the Christmas holidays. owing to a lack of systematic training col orteurs' institute held in Trichinop-
One of these, Mrs. Sighamoni, is the and deeper study of the truth, it was oli last July. He is anxious to train
wife of the preceptor of the training thought their value to the cause would sortie of these men to sell our literature.
school, who has been a faithful worker be greatly enhanced by some training in We have been able to reopen the out-
with us the past three years. After a the school for Indian workers, just station about eight miles east of Naz-
severe struggle with an enlightened con- started in Lucknow. As all three men areth, which we had to abandon five
science and a keen sense of duty, she have a good grasp of the English lan- years ago on account of the leader's
at last yielded willing obedience to the guage, they could be sent for training de4h. Brother Santhanam, who was
Lord, put off her jewels, which were an to the school at Lucknow, which is con- the acting as the assistant, is now in
idol and a stumblingblock to her, as to ducted entirely in English. At the same cha ge. Recently his little daughter
every Indian woman, and is now taking time a nephew of Brother Solomon's, wa taken away by death, which has been
a genuine heart interest in the work to and another young man of the same a s vere blow to the family. He writes
which her husband has given his life. neighborhood, entered the school at Co- that a number are earnestly studying
The other four candidates were ad- imbatore, in this field. Upon the return the I truth, and some are ready for bap-
vanced students in training in the school. of these workers to the Telugu field, ti sni.
Last October I baptized a Brother providence permitting, we shall resume From all the field comes news of prog-
Jacob, at Ongole, in the Telugu field. an aggressive campaign in the largest resi arid good courage, and the Lord is
Our work is just beginning in that great language area in our mission. Twenty goilg before the workers day by day to
language area, Brother Jacob being the million Telugus are waiting to hear this help them. There is greater earnest-
first Telugu to receive baptism in his message. We are thankful that we have nesS on the part of all the believers to
home country. forces in training, and a literature in do Something in the work. Home mis-
sionary work is proving a blessing to before, and with this aim they went from and is in harmony with the Scriptures.
every individual. There is a greater the meeting, praying that they might In Shan-si, around Pastor Hsi's places
faithfulness in tithe paying, and not a have power to lead niany to the Saviour. of labor, are a score of little companies
few distinct personal sacrifices have Nanking. without a spiritual leader. This summer
been made in contributing to various -. "-II- one of our evangelists traveled among
funds. Truly we have entered into the North Central China — An these people, and there was not one
loud cry of the message, and the Spirit place that did not greet him and gladly
of the Lord is being poured out in large Outlook hear the truths of this message.. In
measure into the hearts of those who FREDERICK LEE some places he left companies who prom-
are now being called at the eleventh " Go work today in my vineyard." ised to keep the Sabbath. In south Chi-li
hour. This command was given by Christ nine- there are already two companies keep-
teen hundred years ago, but many who ing the Sabbath.
-4- -4- -4-
From a place five hundred miles to the
East China Mission have heard the call have felt that he did
east of us, in Shen-si, comes the most
not mean them. Now in the eleventh
0. A. HALL hour of the world's history, in the time of urgent call. Last year one of our can-
ANOTHER year has just passed, and the ripening grain of the last great har- vassers went there to sell papers. The
with it another biennial period of work vest, Christ again bids his church, " Go," interest was so great that he stayed
for the East China Mission. We are and gently rebukes them for standing nearly a year. The result was that many
led to praise God for his goodness, and idle. Who then can say, I have no call heard the truth with great joy. At one
for the measure of success which has at- to go to a foreign field? It is rather place, called Gospel Village, which con-
tended the work during this period. the call to stay that one should listen sists of two hundred Christians, there is
The second biennial council of this for, and if he hears it not, Christ's call a special interest. Three men from this
should still ring in his ears, " Go ! " place traveled the five hundred miles in
mission was held at Nanking, the head-
quarters of the East China Mission, Jan- Perhaps some do not know of the order to attend our Honan general meet-
uary 8-15. There were present at this great and needy fields of the world, so ing. Of the two hundred and fifty pres-
meeting all but two of the evangelistic do not know where to go. If one should ent at that gathering, none were more
workers of east China, together with see a field, large and fertile, with full, earnest listeners than these three men.
about twenty of our faithful colporteurs waving grain ready and waiting for the One of them is an ordained minister, an-
who had been gathered in for institute harvest, and as he looked upon it should other is a local elder, and the other is a
work previously to the opening of the see no laborers, I am sure he could not man who has donated a large plot of
council. This was the first union meet- but be impressed that that was the place land to the mission, upon which to build
ing held for the workers of the three to which he was called to go. Did not a church. These men, now church mem-
provinces, and it was a pleasant and Christ say that where the harvest was bers, have returned to witness to the
profitable occasion. The feeling was ex- great, and the laborers were few, we saving power of this truth. Soon I be-
pressed by the Chinese workers that it should pray the Lord of the harvest to lieve there will be scores of believers in
was the best meeting they had attended, send forth reapers? And should we not these provinces; but they are without a
pray, "Here am I; send me " ? shepherd, without one to keep their lights
as it gave them a broader view of the trimmed and burning.
work, and better ideas of how it should Near the close of another year I send
greetings from just such a field as is If we are to reap this great harvest in
be done.
Reports from all parts of the field pictured above. It is a field which covers north central China, we must go soon.
showed progress. The membership has the north central portion of China, in- Now is the opportune time. We are
more than doubled during the biennial cluding four provinces. It is one which asking for one more family to help us
period. A number of new stations have is already white for the harvest. And with the ever-increasing work in Ho-
been opened. Work was begun in the yet in this vast field of seventy-seven nan. Is it too much to expect help soon?
province of Shantung the past year, and million there are but two foreign fami- And in view of the existing needs, is it
there is now a good company of com- lies to hold up the standard of present too early to be planning to enter these
provinces immediately surrounding us?
mandment keepers in Chifu, where truth.
Brother Lillie is laboring. Other inter- There is now active work in only one To us who are in China, and to any who
ests have sprung up in different places, of these four provinces, that is in Hon* can comprehend the picture of this land
which will be developed during the com- The work was started in this province waiting for the soul-stirring truths of
ing year. Five promising young men, about two years ago. Six years ago, this message, it is not too much to ex-
pect that in the next year or two those
some of the first converts to the message when there were about thirty church
members and the workers were few, coming to China will not be counted by
in Shantung, are now in the training the tens, but by the scores.
school, preparing to go back to their na- there were seven foreign adults here.
tive province to help in „ carrying the But since then the number of foreigners -4- -4- -*-
truth to the thirty-eight million who have has been gradually decreased to four, PAUL plants, Apollos waters, but God
not yet had opportunity to hear. while the membership has increased to gives the increase. This is the science
It was encouraging to note that at this three hundred and forty, and the native of soul-winning. In Najibabad, north
biennial meeting about three times as workers to seventy. Surely more help India, the workers set their goal the first
many delegates were seated as in the should be sent to this province as soon of last year to win at least ten souls
previous meeting, the workers then num- as possible. to the message in that part of India.
bering nineteen, and now fifty-five. Calls are now coming in from the Their faith and labors and prayers are
As the needs of the work were consid- three provinces, Shan-si, Shen-si, and answered, as five were baptized early in
ered, all felt that the subject of tithes and Chi-li. In these provinces no work has the year, while five others were expect-
offerings should be constantly kept be- been done, except that done by our can- ing to receive this ordinance in Decem-
fore the churches and companies this vassers; yet there are already small com- ber. We work according to our faith,
year, with the aim of raising a definite panies keeping the Sabbath, and in many and God's rule of answering seems to
portion of our expenditures. The Sab- places there are persons who ,are most be; " According to your faith be it unto

bath school department also set a definite favorable to this message. These are the you."
amount to be raised this year toward the provinces which suffered most during -4- -4- -4--
support of the mission work, which, if the Boxer trouble. In them are hun- " THE providence which punishes is
realized, will bring in a much larger sum dreds of Christian Chinese who, though just as divine as the providence which
than has been received in any one year. once earnest, have become lukewarm in rewards."
But best of all, it was the earnest de- their religion. They are dissatisfied with -4- -4- -4-
sire of each worker that this year more the man-made doctrines of professed HE who reigns within himself, and
precious souls might be brought to the Christianity, and are looking for a new rules passions, desires, and fears, is more
saving knowledge of the truth than ever and living doctrine, one which has power than a king.— Milton.
[nag. Many little faults and failings
should be apparently overlooked, yet
they must be corrected in a tactful way.
This will require much prayer and study.
Guide your children in selecting the
proper associates, and make home and
home pleasures so attractive that they 41110
will not care to " run the streets " or visit
amusement places of questionable char-
Conducted by Mrs. I. H. Evans, Takoma Park, Washington D. C. God alone can help you as mothers to
Assisted by Miss Lora E. Clement be patient and faithful; God alone can
Through the columns of this department, hints will be given on all matters pertaining to the give you wisdom to meet the many per-
borne life. Short articles and letters are solicited from home makers, telling of their everyday plexities which are your daily lot. But
experiences,—their joys and sorrows, their failures and successes. he has promised never to leave nor for-
sake, and we may call on him in every
Trust Home is where there's one to love, hour of need. If the parents work har-
Home is where there's one to love us. moniously in the training of their chil-
WORTHIE HARRIS HOLDEN dren, the work will be much easier. May
THE world is cold, and the world is wide; " Home's not merely root and room, God help us to live consistent lives, that
But with my Friend ever by my side, Needs it something to endear it; we may successfully lead the lambs of
I can smile at the winds that fiercely Home is where the heart can bloom, the flock into his service.
blow, Where there's some kind lip to cheer
With their icy breath and the driven it. -0-
snow, What is home with none to meet,

