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The Abandoned Daughter of a Miracle Doctor (15)

Chapter 15: Medicine and poison

At the end of the Hongmeng Notes, there is also a sentence men oned.

"Ding Qian Ding, due to the different strength of the host, it will be strong when it is strong, and
weak when it is weak. However, if you are good at work and diligent, you only need to constantly
improve your own strength and use Qian Ding more o en. Qian Ding will one day be able to exert its
divine power."

Ye Lingyue read the le er and then looked at the cauldron seal in her hand. She couldn't help but
have mixed feelings in her heart. She didn't expect that this li le black cauldron had such a magical

At that me, Hongmeng Fangxian could cover the sky with his medical hands, and his strength was
the highest in the mainland. He could even use the Qianding Cauldron to refine Hongmeng Tianlai,
which shows how powerful he was.

In Ye Lingyue's hands, the Qian Ding could only be used to purify the medicinal liquid, also because
of her own insufficient cul va on.


"Squeak." The li le cute dog tugged on Ye Lingyue's trousers and mo oned her to go to the thatched
house opposite.

That thatched house was the residence of Yushou Duzun, Hongmeng Fangxian's lover. A er Ye
Lingyue entered, there were also some books in the room, but they were different from Hongmeng

These books wri en by Jade Hand Poison Master are all poison sutras.

Among them, a secret book called "Thirteen Needles of the Ghost Gate" a racted Ye Lingyue's
a en on.

It turns out that the Thirteen Needles of the Ghost Gate are the unique acupuncture method of Jade
Hand Poison Master. Different from the general medical acupuncture, the Thirteen Needles of the
Ghost Gate are murderous needles. The secret book records a large number of fatal points and key
points of the human and animal bodies. Harm.

"These two old seniors are quite interes ng. One only wants to save people, and the other only
wants to kill people." Ye Lingyue laughed dumbly and copied down the mental techniques and
formulas of the Thirteen Needles of the Ghost Gate.

For the remaining ten days, Ye Lingyue stayed in Hongmeng Tianli, reading the medical classics and
murderous poison scriptures of Hongmeng Fangxian and Jade Hand Poison Master every day.
Ye Lingyue's memory was amazing, and she had unknowingly read through the medical books and
poison scriptures of two worldly masters.

She also has a general understanding of various medical cases and poisons on the mainland.

"A er reading all the books, it's me to try how to use mental power." Ye Lingyue walked out of
Hongmeng an and came to the green tree orchard from earlier.

According to the records in Hongmeng Fangxian's handbook, Hongmeng Fangxian is different from
ordinary warriors. In addi on to cul va ng Yuan Li, he also cul vates spiritual power.

Hongmeng's handbook also recorded the simplest formula for cul va ng mental power. Ye Lingyue
prac ced it for a while and roughly mastered the basic use of mental power.

Using mental power, things from the outside world can be moved directly into Hongmeng an.

Ye Lingyue silently chanted "Aoki Fruit" in her heart, and failed for the first me.

The second me, it s ll didn't work.

"Sure enough, I was a li le too hasty. First try to move some smaller things into Hongmeng Sky." Ye
Lingyue was not in a hurry. She first tried to move a leaf, a stone, and then a fruit one by one into
Hongmeng Sky.

Two days later, a er repeated prac ce, as Ye Lingyue's mind moved, a frui ul green tree that
originally grew in front of her eyes disappeared.

In the Hongmeng Sky, there is an extra green tree fruit tree. The green tree fruit tree grows very
luxuriantly in the Hongmeng Sky.

"Successful." Ye Lingyue was overjoyed.

She moved the Green Tree Fruit into Hongmeng Tianhou, and she could only supply the Green Tree
Fruit in the en re Qiu Feng Town, which was much more valuable than the Juyuan Grass.

It's just that the bigger things are carried, the more difficult it is for Ye Lingyue to use mental power.
A er an intermi ent day, Ye Lingyue finally moved all the dozens of green trees along the ridge into
Hongmeng an.

"Oops, coun ng the days, the Ye Family Trial has already begun." A er Ye Lingyue finished
everything, she counted the me and found that she had already stayed in Qixing Mountain for more
than a month without knowing it.

In total, today is the third day of the Ye family's trial. When she realized this, Ye Lingyue was shocked.

The clan test was coming to an end. If she didn't go down the mountain quickly, she would lose the
bet. Ye Lingyue hurriedly took Xiao Zhiyo down the mountain and rushed to the Ye family mar al arts

In the Ye Family Mar al Arts Hall, the Ye Family Trial has entered its third day.

In the huge Ye family school grounds, hundreds of Ye family disciples under the age of twenty formed
a circle.

The young masters of the family, including Ye Huangcheng, were also watching.

Under several temporary awnings, the head of the Ye family, Ye Gu, and several elders of the branch
family of the Ye family were si ng on the Taishi chair.

Several people stared at the compe on on the ring with blazing eyes.

The Ye Family Trial is held every three years. Young men and women from both the main family and
the branch family can par cipate. Those who can get the top ten in the family test are regarded as
the elite children of the Ye Family and will be able to obtain resources and mar al arts in the future. ,
will be much more than others.

The top three in the clan compe on can even enter the Ye Family Mar al Arts Temple to personally
select a basic mar al arts. This is a great honor for all the children of the Ye Family.

Back then, Ye Lingyue's mother, Ye Huangyu, passed the Ye Family Exam and won first place in the Ye
Family Exam at the age of thirteen.

Because Ye Lingyue was a stupid girl in her early years, she never had the chance to take part in the
clan test. A er all, this was her first clan test a er she returned to normal.

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