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Before Reading
1) Read the story introduction on the first page of the book, and the back cover.
What do you know now about this story?
Choose the best words to complete this passage.

Victor Frankenstein is a monster / scientist.

He takes parts from dead I living people and builds a new

machine / man with them. This huge / small and beautiful /ugly

monster needs food / love, but Every body / nobody cares about

him, and so he soon learns to hate / hope. Because he is happy I

unhappy, he turns to / Against the man who created him, and

Desconhecido está
destroys / steals everything that Frankenstein loves.

2) Can you guess who will say or think these things in the story -Victor

Frankenstein or the monster?

You are an evil creature. I shall kill you if I can.'

You should love mean dbekind to me,like a father

I am tired and sad.

I have no Family or friends.

You will be sorry that you were ever born.'

He wants me to feel, day a fter day, the pain and misery that he has given me.'


Create - to make something new

Creature – a living animal or person

Blind – not able to see

Evil – very bad

Huge – very very big

Monter - an animal or person is stories which is big, ungly, and frightening

Strangle – to kill someone by holding them very hard round the neck.

Thunder – a very loud noise in the sky during a storm

Trial – a meeting (in a law court) to decide if someone has done a crime.

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