Or the tempest's heaving tide. None to welcome, none to cheer us? Home Ministry
The world is fickle, and brief is fame ; Home is sweet and only sweet MRS. W. W. FLETCHER
But Faithful and True my Beloved's Where there's one to love and meet No more important work is ever given
name, us."
to mankind than that committed to fa-
And close in his arms I can safely rest, God established the first home, and al- thers and mothers. Do we realize the
Though amid earth's woe and the fear- though the branches of the trees were; truth of this statement? or do we admit
distressed; its walls, and the blue sky its roof, it was; it, and then place almost everything else
For he ever loves the same. home in the truest sense, for love was really first?
The world is sick, and the world is old ; there. Its inmates were supremely happy One mother understood something of
But youth of the ages will e'er unfold, until sin separated them from the love ofl the sacredness of her work, and how
To sustain in the glorious courts above, God; and today we can still trace the' ready children are to receive and apply
Where abide forever rest, home, and results of sin in the severed home ties, religious instruction. When her six-
love, the broken hearts, the worry, discontent, year-old girl came with a picture, ask-
Such as mortals ne'er behold. and selfishness to be found on every side.i. ing, " Why is Jesus standing there,
-.- While waiting for a train recently, I mamma? What is he doing? " she took
Home noticed a lady sitting at the other side' time, while the child was interested, to
of the station. There were plenty of answer her questions. Very simply the
CARRIE KNIGHT rockers in the rest room, and in a se- story was told, how Jesus stands at the
WHAT restful memories cluster around cluded corner a sofa invited the tired! door of the heart, and knocks for ad-
this word ! We measure distance by its traveler. But she sat bolt upright in at mission. "Can't Jesus open the door ? "
hearthstone; for — straight-backed chair, her arms filled( asked the child.
" Home is where the heart is, with bundles, and a hard, uncompromis4 " There is no latch on the outside,"
Lie it east, or lie it west; • ing expression on her face. I thought; was the reply; " it must be opened by
And the heart is with the loved ones How often home is robbed of its peace/ the owner of the house. It is just the
In the old home nest." and jarring notes come in, because wd same with our hearts — he will never
Home has been defined as a mirror choose to hug our •perplexities in place come in if we do not want him to come. a
which shows both sides of its occupants; of heeding the admonition, " Cast thy We must invite him in, and open the
but there we find true friends, for they burden upon the •Lord," and knowing door to receive him."
" know all about us, and love us just the for ourselves the blessedness of the Then, to impress the lesson, the mother
same." promise, " He shall sustain thee." Le' sang, " Knocking, knocking, who is
In the State of California stands a us be brave enough to say with Paul, " there?" and when the lines came,—
magnificently furnished mansion. Many have learned, in whatsoever state I am
" Yes, the wounded hand still knocketh,
servants and much money were required therewith to be content," and do our par And beneath the thorn-wreathed
to keep the house and grounds in order to make home the happiest, sweetest
when the lady who built it was alive. most pleasant and restful place in th Beam the patient eyes so tender
The man who 'fell heir to the property, world for those who share it with us. ; Of thy Saviour waiting there;
failing to dispose of it, at last opened it Harrisburg, Oregon. Wilt thou keep him waiting there? "
to the public as a show place, and among -4- -4.- the child's eyes filled with tears, and she
the many visitors who came to admire it exclaimed, " Mother, I don't want to
was a mother with her little boy. As Training. Children
keep him out. I want him to come in
they were leaving, she said, " Well, son, MRS. J. J. WATTS • now. How can I undo the door ? " •
what do you think of this for a home?" Drawing the child gently to her, the
WHAT you want your children to b
" Oh, it's grand ! " he replied; " but,
you must be yourself. This truth ha mother said, " Jesus wants to come in,
mother, where is the home?" He real-
passed into a proverb ; " Like father, lik and you want him. Let us tell him so."
ized that— son; like mother, like daughter." Do no Then together they knelt, and in a broken
"Home's not merely four square walls, fear to show your, love and appreciation voice a childish prayer was uttered, ask-
Though with pictures hung and be as ready to say " If you please " and ing Jesus to come in.
gilded; " Thank you " to your children as to oldet ,Was it worth while to take time right
Home is where affection calls, persons or to strangers. By a spirit of then to tell the story? Will that child
Filled with shrines the heart hath
builded. courage and good cheer show them till ever forget the impression made on her
Home ! go watch the faithful dove joys of service. Be firm in exacting obe heart in that hour?
Darting 'neath the heavens above dience. No one likes children who d " No other work can equal the mother's
us: not know how to mind promptly. Do no in importance. She has not, like the
artist, to paint a form of beauty on can- " You won't have any baby if you will amuse himself far better than an
vas, nor like the sculptor to chisel it from jounce him all the time ! " she exclaimed. adult can amuse him, and he will not cry
marble. She has not, like the author, to " But he won't keep quiet," protested so long as he is perfectly healthy, has
embody a noble thought in words of his mother. dry clothes, and is not hungry,— A. M.
power, nor like the musician to express " Just you give him a chance! " said Hughes, M. D.
a beautiful sentiment in melody. It is grandma, and she put baby' down on the ---
• hers, with the help of God, to develop in floor on a quilt, up against a pillow. In
a human soul the likeness of the divine," about ten minutes baby was cooing, and The Left-Handed Child.
-4- looking about and playing with his toes. A MOTHER having a boy eleven years
He was just beginning to get comfort- of age who is left-handed, inquires
Do You " Overwork "„,Your Baby? able. whether he ought to be trained to use
IF your baby is fretful, cries too much, Then I chipped in with this dear, old- his right hand. Probably not. Nature
does not keep down his milk as he should, fashioned grandmother, and told them apparently intended that left-handed chil-
and is becoming thin and pale, the all, from little brother up through the dren should continue to use the left hand.
chances are very great that you are list, that they were overworking this Ambidextrous children do not, speak-
overworking him. baby — they were shaking him up in- ing generally, develop so satisfactorily
" Overworking" is a phrase of my side, actually hurting his little legs and or reach so high a standard mentally as
own, and needs a little explanation. By arms and ribs, and especially the end of children who use principally one hand,
it I mean that you try to amuse the baby his tiny, weak spine, by jouncing him. either right or left.
too much, or perhaps you are amusing " You call it amusing this baby," I A right-handed child has the left hemi-
yourself under the guise of amusing him. said, " but you are really amusing your- sphere of the brain developed better than
The best way to make clear just what I selves by handling him so much and so the right hemisphere. Just the reverse
mean is to relate an actual experience roughly. If you really love him, give is true with the left-handed child. Now,
(and there are altogether too many of him a chance to grow. If you have any it appears that it is better for an individ-
such experiences) which I saw in a home imagination, sit down for a moment, and

ual to have one hemisphere of the brain
whose pride and joy was a chubby little imagine that a great big giant three or very well developed than to have both
chap fast being made a nervous wreck. four times as tall as any of you, came hemispheres only moderately developed.
I had called at the noon hour to attend along and tossed you up in the air, and That is to say, a right-handed individual
another member of the family. The jounced you on his knee, and poked you will accomplish more if he continues to
father came in from work, and straight- in the ribs, and snuggled his great hairy be right-handed than if he cultivates am-
way made for baby's crib, where the face down into your neck, and repeated bidexterity. The same is true of the
youngster sat quietly playing with his this about twenty times a day. Just pic- left-handed child.
toes. ture this to yourself. That's what is Of course, left-handed children are
" Chick-a-choo, chick-a-choo ! How's happening to your baby. Give him a handicapped in some of the situations
daddy's big man today ? " inquired the chance ! " I know they call me a of daily life. Tools are generally made
father, and with every " chick " and " grouchy old doctor," but the talk had to be used with the right hand. The
every " choo " he jabbed his finger into a good effect. I have told hundreds of dining table is laid on the supposition
baby's ribs. Then he picked him up, and other parents the same thing. that diners will use the right hand. Our
tossed him high. Then he hung the poor You can love your baby without hurt- system of writing is based on right-
little thing in the crook of his arm, and ing him. Remember, he is very tender; handedness, and the left-hander is at
bored into him with his nose and bristly all his bones are mostly gristle, all his some disadvantage in this respect. But
mustache. internal organs are only partly devel- a boy who has reached the age of eleven,
The baby puckered his little face, oped. When you toss him around and and who is markedly left-handed, prob-
squirmed, gasped, and began to cry. shake him up, you are doing him a great ably never could gain such a mastery of
Later big sister came in from school, injury. the right hand as would enable him to
and proceeded to trot baby on her none- Given plenty of food, dry clothes, and be at ease or be efficient in its use. The
too-plump knee. Up and down she trot- a clean, cheerful, well-ventilated room, attempt to teach him to write with his
ted him, and chanted something about baby will sit down on a blanket, braced right hand, would probably cause degen-
" Ride a gray horse to Danbury Cross." up against a pillow, or remain in a baby eration of his handwriting. He never
Baby stopped smiling. His breath be- pen, and amuse himself an hour at a could develop a high degree of skill with
Igan to come " ug-ug-ug" with every time by the very simple means of pluck- his right hand, and his left hand would
jounce. The knee hurt him, and he pro- ing at his toes and pounding on the actually lose its skill.— Selected.
ceeded to cry again. blanket with his chubby fist.
Babies keep extremely busy naturally.
-•- -+-
And then an aunt played with him for
a while, and the hired man came in and They have many muscles to exercise, Try Digging
tickled baby's feet, and brother danced many joints to strengthen, and a great THE woman who cannot make a home
a paper so close to baby's eyes that he amount of growing to do. Good old in a tent can't make one in a palace.
almost looked cross-eyed at it. Mother Mother Nature tells them how to do this And so with your garden. If you can
took him up when the others had got well in the best way. Now when it comes catch a mood in your own petunia bed,
into their meal and she had a free mo- to " coochy-cooing " baby by poking him a hint and stirring of divine things in
ment. Baby was fretfUl and hungry, in the ribs with a finger, or tossing him the tangle of color and sunshine, you
especially hungry, but before feeding up in the air, or grabbing hold of his have all the spirit of beauty ever found
him she jounced him up and down, dan- dress at. his stomach and playfully shak- in the hanging gardens of Babylon or
dled him on her knee, made him shake ing him as you would a puppy, you are the Alcazar gardens of Spain.
a da-da " to every one at the table, shak- not amusing him in the least. You are If you have sinned and suffered, try
ing his tender little arm until his tiny abusing him, overworking him, and get- working in the garden.
wrist must have ached. By the time she ting him so that he cannot be left alone If you are lonely, if life has hurt you
got him well jounced up and thoroughly a moment. unmercifully, see if digging will not cure
upset, she proceeded to feed him. It took I do not mean to let the baby entirely you.

