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SK. No.92/DIKTI/Kep/1996
Fakultas Ilmu Komputer, Teknologi Industri, Ekonomi, Teknik Sipil & Perencanaaan, Psikologi, Sastra
Program Diploma(D3) Manajemen Informatika, Teknik Komputer, Akuntansi, Manajemen
Program Sarjana(S1) Sistem Informasi, Sistem Komputer, Informatika, Teknik Elektro, Teknik Mesin,
Teknik Industri, Akuntansi, Manajemen, Arsitektur, Teknik Sipil, Psikologi, Sastra Inggris,
Program Magister(S2) Manajemen Sistem Informasi, Manajemen, Teknik Elektro
Program Doktor(S3) Ilmu Ekonomi, Teknologi Informasi/Ilmu Komputer


Mata Kuliah : Reading Images (Semiotika) Tanggal :
Fakultas : Sastra Waktu : 90 Menit
Jenjang / Jurusan : S1/ Sastra Inggris Dosen :
Tingkat / Kelas : II/ 2SA01,02,03,04,05,06 Sifat Ujian : TutupBuku
Semester/Tahun : ATA 2019 /2020 Juml. Soal : 40 Soal

I. Choose (x) the best answer below (a, b, c atau d)!

1. What is semiotic?
a. Semiotic is the study of signs
b. Semiotic is part of social culture phenomena
c. Semiotic is signs
d. Semiotic is a cultural form
2. What is syntagma?
a. Syntagma is the combination of signs supported by the aspect of space
b. Sytagma is the combination of signifier and signified
c. Sytagma is the aspect of linguistic that need an extra linguistic explanation
d. Sytagma is the study of signs
3. What is Qualisign refer to ….
a. The quality of the signs
b. The actual existence of the object or event on signs
c. The norms that contained by sign
d. Something that can be use to functioning the sign
4. What is substation in semiotic?
a. Is the aspect of linguistic that need an extra linguistic explanation
b. Is the combination of signs supported by the aspect of space
c. Is the aspect of linguistic that doesn’t need an extra linguistic explanation
d. Is the part of cultural phenomena
5. The following is one of the points of view in seeing ‘fact’ in science ….
a. Fact in science is something that the scientist acknowledge
b. Fact in science is something that the government approve
c. Fact in science is something that the senses receive.

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d. Fact in science is something concerning news
6. What is structure in structural semiotic?
a. Structure is the combination of signs supported by the aspect of space
b. Structure is an abstract construction within human cognition
c. Structure is the aspect of linguistic need an extra linguistic explanation
d. Structure is an something that the senses receive
7. The differentiation between structures with system in structural semiotic is….
a. Structure is concerning ‘network relation’ of the meaning while system is concerning
‘construction’ of meaning.
b. Structure is concerning ‘construction’ of meaning while system is concerning
‘articulating’ meaning’
c. Structure is concerning ‘construction’ of meaning while system is concerning
‘network relation’ of the meaning
d. Structure is concerning ‘articulating’ meaning while system is concerning
‘constructing’ meaning
8. Structural semiotic is the development of structural (linguistic) theory by….
a. Ferdinand de Saussure
b. Charles Sanders Pierce
c. John Fiske
d. Umberto Eco
9. What is Sinsign according to Charles S.Peirce?
a. The quality of the signs
b. The actual existence of the object or event on signs
c. The norms that contained by sign
d. Something that can be use to functioning the sign
10. What is langue according to Ferdinand de Saussure?
a. Abstract system and structure within the symbols
b. The implementation of abstract system and structure within human cognition
c. Abstract system and structure within human cognition
d. The implementation of abstract system and structure within the symbols
11. What is parole according to Ferdinand de Saussure?
a. Abstract system and structure within the symbols
b. The implementation of abstract system and structure within human cognition
c. Abstract system and structure within human cognition
d. The implementation of abstract system and structure within the symbols

