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Social Emotional Learning

Leadership Project

Participant Instructions

Session learning objectives:

● To understand the concept of leadership

● To understand the principles of leadership

● To apply the concepts and create your experience of leadership

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(DSEU), Govt. of NCT of Delhi. No disclosure, duplication or use of any portion of the contents of these materials for any purpose
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The purpose of this exercise is to:

● Provide you with an opportunity to apply the skills and concepts learned during the session
● Demonstrate your learning by way of an engaging output
● Work with your peers and also recognize that you can learn from each other
● Achieving a common goal while working together


● Week 1: Concept session

This is an in-class event, where you will learn about the leadership concept. The following weeks
will be used to work in small groups to apply some of these learnings.

● Weeks 2-10:
In your groups, think of innovative ways to talk about leadership.
o Talk about your understanding of the concept of leadership
o How would you apply the concept in a scenario (work on the scenario that you may have
picked out of a hat)

● You may use any creative mode to present, such as (but not limited to):
o music, enact a play/skit, dance
o use chart papers, colors, powerpoint presentation, or
o any other innovative/creative medium that you can think of

● During this time, you will prepare for the presentation in your groups. The in-class sessions for
other topics, that are part of the degree program, will continue as scheduled.

● Week 6: Follow-up of Group Project:

Scheduled time to meet with the faculty. This will help clear any doubts you may have at this
stage and to help you prepare well for the presentation. As the presentation will be evaluated and
add to your overall scores for the semester.

● You are encouraged to write your journals regularly, even during this time of “plan and practice”.
Refer Reflection for Learning on the following page. This will help you to understand yourself
better, through this leadership journey, the different roles you played – leader, influencer, follower;
and help you recall these for our self-reflection and debrief sessions.

● Weeks 11-13:
Plan and Practise weeks

● Week 14: Presentation and Evaluation

In this session, you get to showcase what you have prepared. Each group will be allowed 8-10
minutes to present. Refer Guidelines for Presentation on the following page. In addition, the
participants are allowed time to reflect on the experience.

● You will be evaluated on your presentations:

o Creativity of the idea used

This document contains unpublished, confidential and proprietary information of the Delhi Skill and Entrepreneurship University
(DSEU), Govt. of NCT of Delhi. No disclosure, duplication or use of any portion of the contents of these materials for any purpose
may be made without the prior express written consent.
o Application of the concept to a scenario
o Ability to explain the concept of leadership
o Collaboration and coordination between members of the group
o Understanding of the group roles that you may have taken on during preparation
o Leadership and group dynamics

● Week 15:
This session will be used to debrief. As a group, we will discuss the experience of going through
this exercise and share our learnings from it.

Reflection for Learning

Makes notes to yourself as you get into the group, prepare for the performance and put up the
Notice what is happening around you and within you and take notes. Learnt to observe your thoughts and
feelings, and get involved in the various activities from time to time, step on the balcony and see what is
happening to others and to the group, observe the patterns:
1. What is happening to you?
2. What is happening to others?
3. What makes you comfortable?
4. What makes you uncomfortable?
5. Why are you not able to action at times?
6. What spurs you to action?
7. How are you dealing with your fear?
8. How are you using your excitement?
9. What ways of influencing others are working?
10. What ways of influencing just do not work? Why?
11. How are you building on others?
12. How are you facilitating?
13. Any other....

Guidelines for presentation

Put together as a group your notes from the performance and the notes you took through the month of
preparation. You need to prepare your group presentation on the learning from the performance you put
in. Reflect on what were your learning moments? What was the learning? What was common within
members of the group? What was unique?
In the presentation:
● What did you learn about being in the limelight or in the backstage?
o How does this learning relate to exercising leadership in the future?
● What did you learn about mentoring, providing support, caring, feedback?
o How does this learning relate to exercising leadership in the future?
● What did you learn about influencing?
o How does this learning relate to exercising leadership in the future?
● What did you learn about being in a group?
o How does this learning relate to exercising leadership in the future?

Please note that while you present, please do not only talk about the performance. Please present what
you learnt and what did you learn in preparing for the presentation itself?

This document contains unpublished, confidential and proprietary information of the Delhi Skill and Entrepreneurship University
(DSEU), Govt. of NCT of Delhi. No disclosure, duplication or use of any portion of the contents of these materials for any purpose
may be made without the prior express written consent.

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