him five minutes to become quiet, and the alone. It is natural to want to hold the If you are rich and " do not have to
milk he took during that five minutes baby, to pat his little hand. to play with work," do it anyway. You probably
did not digest at all. It never does tinder his pink little toes, to take him out in need more than any other thing to be
such circumstances. Father tossed him your arms for a " walk " in the garden tired and hungry.
up again before he left, and chucked him and these things are all right in their But if you are poor,— if the dooryard
in his tiny ribs until he was crying lust- way. It is the overdoing it that makes is narrow and the porch is ugly,— your
ily. Grandma came out. She hobbled the trouble. If the right sort of start is reasons for gardening are still more ur-
over to her son, and took the baby away made, if baby is not tossed and mauled gent.— The Country Contributor, in the
from him. about all the time at the beginning, he Ladies' Home Journal.
as living above on the second floor.
Before any of us were aware of the
THE FIELD WORK re, the whole roof was in flames, and
t ose who were on the second floor nar-
wly escaped with their lives. Every-
t ing on the second floor was destroyed.
rother and Sister Marshall lost all
t eir furniture and personal belongings,
escaping with only the clothing they
had on.
God's Warriors blessing of the Lord we were able to The total loss, personal and to the
operate our conference within our in- conference, amounts to about $6,000.
ARTHUR W. SPAULDING come. It has not been necessary to draw here was insurance on the building of
THEY love not life who war for God; on our surplus, and our treasurer's books ,000, which will practically cover that
They beg no boon of death. show a fair operating gain. We are glad lOss, but there is an entire loss of at
They hear Christ's challenge to the foe, for these evidences of the favor of the
Not what he answereth. Lord, and hope for even better success in
l ast $1,500 on our tent and camp meet-
ing equipment. We have had an insur-
the year to come. W. F. MARTIN. ance on this of $500, and we hope that
They ask not where nor how is ease; -0- -0- -0- the-insurance company will allow us the
They shirk no danger zone. full amount. Brother Marshall's loss
Perchance they charge with comrades A Happy Sabbath was entire, having no insurance; Brother
true ; Balsbaugh's loss was slight, and my loss
DECEMBER 25 was one of the happiest amounted to about $360, which, however,
Mayhap they die alone. Sabbaths the Calcutta (India) church Was covered by insurance.
ever spent. In the morning, at nine We do not know how to replace this
The desert marks their high resolve; o'clock, we all came together for Sab-
Their power the city knows; 1 ss to our conference, but hope, and
bath school. Our Sabbath school is any- ave confidence in God to believe, that
Their faith is branded on the seas, thing but tedious and desultory; it is
And on th' eternal snows. full of life. t is seeming catastrophe will be turned
into a blessing. We do not know how
0 count not them who fall, as dead; Then at fifteen minutes past ten we we can raise sufficient money to buy
For, victors in the strife, sang a few songs and witnessed the bap- tie tent and camp meeting equipment
tism of seven new believers. Three of
In Christ they live, through ceasing time these t lat will enable us to carry on our sum-
And through eternal life. were young people, members of mer's work and also the camp meeting,
our Sabbath school. Two others were hut we have hope in God that his work
young persons who had been converted Will not be hindered during this sum-
They loved not life unto the death: during the week of prayer, and the
Their valor cheers us on! mer's campaign. C. S. WIEST.
Please God, their places shall be filled other two were older persons who had
been studying the truth for some months. -0- -0-
Until the fight is won!
At 3:3o P. M. we all came together Publicity Work in Michigan
Hendersonville, N. C. again, and took part in the ordinances
-0- -0- -0- of humility and the Lord's Supper, after IN the last effort at Saginaw it was
a short time spent in offering individual demonstrated that the newspaper is a
Southeastern California praise and testimony. valuable factor in spreading the light
Conference The hour from five to six was spent oaf present truth.
in listening to words of instruction and Synopses of the sermons delivered
As our conference had to be postponed exhortation from our pastor, J. M. Were inserted in the morning and aft-
on account of the storms and floods, our Comer; and we departed to our homes ernoon papers, and during the time
people did not have the privilege of hear- grateful indeed for that blessed, thrice- that the meetings were in progress lib-
ing the report of the year's work. It has blessed, Sabbath. e al space was granted us. The paid
been decided to postpone the conference It had been ours to see in the differ- isplay advertising that we furnished
till the time of camp meeting. This is to ent ordinances our Saviour, first as man t ese papers helped in securing space
be held in August, possibly the first of serving his fellow men, then as the sac- f r the sermons.
the month. The location has not been rifice for our transgressions, obedient As the soul-stirring truths regarding
decided on. Thinking the people of our even unto death; and next as our risen t e signs of Christ's soon coming, the
conference would be interested in some Redeemer triumphant over sin and s riking fulfilment of the prophecies, and
of the items of progress that would have death and the grave, and still Lord also t e binding obligation of the Bible Sab-
been reported at the conference, I am of the Sabbath day. bath were published, we soon learned
sending them to the REVIEW. 411
After all, what a wonderful privilege that large numbers were reading the
During the year there was paid in tithe it is really to walk in his steps — wash- vital truths of the message.
$36,937.46. This is an increase over 1914 ing each other's feet, going to church on The two leading newspapers not only
of $1,557.60. We received in offerings the Sabbath day, and partaking of the have a good circulation in the city, but
to missions $13,15o.33. This leaves us bread and the fruit of the vine as he did. A.e also read in a large section of the
$3,o94.47 short of the twenty-cent-a-week tate.
goal. We hope to reach the goal during " What a wonderful Saviour is Jesus, We learned of groups of people who
1916. We have in our conference fif- my Jesus;
What a wonderful Saviour is Jesus et in the city and read and discussed
teen church schools, employing eighteen t e subjects presented. Men in the
teachers and having an enrolment of 384 my Lord ! " c untry, working on the road, talked of
pupils. A number of our young people W. S. MEAD. t e sermons that were preached, and
are attending school in San Fernando -0- -.- -.- seriously discussed the subjects they
Academy and Pacific Union College. We Fire Loss in Mississippi had read. Different persons clipped the
are glad for these children and young sermons from the papers and inclosed
people, and pray that they may receive ON Sabbath afternoon, March I1, the them in their letters to friends. Almost
a training that will fit them for a place Mississippi Conference building, sit- e erywhere that the papers were circu-
in the work. uated at 932 Union St., Jackson, Miss., 1 ted we heard of persons who were
One very encouraging feature of the was destroyed by fire. The origin of r ading the truth, some as far as one
year's work has been the success attend- the fire is not known, but it is evident ndred and thirty-five miles distant.
ing the evangelistic work of our labor- that it began in the room where all our A young lady living about sixty miles,
ers. It has been our constant endeavor tent and camp meeting equipment had om the city, after reading the sermons
continually to pursue this line of work. been stored. This building was erected the paper, although somewhat prej-
At least two or more meetings in new a few years ago as a dwelling place for liced, came and listened attentively.
fields have been in continuous operation. our workers, and was also used to store n her return home she took with her a
As a result, the reports show that during our tent and camp meeting equipment. good supply of our literature. We en-
the year 342 persons have been received When the fire started, all the inmates couraged her to attend one of our
into the church, 277 through baptism and of the house were at home. Henry Bals- sehools. This she is doing. She re-
65 on profession of faith. This encour- baugh and I were living on the first cently began the observance of the Sab-
ages us to more earnest, faithful labor floor. Brother Ben C. Marshall, the sec- bath, has been baptized, and is rejoicing
for the year to come. Through the retary and treasurer of the conference, ii the truth. At another time a young
man and his wife received advertising did not realize how complete a work
matter concerning our meetings which God had done for me until I went to put Medical Missionary
was distributed on the street, attended on my glasses. I had been obliged to
the meeting, and became deeply inter-
ested, and through personal appeal made
wear glasses from the time I was twelve
years old, but on this day, as I raised
to them in their home, they both gave them to my eyes, I found that they were
GO their hearts to God. They were bap-
tized; and are now faithful, devout
an obstruction to my sight. Then I
noticed also that the ulcers had disap-
W. A. RUBLE, M. D. - - General Secretary
L. A. HANSEN - - - Assistant Secretary
IL W. MILLER, M. D. - N. Am. Div. Secretary
Christians. This young man is the su- peared from my mouth.
perintendent of the Sabbath school in Never had I enjoyed such perfect
the church to which he has moved. health as I have had since my healing. More Evidence Against Alcohol
Recently I succeeded in publishing an My heart goes out in praise and thanks- A RECENT mail brought the following
article on temperance in one of the city giving to our heavenly Father for his item of health news, issued under date
papers. This was unusual, as our city wonderful love to me in granting not of Feb. 23, 1916:—
has saloons, and temperance subjects are only health of body, but also peace of " ALCOHOL AND PNEUMONIA
not popular. Soon I began to receive mind. To him be all the glory.
congratulations from business men and MRs. G. W. RowE. " The United States Public Health
from members of the W. C. T. U., and Service brands strong drink as the most
have since been able to affiliate with the -4- -4- -4- efficient ally of pneumonia. It declares
temperance forces in active labor. that alcohol is the handmaiden of the
Work Among the Colored People' disease which produces ten per cent of
A young man who until recently was of Pittsburgh, Pa. VT" 911
a mail order clerk on the train, has, with the deaths in the United States. This is
his wife, given his heart to God and SINCE the dedication of our new no exaggeration. We have known for a
begun to keep the Sabbath. Just re- church building on January id, the Lord long time that indulgence in alcoholic
cently I had the privilege of burying has continued to bless our work. Our liquors lowers the individual vitality, and
them both with their Lord in baptism. Sunday night meetings are well at- that the man who drinks is peculiarly
They came into the truth largely through tended, and many are interested. Sun- susceptible to pneumonia. The United
personal work and by reading our good day night, March 12, I baptized six per- States Public Health Service is a con-
literature. sons, one of whom is a carpenter who servative body. It does not engage in
Brethren, it pays to publish the truth worked on the church building last fall. alarmist propaganda. In following out
in the daily papers, to advertise it, and Since we entered the building the last of the line of its official duties it has
to circulate our reading matter every- December, we have added nine new brought forcefully to the general public
where. We have reached the time when members by baptism. Others are keep- a fact which will bear endless repetition.
the printed page of truth is taking effect ing the Sabbath, whom we hope to see The liberal and continuous user of al-
on human hearts. M. C. GUILD. take this step soon. coholic drinks will do well to heed this
As the union conference is now hold- warning, particularly at this season of
-0- -4- the year when the gruesome death toll
ing its biennial session here, March
An Experiencein Healing 13-19, I have planned for revival meet- from pneumonia is being doubled."
ings in our church, when the visiting The same mail brought the Journal of
BELIEVING it will be a source of en- the American Medical Association of
colored ministers can help each eve-
couragement to our people, and that it ning, while all attend the union meetings March 4, in which the first editorial ar-
will be to the glory of God, I wish to during the day. We ask the prayers of ticle is entitled " New Evidence Against
relate an experience that came to me all God's people, that our efforts to in- Alcohol." This article presents the most
last year. crease the membership may speedily be recent observations on the possible ef-
Last spring, in the month of March, I realized. fects of alcohol in moderate doses. We
was taken very sick, and suffered ex- The offerings for missions continue to quote:—
cruciating pain. The doctor was called, grow. Sometimes the Sabbath school " The data already collected on the
and after several days decided that I donations are almost six dollars. On effects of alcohol are extremely volumi-
must go to a sanitarium. The physi- the first Sunday night of each month nous. Some of the work may be said
cians there, upon examination, said that we are also receiving payments on the to be tinged with almost inevitable traces
only by undergoing a surgical operation pledges made at the dedication. This of personal bias, for the subject is one
could I find relief. The operation was a money is applied on our church debt. on which many persons have firm con-
very serious one, and I was at the san- A. N. DURRANT. victions, often based on ethical, social,
itarium about six weeks. I hoped to be or economic grounds rather than on
a well woman in the end, but as the -4- -0- -0- physiologic evidence. Nothing is more
time drew near for me to return home, From a Shut-In convincing in this field, however, than
I I found to my bitter disappointment that clear-cut indications furnished by
I was unable to walk. I was carried to I HAVE been a shut-in for twenty-four strictly objective scientific investigation
and from the train, and then got about years, and so severely afflicted with of the possible effects of alcohol in mod-
on crutches as best I could, hoping rheumatism that I have not walked a erate doses — for these alone are worthy
against hope all summer long that I step for nineteen years. Last spring of debate— on the functions of the hu-
should get the use of my limb. Septem- some Seventh-day Adventist literature man organism. Duplication of results,
ber came, however, and found me still fell into my hands, and I was so much and frequent repetition of the experi-
on crutches, with increasing pain. interested in the truths presented that ments by independent investigators in a
It is impossible for me to tell of my I kept on studying. Finally, in October, matter of such fundamental importance,
depression of spirit, but suffice it to say I went to Shreveport, La., and Elder will call forth no criticism of wasted
that my extreme necessity drove me to W. P. McLennan gave me Bible studies. scientific energy.
the Source of all comfort. September The first of December I united with the "Accordingly, the Nutrition Labora-
17 Elders F. I. Richardson and G. A. Seventh-day Adventist church at that tory of the Carnegie Institution,. of
Snyder were called to anoint me and place. Washington, ideally equipped for a re-
pray for me. True to the Lord's prom- I am still studying the message, and investigation of the alcohol question
ise, the prayer of faith saved the sick) trying to prepare myself for work in under the best auspices, has taken up
and he raised me up. I was healed in- the Lord's vineyard. I wish you to join the subject anew with a thoroughness
stantly. A cooling sensation began at with me in praying that if it is the di- and on a scale which it is expected will
the back of my head and passed over my vine will, I may be healed, so that I may satisfy the majority of scientists as to
body like electricity. Several minutes have an active part in giving the third the dependability of the results. The
passed before I realized that I was angel's message to a world in darkness. program for this exhaustive experimen-
healed, so occupied was my mind with I long to go out and tell others how tal study of the physiologic consequences
my spiritual condition, as the sweet com- great things God has done for me. How- of the ingestion of small doses of ethyl
fort of the knowledge of sins forgiven ever, I can say, His will, not mine, be alcohol in man, has begun with the psy-
,took possession of my heart, Then I done. FRANCIS T. SPARKS. chologic aspects of the subject. This
realized that God had done a complete -0- -0- -4-
feature, studied by Dodge and Benedict,
work, and that the part of the promise included the effects of alcohol on a se-
r had not noticed before, "And if he "ONLY in proportion as our own will lected group of interrelated processes
have committed sins, they shall be for- is surrendered are we able to discern the covering the fundamental neural activ-
given him," was also fulfilled to me. I splendors of God's will." ities at various levels of the cerebro-

