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"IEEE Robotics & Automation" is a prestigious publication within the field of robotics and

automation. It is part of the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) family of
journals and publications, focusing specifically on research, developments, and
advancements in the fields of robotics and automation. Here's an introduction to "IEEE
Robotics & Automation":
Scope and Focus:
IEEE Robotics & Automation covers a wide range of topics related to robotics and
automation, including but not limited to:
Robotics theory and algorithms
Robot design and development
Control systems for robotics
Perception and sensing in robotics
Automation technologies and applications
Human-robot interaction
Ethical and societal aspects of robotics
Peer-Reviewed Journal:
It is a peer-reviewed journal, meaning that articles submitted for publication undergo a
rigorous review process by experts in the field. This ensures the quality and accuracy of the
research published in the journal.
Publication Frequency:
"IEEE Robotics & Automation" typically publishes articles on a regular schedule, such as
monthly or quarterly, depending on the publication's policies.
The journal caters to a broad audience, including researchers, academics, engineers, and
professionals working in the fields of robotics, automation, and related disciplines. It
provides a platform for sharing cutting-edge research and innovative solutions.
Impact Factor:
Like many reputable scientific journals, "IEEE Robotics & Automation" may have an impact
factor, which is a measure of the journal's influence and importance within the scientific
community. A higher impact factor often indicates that the journal publishes influential and
highly cited research.
IEEE Robotics and Automation Society:
"IEEE Robotics & Automation" is associated with the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society
(RAS), which is a professional organization dedicated to promoting research and
development in the fields of robotics and automation. The society organizes conferences,
workshops, and other events to facilitate knowledge exchange and collaboration among
experts in the field.
Access and Subscription:
Access to articles in "IEEE Robotics & Automation" may require a subscription or access
through a university or institutional library. However, some articles may be available as
open access, allowing a wider audience to read and benefit from the research.
Researchers and professionals interested in robotics and automation often turn to "IEEE
Robotics & Automation" for the latest research findings, technological innovations, and
insights in these rapidly evolving fields. It serves as a valuable resource for staying updated
on the latest trends and developments in the world of robotics and automation.

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