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The Abandoned Daughter of a Miracle Doctor (12)

Chapter 12 Collec ng Medicine and Encountering Animals

A er the first successful feeding, Ye Lingyue had the second and third...

In order to make the cute dog like her more, Ye Lingyue began to change her tricks and hunt different
beasts every day.

Snow chickens, spores, etc., are different beasts every day. Every me, in addi on to keeping a part
for daily consump on, Ye Lingyue will carefully chop the rest and throw it to the li le cute dog.

This also made Ye Lingyue's actual combat ability greatly improved, her skills became more flexible,
and the energy in her Dan an also increased at a considerable rate.

By about the third me the meat was delivered, the li le cute dog no longer avoided Ye Lingyue
when ea ng. It would walk out of the white mist at a specific me every day and wait for Ye Lingyue.









A er taking a bite of roast pork, the li le guy suddenly jumped up and stuck out his pink tongue. His
blue eyes were watery.

"It's too hot, you impa ent li le guy." Ye Lingyue smiled amusedly and scratched its head.

The li le cute dog's fur was so , like a piece of fine silk, and Ye Lingyue couldn't put it down.
This me, the li le guy didn't avoid it. It no longer rejected Ye Lingyue's approach.

As Ye Lingyue stroked its head, and then nibbled on the pig leg in small bites, Ye Lingyue no ced that
the li le cute dog's movements of ea ng meat were s ll very graceful, as if someone had taught it.

Ye Lingyue couldn't help but feel funny at her own idea.

Tas ng the taste of barbecue for the first me, the li le guy was very sa sfied. He gnawed the whole
pig leg, which made Ye Lingyue smack her tongue.

A er finishing the roast pork, the li le cute dog moved to Ye Lingyue's side, raised his leg, and
splashed on Ye Lingyue's leg.

"You li le guy." Ye Lingyue didn't know whether to laugh or cry.


















Ye Lingyue's reac on was not slow, and the energy in her dan an was concentrated on her fist.

She kicked her feet, her body was like a baby swallow, and she nimbly avoided the a ack of the iron-
armed ape. The thunder in her fists flashed, and she struck three thunder fists.

The thunder fell on the Iron Arm Ape's le arm, and Yuanli exploded suddenly. The Iron Arm Ape let
out a roar, and the force of the thunder immediately ripped open its skin and flesh.

The iron-armed ape wailed, its strong body shook, and its forearm bones were broken by Ye
Lingyue's two thunder fists.


With his le arm injured, the iron-armed ape became fierce and used all his brute force to pull up a
tree as thick as an arm and smash it towards Ye Lingyue.

It rolled over all the way, and trees and soil were splashed all over the ground.

Ye Lingyue knew that she could not defeat the enemy, so she did not dare to fight head-on. She
picked up the remaining energy in her body, stepped on it, and hid deep in the forest.

The iron-armed ape has been king in this area for many years. It has never suffered such a loss. It
released its pace and pursued Ye Lingyue all the way, forcing Ye Lingyue to run all the way.

Fortunately, there were many trees in the forest, and the iron-armed ape was injured again. Soon, it
was pulled away by Ye Lingyue.

The Iron Arm Ape chased all the way and found that there was no shadow of Ye Lingyue in front of
him. He could only feel annoyed and searched everywhere.
In the cave of an old tree not far away, there was a pair of eyes looking out.

This was an old tree that had been killed by lightning. The branches and leaves had dried up, leaving
only a stump. Ye Lingyue had just been in a hurry and hid inside.

As expected, the iron-armed ape found no trace of her. A er searching around, he could only walk
away in frustra on.

Just when Ye Lingyue was about to take the opportunity to slip away, the tree wall was slippery, and
she missed the step and rolled into the bo omless tree hole with a grunt.

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