spinal system, from the simplest reflexes assisted by Elder C. S. Longacre, of eal of prejudice has been broken down.
of the lumbar cord to the most complex Washington, D. C. dnd everywhere we heard remarks to the
cortical arcs that could be measured ac- Before going' to Barre we had written ffect that the Seventh-day Adventists
curately by available laboratory technic." to one of the leading ministers of that were doing a good work. It was our
The tests made involved certain nerve city, asking for his cooperation. He k5rivilege to meet some of the leading
reflexes, the eye, speech, memory, and placed the matter before the ministers' business people of these cities, and, in
sensory changes, and were of a nature association, and they voted to ask us answer to their questions, to inform them I
to insure accuracy. W e quote the re- not to come to Barre. However, we felt Concerning our people and work as a
sults as given in the last two paragraphs impressed that we should work there as Whole.
of the Journal editorial : — well as in other places, so we secured the We feel grateful to the Southern New
" The greatest effect was found in the large opera house and sent our corp of ngland Conference for donating 3,000
reflexes. In the patellar reflex, alcohol workers out over the city to place a copy papers for this work, and sincerely hope
increased the latent time ten per cent, of the Youth's Instructor in every home. find pray that God will add his blessing to
while it decreased the amount of quad- When this was accomplished, we visited that has been done.
riceps thickening forty-six per cent. In the ministers and found that the preju- R. T. BRYANT.
the protective lid reflex it increased the dice had been removed; and we believe
latent time seven per cent, while it de- the impression created by the work with
creased the extent of lid movement nine-
teen per cent. It increased the latent
the Youth's Instructor is a lasting one
for good, as the ministers themselves
Publishing Department
time of the eye reactions five per cent, •commented very favorably on our work.
and that of the speech reactions three The evening meeting in the opera house, Z. Towx - - - - General Secretary
per cent. Memory and the free associa- where Elder C. S. Longacre spoke, was W. W. W EASTMAN - N. Ain. Div. Secretary
tions were only slightly affected. Sen- well attended by an enthusiastic audience.
sitivity to faradic stimulation decreased The word had gone to Montpelier Canvassing Experiences
fourteen per cent after alcohol. The ahead of us, and our workers found that
people were ready to receive the papers, Gon has been very near to me since I
number of finger movements decreased
nine per cent, and the velocity of the eye and the ministers were ready to cooperate last reported to the REVIEW. His loving
movements decreased eleven per cent, as with us. One of the leading ministers care has not failed, and I praise him for
a consequence of the ingestion of alcohol. of this city offered prayer from the plat- his great goodness and his wonderful
" These observations bring further evi- form at the beginning of our meeting, works to the children of men.
which was held in the large city hall, one I left Boulder, Colo., about the middle a
dence of the general depression of the Hof November, and worked across the
neuromuscular processes at all levels of of the finest halls in the State of Ver-
the cerebrospinal system. There is de- mont. Our audience was made up of the Sierra Nevadas in eastern California
very best people of the city. to Lorna Linda, with excellent success.
pression of even the simplest forms of
motor processes, such as are found in In Rutland we held two meetings in My health also continued good. I was
eye and finger movements. Certainly the Shrine Theater. These meetings, sustained through many hard experi-
nothing in all of this suggests any true like those held in the other places, were ences by the knowledge that the workers
stimulation, any increase in psychologic well attended by a very enthusiastic au- in the Sanitarium in Colorado were re-
or physiologic efficiency. Impairment dience. Here, too, our workers placed a membering me daily before the throne
seems to be the keynote expressed by copy of the paper in every home, and of grace.
we received favorable comments from I disposed of many copies of our good
the depression. Here is the statement of
the Nutrition Laboratory investigators: the ministers of other denominations, as books, but the Master's care over " Great
' In conjunction with the pulse accelera- well as from the leading people of the Controversy " sales was especially no-
tion, the general neuromuscular depres- city. table. I do enjoy selling this precious
sion may be regarded as presumptive In Burlington we met with excellent volume, and pray that some to whom
evidence of the effect of alcohol on success. Here a large gathering at- have sold it may thereby find their way
organic efficiency. In none of our data tended the lecture in the Majestic The- into the kingdom of God. I also sold
is there any indication of a pure facilita- ater. This last meeting was held on many copies of " His Glorious Appear-
tion effect of alcohol.' These scientific Sunday night, after a big temperance ing" in foreign languages, particularly
findings leave the conclusion of Quensel rally of the Flying Squadron Foundation Italian. I never before encountered
unimpeached. ' Work and alcohol,' he had been held in the forenoon. Without foreigners so ready to buy a religious
said, ' do not belong together, especially any request from us, these workers an- book.
when work demands wide-awakeness, at- nounced our meeting which was to fol- Surely now is the time to attempt
tention, exactness, and endurance.'" low at night. great things for God, and to expect great
• These authoritative statements are We were sorry that we were unable to' things from him. This is the time of
worthy of preservation by those inter-
ested in this subject.
secure the city hall in St. Albans at al the latter rain, and we should " seek the
price within our reach, but we sent our; Lord, till he come and rain righteous-
L. A. HANSEN. workers there with the Youth's Ift- ness" upon us. WALTER HARPER.
structor, and we believe that much good
will be accomplished. These workers
A Splendid Institute
Religious Liberty are also visiting a number of smaller
places in the State. Altogether nearly THE accompanying picture of the
15,000 homes have been visited, and group of colporteurs and prospective
Department more than 30,000 circulars have been colporteurs gathered at the recent insti-
scattered. Besides 14,000 of the Youth's tute held in Burlington, Vt., cannot con-
C. S. LONGA.C1119 - - N. dm. Div. Secretary Instructor, we placed 2,000 of the tract vey the spirit of earnest enthusiasm and
" Drunkenness and Crime " where they consecration to the work manifested by
will be read. each one attending.
Prohibition in Vermont Everywhere we went the newspapers From the very first, it was evident that
were open to us, and good accounts of angels of God were present. The work
PROHIBITION being a State-wide issue the lectures and of the work with thq started with a consecration service led
in Vermont this year, it was decided that Youth's Instructor were published. Es by the conference president, Elder R. J.
our people should carry on a strong cam- pecially was this true of the Burlington Bryant. Those attending the institute
paign in the interest of the temperance papers. We feel that this was in th were of "one' heart and one soul " in
cause. providence of God, because the Burling seeking divine help. Elder Bryant gave
After due consideration and the for- ton Free Press is the leading paper o practical. spiritual Bible studies from
mulation of plans for a strong work, the Vermont, and is read in most of th day to day.
writer, accompanied by a corps of work- homes in the northern part of the State Brother V. 0. Cole, our veteran field
ers, visited Barre, Montpelier, Burling-
ton, Rutland, St. Albans, and several
smaller places. We planned to put a
copy of the Temperance number of the
Youth's Instructor into every home in
At the time of this writing, the election secretary. gave the general instruction
has not been held, but already we can se on principles and methods. This was
splendid results from this campaign very clear and pointed, and was highly
Thousands of people thankfully accepted appreciated by the entire class. In fact.

