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Writing Chapter 1: The Problem and Its Background


This provides general information about the topic chosen, its role or importance in society; it also
discusses the reason why the researcher became interested in the study. For example, if the study is about
English language learning, a discussion on the importance of English education in the Philippines today will be
an appropriate introduction.

Sample Introduction (Title: “Blended Learning at Centro Escolar University” by Opina,

The Problem and Its Background


Internet has become impossible to ignore and even people who do not own a computer have seen or

heard about its uses. Education becomes accessible even outside the formal schools. Anyone can acquire

information, knowledge with the use of virtual technology anytime even at wee hours. As Paul West (2010)

puts it, the Internet is being attributed with the power to mesmerize and seduce the youth as was the

television and film industries at an earlier time.

Blended or hybrid learning combines online with face-to-face learning formats. It is gaining

acceptance as a supplement to the traditional classroom setting. However, since it is a relatively new means

of getting knowledge, research on its effectiveness is still in its infancy. This means that questions that have

been thoroughly studied for traditional classrooms may need to be revisited for Blended instruction.

In the Philippines, most computers are placed in computer laboratories where students are sent for

self-paced tutorials. But Barrett (2008) believes that this is not education and that technology "should

support the complex private and social activities that make up the learning process"(201). Some schools

now have created a fully distributed computing environment to support the learners though the provision of

electronic mail, access to software, personal file storage and other communications utilities. In this way

computers are used to aid students in the learning process.

With this in mind, the researchers decided to create online quizzes, and games to supplement the

lessons in Communication Skills 1 so they could come up with insights applicable to the students of CEU

Manila, Makati and Malolos campuses.

Background of the Study

In undergraduate research, this is sometimes incorporated in the introduction of the study. It provides the
history of the topic, subjects of the study, and other strategies compared or tested, chemical substance analyzed,

Sample Background of the Study: (from “Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) and Teaching Performance of
Education and Non-Education Graduates in the Philippines” by Dr. Brenda B. Corpuz and Dr. Nenita V. Quinon.

Background of the Study

In accordance with R.A. 7836, the licensure Examination for Teachers is open to

BS graduates who comply with the eighteen-unit professional education subjects.

Through the years, it has been observed that most of the top performers in the LET come

from the group on non-education graduates. In the field, however, a common comment

from the school heads is that the non-education graduates are good in content but not so

good in teaching methods and techniques. In contrast, it is said that most education

graduates are said to be inadequate in content but good on teaching methods and


Today, the question on whether to increase the eighteen-unit Professional

Education subjects, the minimum number of units required of non-education graduates

for the LET, as provided for in R.A. 9293 is raised by education stakeholders.

Setting of the Study

It specially gives information regarding the location of the study, for example, the history of the private
university where the students are enrolled in, the town or city where the respondents live, etc. It is usually
accompanied by a map of the pertinent place/s.

Sample Setting of the Study (taken from “The Relationship of The Online English Teachers’ Competencies to Selected
Variables: Implications to Online English Teaching” by Ivan Perry Mercado.
Setting of the Study

This study will be conducted in Metro Manila, Philippines (Figure 1). The

Philippines is a tropical country consisting of 7,107 islands between 4.23N and 21.25N

and between 116E and 127E longitude. Figure 2 shows the islands that are geographically

divided into three main areas, namely Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao. Only 2,000

islands of the archipelago are inhabited.

There are 111 linguistic, cultural and racial groups, of which over 36 are more

ethnic groups scattered throughout the archipelago. The relative isolation provided by the

islands has made ethnic regionalism evident to this day. The national language is Tagalog,

although another 70 languages and dialects of Malayo-Polynesian origin are also currently


The Philippines is using a bilingual medium of instruction. Certain subjects are

taught in English and the rest in the national language that is Filipino. Throughout the

islands, English is widely spoken as a second language. The Philippines is predominantly

Roman Catholic country (82%) and is the only Christian nation in Asia.

Meanwhile, the five selected online English education companies in the Metro

Manila for this study are the following:

1. Neungyule Eduphone in Libis, Quezon City. It is both a publishing and an

English Institution having specialized in English Education for a long time. The company

is committed in providing enhancement on strong communication skills of practical and

conversational English.

(Note: There are four more…)

Figure 1

Map of Metro Manila

Figure 2

Map of the Philippines

Theoretical Framework

It presents the theoretical basis of the study, which may be an established learning principle or theory. A
study on children’s learning acquisition may include Piaget’s Cognitive Development Theory; a research on
teaching methodologies may use Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences, etc. An inclusion of an illustration
of the theory in the study is suggested to clearly show how the theory serves as the framework of the study.

