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Beneath the vast and starry dome, Where galaxies and dreams find home, The night sky

stretches far and wide, In its depths, the universe hides.

A crescent moon in silver glow, Guides our path where we may go, And countless stars, like
diamonds bright, Illuminate the velvet night.
The constellations tell their tales, Of heroes, creatures, ships with sails, Drawn in patterns,
ancient and wise, They grace the canvas of the skies.
The Milky Way, a river of light, Across the heavens, a stunning sight, A reminder of the
galaxies untold, In the cosmos, a story unfolds.
Meteors streak, a fleeting spark, Across the dark, a brief remark, A reminder of the cosmic
dance, Where chance and beauty often enhance.
In this celestial, quiet embrace, We find a sense of awe and grace, The night sky, a canvas so
divine, A glimpse into the infinite, we find.
So, let us gaze upon the stars above, In wonder and in awe, we move, For in the night sky's
timeless art, We find a connection to our heart.

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