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Sunarti Desrieny Tambunan, S.Pd., M.Sas
1. Each of these words is a compound containing at least one bound Graeco-Latin
combining form. With the help of a dictionary if necessary, identify a meaning for
each such combining form, and find another word that contains it:
nanosecond, protoplasm, polyphony, leucocyte, omnivorous, octahedron

2. What are the Greek-derived technical terms that have the following meanings?
Identify the roots (combining forms or free forms) in them, with their meanings. (You
may find it helpful to consult a thesaurus, such as Roget’s Thesaurus, or an
(a) ‘study of skin diseases’
(b) ‘red blood cell’
(c) ‘flying dinosaur with wing membrane connected to an elongated finger’
(d) ‘situation where political power is in the hands of a small ruling class; members
of that class (collectively)’
(e) ‘line on a weather map connecting places with equal temperature’
(f) ‘round submarine vessel for exploring the depths of the ocean’

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