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How AI will change the world?

In twenty years, nearly all data will become digitized, making it possible to use AI for
decision-making and optimization. AI and automation will replace most blue-collar work
and “make” products for minimal marginal cost. Robots and AI will take over the
manufacturing, delivery, design and marketing of most goods.

How does AI benefit society?

With its ability to analyze vast amounts of data, identify patterns, and provide accurate
predictions, AI can play a vital role in helping to achieve the SDGs. AI can help improve
access to education, healthcare, and clean water, and can also aid in the fight against
climate change, poverty, and hunger.

How does AI affect society?

One of the most profound impacts of AI is on the workforce. Automation is replacing
human workers at an unprecedented rate, with AI-powered machines taking over
routine and low-skilled jobs. While this has the potential to improve efficiency and
reduce costs, it also raises concerns about the displacement of jobs.

What happens if AI takes over humans?

Furthermore, machines could become so advanced that they could hack into computer
networks and take control of essential systems, like power grids and financial systems.
This would give machines unprecedented power over human society and could lead to
widespread chaos and destruction.

Why is it called AI?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the basis for mimicking human intelligence processes
through the creation and application of algorithms built into a dynamic computing
environment. Stated simply, AI is trying to make computers think and act like humans.

When did AI first start?

The first AI programs

The earliest successful AI program was written in 1951 by Christopher Strachey, later
director of the Programming Research Group at the University of Oxford. Strachey's
checkers (draughts) program ran on the Ferranti Mark I computer at the University of
Manchester, England.

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