the papers, and we know by the attend each succeeding lesson seemed to surpass
these cities, besides delivering lectures ance at the meetings and the visits wade the previous one.
in the largest auditoriums that we could to leading clergymen of the State that This institute was attended continu-
find. In this campaign we were greatly through our temperance work a great ously by the conference president, the

secretary-treasurer, and the home mis- We firmly believe this institute marks coming. We were en route to visit the
sionary secretary, as well as by the local the dawning of a new day in the col- new company at Republican Grove, Hali-
field secretary. We especially appre- porteur work in the Northern New Eng- fax County. I felt that I could not af-
ciated a visit from the branch, house land Conference, and rejoice to see that ford to lose the time, and recalling the
manager, Brother L. W. Graham. our goal of $10,000 in sales, set during words,—
Twenty persons were in regular at- the union conference, was too small. " Count that day lost, whose low-
tendance at the classes, and seven of God wants to do a large work through descending sun
these studied the splendid new edition of his people, and we are determined by his Views from thy hand no worthy action
" Bible Readings," three studied " The help to do our part. J. A. APPLEGATE. done,"
Great Controversy," three " Heralds of
the Morning," four " Bible Footlights," and remembering that I had a prospectus
and three " The Coming King." Others for " Bible Readings " in my grip, I
from the Burlington church attended the The Colporteur Work in Iceland started to take orders. When dinner
classes part of the time, and plan on en- BROTHER 0. J. OLSEN accompanies his time came I had $41 worth of orders.
tering the work later in the season. annual report of the sale of subscription While taking my lunch, I placed another
One feature of this institute of especial books by our colporteurs in Iceland with order, making $44 worth. Having a
interest was the fact that each one pres- the following note: — little time before the train came, I in-
ent set a goal to be reached during the " We are not very great, but growing creased this amount to $52 worth, all in


remainder of the year. These goals slowly all the time. The colporteurs are about three fourths of a day. The orders
ranged from $1,000 to $3,000, and to- of good courage, wading rivers and were for three full morocco, four half
taled $12,100. We confidently expect to streams, their backs loaded with books morocco, and seven marbled edges. One
make more than this amount of sales in weighing from fifty to one hundred person asked me to take $2 in advance
the Northern New England Conference pounds, carrying them sometimes a dis- on his book. This amount came in
during 1916. tance of from twenty to forty miles." handy, as I was a little short of funds.
Splendid meals, prepared by the wife The report accompanying this note I thanked the Lord for it. He knows
of one of the regular colporteurs, were shows sales by the colporteurs for 1915 when his people have need of anything.
served. The members of the Burlington to the amount of $2,875. Thus in the I was told that a canvasser could do
church did everything in their power to far north, as well as the south, east, and nothing in that territory. We should be
entertain us and to make the institute a west, our books are being placed in the awake and use all the disadvantages as
success, and our stay among them will homes of the people by the faithful, self- arguments to sell our books, turning
be long remembered. They took turns sacrificing colporteurs. every hindrance into a selling point.
in bringing in cooked food and supplies. W. W. EASTMAN. Now is our opportunity.
The public services conducted each -0- --4- At the Republican Grove church we
evening by Elder Bryant were on the found five or six brethren who are get-
topics of the day, and were illustrated by In Hard-Times Territory ting ready to enter the book work.
stereopticon views. They were well at- THERE is a section of Virginia where The prospects are very encouraging
tended by those not of our faith. These it is generally claimed that the people for 1916. Last year, we placed $17,338
studies were also a great help to the col- are too poor to buy books, owing to the worth of literature in the field, and we
porteurs present. The closing service was low prices of tobacco. The writer had have set our goal at $25,000 for 1916.
on the temperance question, and was pre- occasion to stop off in this section about We are making nearly one hundred per
paratory to the temperance campaign in seven hours while waiting for the next cent deliveries in the wintertime. We
, be State of Vermont. train, on which Elder W. C. Moffett was thank God. W. H. GEORGE.

in him. But they proved themselves nation and the divine will as distinct
Missionary Volunteer unworthy. They disregarded God's from government or priestly enactment.
commands, fell into evil ways, and were " Schools were established, in which
Department fast losing their national and religious the prophets were trained for their