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12. What is paradigmatic?
a. The relation between components within a system and other components outside
the system
b. The relation between components within a structure and other components outside
the system
c. The relation between components within a system and other components outside
the structure
d. The relation between components within a structure and other components outside
the structure
13. What is diachronic process in semiotic?
a. The development process base on space perspective
b. The development process base on paradigmatic perspective
c. The development process base on structural perspective
d. The development process base on time perspective
14. Tracheotomy model of semiotics is a concept by….
a. Umberto Eco
b. Charles S.Peirce
c. John Fiske
d. Ferdinand de Saussure
15. Semiosis process is ….
a. The construction of sytagma
b. The interpretation of system of meaning
c. The interpretation process of meaning
d. The construction of interpretation
16. According to Peirce, what is symbol?
a. Signs that refer to denotatum base on convention
b. Signs that refer to representamen base on cognition
c. Signs that refer to connotative meaning
d. Signs that refer to a convention
17. According to Peirce, what is Legisign?
a. The quality of the signs
b. The actual existence of the object or event on signs
c. The norms that contained by sign
d. Something that can be use to functioning the sign
18. What is Dicent Sinsign?
a. Signs that gives information concerning something
b. Signs that inform certain norms or laws
c. Signs that refer to certain object
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d. Signs that relate with its object through common association
19. What is Iconic Legisign?
a. Signs that gives information concerning something
b. Signs that inform certain norms or laws
c. Signs that refer to certain object
d. Signs that relate with its object through common association
20. What is Rhematic Indexical Legisign?
a. Signs that gives information to something
b. Signs that inform certain norms or laws
c. Signs that refer to certain object
d. Signs that relate with its object through common association
21. It refers to something that is in a material form (physical), explicitly exist and can be
distinguished by human senses (something which can be seen, heard, touched, smelled,
tasted), called as?
a. Signifier
b. Signification
c. Signifier
d. Signifying

22. It refers to something that is in a mental element (a concept in the mind), called as?
a. Signification
b. Signifying
c. Signifier
d. Signified
23. There are four important concepts in Saussurean dichotomy (dyadic) style, which one is
NOT right?
a. Form and content
b. Lingua and parole
c. Syntagmatic and paradigmatic
d. Synchronic and diachronic
24. According to Charles Sanders Peirce theory, which one is NOT parts of his trichotomy
(triadic) style?
a. Ground
b. Myth
c. Interpretant
d. Referent

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25. According to C.S. Peirce, sign (representatum/ground) is divided into?
a. Icon, index, symbol
b. Rheme, dicent sign, argument
c. Myth, ideology, power
d. Qualisign, sinsign, legisign
26. According to C.S. Peirce, object (referent) is divided into?
a. Qualisign, sinsign, legisign
b. Rheme, dicent sign, argument
c. Icon, index, symbol
d. Myth, ideology, power
27. According to C.S. Peirce, interpretant is divided into?
a. Rheme, dicent sign, argument
b. Icon, index, symbol
c. Myth, ideology, power
d. Qualisign, sinsign, legisign
28. Sign is anything (words, images, odors, flavors, sounds, gestures, acts, objects) that is
used, invented, or adopted by human beings to produce?
a. Meaning
b. Language
c. Social system
d. Representation
29. Which one is NOT the benefit of learning Semiotics?
a. To improve our critical skills
b. To organize our thinking
c. To develop our inability in analyzing visual codes
d. To analyze what we see
30. Who was the first delivered the term of ‘semiology’ in Semiotics? He is well known as a
respectively founder of modern linguist.
a. C.S. Peirce
b. Ferdinand de Saussure
c. Roland Barthes
d. Umberto Eco
31. Charles Sanders Peirce is well known as an American?
a. Linguist
b. Historian
c. Anthropologist
d. Philosopher

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32. According to Ferdinand de Saussure, a sign consists of?
a. Denotation and connotation
b. Representamen and interpretant
c. Signified and Signifier
d. Myth and fact
33. The signifier (denotation) is perceived a resembling or imitating the signified (connotation),
called as?
a. Icon
b. Index
c. Symbol
d. Legisign
34. The signifier is not arbitrary but is connected to the signified in some way either physically
or casually. It is a casual connection that points towards its object, called as?
a. Qualisign
b. Index
c. Symbol
d. Sinsign
35. An arbitrary relationship between the signifier and signified. It must be something that
leaned and agreed upon. It is totally arbitrary and conventional, called as?
a. Rheme
b. Symbol
c. Icon
d. Argument
36. Who was produced the concept of myth in Semiotics?
a. Umberto Eco
b. Ferdinand de Saussure
c. C.S. Peirce
d. Roland Barthes
37. What is myth?
a. A situation that is observed to exist or happen, especially one whose cause or
explanation is in question
b. A thing that is known or proved to be true
c. A transmission of customs from generation to generation
d. A type of speech that created by people, a belief in the culture which depends on
the context where it exists, can easily be change or destroyed
38. According to Tony Schirato and Jen Webb in their famous book “Reading the Visual”, the
best way to learn sign is by?
a. Taking photographs
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b. Drawings and paintings
c. Studying arts
d. Memorizing words, sounds and body languages
39. Which one is NOT the example of Icon?
a. A portrait
b. A map
c. A natural sign
d. An architect’s model of a building
40. Which one is the example of Index?
a. Film soundtrack
b. Morse code
c. Footprints
d. Alphabetical letters

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