Sample of Theoretical Framework

Figure 3

David Amerland’s Cloud –Based Environment

In figure 3, David Amerland (2012) uses the cloud-based environment to

engage and share information with clients. The move to the Cloud, the
entertainment services, serving eBooks, music and movies makes everything
automatically available to those who access it.
Everybody is talking about the internet simply because of its enormous tools
that were not even conceivable in earlier technologies. The marvelous feature of the
internet is that nobody really controls it; nobody really owns it; and nobody can at a
click turn the internet off. Its broad base is the scattered millions of individual
computers connected to one another.
Cognizant to the significant role of internet in many fields, particularly in
education, the researchers believe that internet can make million things possible for
students to hone their communication skills.
Another sample of Theoretical Framework

Theoretical Framework

ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE IN Learner’s Typologies in English

Implications of Stephen
ENGLISH across Four Hierarchical
Krashen’s Models in
Dimensions Secondary Language
Acquisition and Learning in
the Development of Worth
While and Student – Centered
Monitor Type Level of Affective Resources in English


USER USER USER HIGH LOW The Monitor type and
Level of Affective Filter
have a direct Implication in
understanding and in
quantifying the level of
Second Language Learners
as for the determination of
the appropriate Input
(Comprehensible Input)
should be altogether
dependent on the derived






Figure 4
Stephen Krashen’s Model in English Language Learning

Conceptual Framework

A conceptual framework illustrates the process undertaken by the researcher in conducting the study:
from identifying the data used, the methodology applied, to the outcome of the investigation. The most
commonly used paradigm is the System’s or the Input-Process-Output (IPO) Approach. The Input includes the
variables of the study, the Process identifies the methods of investigation used, and the Output shows the results
derived from the investigation done.

In some undergraduate theses, the theoretical and conceptual are combined as in:
Sample Theoretical / Conceptual Framework
Theoretical/Conceptual Framework

This study will be guided by the social learning theory of Bandura (2008) emphasizing the

importance of observing and modeling the behaviors, attitudes, and emotional reactions of others. Bandura

states: “Learning would be exceedingly laborious, not to mention hazardous, if people had to rely solely on

their effects of their own actions to inform them what to do. Fortunately, most human behaviors are learned

observationally through modeling and from observing others. One forms an idea of how new behaviors are

performed and on later occasions, this added information serves as a guide for action” (209). The

component processes underlying observational learning are: (1)Attention, including modeled events

(distinctive-value) and other characteristics (sensory capacities, arousal levels, perceptual set, past

reinforcement), (2)retorting including symbolic coding, cognitive organization, symbolic rehearsal, motor

rehearsal, (3)Motor Reproduction, including physical capabilities, self-observation of reproduction,

accuracy of feedback, and (4)Motivation, including external, vicarious and self reinforcement.

In relation to that concept, Modes of Learning Theory of David Rumelhart and Donald Norman

(2004) proposed that there are three modes of learning: accretion, structuring and tuning. Accretion is the

addition of new knowledge to existing memory. Structuring involves the formation of new conceptual

structures or schema. Tuning is the adjustment of knowledge to a specific task usually through practice.

Accretion is the most common form of learning; structuring occurs much less frequently and requires

considerable effort; tuning is the slowest form of learning and accounts for expert performance.

Figure 5

The Conceptual Paradigm on Using the System Model

Figure 5 shows the process that will be be done in this study. The assessment of the

Online English teachers will determine their level of competencies. Using the system

model, the input includes the competencies of the online English teachers in the

aforementioned areas of competencies and the students’ performance in oral

communication. Meanwhile, the process includes the assessment by the administrators and

the teachers on their competencies and the teachers’ assessment of their students’

performance in oral communication. Lastly, the output will be the proposed enhancement

measures to improve the level of competencies of the online English teachers.

Statement of the Problem

A research problem is usually stated in one broad statement followed by specific questions that relate to
the main problem. Answers to these questions when put together provide answers to the general problem.
General guidelines in formulating the Statement of the Problem:
1. Begin with a broad statement expressing the general concern of the study.
2. Ask a series of three or more questions that are related to the general problem.
3. Arrange questions in logical order.
4. Avoid asking yes/no question.
Sample Statement of the Problem

Statement of the Problem (Note: Use past tense verb if the research has already been conducted.)

This study will determine the relationship of the online English teachers’
competencies to selected variables and its implications to online English teaching.
Specifically, it will seek to answer the following questions:

1. What are the characteristics of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Teachers
1.1.1 gender,
1.1.2 age,
1.1.3 civil status,
1.1.4 highest educational attainment,
1.1.5 monthly income,
1.1.6 eligibility, and
1.1.7 years of experience in current position?