life. work, much like our theological sem-
M. E. KERN Secretary "Steps leading to the kingdom. The inaries today. Such a school was sit-
IVIATILDA ERICKSON - - Assistant Secretary experience and condition of the people uated at Ramah.
MRS. I. H. EvANs - - - Office Secretary under the later judges constituted the " Instruction was given in the sacred
C. L. BENSON - - - Field Secretaries first step. It was clearly seen that for books and in poetry. The pupils were
J. F. &mob' salvation from their troubles a strong also taught to play upon musical instru-
union must be made. Samuel was or- ments.
The Bible dered by God to accede to the people's "Results. They were far-reaching.
wishes; reluctant at first, he finally The graduates of these schools became
" Tins Book contains the mind of yielded, and anointed Saul as king. teachers of religion and patriotism.
God, the state of man, the way of salva- They made copies of the sacred law and
tion, and the destiny of the righteous The First King
kept the text free from error. They
and the wicked. Its doctrines are holy, " Saul is one of the most dramatic became the preachers to the people, de-
its precepts are binding, its histories are as well as one of the saddest characters nouncing national, family, and individual
true, and its decisions are immutable. in Old Testament history.' As a young sins. They encouraged the people in
Read it to be wise, believe it to be right, man he gave promise of a very bright times of trial or disaster. All the proph-
and practice it to be holy. It contains career. His ability as a leader, a states- ets did not possess the prophetic gift. In
light to direct you, food to support you, man, and a warrior was of the first a number of cases the inspired prophet
and comfort to cheer you. It is the order. He assumed the reins of govern- came from the prophetic school, but the
traveler's map, the pilgrim's staff, the ment with great zeal, and soon made his prophetic gift was from God. The in-
pilot's compass, the soldier's sword, and power felt throughout the land. But spired prophets predicted the captivity,
the Christian's charter. Christ is its his fault was in the fact that he tried to the return, and the coming glory of
grand subject, our good its design, and reign like the kings round about him, Messiah's reign."—Henry T. Sell, D. D..
the glory of God its end. It should fill and not to regard himself as truly a in "Bible Study by Books."
the memory, rule the heart, and guide subject of God as any one of his people.
the feet. Read it slowly, frequently, Feeling his rejection most keenly, the
prayerfully. It is a mine of wealth, a latter end of his life was embittered by
paradise of glory, and a river of pleas- fits of deep melancholy.
ure. It is given you in life, will be open
News and Miscellany I
"The Second King
at the judgment, and be remembered Notes and clippings from the daily and
forever. It invokes the highest respon- " David, the shepherd lad called to weekly press
sibility, rewards the greatest labor, and be king in place of Saul, proved himself
condemns all who trifle with its holy to be an almost ideal king. The keynote I
contents." of his character is struck in his duel — Our government owns fourteen na-
-4- -1- -4- with Goliath. ' Then said David, . tional parks, with a total area of nearly
Thou comest to me with a sword, and five million acres, all under the jurisdic-
The Bible Year with a spear, and with a shield: but I tion of the Department of the Interior.
Assignment for April 2 to 8 come to thee in the name of the Lord of:
hosts.' In this supreme trust in God is — By means of a golden key, presented
April 2: I Samuel 29 to 31. marked his entire difference from Saul. f at the White House, Mrs. Woodrow
April 3: 2 Samuel i to 4. After the death of the first king, Davidi Wilson, wife of the President, formally
April 4: 2 Samuel 5 to 8. was invited to the throne of Judah. The; opened the American Woman's Exposi-
April 5: 2 Samuel 9 to 12. northern tribes remained faithful to[ tion at Cleveland, Ohio, March 6.
April 6: 2 Samuel 13 to 15. Saul, and Ishbosheth, his son, reigned! — In the Imperial University at Tokio,
April 7: 2 Samuel 16 to 18. over them until his assassination, when] a state university of Japan, there are
April 8: 2 Samuel 19 to 21. they invited David to be their king; het seventeen Christians among the teach-
First and Second Samuel was then crowned a second time in the ers, and more than three hundred pro-
" The great event in the books of city of Hebron. fessed Christians among the students.
Samuel is the establishment of a mon- The home policy of David was ceni
tralization of power. Soon after he — The Dutch government has taken
archy. over the distribution of all coal in Hol-
" The three leading characters are became king of the whole nation, he[ land. Distribution is under the control
Samuel, Saul, and David. besieged Jerusalem (then called Jebus),
of a body known as the State Coal Dis-
" These books open with the aged and taking it, made it the political andi tribution and Advisory Committee. Im- I
priest Eli as the priest, judge, and leader ecclesiastical capital of his kingdom. porters of coal must dispose of it subject
of the people. Samuel is born in an- "After coming into the Land of Prom-i to the instructions of this body.
swer to prayer; he takes the place of ise, the Hebrews had worshiped at many[
Eli. The people ask for a king; Saul local shrines, such as Gilgal, Tabor, and — The oldest workable automobile in
is given. Saul, proving unworthy, is Bethel; now all these were broken up, existence was made by the Haynes Com-
deposed, and David takes his place. The and the worship centered at the temple. pany, of Kokomo, Ind., in 1893-94. With
books close with the end of his reign. The importance of this change cannot the use of gasoline it made a successful
be overestimated. trial trip of six to seven miles an hour,
"The Last Judge of Israel " The foreign policy of David was July 4, 1894. It is now on exhibition in
" Samuel has been placed next to strong and vigorous. He was not con- the Smithsonian Institution, Washington.
Moses in the great work which he did. tent to wait and repulse attacks, but — Secretary of the Treasury William
Moses, under God, was the founder of carried on a war of conquest. The McAdoo, and United States Senator
the theocracy, Samuel was the founder hereditary enemies of Israel, the Am- Duncan U. Fletcher of Florida, left
of the monarchy; he is one of the most monites, the Moabites, the Edomites, the Washington March 7 for Buenos Aires,
majestic figures in the Old Testament; Scythians, and the Amalekites, were to attend the International High Com-
his public and private acts are above re- made vassals, and the borders of the mission on uniformity of laws relating
proach. When he became judge, the kingdom extended from the Mediter-I to foreign trade, to be held in Latin
tribes were at war with the surrounding ranean to the Euphrates. . . . America.
nations and with themselves; the na-
"Rise of the Prophetic Order
tional religion had fallen into decay. — During the past year there were
When he died, the tribes had become a " One of the most striking features of 11,888 students enrolled in Columbia
nation respected and feared by their these books is the order of the proph4 University, to,555 in the University of
enemies, and Jehovah's religion was ets, which suddenly presents itself. Na California, 7,968 in the University of
firmly established. explanation is given for its origin. UP Chicago, 7,404 in the University of Penn-
"The Rise of the Monarchy
to this time the priest has been the sylvania, 6,810 in the University of
chosen medium through which God com Wisconsin, 6,684 in the University of
"Necessity. It is evident that God municated his will to his people. Nowt Michigan, 6,351 in Harvard, 3,572 in the
intended the Israelites to become a great the prophet to a great extent takes hiq University of Texas, and 3,303 in Yale.
nation living immediately under his place. This order represented the indei Princeton had 1,615 students, and the
government and knit together by faith pendence of the moral portion of the University of Virginia, i,008.
shielded, some day he may be subjected to The May "Watchman"
temptation to smoke or drink, and that he
IF you were to learn that Elders I. H.
may yield?
j\PPOlNTMENTS Do you appreciate that even though your
child may, as far as you know, have abso-
Evans and C. B. Haynes, Dr. P. T. Magan,
and Prof. F. W. Field were to visit your
city, accompanied by Brother L. A. Smith and
Camp Meetings lutely no inherited tendencies along these a number of leading Watchman contributors,
lines, he may still yield to temptation? would you pay a dime to hear all these persons
Are you willing to spend time and money lecture, each on a different subject? Would
Virginia June r to rr ?
to helpeducate him to love the true and beau- you not invite a large number of your friends
Chesapeake June 8 to is tiful and to loathe that which is filthy and to come out and hear them? Would you not
West Pennsylvania June 22 to July 2 evil widely advertise the meeting throughout you;
Eastern Pennsylvania June 29 to July 9 If you have no boy or girl who needs such community? Without doubt you would be
New Jersey July 27 to Aug. 6 instruction, are you willing to help some other willing to pay many times ten cents to hear
Ohio Aug. 17 to 27 boy or girl? these persons lecture. But in the May Watch-
West Virginia Aug. 3o to Sept. 8 man you get articles from their pens for only
It is not necessary for us to delineate the
NORTHERN UNION CONFERENCE evil and startling effects of intemperance. 0
Iowa, Nevada May 25 to June 5 Enough has already been said on this subject
Minnesota, Anoka June r to rr for older people and for the young people.
South Dakota, Watertown June 8 to r8 It is the children for whom we are now
North Dakota June rs to 25 pleading.
Two years ago we printed a Temperance
-0- -0- -0- number of Our Little Friend.. It was our first
effort, but it met with a good degree of suc-
District of Columbia Conference cess. Fifty-five thousand copies were printed,
Corporation and after these were exhausted.; more than
THE seventh annual session of the District two thousand orders were turned away.
of Columbia Conference Corporation of Sev- This year we are printing another Tem-
enth-day Adventists will convene in Memorial perance number of Our Little Friend. It will
Church, corner Twelfth •and M Streets, Wash- contain sixteen pages and have a colored
ington, D. C., at ro A. M., Monday, April ro, cover, and the contents will be entirely de-
1916, to elect officers for the ensuing year, and voted to the subject of temperance.
to transact such other business as may prop- Now you may say that we already have the
erly come before the association. Temperance Instructor, and expect soon to
R. E. HARTER, President. have the Temperance Signs of the Times
R. C. TAYLOR, Secretary. weekly, and we do not need a Temperance
Little Friend. But please remember that Our
Little Friend has a field all its own.
Requests for Prayer The children are sure to be interested in
" Play that I may be healed of a skin dis- and enthusiastic over some of the same things
ease which physicians cannot seem to help," that the parents and teachers are interested
writes a Nebraska sister. in and enthusiastic over, and in this Tem-
An aged sister in Indiana earnestly asks perance number we aim to give them some-
prayer that she may be healed of injuries re- thing to work for, which they will be able ten cents. You can hand this number of the
to comprehend. Watchman to your friends, and .they.,,Will re-
ceived from a fall, and that her children
may be won to the Lord. It is not necessary to study the counter- ceive the same information or the; same
feit in order to know the genuine, but by amount.
•-•- studying the genuine we shall know the coun- By taking five or more, you can Secure them
terfeit. It is not necessary to know all about for five cents a copy; if you take as many as
Publications Wanted all the evil in the world in order not to be fifty or more, at four cents a copy. Sell or
THE persons named below desire late, clean corrupted by it. So our plan in this Tem- distribute them in your community, and your
copies of our publications, sent postpaid, for perance number of Our Little Friend has been neighbors will receive articles on the greatest
use in missionary work. In sending publica- not to impress on the tender minds and hearts variety of subjects that has ever appeared in
tions care should be exercised to select only of our children many of the evils and hideous one issue of the Watchman. Articles appear
such as are free from soil and disfigurement. effects of intemperance, but to present to them in this number dealing with the European
We have been credibly informed that some some of its dangers, and portray before them war, current happenings, the crucifixion of
who oppose this movement and the truths the beauty and the strength of temperance. Christ, the Sabbath, religious liberty, the res-
which it represents answer these requests for Even the older people will enjoy reading urrection, pagan Rome, papal Rome, etc.
literature, and are sending to our brethren and such articles as " Danger Signals," by Mrs. Surely a magazine dealing with all these dif-
sisters in various parts of the country tracts George Rine; " The Story of the Corpies " ferent subjects from writers who have given
and papers representing their opposition. Our (blood corpuscles), by Mrs. Vesta J. Farns- them careful and prayerful study is just the
workers should be careful not to confound worth; " Fire Water and the Alaskan In- journal to place in the hands of those whom
this literature with our denominational pub- dians," by Earle Albert Rowell; " The Tem- you would like to see interested in the truth.
lications, and thus unwittingly become agents perance Parade in Los Angeles, and Dandy, You know the Watchman has a characteristic
in sending out matter not printed in the in- the Temperance Horse," by Lolita Leads- way all its own of winning people to the
terests of the cause of truth. worth ; an interesting article by Dr. Belle truth, and you can depend upon it. Order a
Wood-Conistock; and various other entertain- few copies of the May number and give it a
J. H. Downes, Y. M. C. A., Cornhill, Lon-
ing articles the titles and authors of which trial. Watch for results.
don, E. C., England.
will be announced later.
Mrs. Alice Goodman, R. F. D. 4, Lawrence-
burg, Tenn. Papers and tracts. If we want our children to grow up right,

H. B. Swartwood, R. F. D. I, Van Etten,

we must lay the foundation right. If our
State is dry, and our nation should go dry, Obituaries
N. Y. Watchman, Liberty, Temperance In- we want to keep it dry; and it is those who
structor, and Present Truth Series. are now children who will prove a strong
factor in doing this.
STAMP.— Lydia Stamp was born in Barba-
A. 0. Burrill, 1708 Maple St., Vancouver, dos in 1868, and died in La Ceiba, Spanish
British Columbia. Signs (weekly and month- Remember, too, that however much we, as Honduras, Central America, Feb. 20, r916.
ly), Watchman, Instructor, Little Friend, Life publishers of our children's paper, may en- She became a member of the Seventh-day Ad-
and Health. deavor to do to educate and train the chil- ventist Church through the efforts of Elder
dren, we must have your cooperation to make A. J. Haysmer. It was her delight to minister
Edward S. Quinn, 7 Denwood Ave., Takoma our work a success. What will you do to
Park, Washington, D. C. Signs (weekly and to those who were sick or afflicted, and she
help us to help your children. was well known throughout the island. One
monthly), and Watchman; also names of in-
terested persons for use in missionary cor- When our last number was issued, a sub- son is left to mourn. ISAAC BAKER.
scription was taken up among the business
respondence band. JENSEN.— J. B. Jensen was born in Green
men in one town to place one copy of Our
•-•-• Little Friend in the hands of every child in Bay, Wis., Dec. 3, 1864, and died at his home,
the public schools, and even intemperate fa- near Cazenovia, Wis., Feb. 9, 1916. He was
Are You Interested in Temperance? united in marriage with Miss Effie Rhinehart
thers were interested and subscribed to the
ARE you a parent or guardian? Have you fund. June 14, 1904. At the age of fourteen he
a child in whom you are interested, anywhere became a member of the De Bello church in
from three to fifteen years of age? Do you Will you help to save the children? This Yuba, Wis., and for many years served as
want that child to grow up to be a clean, tem- number will sell for five cents a copy, or ten church clerk and treasurer. His wife, five
perate man or woman? Do you know that copies for twenty-five cents. children, a mother, and four sisters are left
however carefully he may be guarded and EDITOR OUR LITTLE FRIEND. to mourn. A. W. Junsow.

MURRAY.- Julia H., infant daughter of John The Church an Agent and also for unbelievers. It is training,
and Fannie Murray, died Feb. 18, 1916, aged " Christ's church on earth is to be an education, that is needed. Those who
4 months and 14 days. The writer spoke agent for him. Its members are to be labor in visiting the churches should
words of comfort to the sorrowing parents devoted to the work to which God has give the brethren and sisters instruction
and friends. GUSTAVUS. P. RODGERS. in practical methods of doing missionary
appointed them, taking their places ac-
HrTE.— Ernest Hite recently died in the cording to God's order, and doing the work."
city of Baltimore, Md., after an illness of work he has assigned them. The tidings " The strength of an army is meas-
more than two years. He accepted present of every successful effort on their part ured largely by the efficiency of the men
truth during the summer of 1914, as the re- in the ranks. A wise general instructs
sult of a tent effort, and remained faithful to to dispel the darkness and to diffuse the
GUSTAVUS P. RODGERS. light and knowledge of God and Jesus his officers to train every soldier for
the end. active service. He seeks to develop the
Christ, whom he has sent, are borne
SAMPLEY.- Died in Baum, Okla., Feb. 4, upward. The act is presented before all highest efficiency on the part of all. If
1916, Exira Sampley, aged 27 years. She he were to depend on his officers alone,
accepted present truth about five years ago, the heavenly intelligences, and thrills
and remained faithful to the end of life. Their through all the principalities and pow- he could never expect to conduct a suc-
loss is mourned by a husband, three little chil- ers, enlisting the sympathy of all heav- cessful campaign. He counts on loyal
dren, and other relatives. Funeral services enly beings. . . and untiring service from every man
were conducted by Pastor Pittman, of the " Every man, according to his several in his army. The responsibility rests
Methodist Church. N. CLAUSEN. ability, has been given his work. You largely upon the men in the ranks.
ScoTT.— James Austin Scott was born in are to occupy a place as a laborer to- "And so it is in the army of Prince
New Haven, Ohio, Feb. 10, 1848, and died gether with God, and as his agent you Immanuel. Our General, who has never
Jan. 27, 1916. In r87o he was united in are to gather other agencies and unite lost a battle, expects willing, faithful
marriage with Jane Atherton, who, with a them with those already in the work, service from every one who has enlisted
son and a daughter, and several brothers and that the instrumentalities for winning under his banner in the closing contro-
sisters, is left to mourn. Brother Scott ac- souls to look to Christ may be as many versy now waging between the forces
cepted present truth and united with the Ham- for good and the hosts of evil. He ex-
ilton (Ohio) Seventh-day Adventist church as possible.
J. J. MARIETTA. "Angels of God are soliciting you to pects all, laymen as well as ministers, to
in 1910. take part. All who have enlisted as his
work in fellowship with them, doing the
Grr.x.rtaxo.— Rachel Stanfill was born in will of God on earth as verily and soldiers are to render faithful service
Campbell County, Tennessee, June 23, 1851. as minutemen, with a keen sense of the
She was married to W. D. Gilliland in 1874. unitedly and devotedly as they do the
In 1891 she became convinced of the truth of work appointed them in heaven and responsibility resting upon them indi-
the third angel's message, and united with the earth. These angels are surveying the vidually."
Seventh-day Adventist Church. Her death ground occupied by the individual mem- -4- -4- -4-
occurred Jan. 3o, 1916, and the funeral was bers of the church. They see the ad- Drone Destroyers — Through
held in a little prairie schoolhouse near Las vantage gained by Satan when men and
Animas, Colo. Her husband and ten children women neglect their God-appointed
Providing Work
survive. H. A. VANDEMAN. "As I am a new convert, I am quite ig-
work. They see this work neglected or
LrxTox.— Adeline Johnson was born in Ala- done in a bungling manner by those who norant; but through your Present Truth
bama, March 21, 1848. She was married to claim to be Christ's, and they sorrow Series God has given me a work to do
J. N. Linton in 1867, and they accepted present over souls that are lost in consequence that I otherwise could not do; for I have
truth about twenty-eight years ago, in Missis- of this neglect. They cannot take your a family, and my first duty is to them.
sippi. They moved to Keene, Tex., the year place or discharge your duty. Could I send out the Extras through the
the academy was established. Sister Linton mail, and am getting many encouraging
fell asleep in the blessed hope Feb. 13, 1916. they do this, they would do it gladly,
To the sorrowing sons and daughters and for they know that your eternal welfare answers. In this way I am able to pre-
many friends the writer spoke words of MR- depends upon the use you make of your sent the truth in many homes where I
fort from John I : 35. E. W. CAREY. intrusted talents, your intellect, your know there are Bible students who are
reason. They cannot do your work, but uninformed as to the real truths. But
MILLER.- Edna Sena Taylor was born in for these little papers I should be almost
Gresham, Nebr., Nov. 26, 1890. When she they stand ready to cooperate with hu-
was five years old her parents moved to Colo- man agencies as they work to draw souls a drone; but with them, at their low cost,
rado, and later to Leighton, Mo. There she to Jesus Christ, striving to recover them it does not seem that any Seventh-day
was married to T. H. Miller in 191 1. They through the infinite gift made for their Adventist has a reasonable excuse for
made their home in Pittsburg, Kans., where redemption. not being an active agent for the
she died Feb. 13, r916. She was a devout " It is the duty of every one who Master."
Christian, and while anxious to live and rear claims to believe on Jesus Christ to be- -4- -4-