1.2 Students
1.2.1 gender,
1.2.2 age,
1.2.3 civil status,
1.2.4 occupation, and
1.2.5 diagnostic and evaluation results?
(Note: If profile is not part of the analysis of the study, it may be omitted in the
statement of the problem. It may, however, be described under
Subjects/Respondents of the Study in Chapter 3.)

2. What are the levels of competencies of the selected online English teachers in four areas
as perceived by:
2.1 the teachers:
2.1.1 technology knowledge and abilities,
2.1.2 communication,
2.1.3 online education, and
2.1.4 content knowledge?
2.2 their administrators:
2.2.1 technology knowledge and abilities,
2.2.2 communication,
2.2.3 online education, and
2.2.4 content knowledge?
3. How do the perceptions of the administrators and of the teachers themselves compare as
regards the aforementioned four areas?
4. How does the teachers’ level of competencies relate with their aforementioned
5. How do the students’ diagnostic results and evaluation results compare?
6. How does the teachers’ level of competencies relate with their students’ performance?
7. What are the implications of the findings to online English teaching?

Assumptions of the Study

Some unrelated factors in the study are beyond the control of the researcher. He/She can only assume
that his/her study was conducted under certain required conditions. For example, the researcher has to assume
that the questionnaires will be answered honestly and objectively, and that the records provided by certain
offices are true and accurate.
Sample Assumptions of the Study

Assumptions of the Study

The research study is anchored on the assumption that the respondents are honest

and objective in expressing their perceptions on the levels of competencies of online

English teachers that will be used as the basis for the proposed enhancement measures.

Moreover, the students’ scores in the pre and post assessment are reliable bases in

measuring the students’ performance.


These are statements drawn regarding the outcome of the study before the conclusion is reached. This
part is necessary in studies where comparisons or correlations are being tested. The hypotheses are commonly
in null or in negative form.

Sample Hypotheses


This study tries to test the null hypotheses as follows:

1. There is no significant difference in the attitude of students enrolled in different

colleges regarding their English subjects and teachers.

2. Students’ attitude towards their English subjects and teachers does not relate

with their academic performance in Communication Skills 1.

Significance of the Study

You should be able to justify your choice of problem by showing its practical importance especially to
the intended readers of your study. What benefit, for example, will the students, teachers, and administrators
derive from a study determining the causes of failures in a subject?
Sample Significance of the Study

Significance of the Study

The study will give administrators, teachers of English in all levels, and students

of English a clear idea on the possible causes of failing grades in general English.

Knowledge of this will greatly help those responsible to adopt remedies to decrease

failing grades in the subjects, thereby reducing failing grades in higher English. Success

in English may also help improve the students’ grades in other subjects, especially those

that use English as a medium of instruction in classroom discussion as well as the

learning materials.

The significance may be discussed as a whole or specifically addressed to the recipients, in which case
the discussions should be separate and labeled distinctly, like To the students, To the English teachers, To the

Scope, Delimitation, and Limitations of the Study

Scope and delimitation state what the study covers and fix its parameters. Limitations specify certain
constraints in the study which are essential, but which the researcher has no control of.

Sample Scope, Delimitation, and Limitations of the Study

Scope, Delimitation, and Limitations of the Study

This study will be concerned with determining the causes of failures in general

English subjects (scope) among freshman college students in selected private universities

in the Philippines during the school year 2011-2012 (delimitation). It will investigate

only personal characteristics of the students as probable causes of failure (delimitation).It

will not consider influence or community or friends (limitations).

Definition of Terms

It is necessary to clarify terms used in the study by defining them contextually and operationally. This
section of the research paper may also include newly invented or coined words, technical terms and words with
special meaning.
Sample Definition of Terms

Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined according to the context in which they will be

used in the study for a clearer understanding of what they mean:

Academic performance. It refers to the school achievement of the student, often

measured by his subject grades.

Attitude. It means a person’s point of view or his way of looking at things.

Communication Skills 1. It is the first English in first year taken in the first

semester. In this University ,it is a subject focusing on the mastery of English grammar

in written and spoken language.

Communication Skills 2. It is the second English in first year taken in the second

semester. It focuses on academic skills necessary to help students cope with their other

academic subjects taught in English.

When defining terms in your study, remember the following:

 Arrange words in alphabetical order

 Underline and indent the terms followed by a period.
 State definitions in complete sentences.

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