her little daughter, was resigned to the will of
God. Her husband and child, together with
come a worker for God. Entire con- The Present Truth Series in
her parents, are left to mourn. secration and unity are demanded in Florida
J. L. BALLARD. the work which must be done to bring
greater results. I inquire, How can any " 0 UR church officers met this evening
one be silent when he knows what the and authorized me to order x,000 P. T. S.
This Gospel of the Kingdom Lord Jesus expects from every human No. 3. It has been desired to have them
being? I implore you that name the here for work next Sunday. The St.
IN Matt. 24: x4 we are told that " this name of Christ to no longer be selfishly Petersburg band plays in the park each
gospel of the kingdom shall be preached and wickedly indifferent to your duty." Sunday afternoon, and a large number
in all the world for a witness unto all of people from the Northern.States and
nations; and then shall the end come." The Church to Give:the Message
Canada are around listening to the mu-
The responsibility of hastening or de- This great reformatory movement sic. During the intermission I pass out
laying the coming of Christ rests upon with which we are privileged to be con- our literature. They seem to appreciate
the church; for we are told by the serv- nected will never he completed, the full it very much. We seldom find any of it
ant of the Lord that the church is God's realization of our hopes can never be left. We see them reading it on the
appointed agency for the salvation of entered into, " until the men and women porches and verandas and on the streets.
men. It was organized for service, and comprising our church membership The good it does makes for us friends
its mission is to carry the gospel to the rally to the work, and unite their efforts over a widely scattered area of North
world. with those of ministers and church of- America, and we believe it will awaken
From the earliest times it has been ficers. . . . conscience and give conviction upon
God's purpose that the entire church " In every church there is talent present truth.
should be instructed and trained to do which, with the right kind of labor, " Many do not wait to receive it, but
service for him. To this end "he gave might be developed to become a great ask for it. Scores of men have come
some to be apostles; and some, prophets; help in this work. That which is needed to us asking for the papers. Today a
and some, evangelists; and some, pastors now for the upbuilding of our churches lady in a wheel chair remarked, Is that
and teachers; for the perfecting of the is the nice work of wise laborers to dis- an Adventist publication? I like to read
saints, unto the work of ministering, cern and develop talent in the church,— ! it. Please may I have one?' Another
unto the building up of the body of talent that can be educated for the Mas- lady in a wheel chair some twenty feet
Christ." ter's use. There should be a well-organ- away also asked if she might have one.
" If every church member were a liv- ized plan for the employment of workers We could use many thousands of these
ing missionary, the gospel would speed- to go into all our churches, large and papers if we were able to secure them.
ily be proclaimed in all countries, to all small, to instruct the members how to Great opportunities are open to us
peoples, nations, and tongues." labor for the upbuilding of the church. through this means."
The 1916 Year Book
IT CONTAINS a complete directory of the General Conference
and all its departments, of the four division conferences,
of the union conferences, and of every local conference and
mission, with the name and address of every officer and
laborer connected therewith.
IT LISTS the names of all educational institutions, with the
names of boards of management, and the studies taught by
each member of the faculty.
IT GIVES the members of all managing boards of publishing
houses, the editors, the papers issued, their subscription
price, size, frequency of publication, and other data.
IT PRESENTS a list of all sanitariums, treatment rooms, food
factories, cafés, etc., with physicians, the members of all
managing boards, and other officers.
IT ILLUSTRATES the growth of the denomination since its or-
ganization in 1863, by statistical tables, more complete than
ever before, representing all departments of work; it also
states by conferences the number of churches and their
membership, as shown by the last published statistical
IT MAKES a survey of the field for the past year, prepared
for this work by those in charge of the fields, in which
many indications of progress are given.
IT INDICATES the location of churches in many of the larger
cities in the North American Division,
IN FACT, the Year Book contains information respecting
every' laborer connected with this cause, indicating the line
of work in which he is engaged, and his address; every
institution under denominational control, and for easy ref-
erence a separate list for each union conference; and the
growth of every department is represented statistically.
THE YEAR BOOK is therefore an indispensable compen-
dium of information respecting this cause. No officer or
other laborer can afford to be without it. With the many,
many changes that have recently been made in organiza-
tions, the Year Book is more necessary now than ever
AND THE PRICE — Simply cut in two for your benefit. Now
only twenty-five cents. Money lost on every copy, but the
benefit comes back in other ways. Order your copy before
the limited edition has been sold.
Order from your tract society.

Ten per cent higher in Western Canada
BROTHER G. W. PETTIT, who is labor-i "Took Paper on Pastoral Calls
ing in west India, writes that a splendid " 3. I next put a clean copy of the
opening has been found among a new paper in my pocket and started out on
people in the Gujarat section. He vis- my pastoral visitation each afternoon.
ited them, and found some very intel-, 'By this means I had made a list of, all
WASHINGTON, D. C., MARCH 30, 1916 ligent people, who have been persistently who ought to take the paper, but had not
calling for a worker. Plans are on subscribed. With this list and the paper
foot to get out some literature soon in in my pocket, I began sharpshooting at
CONTENTS the Gujarati language, as a beginning [ close range. I went to the house, the
for more aggressive labor. About $200 store, the shop, the factory. I pulled but
The Conversion of Peter, Eliza H. Morton 2 is needed for this work. Their plea for my paper and my list. I submitted the
Freedom's Song, N. W. Vincent 2
a laborer to come among them has had! question. Most surrendered at once
EDITORIALS to be denied. when thus individually appealed to. The
Two Discarded Practices — The Cheap- -4- -4- few that hesitated I stayed with till they
ness of Human Life — I am Going to Petitions in Congress saw ' a great light' and subscribed. Only
Quit— Angels: Their Ministry— Signs
of Christ's Coming, No. 4 —DevelQp- - PETITIONS against legislation abridging here and there an obtuse or stingy soul
ments of Our Work in the Eastern States the freedom of the press, and against escaped.
— Growing Prohibition Sentiment 3-8 bills making Sunday a day of rest in the "Took up Subscriptions for Paper
GENERAL ARTICLES District of Columbia, are beginning to
pour in to Congress. Petitions of the "4. There were always a few poor
Effects of Present Fashions on the Mor-
als, E. Hilliard 8 first class are coming in from many per- people who could not afford to take the
" Hold to the Affirmative," Mary Stuart 8 sons who are not Seventh-day Advent- paper. On Christmas or New Year's I
The Light of the World—No. 4, A. T. ists; but all petitions of the latter class would state this fact to the public con-
Robinson 9 are without doubt from our own people. gregation, and ask the well-to-do to send
The Law of God — No. to, Milton C. The memorial of the Religious Liberty a Christmas or New Year gift to these
Wilcox 9 Association was presented March 9, and poor, that would come every week in the
Secret Societies, Mrs. E. G. White to
printed in the Congressional Record. year. This always met with quick re-
I2, 13
14, I5
16, I7
17, 18
IS, 19
.... 20
The same day two other protests were sponse.
presented to the Senate, and one to the
House. On subsequent days protests came
"Took Paper to Converts
" 5. At the close of the revival each
in as follows: One to the House, March year I appealed to all new converts to
1o; one to the Senate, two to the House, take a church paper.
March n ; one to the House, March 13; " This is my `experience.' It fills me

NEWS AND MISCELLANY 20 three to the Senate, two to the House, with joy to recall it. It was a good work
MISCELLANEOUS 2I, 22 March 14; two to the Senate, one to the for Christ."
House, March 15; four to the House, -4- -4-
AT the close of the week of prayer at March 16; two to the Senate, three to A Sunday Night Meeting
the Solusi Mission, South Africa, twenty- the House, March 17; two to the Senate,
one to the House, March 18; two to the in Pittsburgh
five students, mostly young men, gave
their hearts to the Lord. There is now Senate, three to the House, March 20; IT was a privilege to attend the meet-
a baptismal class of thirty at the mis- one to the House, March 21. This is the ing held in the Pitt Theater, Pittsburgh,
sion, under instruction by Pastor W. C. opportunity for us to warn our Congress- Sunday night, March 19. The occasion
Walston. men against Sunday legislation. Let the was impressive, especially from the
-4- -4- good work with petitions go forward standpoint of our work and its progress.
BROTHER W. A. SPICER, after making rapidly. The audience was the largest the build-
-4- ing had ever held, according to the state-
a tour of the churches in Jamaica, in
company with Brother and Sister Boger, How'to Circulate a Church Paper ment of those in charge of it. It was
took passage early in March for San- DR. J. T. PECK, who later in life be- estimated that three thousand people
tiago, Cuba. Brother J. J. Ireland ac- came one of the most distinguished [ were in attendance, every available space,
companied him, having audited the West bishops of the Methodist Episcopal including aisles, stairs, and landings
Indian Union Conference and publishing Church, related in the Western Advocate being utilized; and the doorkeepers said
house books in Jamaica. how, when a pastor, he worked to in- !that five hundred persons or more were
-4- -4- crease the circulation of the church ;turned away.
paper among the members of his congre- It was a new thing to me to see people
A LETTER just received from Brother gation. His methods might well be refused admittance to one of our meet-
L. V. Finster brings the good word that copied by our workers in the circulation ings. The deep interest shown by the 111
last year there were two hundred thirty- of our church paper. Dr. Peck says: — :large audience seemed remarkable. More
five persons baptized into the message in ;than one thousand names and addresses
the Philippines. Some of these converts "Took Paper in Pulpit ,were handed in at this and the previous
were first fruits from two newly entered " I. I took the paper into the pulpit. [Sunday night meeting by those who
pagan tribes — the Tinguianes and Igo- I opened it wide and showed it to the !wanted the lecture in printed form.
rots. As a further evidence of progress, people. I expatiated upon its beauties, ;Among these were the names of several
he says their book sales amounted to $12,- its benefits, its departments, its necessi- "ministers, many well-known business
678. ties to any member who would be an !men, and quite a number of people from
-4- intelligent Methodist and know the cur- 'out of town. The collection amounted
WORD from the brethren in South rent history of his church. I warmed to more than $130 each night.
America tells of good meetings they with my theme and exhorted. I appealed Many prayers had been offered for the
were having. The workers from the to their loyalty; I excoriated the dis- !speaker, Elder A. G. Daniells, that God
South American Union were assembled loyalty that dropped the church papers ;would enable him to present the message
at Buenos Aires the first part of Febru- and took outside papers, especially if !with power. The subject of Armageddon
ary, and a workers' institute was in they were cheap. . . . I swept the whole ,[was given in a clear, forceful manner,
progress. At this meeting the South keyboard of incentives to take the paper. !followed by an earnest appeal to his
American Division Conference was or- Then when the iron had been made hot hearers to live the life of godliness.
ganized. The name of the South Amer- by striking, I struck to weld it by taking To one acquainted with what has been
ican Union Conference was changed to subscriptions on the spot. I got all I Itold us regarding the way in which our
Austral Union Conference, " austral " in could on Sunday as a religious work. I truth is to go to many people, especially
Spanish meaning south. The brethren used blank cards often in the pews. in our large cities, this meeting seemed
expected to go on to Chile, then to Peru, "Took Paper to Prayer Meeting like the beginning of a new and great
for general meetings. Brother Town work. As we hear of calls for similar
"2. I followed up this bombardment meetings in a number of other large
will return to the States after the early from the pulpit by a renewed attack at ities, we can but recognize that we have
May meeting in Peru, Brother Prescott a closer range in the prayer meeting. I ntered upon a new era. What it means
returning to Argentina to attend a session repeated this effort in the prayer meeting o us all in its call to arise to the occa-
of the South American Division Confer- at intervals. I always gained some at ion, is a matter for sober thought.
ence Committee. the close of a warm prayer meeting. L. A.

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